Role Play > Random Role Play

The School Bully

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It was a chilly morning at the Kitsune home. Timothy and Nichole were busy getting ready for school, while their father Nicholas Kitsune was preparing their breakfast. Their uncle, Aves was snoozing loudly on the family couch while Timothy's best friend, Elex (young stag) sat in the recliner looking at the sleeping fennec.

Soon Timothy and his twin sister trudged down the stairs, in their school outfits, but also still half asleep and looking deary of another day of school.

"Breakfast is ready!" called their father and he poked his head around the corner, dawning his usual silly chef's hat

"Oh, what's for breakfast now?" scoffed Nichole "Burn crispy nuggets? or charred biscuits with brown crunchy eggs?"

"Oh har!" Replied Nicholas "Just get in here and eat, it wont be long before the bus is here!"

Timothy looked over from where he stood seeing his stag friend waiting for him in the living room

"Oh, hey Elex! You here earlier than usual."

"I'm just excited about my writing assignment to Mrs Huckby! She told me she'd give me extra credit if I finished my story for her to read!" said Elex, with a satisfied smile and sure enough he held in his arms a thick leather bound notebook thick with printer paper with text on it.

"Your such a book worm!" laughed the fox, he smile and went to the kitchen to face the atrocity that their father called breakfast. Surely enough, it was a plate filled with oddly shaped char biscuits

"I'd like to see what the animal looked like before you killed it" said Nichole, eyeing the meal

Soon, the bus made its rounds, Timothy, Elex and Nichole quickly husseled out the door, books and bags on their back, and into the icy frost of morning

On the bus, Timothy sat next to Elex while Nichole sat next to Falena, Elex's sister and they talked and giggled until the bus pulled into the School Bus dropoff area at their School.

Timothy stopped hs chatter and peered out at the school with a look of worry on his face

"Something as matter, Timmy?"" asked Elex

"I just hope 'he' isnt waiting for us this time..."

ooc: Time to let in the introductions =) have fun guys.. and the Bully will come around in my next post

Chipper Holly, head of the history department in the Chestnut Valley school moped out of his bed at 5:30 am on a cold morning.  Stumbling to the sink in the washroom, he looked at the baggies under his eyes.  He had not been sleeping well lately.  All the students were having a hard time with the latest topic on conservation efforts in the country and they had to pass this as part of the course.

The mid-aged hare proceded to stretch out his long legs and clawed toes as he moved down towards the kitchen to brew a strong cup of coffee.  He grumbled, dumping out the grounds of the previous day's coffee into the garbage, and dropped the filter in at the sudden crash from upstairs.  Retreiving it quickly, he continued to brew coffee, no doubt his companion would want some.

Chipper shared his apartment with another teacher, for the wages offered were not substantial enough to pay off all the loans that were necessary to become ready professionally for the occupation.  This other teacher was young and new to the job, only joining the previous year.  His name was Hazel Swift, unusual for a gray fox, but his fur outside of the typical salt-n-pepper color, had large amounts of goldenrod fur and sandstone red.  Hazel was a teacher of reading and writing to students, and while he was greatly qualified, his skills on personality and respect were lacking.  Much more stricter than Chipper, how he came to be living with a seasoned teacher, is anyone's guess, but it was that it made sense to split the cost of living and Hazel was the first to respond.

Hazel had knocked over the alarm clock in his bedroom, adjacent to Chipper's.  Missing it, its alarm still sounding, Hazel grabbed a magazine he had by the bedstand, hoping to throw it on the clock, to give him an extra five minutes.  It missed as well.  Groaning loudly, Hazel moved out from under the covers and pounded the switch on the clock, finally silencing it.

"Killjoy" he muttered, wishing it wasn't morning already.  Slipping off the bed, and arching his back and body, all claws extended while yawning and stretching, he too made his way to the kitchen where Chipper already had the coffee perking.  "Tell me again who invented the alarm clock," he said groggily to the hare.

"That isn't something I know right off the top of my head," responded Chipper, matter of factly, stirring a pot on the stove loaded with a porridge-like oatmeal.  He added some wild raspberries to the mixture as well as light cream.

Hazel snorted, "Well if I ever find out, I'd like to sock it to him for creating the worst machine known to the mammilian race."  He took his place at the table.  "You sleep well?"

"Take a guess," said Chipper, glumly.

"That bad, huh?  Probably is because you make that slop for breakfast," added Hazel, choosing an apple from the cornucopia in the middle of the table.

"When you get old like me, you'll be praying that this slop keeps you alive an extra few years," smirked Chipper, playfully.  "Us old ones need something to keep the meat on our bones."

Hazel gave a weak smile, munching on the apple.  It was a typical morning, and likely to be a very typical day on the job.


"ruddy clock...."

The hand from under the covers dropped the bat, and groaned, throwing off the quilt revealing the lithe form of a young coyote, grumbling and rubbing his face, and tugging at his battered pajamas, with star and galaxies printed all over it.

The coyote got out of bed, digging out a pair of jeans and a T-shirt from a pile, and shuffled to the kitchen.  Rummaging in the fridge, he pulled out a carton of milk, and looked for a glass, then blinked, bending his face to sniff at the carton. @.x "Bloody-!" He chucks the carton, repulsed.
"Ah well, Knothole-ade again, I guess. *grumbles, pulling one of the plastic bottles out and heading to the door, picking up a battered leather jacket and backpack, pausing only to wipe back his long grey-brown headfur into some semblance of order.

"*sigh* Another day, another assured confrontation with the incredible Bulk, Aron. Probably gonna go after E, seeing as today is the due date for that project....perfect humiliation opportunity. *sighs again, cracks his knuckles, and leaves the apartment with a slam of the door.

"Ready or not, world, senior class student Ryan Napier is here to protect teh prince and his posse!" *laughs*

Mim, a gecko, awoke before the clock radio went off.  She went over to turn the alarm off and went to have a quick shower before getting dressed.  Paying close attention as her family did they knew what the day would be like.  Once the shower was over she went into her room to put on her special warm suit.  Once her other clothes were put on she went to unplug the Li-on battery belt that powered the warm suit to keep her warm, necessary since she was cold blooded.  Once she had it on she hooked up the leads into the belt.  She kept it off since she was inside.  She was glad of this better model instead of some of the older ones that had the batteries directly in the suits themselves, making it difficult to put clothes comfortably over them and get at the controls.   She picked up her backpack with her school stuff in it and

She went down to find breakfast already on the table, though it was only a tablespoon or two for each person in the family, being cold blooded they didn't need anywhere the amount of food a warm blooded person would.  Her family thought it better to eat daily small meals, instead of the large meal once or twice a day and then sleep most of the rest of the day, since it kept one alert all the time instead of sleeping off ones heavy meals.

Once the morning talk and such was over she turned on her heat suit as did everyone else else in the family and they went out to the car and were dropped off at school since it was along the way to her father's work.

Light blazed through Derek's eyelids. He slowly blinked, groaned, and rolled over. Derek's eyes came to rest on the clock, upon which he realized what time it was. "Oh god!" He shot into a sitting postion, revealing his pajamas, which were plain green, and his think tail, which seemed to have ring-like ridges along it. The Leopard Gecko lept out of bed, and with as much speed as he could, got into school clothes. Plain jeans, dark red shirt. He swung on his backpack. Derek pulled open the door, ran down the stairs, and saw breakfast already in progress. "Nice of you to join us, Derek." His older(only by a year) sister, nearly done with her meal, said. His mother were too busy getting ready for work to notice right away, but she turned to him and said. "Oh, Derek, I'm so glad to see you're awake." Derek's Mother grabbed his lunch box off a counter. "I hope you have a good time at school." She added hastily. Derek could tell she was late too. She bent down and kissed him on the forhead. "I love you, sweetie." She said.

Derek smiled faintly and replied "I love you too, Mom." Derek's mother smiled in return, and walked over to Derek's sister, Sarah, and said goodbye to her aswell. With that, she was out the door. Sarah got up and looked out the window. Derek did too, watching their mom pull out of the driveway. Derek ran to the closet and pulled on his coat, and Sarah did also. They both pulled on their backpacks, and were soon out the door. Sarah grinned slyly, and said "Race ya to the bus stop." Derek grinned back, and said "You're on!" They both sped off to the end of the block, where the sign marked 'Bus Stop' stood. Sarah was nearly there, when Derek put on and extra burst of speed and beat her. He stuck out hi tounge we he reached the sign, and Sarah said "I just let you win to make you feel good. Everyone knows you have low self-esteem." Derek's smile turned into a frown. "Do not!" By now, the bus was already pulling around the corner.


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