Axel saw Emilena's gesture. He met her eyes briefly... but gave no sign that he'd understood, or was even communicating with her. He hadn't seen any obvious cameras in the room, but that didn't mean there weren't any... and he had no idea who could be watching.
He glanced towards the guard. Her broad back was to them, her attention fixed on something on one of the shelves. No way I could take her in a fight... even if me and Soren tried together. Not discreetly at least... He blinked, looking around surreptitiously for something that could help - and that was when he saw the small camera nestled in the top far left corner of the room, easily overlooked. He swore inwardly. Even if they took the guard out, there was no way he could be sure a dozen more wouldn't come tearing through the door. Unless we leave Emilena behind... she might be able to keep them busy for a while...
The operating tools, sharp and lethal looking looking, were temptingly close. The rat blinked at them... but as he did so, the guard finished whatever she'd been doing and turned her attention, along with her considerable bulk, back to them. Shit. "Alright, I'll, ah, I'll do what I can. Let's get this over with."
"Well. If it isn't Dolly the sheep." Rhaegson leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on his clunky wooden desk. The only other piece of furniture in his office was another chair on the other side of the desk - which he didn't offer her. "I heard. You started off well." Rhaegson reached into his jacket pocket, pulled out his pack of cigarettes... then swore under his breath as he saw it was empty.
Dropping the empty pack on the surface of his desk, he looked up at Rose. His forefinger started scratching almost compulsively at the underside of his thumb, causing a light scraping noise. The corner of his mouth twitched in what could have been a smile. "I also heard how you injured two of my men."
He stopped speaking, his eyes staring into Rose's as he waited for a response. For a while, the only noise in the room was the light scraping sound of his thumb.