I am currently on my Laptop.
I went to turn on my Desktop today and it shorted out.
This kind of hurts. This is my Desktop that Forum User landbeforetimelover helped me get the parts for and me and my dad put together some time ago. I had it for around a decade. After all this time, it has met it's end. I feel it had a good run.
This is also the Desktop that I did a lot of early videos on. I did quite a bit on it. It's been reformatted multiple times and has had it's share of problems, but it's finally met it's end.
I'm about to (hopefully) get a new part-time job. I'm not leaving my current job. This is just something on the side to get me some extra cash. (Which I need at this point.) The job requires a computer and I was planning to use my Desktop for it. Guess that's out of the question at this point. Forced to use my Laptop, I guess.
I was able to take the test on my Laptop. Here's hoping I passed. If I did, I plan to put a portion of the money towards a new Desktop, eventually. (This will be after the other bills I need to pay.)
I won't have a new Desktop for a while. So, in the meantime, I'll be on my Laptop.
Here's hoping for the best.
See ya later!