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Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Voting

rhombus · 153 · 67717


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So... we have another tie.  :lol I will send Horizon a PM and see if we can reach a consensus for a tie-breaker.

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@DiddyKF1 @OwlsCantRead @LBTlover247

Alright, as I have not heard back from Horizon I will go ahead and make a judgement call here.  And my call... is to let the tie stand.  :p To be perfectly honest, all three entries had well-written narratives that fit the prompt incredibly well, and all were deserving of this prize.  :yes For that reason, DiddyKF1, you may add the three-star banner attached to this post to your signature.  And both LBTlover247 and OwlsCantRead may add any of the one-star banners in this post to your signature, or you may talk to DarkWolf about possibly getting a custom one-star banner.  Congratulations to all of you!  :)

Once again, please accept my thanks for participating in the fanfic prompt challenge!

The final voting topic for the fanfic awards (for the August 2018 prompt) will be posted shortly.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 10:24:21 PM by rhombus »

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@Sovereign @jassy @DiddyKF1 @OwlsCantRead

Alright, for the very last time in the 2018 season of the fanfic prompt challenge, it is time for participants in the August 2018 prompt to cast their votes for the best entry in that month.  Just as a reminder, your candidates for this month are as follows:

The Reluctant Goodbye
Author: Sovereign
Description: After nearly losing their only child to a cowardly assault from Red Claw's minions, Chomper's parents have to make a difficult decision. In the face of this rising threat, their choice is clear but coping with this temporary parting of the ways will prove to be a somber challenge for the young sharptooth himself to accept…
Gang of Five link: link:

Deliver Us
Author: jassy
Description: Delivered into the arms of the Alpha of an unusual pack as a young hatchling, Sol is oblivious to the struggles of his pack mates— other dinosaurs who face a life without promise or dignity, a life that could very well have been his own.
Gang of Five link: link:

A Broken Family
Author: DiddyKF1
Description: My entry for the August 2018 prompt. My second attempt at an AU ending to LBT VII. Petrie is left distraught after not getting to say goodbye to his uncle, but fate somehow leaves him with another chance at doing so after he is offended by Topps and crashes into a cave.
Gang of Five link: link:

Five Stages of Grief
Author: OwlsCantRead
Description: enial. Anger. Bargaining. Depression. Acceptance. Those were the feelings that young Ducky felt at the prospect of having to bid farewell to her adoptive brother. AU of The Big Freeze where Spike actively decides to join the spiketail herd instead of Ducky making the choice for him.
Gang of Five link: link:

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As always, all entrants to the August prompts were great stories and true pleasures to read. However, I don't hesitate to cast my vote for OwlsCantRead's "Five Stages of Grief" as it was unmatched in terms of how the tale was built as well as written and the range of emotions it raised within me. In fact, I don't think I'm exaggerating in saying it's one of the strongest stories this whole year. :^^spike
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 09:01:24 AM by Sovereign »


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I was split between Sovereign and OwlsCantRead's entries, as they both did such a great job at expressing character emotions when it came to their situations. I spent several hours rereading them several times each before I finally managed to come up with my vote. I've decided I'll go for OwlsCantRead's "Five Stages of Grief". I felt it was somewhat of a suspenseful story since it was an AU, and I felt as if I was watching a much more depressing version of "The Big Freeze." The way I felt about this story parallels how Sovereign felt about my "Swim of Silence" story: that this new author has finally proven that he can write such an emotionally powerful story that can touch the hearts of its readers.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

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I enjoyed reading all of the entries for the August prompt, even if I didn’t get to review them all (laziness strikes again :p), but I’m going to vote for OwlsCantRead’s Five Stages of Grief. It’s not very often that a story affects me so profoundly, and this story did just that :DD
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Thanks everyone for the kind words! I'm glad you liked it. :Mo

As for my own vote, I'd debated about it for close to a week. I've re-read all three stories in that time, repeatedly changing my mind multiple times over. I can't help it... everyone did a splendid job for the prompt! :D

In the end, my final vote after much debate goes to Jassy's Deliver Us. Although I've never seen the movie which this fic is based off of, the characterization and cruel ruthlessness where a life is taken and a child orphaned really gripped me, made more suspenseful and shocking because of the mood whiplash from the first half to the second. Plus, I do like Egyptian settings... just a tad.

The other two stories are gripping tales of goodbyes as well. Chomper with his parents... Petrie with his uncle... I suppose it's tradition for Land Before Time authors to feast on the tears of their readers. :cry
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Congratulations, OwlsCantRead, for winning the last round of this season's Fanfiction Prompt Challenge!  :DD  And, I will add, it is a very well deserved honor for the amazing story you have presented to us! You may now pick up the two-star banner of your choice from the following options, or you may request a special two-star banner from DarkWolf.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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@Sovereign @DiddyKF1 @OwlsCantRead @Ducky123

The time has arisen once more to vote on the winner of the prompt challenge!  :DD This time we are voting for the winner of the December 2018 prompt which focused on belief. Just as a reminder, your candidates for this month are as follows:

One Fallen, Two Torn Apart
Author: Sovereign
Description: Life is a journey of great wonder but also of constant struggle. In one certain horrifying time, Petrie's mother, father and uncle are forced to confront the stark reality eye-to-eye and to try to save their family by any means necessary. The following decisions force the siblings farther away from each other and in the end of it all, the two find everything irrevocably changed.
Gang of Five link: link:

The Hurting of Desire
Author: DiddyKF1
Description: In the midst of the Cold Time, Petrie has fallen into a depression and wonders why he has been cursed with a terrible family life. A night of self-discovery will give him more of an answer than what he bargained for.
Gang of Five link: link:

The Threehorn Way
Author: OwlsCantRead
Description: What makes Cera tick? Are threehorns always right and the best at everything?
Gang of Five link: link:

More Than A Blinky Light
Author: Ducky123
Description: A one-shot story set in the Shorty's Dark Past universe which touches on friendship, sorrow and the question where the dead go. Are they still with us? Or gone forever? Featuring my OC Cho and Littlefoot.
Gang of Five link: link:
« Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 05:38:53 PM by rhombus »

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I have to say, I'm quite impressed by all of the entries for the December prompt. :) All of them were written excellently and their ideas were really decent. However, being forced to choose from these fics, I'm going to vote for DiddyKF1's the Hurting of Desire which once again showed the author's masterful skills in evoking emotion which, accompanied by the nice premise, make the story a truly memorable one.


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This one was a very tough one for me. Strangely, right up until OwlsCantRead and Ducky123's entries came along, I had been sure that this would have ended up what I was getting ready to call the "Petrie Prompt," because there was just so much Petrie in here. Petrie this, and Petrie that! Petrie, Petrie, PETRIE! :opetrie Of course, my prediction ended up being wrong. :lol However, the non-Petrie stories were nicely written, too. :smile

In the end, though, I'm gonna have to go with Rhombus' revived "Pursuit of Endless Day." The author has such talent in describing the old Flyer traditions and how one's beliefs influenced her child into becoming just as much a believer as herself, even though many have died doing the journey he's on now. It has really brought with it an amazing sense of prehistoric religion, and even if such a word doesn't seem LBT-like, I'm not afraid to say that religion has played quite a big role already in this story.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

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This one was a very tough one for me. Strangely, right up until OwlsCantRead and Ducky123's entries came along, I had been sure that this would have ended up what I was getting ready to call the "Petrie Prompt," because there was just so much Petrie in here. Petrie this, and Petrie that! Petrie, Petrie, PETRIE! :opetrie Of course, my prediction ended up being wrong. :lol However, the non-Petrie stories were nicely written, too. :smile

In the end, though, I'm gonna have to go with Rhombus' revived "Pursuit of Endless Day." The author has such talent in describing the old Flyer traditions and how one's beliefs influenced her child into becoming just as much a believer as herself, even though many have died doing the journey he's on now. It has really brought with it an amazing sense of prehistoric religion, and even if such a word doesn't seem LBT-like, I'm not afraid to say that religion has played quite a big role already in this story.

Though I deeply appreciate the vote, @DiddyKF1, I cannot accept it as I have always maintained a policy that the person running the prompt challenge should not be a possible winner of the challenge.  :yes  That being said, I greatly appreciate the gesture.  :) Please feel free to cast a vote for one of the other entries.

(I just now noticed that I accidentally included my entry in the list.  :bang I will go ahead and remove my entry to avoid any further confusion)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2019, 06:25:02 PM by rhombus »

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Though I deeply appreciate the vote, @DiddyKF1, I cannot accept it as I have always maintained a policy that the person running the prompt challenge should not be a possible winner of the challenge.  :yes  That being said, I greatly appreciate the gesture.  :) Please feel free to cast a vote for one of the other entries.

(I just now noticed that I accidentally included my entry in the list.  :bang I will go ahead and remove my entry to avoid any further confusion)

Oh, ... um, ... okay. Well, I, uh, that came as quite a surprise for me. :opetrie I didn't have any idea that the person running it shouldn't be voted for, nor did I know that the entry was mistakenly added. At least you know that I greatly appreciated the chapter and look forward to seeing how the story will progress.

In that case, I've been torn between Sovereign's entry and OwlsCantRead's entry, but after so much inner debate, I'm going to vote for Sovereign's "One Fallen, Two Torn Apart." He has once again shown his tremendous ability to mix deep emotions with what I would say is his biggest writing trait, a feeling of uncertainty. The story had me trembling from the attack all the way to the end when Petrie met his "apparent demise." It greatly illustrated one of the many theories we have as to what happened to Papa Flyer, and it gave great depth into what destined Petrie to a terrible family life, as well as the deteriorating sibling relationship between Mama Flyer and Pterano.
Suddenly, I've written so many fanfics that I can't possibly list them all! :P

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I was getting ready to call the "Petrie Prompt," because there was just so much Petrie in here. Petrie this, and Petrie that! Petrie, Petrie, PETRIE! :opetrie
I suppose that a prompt like "belief" tended to fit some with low self-esteem like Petrie more? :Mo

Everyone did a fantastic job (once again, prompt probably lended to that). After mulling over it, I have to go with Sovereign's One Fallen, Two Torn Apart. Apart from actually characterizing Petrie's father, the entire piece (srsly 20K words how) felt like a legitimately prologue of Petrie's family to the entire LBT film series as a whole.

How Pterano's and Volant's relationship wind up strained and changed from what they were to how they ended up by Stone of Cold Fire is the star of this story. Pterano slowly lets his bystander syndrome during his sister's mate death and his guilt turn him into being a more outspoken, egotistical leader to make up for it, and their final argument and separation after apparently losing Petrie as well ended on a dramatic note.

Though it's interspersed with nice familial bonding moments, the melodramatic (it is Pterano) emotions and the souring relationship between the two siblings as time slowly passed just spoke to me. And in a sense, they both believe in themselves and their own separate ways by the end. By the end, I really felt like the catalyst of their crumbling relationship was that one fated death at the start, and while their beliefs have shattered from their original ones before it all started (ie. 'let's be a wonderful family' was what I felt), their new ones are... bittersweet.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I'll cast my vote shortly. Just need to give this a night or two. Just a heads up :)
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Okay, it was a very tough decision for me and I'm still not 100% sure if my vote is justified...

Each and every story posted was nothing short of amazing so picking a winner was tough.

Sovereign's story is excellently portraying a scene the movies never showed us, DiddyKF1's story was an emotional roller-coaster about Petrie suffering from depression and bullying, OwlsCantRead surprised us all with an surprisingly accurate and heart-felt insight into Cera during the time of the first movie.

All stories were top-notch but in the end I will have to go with "The Three horn Way" because out of the three it is the one I had the least flaws with. Well done everyone and sorry for the late vote.
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With all of the votes tabulated, Sovereign is the winner of the December 2018 prompt challenge. Congratulations!  :) Please feel free to talk to DarkWolf about your award banner for this year.  You have some options based upon her last post on the issue - including a recoloring of last year's banners (with 2019 instead of 2018) or the use of another banner altogether.  You can talk to her about the details.  :yes

@DiddyKF1 @Ducky123 @OwlsCantRead

As for the other participants you can likewise discuss the matter with DarkWolf in other to get your zero-star participation banners.  And, as always, thank you all for participating in the prompt challenge.  :) I look forward to seeing what you all come up with next.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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@Sovereign @jassy @Ducky123

After a brief delay, it is now time to vote on the winner of the January prompt challenge!  :smile

Just to let those who are interested know, I will be making a belated entry of my own to this prompt (another chapter of Pursuit of Endless Day) but, as is always the case, it would not have been in the running even if it had been posted in time.  I will also be making some belated reviews over the next few days.  I must apologize for the extended delay this time, but real life (in the form of me giving my students midterm examinations and me attending a job interview) intervened.

Without further ado, here are the entries that are open to voting:

One Dangerous Mistake
Author: Sovereign
Description: On a day not unlike any other, an accident befalls upon Cera' precious sister, causing a major strife inside the Gang. In the aftermath of this bitter fight, the threehorn and the swimmer leave as temporary foes but as so many times before, both of them have to remember what's really important.
Gang of Five link: link:

Courage of the Heart
Author: Jassy
Description: A desperate mother is willing to do whatever it takes to save her dying daughter's life, even when she is left with nothing but the courage of her heart.
Gang of Five link: link:

Return to the Land of Mists (chapters 1 and 2)
Author: Ducky123
Description: One year after the events of the tv-series, Ali's herd once again visits the Great Valley - and of course Rhett is still with them, still seeing Ali as a potential love interest. Littlefoot also begins to realize his feelings for the girl. This results in a grave conflict which ends up sending all of them back to the dangerous Valley of Mists...
Gang of Five link: link:

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It's great to have enough stories for a vote again. This time I'll vote for Jassy's Courage of the Heart as I really liked its warm atmosphere and a simple but solid premise. The characterizations and NIMH vibes were also great pluses to that story so I believe it deserves my vote. :)littlefoot


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Thanks so much for your vote Sovereign!!  :Mo I’m glad you liked my entry, even if I didn’t feel particularly confident about it :p I’m sorry about the delay, life got very busy and stressful, but anyway— I’ll vote for Sovereign’s One Dangerous Mistake. I feel that despite it’s simple plot, it fit the prompt perfectly.  :)littlefoot
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking