I used a Mac in elementary school and junior high, as it seems a couple here have as well. As much as I like the idea of the Mac, I prefer the PC generally.
The PC seems like a solid standard in today's market. The Mac system is great for those who are in love with the software on Mac systems. Aparently Photoshop, and some audio and video editting programs are fantastic on the Mac. There is a large assortment of digital audio and video editting software on PC as well though; anything I would ever need, I could find software for on the PC.
There is one audio program on Mac called ProTools which I wouldn't mind playing with but it requires so much proprietary hardware to function (ProTools' own sound card, a Mac, etc.) that I have no plans to ever go there.
I'm not a fan of proprietary hardware to use something. I like PCs because they are basically a standard in of themselves. Most PC software will work with any PC hardware and generally applications don't demand special devices. I like how PCs are so standard. Also, I have grown up with a PC in my home for a lot of years (1994 or '95 I think I got my first computer). Switching to a Mac now would take a pretty good reason

In the end it does come down to personal preference; generally both machines are good. It's just whatever you're more comfortable with.