Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > Attic Treasures

What are you reading?

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Basically, it's just like What are you listening to?, but with books instead.

I'm slooooowly chipping my way through "American Psycho". I've never read splatterpunk before and I just have to read the book that's considered so mature in some countries that they seal it with plastic so the kiddies can't sneak a peek.

The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkein

Small Gods - Terry Pratchett

Constantly reading the following book:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams (aka God in my eyes)

This isn't going to go far, seeing as it takes so long to read a book.  Anyway, here's what I'm currently reading:

At school:

Animal Farm and an advanced biology textbook to be able to answer all the questions the teacher asks the class before it's ever taught.  Haha!

At home:

PC Technician's Troubleshooting Pocket Reference (despite it's name, it's over 1000 pages long with no pictures and very tiny print.  I don't know why it's called a pocket reference.)

Understanding javascript second edition

Easy Computer Repair for Beginners (just to review.  It was one of the first computer books I've read, but it still has a lot of relevant information despite it's age.)

Oops!  (a handy little reference of what can go terribly wrong with a computer when you're being stupid.  That happens to me a lot because of lack of sleep.)

Power Japanese (a book about all the little quirks of the Japanese language and how to speak Japanese and actually make sense.)  :lol

Upgrading and repairing PC's eleventh edition (this is the most advanced computer book I have, totaling over 4,000 pages and going over every computer problem from years 2000-2005.)

and a book about government and politics.  I've forgotten the name, but it's a long one.  

Sufficing to say, I do not read for recreational purposes.  I simply don't have time.  The closest I get to recreational reading is reading rotten books like "animal farm" at school, which is a boring fable about communism on a farm of animals.  -_-

I always make time for books.


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