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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424685

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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“Excellent! Well done, gentlemen. I’m on my way to pick him up and will meet you at the station later today.” Hailey hung up and looked at Chong. “Sly Cooper thinks I’m gonna help guide him on this radio frequency,” she explained, handing her walk-in-talkie to Chong. “Just use a spell to disguise your voice as mine and ask him for status updates, you can walk him into as many traps as you like.”

She glanced at Aimee. “I accept the original 3 million we agreed on for these captives, but I’ve got a bit of a different request for this one.” Her heart started racing. “When Mertravius brought me back to life all those years ago, he promised he would use his magic to make Aimee love me. Is that actually possible?” Her voice broke. “Can you or Mertravius make her love me like she never would of her own free will?”
« Last Edit: July 13, 2019, 08:37:42 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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magically force her to love you" chong scratched his chin. ' its possible but requires strong magics to do. i've never done it myself, and i'm not sure if my magics are strong enough to do it anyway. ' His lordship, on the other hand cam easily do it. ' chong said referring to mertavius. " it depends on what you want out of her. ' if you want  50 years or so of living together, thats one thing. children... is a whole other ball of wax. What exactly did his lordship promise you, and what were  you to do in exchange for it? i dont think you've ever said what was promised, besides lovve?" he paused and heard the idea to imitate her ' I can do that ' lead him into the entrance pit to the arena, where there are loads of guards. seize him suit him up put him out there on the next fight. might even pit him against the fox.' Chiong smirked.
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"It was the very first agreement we made," Hailey recalled. "If I busted you out of prison, he'd make Aimee fall in love with me and we could 'live together for the rest of our days.'" She gulped, showing more nervousness and emotion than she ever had in front of Chong, since she finally actually wanted something. "It's been a pretty long time since you've been imprisoned, I think I've held up my end of the bargain..."


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 you got me out of prison, but you have to help me get revenge on my enemies. that part of the job, is still ongoing. but. i will say we are very close to completing that part of the job as well. " chong said. ' finish that, and  aimee therre will be your love-slave until the end of her days. or longer, depends on you feel about reanimation ' He chuckled." let me get in touch with Lord Mertasbvius and see if hes willing to fulfill the deal.. as he was speaking the lights in the room darkened to nothing, and chong felt the presence of a being he knew only too well ' Please refrain, Chong from the phrase " speak of the devil" because I know you are thinking it.'  the lights turned back on and Mertavius was leaning against a wall his eyes fixed on Hailey, before moving briefly to Aimee. " i do hope that these riches you are acquiring Chong are not a distraction, this deal with vox will last a few weeks longer, but no more than that. So i do hope you are getting what you need out of this, because soon you will need to leave this galaxy.. there is a world in the far reaches of the cosmos, a world of great magic, where you will gain the ability to kill your enemies, with a single spell, provided of course, you have the power to do it. " Mertavius said.  Chong blanched at the green squirrells tone, truthfully he was enjoying the spoils of the dReadzone, he had more money than he knew what to do with.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"I agree with Mertavius," Hailey nodded, shuddering at the unimaginable irrepressible evilness that radiated like an aura from the evil squirrel's evil aura. "We've been sitting around in the Dreadzone getting rich and letting Stripetail's friends serve as gladiators for our amusement. Why? Why aren't we just killing them and furthering our endgame?" She motioned to Po and the other captives. "Let's just slit their throats right now, and then kill Carmelita and any other of Stripetail's allies we've managed to capture." She balled her fists; if she had to wait for Chong to finish his long, laborious plan, she wanted him to speed things up as much as possible. "They're worth so much more to him than us, and every new one that arrives we risk a breakout or rescue attempt, and for what? More money we don't need?"
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 01:45:35 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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because killing them will get stripetail involved directly, and greatly anger him. Have you seen the wizard when he is really furious? not something you want to see' "Mertavius said. "The moment you kill one of them, he will know and he will know who killed them.  Then, he will hunt you down. normally, the old goat is all about mercy and friendship and all that nonsense, but harm his friends and there is nowhere in the multiverse you can hide from him.Old squirrel doesnt forget either.  ' he turned to Chong." like i said, enjoy this little endeavor of yours while you can. Getting to hogsmeade wont be cheap. neither will  allying with Riddle , you'll have to prove to him you have the magical chops, he has little use for timewasters and even less  use for fools. 

he then turned  to Hailey. ' i have not forgotten that i promised to make her love you . You have not yet completed the task I set for you, only because Chong  here has been growing fat at the fights. I don;t care about the greasing of palms, or the torture of prisoners, and i do admit watching 35 prisoners run each other through with broken drainage pipes is very amusing, but there is a time for  fun and debauchery and a time for preparedness. the time for the former is passing and the time for the  latter is beginning. ' don;t you want to see how the seer will do against all the forces of dreadzone, with everything 20 trillion bolts can throw at him?" it could be 200 quintillion bolts Chong , and the result would be the same. " his friends are the bait for my mouse trap. we are going to set them in vehicles ,  triggered with lethal gas that will fill their vehicles   after 10 minutes, and set those vehicles in the deepest darkest holes we can find..' How many of his friends are necessary ? Mertavious eyes narrowed.

' 10, is my thinking. " then why not grab Scooby or Spyro or Agumon? actual team members of his as opposed to hangers on like PO?" Mertavious run his claw down his face. ' Fine, Fine, how many of his friends have you captured. ? '  Chong paused ' We're about halfway to my target.  I'll said Hailey to get the other 5. also according to iglaakian law... ' you're reaching into Stripetail's pocket.. for pocket change! " Mertavious said ' a few million bolts is nothing to him.  put .. Kovu into that final challenge. get some of the wizards closest friends involved.  raise the stakes. don;t expecty to win, Chong. if using the Apollo lens couldnt kill him, a few thousand thugs from zordoom wont. " we're using  zyklon B ' Chong said ,his teeth showing in an evil grin . ' That can take as long as 40 minutes Chong. it needs to be something that can kill within a couple minutes at the latest .  instead of gas, use it in tablet form then spread water on it to break it down. blow the fumes through the ships . more potent and  lethal in a shorter time, about 3 minutes. " mertavius said.

  Chong nodded.  Mertavius then went over to Aimee and spoke words in an ancient language Chong didnt understand. ' Aimee began to glow bright blue, and an bracelet appeared upon haileys wrist. ' this spell will last for 3 months Hailey. a temporary love spell, but that should be long enough  for you to indulge in whatever desires you may have ' Mertavious said. "That bracelet  is your mechanism for controlling her,. " what do i do about  her sister ?' Chong asked about lucia. ' find work for her! I don;t really care what/. just speed up your little game." mertavious growled.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2019, 09:10:53 AM by Nick22 »
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey was gonna ask why Mertravius couldn't kill the prisoners himself if he was so scared of mortals angering Stripetail, but any smarminess died in her throat when Mertravius promptly granted her wish. " mean it?" she breathed. "She's...?"

Hailey stepped forward and lighly touched Aimee's arm. But of course the vixen was out cold. "," she stammered lamely. "I'll escort her quarters, I guess. And yeah, feel free to do whatever you like with the others."

She hoisted Aimee over her shoulder. She still needed to visit the police and pick up Dr. Zanasiu, but she wanted to see Aimee awake first. Had to see if Mertravius had truly done through dark magic what Hailey could never do with charisma.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2019, 12:03:48 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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she's all yours . just remember. the spell will last for 3 months. ' Mertavius said. ' what you do with her, is your concern. Put her in your chambers, then go after the rest of the wizards friends. make sure they know what their fate will be if they do not fight. for now, I will be off. samanor has to.. ahem have his nails filed, its been a few thousand years since i last tim,e I did that " mertavius vanished in a puff of smoke.. and Po slowly came too on the Sretcher.. " W-What are you going to do to me..' Po murmured as he looked at Chong face to face. " You are going to fight in the arena, Panda. You, and the other panda over there.. Fight well and you'll make some coin.. and me even more coin. You lose, you die, that simple' Chong said.
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"Cmon Po, my dumpling, pick up,' Jing said as she tried dialing his number. Once again, she got no response. "Hmm....maybe father knows where he is," she theorized. She tried the Panda King's number but again, there wasn't anyone on the other end of the line.

"I can't get into contact with my father or Po," Jing told Tigress.


Kovu was doing push ups in his cell to prepare for his next battle. "134.....135....136," he strained, the lion sweating through the straining process.


Carmelita was trying some meditation in her cell. "Interpol recommended I try this to sooth my anger after I destroyed all our training dummies," she thought as got into position and tried to put her mind at peace.


"I hope Kion is doing well back home," Kiara said to her big brother. "All 3 of his girlfriends seem......unwilling to share." She let out a light chuckle at the thought of Jasiri the hyena, Fuli the cheetah, and her friend Zuri all pining for their younger brother.


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well we are on the edge of the system ' Tigeress said in reply. ' we're going back to the room after this next fight ' Gabuna said. ' agumina yawned the food they had eaten was starting to make her sleepyy. ' you can get better reception in the hotel than here. i think they deliberately block calls from here, to prevent them being traced, for rather obvious reasons."
Po struggled againsat his bonds as the full realization  of how much trouble he and the others were in, hit him.  " you're going to kill us, arent you?' " kill you? no, not directly. the other prisoners will do that.. " chongs eyes narrowed ' the only reason you lot are alive, is because i know that you Po, are friends with that thrice-damned wizard. "
 Eris and Elida were enjoying themselves while hanging out with biyomon who was telling them about her trip to the Digiword resort with agumina, which had beem great. " Eris had told her about her love of books, and Elida her love of adventure.  The three of them were flying around metropolis, and taking a bords eye view of of the flying car traffic below. high rises almost seemed to touch trhe sky as the trio made their way towards a high rose in the middle of the city '  " the markazian mamba' was projected from the landing. and a wide asortment of people where there, dancing and having a good time.
 kopas communicator buzzed and an image of a lion and an hyena appeared in front of Kopa and Kiara. both of them waved at them. " checking in, eh brother" Kopa smiled. " Where are Fuli and Zuri?" he chuckled as Kions face turned red.
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"A little tied up at the moment," Jasiri said, leaning into view and giving Kion a kiss. Kion blushed at his hyena girlfriend's affectionate gesture.

"Thanks Jasiri," Kion smiled, and then he turned to his big brother and sister. "How are things going for you? It gets strange here when its just me and Nuka among the royals."


"Good point," Jing nodded, "I just hope Po and my father are not hurt.....could you help me think of poetry about Po? That would help my nerves...." she said to Tigress.


Nick Wilde was looking over the profits he made from his sales today. "Getting to save the day and make profit, the perfect mixture," he thought confidently to himself.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Hailey's heart was racing as she lay Aimee down in her bed. Could Mertravius have really done it? Could dark magic have fulfilled the high school crush she'd nurtured in vain for her entire adult life?

She wrung her hands and paced nervously, shooting frequent glances at Aimee to see if she'd wake up. She glanced furtively at the bathroom; perhaps there were smelling salts in the medicine cabinet, or she could easily splash Aimee with water-- No! This is AIMEE we're talking about! Let her sleep like a loving girlfriend would.

"Is that what I am?" she wondered aloud, then covered her mouth in shock when Aimee breathed slightly heavier than normal. The vixen wasn't taking the deep rhythmic breaths Hailey remembered listening to during childhood sleepovers; Aimee's slumber was unnatural due to being CO2-induced.

Hours passed, and Aimee showed no signs of waking up. Biting her lip, Hailey turned on her phone and looked up the side effects of exhaust-induced unconsciousness to make sure she hadn't caused Aimee any lasting damage. Sure enough, the internet said the victim would likely sleep for up to 13 hours as the body replenishes the oxygen supply in its blood. I can't wait any longer... she realized. The police are waiting for me to arrest Dr. Zanasiu.

Gulping, she gave her love one last furtive glance before tapping a small control panel near the lightswitch and setting the room into lockdown. Now that Aimee couldn't escape, she left for her police cruiser.


Lucia's heart was thumping. She didn't fully understand what was happening, but she knew she was among foes. She'd recovered from her fugue state quicker than the adult victims, but for the time being, it seemed more beneficial to keep herself quiet and apparently unconscious.

Dr. Hapsburg knocked on Chong's door. "Medic!" he announced himself, walking in. "I was informed that several new prisoners were exposed to dangerous levels of carbon monoxide. Shall I look them over and ensure they're still fit to fight?"
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 08:13:28 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Very well doctor ' chiong said turning as Hapsburg walked in.  ' do what you must .  ' take them to the medical bay down the hall.  there's detoxIfication supplies in there, we just got fresh supplies in yesterday. Try and be quick about it. These two" he pointed to Po and panda king, "have a scheduled fight in 4 hours and we need time to get them into their armor. also i do have a ' pest ' running around Hangar 3 that i need to deal with. so, if you could, please revive them quickly. Have this one " he pointed tp lucia, "serve as the contact for Po. all fighters have a non-fighting contact. Get her awake, ggive her something to drink and eat  then show her the control panels she'll be working on.  They get a quarter of the winnings the fighter gets. not that most fighters last long to earn anything ' Chong said.
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Hapsburg whistled, observing the patients. "Three new fighters...lotta money comes through this place, huh? You must be making a killing as the head honcho..."

He took a deep breath. Drawing a scalpel, he swiveled around and dove at Chong, swiping for his jugular. "You don't look that tough," he grinned. "I think I want to be boss around here and get all that money for myself!"


Hailey landed at the police station. She showed Spaulding's ID and walked into Dr. Zanasiu's cell. "Well well," she chuckled. "It's actually you. Dunno what I expected, but there sure are a lot of old faces showing up right now."

She grinned. "Do you recognize me?" she asked, eyes wide. "It's been a long time, and you had so many different underlings in your squad, but you were never one to forget a face..."


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chong ducked back, the scapel missing his neck by a couple inches.  His face narrowed in fury ' fool! i'm not the head hencho here! that would be Vox!" he snapped, gesturing and disarming hapsburg  , the scapel cluttering into the corner. " i'm a supplier doctor. i supply fighters weapons, and shall we say excitement. so yes, i make my share of money, more than I've made in a long career. Very stupid decision , on your part doctor. Instead of saving lives, you'll now be fighting to save your own' Chong suddenly blasted Hapsburg with a burst of magic, throwing him into the wall.
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Dr. Zanasiu wrinkled his forehead as he looked over Hailey. "Ah yes, Hailey, One of the Pelvanida experiments. I can't thank you enough for helping us destroy Dragonstorm." He then looked around the cell. "Could you explain as to why I'm currently sitting in jail?


(Meridian City)

Zachary had a folder filled with signed and notarized copies of all the paperwork that Captain Carson and James had filled out prior to landing on Meridian City. He flagged down a taxi and headed straight to the police headquarters.

As the taxi took off, he radioed Stripetail. "Stripetail, I'm on my way to Meridian City Police HQ with the paperwork that was filled out when we landed." He quickly flipped through the papers. "It's all in order. So I don't know why he was arrested. Anyways, I shall meet you there. Zachary out."



Mr. Bigmouth ate some fresh fruit from a platter that was provided to them by the staff. "So think we can go with my plan to buy the ship?"

Ms. Swimmer leaned back in her chair and sipped some hot green tea. She nodded as the subtle leafy flavors danced on her tongue. She looked at the screen that was counting down the seconds to the end of the battle. "If we're going to go with his plan, we'd better do it quick."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Yeah, but Vox isn't a shriveled old man!" Hapsburg taunted, stumbling off the wall. He'd lost a lot of blood, but he wasn't out yet. "I bet one tap of my infection will cause you to decompose faster than a prune!"

He leaped forward, wielding his medkit like a bioweapon; at his will, it could infect targets with a fast-acting disease instead of healing them. And just for good measure, he used his other hand to prime a grenade behind his back; Hapsburg took reduced damage from his own frag grenades, and the area-of-effect would stop Chong from dodging.


"Is that really all the hello I get? It's been years!" Hailey threw up her arms. "I didn't even know you were still alive, and all the way out here in space! This is a downright miracle!" She slipped a wine bottle out from her coat pocket and took a hearty swig. "You want some?" she asked, motioning it towards him. "I'm working with the bad guys, see, and they just brainwashed the love of my life so she'd love me forever. So I've got some butterflies in my stomach, need to take the edge off."

She hiccuped. "How have you been, James Zanasiu?" she asked, plopping down next to him. "What have you been up to since the whole Dragonstorm business? I haven't had much time to catch up on history, you know, due to having died horribly in the middle of it all."
« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 10:45:10 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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i'm a WIZARD, you idiot. " chond glowered. ' you think that a measley infection can harm me? both his hands glowed violently with magic. A shield surrounded him." theres only one person in this galaxy that can beat me in a fight, and hes currently going to meridian Jail to post bail for his mortal friends. ' Chong's voice was filled with scorn.
 Utsa brought up the price for buying the ship ' 35 million bolts.,. Surprisingly affordable.m Go ahead.' The dramosian drragoness said looking at Bigmouth and Swimmer " Contact  some arena personnel.  tell them we want a ship, as a memento. I can restore the ships interiors magically, that wont be a problem."
 Stripetail replied over the radio ' the charges might be a cover to take him to DReadzone. Perfect cover really.  who openly resists a cop trying to arrest you, besides the foolish?. they add ;' resisting arrest ' to your charges and you spend even MORE time in prison as a result. " stripetail said. " lok up the record of the arrest officier, see if he or she is on the level. If this is a ruse, they'll either be dead, retired, or halfway across the galaxy
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The grenade bounced harmlessly off Chong's shield, but Hapsburg still grinned as the explosion sent shrapnel flying past him. "You won't be able to hit me either!" he taunted. "This armor has been strengthened by anti-magic plating developed by Angela Zeigler, a combat medic from the future! Only the most powerful of magic attacks could hope to penetrate it, and you look like you can't even use prestidigitation to fix your ugly face!"

He drew his combat shotgun. "The second you lower that shield to fire any spells at me, I'll blow your head off!"


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the shapnel did cut into chongs clothing, and chong glowered as he fingered a hole in his coat. " this is the finest  kreeli fur, you moron! harvested from the shaved fur of rare Kreeli Comet snow foxes! do you have ANY idea how much a suit like this costs! at least 3 million bolts!" he approacvhed Hapsburg" heres the thing, DOCTOR. i dont NEED to lower my shield to fire at you! Freziere" Chong fired an ice spell at Hapburgs gun a large ice shard embeding itself in the muzzle.
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