The Gang of Five
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Mac or PC?


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I am I PC person and don't like macs very much for everyday tasks.  I do find a mac useful at times though.  I couldn't make my backwards or accelerated videos without a mac.  I also like the Ibook Clamshell cuz it has a 6 hour battery as opposed to the 2 1/2 hour battery my PC has.  I prefer a mac over a PC usually when I just need to get online for a sec or type a report.  I prefer a PC for just about everything else.  I currently have 156 computers, 150 of them are PC's.  I only have 6 macs.  I would rather buy a PC than a mac.  I know very little about macs except I know how to install a new hard drive, put in a new CD drive, upgrade the ram, and install an operating system.  Nothing much else.  I tried to install a new sound card into a powermac once and it didn't work.  Honestly, if I was on my little clamshell and the thing just blew up, I'd have to do some extensive reading in my computer archives to know how to fix it. :lol

So, which do you prefer, a mac or a PC?


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Only thing I used for everything is a PC I never ever used a Mac so my answer is quite the symbol one, PC.


  • Ducky
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I've used both a Mac and a PC in my lifetime.  My old elementary school was an all Mac school.  I'm glad I got a PC as my first laptop because all the games are on the PC.  For me, the only good Apple product is anything that isn't a computer.  lol


  • Hatchling
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The only good Apple is the one that compliments my breakfast in the morning.  :lol  :lol  :lol  :lol

Unless your goal with a computer is to make a lot of video or major photo editing you probably don't need a mac.  If you're just doing the simple word processing, email, internet, a PC will work just fine, plus you have more software choices.


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I used a Mac in elementary school and junior high, as it seems a couple here have as well.   As much as I like the idea of the Mac, I prefer the PC generally.

The PC seems like a solid standard in today's market. The Mac system is great for those who are in love with the software on Mac systems.  Aparently Photoshop, and some audio and video editting programs are fantastic on the Mac.  There is a large assortment of digital audio and video editting software on PC as well though; anything I would ever need, I could find software for on the PC.  

There is one audio program on Mac called ProTools which I wouldn't mind playing with but it requires so much proprietary hardware to function (ProTools' own sound card, a Mac, etc.) that I have no plans to ever go there.

 I'm not a fan of proprietary hardware to use something.  I like PCs because they are basically a standard in of themselves.  Most PC software will work with any PC hardware and generally applications don't demand special devices.  I like how PCs are so standard.  Also, I have grown up with a PC in my home for a lot of years (1994 or '95 I think I got my first computer).  Switching to a Mac now would take a pretty good reason :p

In the end it does come down to personal preference; generally both machines are good.  It's just whatever you're more comfortable with.


  • Ducky
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I like to use PCs. As long as I heard, Macs sucks. :nyah


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I prefer PCs not because I think Macs suck (I don't believe that they are that bad) but because I'm used to them. I've used PCs most of the time. The only time I've used a Mac is during 2 computer courses I had in school.

I don't know many people who prefer the Mac. But one person I can point out is Mr. Barowski. He despises PCs, and hates the fact that he has to use a PC to do his work. He believes Macs are better, claiming they never freeze and never get viruses, and function better.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I tend to use both for, well my college is an all Mac school, but my families home computer is a PC (with horrible and massivly slow DIAL UP internet connection) but still my college work requires a Mac, and becuase I can't work on it at home, so when crunch time comes around, I usually freak out! Well that's my take on it, see ya.....


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I personally do not like PCs. Vista is the main reason. XP was an adequate OS, and then Vista comes and makes the Windows OS a whole lot worse.


  • The Circle
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I've only used pc's.  I ignore that silly war that some users fight over pc or mac.  I've seen macs only once at a distance in rl, the other times I saw them was a few times in a movie or on tv.    Use the one or ones you prefer, of someone doesn't like it you can ignore them.


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Quote from: Kor,Nov 28 2007 on  09:57 PM
I ignore that silly war that some users fight over pc or mac.
Same here. I don't see the point in pointing out the flaws of either type of computer. PCs and Macs have their strengths or weaknesses. Neither is superior to the other. That's just my opinion though.


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Really, the only reason people prefer PCs is because PCs are much more common.


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The only reason I prefer PC over Mac is because I'm more comfortable with the PC. I have tried Macs before, and I don't like their interface. I'll only use Macs if I have to.


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Quote from: Lain_EX,Jul 3 2007 on  09:23 PM
I like to use PCs. As long as I heard, Macs sucks. :nyah
Prove that Macs suck. I am not saying PCs suck. I am saying that Vista sucks.

Manny Cav

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My answer is PC because I have never used a Mac out of fear of my programs and games not working on it. :D


  • Hatchling
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Only time I really used a Mac was at a school computer pod and I spent probably ten minutes trying to figure out how to log off.  :lol:  :lol:  :rolleyes:  :slap


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Quote from: Manny Cav,Nov 28 2007 on  10:16 PM
My answer is PC because I have never used a Mac out of fear of my programs and games not working on it. :D
Some programs that I liked using on PC don't work on my Mac, but I live with it.

Manny Cav

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I like XP too much and my programs to justify switching to Mac. :rolleyes:


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I'm thinking of getting VMWare Fusion so that I can run XP on my Mac. It should work somewhat well, considering how fast my computer is.


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I heard on a podcast that the newest macs have chips that let them run xp.  Something about them having the same chip as pc's or something.