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Hyp, Mutt, and Nod

Dinonut · 42 · 11435


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They may invite each other to do some dancing or something & have fun.


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Quote from: Malte279,Mar 17 2009 on  03:38 AM
I'm kind of interested in what would happen if they met another group of Big Bafoons :p
That could make for a story element.
I would Love to see that!


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Hyp, Mutt and Nod are all 'teenage' dinosaurs anyway.  They wouldn't really want to 'hang' with Littlefoot and his friends.  

Yet, I do miss seeing them.  I didn't understand why they were being mean, but I thought they were good characters.


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It seems Hyp may be mean since his dad is mean to him, similar to how Cera's is to her.  Nod may be either one who likes being mean or is a hanger on, and Mutt hangs out with Hyp and is mean when he is.  Nod may be afraid of Hyp, but Mutt hangs out with the other 2.  Maybe when they were younger there were no other dinos their age & no more understanding dino to blunt the effects of hyp's dad & whatever Nod's parents were like.


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Hyp was dominant, if I recall.

I did think that they travelled with the others to get to the great valley, so thus that way they became friends through travelling....


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With no Littlefoot or Ducky type to blunt the influence of Hyp's dad on Hyp.  Hyp is similar to how Cera may have turned out if not for Littlefoot, Ducky, Littlefoot's grandparents and certain others.


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Why must some parent put there own influences on the children?  It makes it bad for them to know they never had sensible home training.


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I think it's impossible for parents to not influence their kids.  Though I'm no expert in that area.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I just wanted to point out that there's a guy who looks almost like Hyp's dad in 5...except he's the wrong color:

But I believe he can be seen earlier in the film when Grandpa says, "My friends, we have lived in the great valley so long we forget..."

But what confuses me is where the bullies themselves went. Obviously nowhere, since they're back for the tv series, but it seems weird they don't at least show up in the crowds or anything.


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That would have been good, to see them in group and crown shots.


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Personally, I liked Mutt more so than the other two, because he's a character I can actually relate to.

He seems to act like a child at heart just as I do at times! :DD


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Since Land Before Time 3 was the first movie I saw, I have some nostalgic fondness for this trio even if they are children’s show bully archetypes. Though how they harassed the gang, they weren’t wholly bad and could be persuaded to be better people in the right circumstances.

I agree Hyp seems to be the smartest. I suppose with a strict father like his, it would take some brains to get out from under that thumb and not get caught in too much trouble. He’s going through the teenage rebellion phase exasperated by how he’s parented. Despite his disobedience and fears, it’s clear that Hyp also admires and loves his father. When his friends insulted his father, Hyp objected and made an attempt to come to his rescue. Hyp learned to how to relate to others through his father’s parenting. Prior to arriving the valley, I surmise Hyp’s father was strict in order so his son could survive their tough and unforgiving environment. From that, Hyp learned that to survive and have standing, he must dominate those smaller and less powerful than himself.

There are moments where he is concerned about appearing unafraid and dependent, which leads him and his friends to do reckless and mean things. When they see mushy and soft kids like the gang, he leads them to go on the attack and dominate. Hyp and his friends went around acting like how they believe grownups act, not needing help and operating by their own rules. When the mushy and soft gang ended up acting like actual grownups by rescuing their tormenters in the Mysterious Beyond, it began a transformation that led Hyp’s posse to become better people.

Hyp’s posse kind of reverted in his TV show appearance, but they aren’t as bad as before. The gang strong-arming them in helping to move the fast biter eggs, with Hyp depending on Littlefoot and vice versa to survive, led him to once again respect and appreciate the longneck youth. In the end, he appeared proud to have done the right thing.

In both of his appearances, he was still snarky and a bit posing even after he became a better person. I can see him keeping these qualities even if he continues to have friendlier relations to the gang. At his best, he could become the teasing older sibling to the gang, trying to look after them even if the gang is better and smarter at doing such a thing. With his and Cera’s parallels, I can see them having a snarky but friendlier relationship as they grow up. I read someone note that he might have a bit of a height complex for his species as shown when the gang pointed out they’ll grow up to be bigger than him and that might be a source of a bit of his bullying.

As he grows up, he might come to see his small size not as a weakness but an asset. He can hitch rides on bigger dinosaurs and I can see him asking his compatriots to hitch a ride, hopping on before they can answer, and kicking back on their heads or backs while sighing contently. Said compatriots would sigh fondly and dump him off (at a reasonable height) or commit some other mischief in retaliation. Whatever their adolescent misadventures, I can see Hyp’s posse getting along with kids and teenagers as they grow up, being still snarky and a bit posey while being more careful and responsible.

For the other two, I admit I don’t have much material about Nod. I’ve mentally tried to flesh him out but he’s challenging. I do agree he isn’t much of a thinker and does defer to Hyp but there are moments when he does question Hyp, especially if he feels the latter’s logic is dodgy or if they’re reputation or survival are at stake. When his bravery is questioned, though, he quickly falls in line with Hyp. In moments of danger, he panics and doesn’t know what to do as much as Mutt. It takes the prodding of the likes of Hyp to get him to do the right thing. I surmise he aligned with Hyp because they share a similar kind of mindset and humor, and Hyp says a lot of what comes to his mind. I do have the amusing headcanon that he has overly affectionate parents who embarrass him and who are in turns fond of and concerned about Hyp and Mutt, and the shenanigans they get involved in.

As for Mutt, I think he’s one who joined Hyp and Mutt because he found being with them exciting and their snark funny. There’s a bit of a youthful soul in him that might or mightn’t be related to whatever disability he might have. He follows along to his friends beat more than anything else, and even then he kind of struggles with that. Every once in a while, he does offer objections, like with Hyp’s suggestion to go to the Mysterious Beyond to get water, but like with Nod he can’t stand being called a coward. He does seem the most affable among the trio. When Spike licked him to indicate he liked him and Nod, Mutt appeared delighted.

His TV appearance did build a sweet friendship between him and Chomper. Mutt was nervous about swimming across a lake and admitting he can’t swim but Chomper was nice and patient with him even when he panicked and bumbled in the water. Mutt became fond of him for this kindness, as shown when Mutt later rescued him from the Fast Biter. He shown in that scene he can be good-naturedly cheeky as well. In that episode, I felt we learned a bit more about him as a person even if he wasn’t the sole focus by any stretch and I became even fonder of him.  

Anyway, these are my deep feelings about the trio.


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This trio is responsible for my relative distaste for the third film due to their stereotypical and lame role and annoying voices. Still, your points are mostly correct even when it comes to their personalities.

It's rather interesting but I found their appearance in the Great Egg Adventure much better than in the film. Here, they don't act as predictably and their lines aren't as stupid. The scenes between Hyp and Littlefoot, for example established much more in terms of interesting character development than the whole film did. Even with their highly different personalities, their strive to cooperate were nice to see and it had more idea than any of Hyp's scenes in the film. Also, the Chomper/Mutt scenes were actually rather enjoyable. The crossing of the lake was a nice scene that showed some personality traits of Mud and how he acts when the two others aren't present. The episode as a whole was one of the series' better ones, in my opinion. I still have nothing good to say about Nod, though.


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I'll be honest to you. I hate those guys. :lol: Having to deal with lots of similar characters growing up I came to view bullies as not so much a stereotype, but an archetype of a gutless, mentally weak people who lack the will and strength needed not to give into their aggresive feelings... And that's about it. I hate these guys just as much as I despise any person who'd behave like them in real life. Not much more to add. :)


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I can see how their characterization and interactions in the third movie might be clichÈ but again, my nostalgia kind of overwrites that.

I do like their TV appearance, for the developments of Hyp and Mutt as you stated. Poor Nod kind of got shafted though. A pity, his VA Scott Menville is talented from what I remember on Teen Titans and could have been used more.

Sorry about those experiences, Coyote_A. I only rarely had to deal with such people so far, but I can see why that might sour you on fictional versions of such difficult individuals.


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Quote from: DaveTheAnalyzer,Mar 25 2017 on  02:57 AM
Sorry about those experiences, Coyote_A. I only rarely had to deal with such people so far, but I can see why that might sour you on fictional versions of such difficult individuals.
Hahaha, yeah. I guess I'm being overly negative. Sorry about that. :DD


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As bullies go from a horrible movie I didn't care for them at all. They weren't that good at there personality. I just didn't like them and his song was horrible as well.


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As far as cartoon bullies go, I feel like these guys are an example of how to do them right. Too many bullies in kids' shows have an absurd 180-degree turnaround at the last minute, and I do mean absurd. Poof--now they're a complete goody-two-shoes! I never could stand that kind of thing. I mean, what's that teach a kid about bullies in real life? Real bullies don't suddenly become your best friend just because you shared with them or talked to them or something! :bang

Hyp, Mutt, and Nod, thankfully, did not fall into that nauseating cartoon-bully trope. Even though they ended up working with the Gang of Five to save the day, it was done in a way that was believable, with the kids overlooking their rivalry to save their parents from sharpteeth. And throughout this scene, Hyp is still wisecracking, grumbling, and name-calling. ("By the time you move that rock, those sharpteeth are gonna be picking their teeth with our bones"/"This isn't gonna work!"/"Get in there and help, you creeps!") His personality hasn't changed, and it never does. Even in the ending scene when Mutt and Nod point out that he mentioned sharing, his response is, "Not sharing is for scaredy eggs!" and he looks like he's going to beat up anyone who challenges him. Better yet, his signature sneer remains on his face even as he walks away alongside the Gang.

However, I wouldn't say I like Hyp and his friends, since they are bullies, and they are mean...but hey, in the name of good storytelling, I'm glad I get to dislike them for being realistic bullies rather than for being unrealistic ones! :lol

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

Little Bro

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Hyp ,Mutt, and Nod weren't my favorite characters for a very long time, until I watched the movie a couple days ago. I just like them for their weird screams, and dance moves. :lol  I also like that Hyp still acts tough, even after he learns his lesson.
Go Chomper!


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Hyp ,Mutt, and Nod weren't my favorite characters for a very long time, until I watched the movie a couple days ago. I just like them for their weird screams, and dance moves. :lol  I also like that Hyp still acts tough, even after he learns his lesson.

Yeah, I'd meant to mention that they were kind of funny sometimes, though it's hard to say if it was intentional or not...we were cracking up at the end of "When You're Big" over their weird dance moves! :p

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face