The Gang of Five
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The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

The Arrivals

Nahla · 1273 · 114888


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Littlefoot rolled his eyes at Cera "Your father hates everyone" he muttered but Cera herd it.


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"Well, he has always a good reason to hate everyone indeed, but I don't want to meet new friends! New friends always mean trouble!"
Inactive, probably forever.


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Littlefoot rolled his eyes again "No your dad is just a grump,a bully and never gives others a chance.I say we go meet the new kids and ask them to play with us"


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"I say yes!" Ducky chuckled.
"Me want meet friends, too!" Petrie told them.
Spike ate some food, realized his opinion was asked so he quickly nodded and went on eating.
"Spikie!" Ducky shouted.
"Well, I doubt I'll like them, but I'm overruled!" Cera sighted.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Grandpa saw his grandson and the other children in the background, and watched them, thinking. He almost forgot about the newcomers until his wife nudged him.
"Well, there they are," she said to the family. "Littlefoot!" she called, knowing that it was lunchtime for him anyway.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot turned "Gotta go guys" he told to his friends and ran over. "What is it G- huh?" he stopped noticing the newcomers.

Nani was giggling as Nahla had poured the juices of fruit all over Grandpa's tail and it was like she was painting with it.

Hades smiled at Littlefoot,while Uzuri just stared at him before smiling warmly fluttering her eyes.


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"Oh." Grandpa looked at his tail, which was coloured a multitude of different colours now, and chuckled. "Ah, kids..."

"Littlefoot, these are some newcomers in the valley," his grandmother introduced when Littlefoot reached them.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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"We have to go, too!" Ducky told her friends. "Cmon Spike!"
"Me also must go home!" Petrie croaked.
"Bye!" Cera ran away quickly. She went to her secret thinking place.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Littlefoot smilesd "Oh" he turned to Uzuri "Hello I'm Littlefoot"

Uzuri stepped right up to his face "Hiiiiii Littlefoot" she said in a sweet tone batting her eyelashes.

(Filling in for Ben while Zimmy away)

"Ben" was all Ben said.

Littlefoot nodded feeling a bit uneasy about how Uzuri was acting "Anyway,do you wanna play with me and my friends?".

Nahla ran up to Littlefoot,the much smaller and much younger looked up at Littlefoot.

Littlefoto lowered his head "Hello".

Nahla squealed and splatterd Littlefoot's face with her 'paint'.


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Grandma laughed at what Nahla just did. "Well, it's time to have something to eat first." She turned to the adults. "Do you want to join us? Or would you rather have a look around? We don't mind."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Hades smiled "We will join you if thats no problem,then may see this beautiful valley and our new resting place? Nahla can take a nap while Uzuri and Ben go meet the other young ones,and me and Nani would like to meet our new neighbours".

Littlefoot shook his head "Hey!" he shouted but laughed.

Nani scooped up her daughter "Sorry bout her" she said with a smile,she eyed Grandma and Grandpa and asked "Would you happened to be related to a longneck named Jenna?"


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Both of the longnecks' eyes widened.
"Well... we were, yes," Grandpa answered. He noticed that his wife's mood downgraded immediately. She looked depressed and her eyes looked down to the ground. He knew she didn't like the subject of any of their children being brought up.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nani's eyes rose "Mama and Papa Longneck? Is that you?" she walked forward "Remember me? Nani? The little one that went missing?,I played with Jenna".

Nahla broke the moment by making baby sounds like was blabbing...she was trying to sing.

Nani sighed "Sorry Nahla really only ever learned the language of our old home she is only about 1 year old,she does not speak very good the language other herds do".


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"Nani?!" Grandma exclaimed, looking in disbelief at the longneck. "No way..."
"Well I'll be..." said Grandpa, staring at Nani.

Meanwhile, another longneck was heading into the valley, carrying another little one on his back. The larger one bore scars all over his body, but the most noticeable was the one going down by his left eye and left side of his neck. He seemed nervous as he walked in, as he always did when he entered big crowds. The young female on his back pretended to sleep, not wanting to talk to anybody.

(Guess who guys? :DD)

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nani nodded a smile on her face "So good to see you's again".

Hades glanced to the enterance nodding towards the newcomers "Are these residents as well?".

Uzuri was nuzzling Littlefoot smilng.

Littlefoot just smiled back though he was getting a little bit creeped out.


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Grandpa looked over to the dinosaurs Hades was talking about.
"They don't look familiar," he said. "It seems we have more newcomers."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nahla squealed with delight at the newcomers "Hellwo!" she cried.

Nani eyed the male up and down "My my my looks like he had it rough".

Hades nodded "Yes...".

Littlefoot finally got away from Uzuri and was staring at the newcomers "Who are they?" he asked in wonder forgetting he still had Nahla's 'paint' on his face.

Nani giggled when she Grandpa still had the 'paint' on his tail.


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"Huh? Oh, hello there," said the young male as he looked down at Nahla. He looked battered and worn out, but smiled at the young one nonetheless. The young female opened one of her eyes to glance at the dinosaur who greeted them, but soon shut it again. The male was worried, looking around for the little one's parents. He didn't want to get into trouble on his first day here.

Grandma watched them. "It would be a bit rude not to go and say hello," she said, heading towards the newcomers, her mate following her.
"He looks in a bad state," Grandpa commented. "I wonder what happened to him?"

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nani walked forward picking up her baby "Sorry bout her" she said and began to walk away to let Grandma and Grandpa do what they needed to do.


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The young male, Taro shivered slightly as the two walked up to him. He just hoped he wasn't in trouble. The young female, Lily, looked at who was approaching and gasped, pressing her eyes shut. The old longnecks walked up to Taro, their eyes full of worry and concern.

"Hello there," Grandma greeted, smiling at him. "Welcome to the Great Valley." Taro seemed shock, nobody had welcomed him into their home just like that before.
"Oh, er... hi," he seemed to be at loss for words. "Well, we won't be staying very long, but thanks anyway."
"A farwalker, hmm?" Grandpa questioned. Taro just nodded. "Well, take as long as you want, there's plenty for all here. You look like you need to get your strength back up, anyway." He noted just had bad Taro was looking, he had cuts and bruises everywhere, and he looked like he hadn't slept in days.
"Yeah," Taro agreed. He smiled at the two longnecks. "Thank you," he said.
"Any time," said Grandma. She gestured towards another spot she knew was quite deserted. "You can go and rest there, if you wish." Taro nodded and immediately headed towards that spot, he desperately needed sleep.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion