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Topics - rhombus

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Starday Wishes / Happy birthday MC CJ'S REVENGE and Ludichris1
« on: December 18, 2013, 01:27:52 AM »
Happy birthday!  :birthday :smile  :DD  :lol  :smile   I hope that both of you have fun on your special day.

Gamers Zone / Kerbal Space Program
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:05:33 PM »
I absolutely love this program.  It is a spaceflight simulator for Windows, Mac, and Linux.  However, it is much more than that.  Not only does it allow you to build your own spacecraft, but it also allows you to pilot your creations.  It also packs quite the challenge in that you have to carefully plan your trajectory in order to enter a stable orbit, perform a deorbital burn, and to safely land.  It is still in alpha and will be for quite some time, but even so it is one of the most entertaining and educational games I have played in quite some time.

Has anyone else played this game?  If not and it sounds interesting to you, it does have a demo version which provides for the spaceflight and rocket-builder modes.

The Fridge / Interesting website on national constitutions
« on: October 30, 2013, 07:44:41 PM »
Although I am a Zoologist by training and an instructor by profession, I retain a strong interest in political science, and comparative constitutional law in particular.  In my continued research on other constitutions I found a rather interesting and useful website.

This website not only contains copies of most of the extant constitutions in the world, but it also allows for a general search of constitutional provisions on a topic by topic basis.  For example, I could go under topics and choose 'Elections' -> 'Electoral Oversight' -> 'Electoral Court Powers' and see every constitutional provision regarding the powers of election management bodies over elections on a country by country basis. It is an offshoot of the Comparative Constitutions Project ( ), which previously had tabulated data from the constitutions of the world in order to facilitate quantitative analysis of constitutions.

Whether you have an interest in comparative constitutional law or you are simply curious why a political situation in another country is proceeding the way that it is, then I would highly recommend this website as a reference tool.

Gamers Zone / Desktop Dungeons
« on: October 29, 2013, 05:37:00 PM »
I was wondering if anyone else has played this rather simple, yet fun, game?  It has a rather simple interface where the player interacts with the environment using the mouse in a standard dungeon-crawl type game design.  In fact, the enemies do not even move from their placement in the randomly-generated dungeons, adding to the simplicity of the gameplay.  What sets the game apart, however, is the resource management aspect of the game.  In order to regain mana or health the player has to explore unexplored areas of the dungeon which, since the dungeon in finite, is in limited supply.  As a result, the player must carefully pick his battles, save up unexplored areas for eventual health and mana renewal, and conserve their magical items.  All in all, I find it to be a rather fun game that takes less than about 15 minutes to play for each dungeon.

It comes in a freeware version and a full version.  Both versions can be found here:

The Fridge / First Confirmed Rogue Planet Found
« on: October 10, 2013, 12:12:21 PM »
Astronomers at the Pan-STARRS 1 wide-field survey telescope have confirmed the discovery of a rogue planet about 80 light-years from Earth.  A rogue planet is a planet that is freely floating in interstellar space and not in orbit around any star.  Similar free-floating planets have been found before, but it was unclear whether they were brown dwarfs or actual planets.

General Land Before Time / Land Before Time mentioned in XKCD
« on: October 02, 2013, 09:52:16 AM »
Being the nerd that I am, I am quite fond of the xkcd comic.  Today, in the what-if section of the website the Land Before Time sequels were given a shout-out.  The reference to the Land Before Time is towards the bottom of the answer provided at this link:

Land Before Time Captions / Repost of Shorty and Littlefoot
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:29:26 AM »

Littlefoot developed a fear of chiropractors from a young age.

Attic Treasures / Dune
« on: September 15, 2013, 09:37:29 PM »
I was surprised not to see a topic on this amazing series of novels.  Although I am not a fan of the prequels written by his son, I find that the novels written by Frank Herbert contain some of the best representations of political intrigue, conspiracy, and the eternal conflict between the forces promoting progress and stagnation that I have ever read.  The first novel was certainly an eye-opener for me when I read it during my early teens.

Neither the 1984 film or the SyFy television miniseries did the source material justice, although they are both interesting works in their own right.  In fact, it was the surreal nature of the David Lynch film that inspired me to read the book in the first place.

I was wondering if anyone else was a fan of the novel or its various incarnations in film, television, or video games?

Ask Me / Geometric Ponderings
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:51:21 AM »
I just found this section and decided that it would be interesting to join the trend.  Feel free to ask me a question about anything that comes to mind.

The Welcome Center / Greetings
« on: August 13, 2013, 09:28:14 PM »
Hello everyone!  

I enjoyed the original Land Before Time film as a child and decided to google it when I was in a nostalgic mood about nine months ago.  The Gang of Five forum was one of the first search items and, out of curiosity, I decided to see what it had to offer.  After following this forum for the better part of a year, I have observed that it has a very friendly, diverse, and vibrant community - one that I would very much like to contribute to.  

I look forward to participating in this forum and getting to know all of you!

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