The Gang of Five
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Top 10 favourite Characters


  • Spike
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Here is a little something that popped into my mind. Just post your top 10 favourite characters and maybe discuss why they are in what position, and even kill each other in a fanboy/fangirl like rage :)

anyways, here is my top 10:

10. Bron
9. Littlefoot's Mother
8. Grandpa Longneck
7. Pterano
6. Rooter
5. Mr. Thicknose
4. Doc
3. Sharptooth (Original)
2. Chomper
1. Guido

Guido is my number one <3 Even though I have not seen the movie he features in. He is just too cute <3 i luff him.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Here are mine...

10. Bron
9. Duckys mom
8. Spike
7. Pterano
6. Pterie
5. Littlefoot
4. Ducky
2.THE  Sharptooth
1. My OC Longtail! :D


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  • Littlefoot
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WOW!  This was a hard choice!  I swore I'd never do this, but oh well...

10: Bron
9:  Mr. Thicknose  
8:  Dill
7:  Mo
6:  Littlefoot's mom
5:  Petrie
4:  Ali
3:  Ducky
2:  Cera
1: Littlefoot


  • Spike
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I think I am starting to notice a pattern with Bron :p


  • Ducky
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Well lets see...

10. Bron
9. Tricia
8. Ali
7. Cera
6. Ducky
5. Littlefoot
4. Spike
3. Petrie
2. Mo
1. Guido  =D
(0. Sky  lol xD)

You noticed right. xD


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  • Littlefoot
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Are OCs allowed to be listed in this? I thought this was official characters only.


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  • Ducky
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Littlefoot - first place
Grandpa Longneck
Littlefoots mother

Sky XD :lol


  • Spike
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1. Rainbowfaces (favorite)
Why: They're just so mysterious and quirky. Even though they didn't get a lot of screentime in the 7th movie, I liked how they had problems with each other. I would write more if I could remember more.

2. Doc
Why: Again, he's all mysterious and stuff. We never find out if he's the Lone Dinosaur or not, and the fact that he FADES OUT like a ghost makes it even more confusing. I liked his attitude, his design, his voice, pretty much everything.

3. Rinkus
Why: I love the fact that he can put on this completely believable mask of being a bumbling fool and really be the one who's been pulling all the strings from the beginning. He's a lot smarter than he seemed to be, and his dry sense of humor always makes me smile.

4. Sierra
Why: Um...he's pretty much badass.

5. Pterano
Why: He's the deepest of the sequal characters, I think. His story is a great one.

6. Guido
Why: Guido was really quirky - a very interesting character that no one seemed to really understand.

7. The golden Allosaurus from LBT6
Why: It's kickass! It fell down a cliff and didn't die. It acted like an actual predator and snuck up on its prey (Dinah and Dana). It almost killed Littlefoot, threw a huge log over a big ditch and drooled on Cera. Plus its roars were awesome.

8. The child Brachiosaurus from LBT6
Why: I...don't really know why, actually, but in his minute-length or something screentime I felt really attached to him for some bizarre reason.

9. Ducky
Why: She's friendly, optimistic most of the time, but somewhat insecure, like me.

10. Hyp
Why: He's just plain cool.

HA. Nimrod and I broke the pattern!


  • Ducky
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1. Ducky
2. Littlefoot's Mother
3. Ali
4. Guido
5. Ozzy
6. Strut
7. Cera
8. Sue (Bernadette Peters has too good a voice, even if she didn't sing)
9. Mr. Thicknose
10. Mr. Clubtail (If only for "°Eso es una bola!")


  • Ducky
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This is my Top 10 fav chars list.

10. Spike.
9. Chomper.
8. Cera.
7. Petrie.
6. Ducky.
5. Grandpa Longneck.
4. Mo.
3. Guido.
2. Littlefoot.
1. Tricia. (aww)

That's all! B)


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  • Cera
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Hm; Pterano comes up quite a bit

10. Guido
9. Chomper
8. Bron
7. Spike
6. Littlefoot
5. Ali
4. Trica
3. Duckie
2. Petrie
1. Pterano

F-14 Ace

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1. Littlefoot's mother
2. Strafe (character I made up)
3. Snork (another character I made up
4. Littlefoot
5. Ruby
6. Ducky
7. Ali
8. Chomper
9. Pterano (is that how you spell it?)
10. Mr. Threehorn

Dash The Longneck

  • Ducky
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In No Order







Tippy(I think that was his name. I'm thinking of that little Spike Tail that Spike makes friends with in "The Big Freeze")





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  • Littlefoot
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Okay, this was definately hard! -_-

10. Petrie: This little flyer has always been a treat to see.  He brings comedy relief with his cowardness.  However, whenever a certian swimmer or any other friend for that matter, is in danger, he sets aside all his fears and comes to the rescue.  The only thing that really bothers me is his bad grammer.  At first, I basically saw it as who he was, but with the way he just ruined certian recent songs that would've seen alot of potential, I just can't forgive him.

9. Spike: The strong, silent member of the gang... literally!  I kind of like the strong-silent type heroes of a story.  They always bring such mystery about who they are.  However, he keeps us wondering why he chooses not to talk.  We know he can, but he prefers not to for some reason.

8. Littlefoot: Ah, Littlefoot!  The leader of the gang we all know and love.  His story of how he lost his mother and moved on has touched each member here in one way or another.  This longneck always finds a way to bring his friends along on the adventure and, during a number of hardships, keep them together.

7. Chomper: What some would consider the friendly sharptooth of the gang.  He was always a liked charcter since he made a nice impact in LBT 5.  I always looked to another sequal with him, even if it would end up taking a million years to happen.  However, when the TV Series hit, there was one charcter that ended up outshining him on my list.

6. Ruby: And this was the one.  She is the main charcter of the TV Series and we have to try to respect that. (Got that you Ruby haters?) I must say that she probably has a worse way of talking than Petrie does, but the difference is that she does it well.  She really doesn't abuse it's use in songs that have real potential and it really works with her charcter.  Something a certian flyer can't seem to accomplish.

5. Guido: Oh man, when this gliding lizard showed up, he just blew away the rest of the competition for my main top five.  He seems to have earned what is considered a pernament spot in it now.  I loved the way he called Petrie's siblings buttheads.  He brought forth a level of comedy that couldn't be matched by any other charcter in the franchise, thus really saving LBT 12 from a rather unpleasent title that I'd rather not name at this point.  In the end, a charcter that saves a movie with just how he is, I have alot of respect for.

4. Ali: For those of us who followed the franchise up to LBT 4, we got treated in LBT 3 on VHS with a very nice preview of the very next sequal that would come out the very next year.  We were introduced to this girl longneck.  In my mind, it sparked the idea that Littlefoot was gaining a girlfriend.  I still think that they'll somehow end up together in the future.  Now, the reason I like her is because she showed just how smart she was when the writers introduced her.  I must admit that "The Brave Longneck Scheme" is a big disappointment to those of us who waited so long for her return.  We really thought she wouldn't fall for something like that.  Plus, with the fact that she saved the life of a certian threehorn, I can only show her my graditude for her by making her one of my top favs.  Ali, the fans of LBT are forever in your debt, as is a certain tomboyish threehorn we all know and love.

3. Ducky:  For a long time she was #2 on the list and for good reason, too.  It was her classic "Yep, yep, yep" that made me fall for her and get so high on my list.  I always feel sorry with how life tends to treat her.  I even did not approve with her being used as bait in the original LBT movie.  If you ask me, she really needs her own movie.  LBT 8 was taken by Spike, despite much argument.  Please Universal, give us a movie that truely belongs to her.

2. Mo: How in the world do you beat the #1 swimmer of the gang?  By being an even better one, that's how!  Mo is such a loveable charcter.  In fact, his very existance brought forth the greatest LBT sequal around, which makes him an even more favorite in my book, but how in the world did he beat Ducky?  By being so much more loveable than her apparently.

However, there is one charcter that beats them all...

1. Cera: The tomboyish threehorn of the gang.  I love how these types of girls act so tough.  In fact, I love these kinds of girls so much that, if luck would have it, I might actually marry one someday.  Tomboyish girls stand out so much from other girls that I can't help but admire them.  It is VERY hard to beat a tomboyish girl in my book, and that will never change.

Well, there ya go!

If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask. :)

Manny Cav

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  • Chomper
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1) Chomper

2) Spike

3) Littlefoot

4) Tickles

5) Petrie

6) Ducky

7) Tippy

8) Ruby

9) Mo

10) Thud


  • Ducky
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alright alright my turn :D

1. ducky
2. bron
3. jerry (someone i made by myself)
4. littlefoot
5. cera
6. petrie
7. spike
8. ducky's mother
9. pterano
10. grandpa

got it yes? good! :p


  • Ruby
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10 Shorty
  9 Bron
  8 Ali
  7 Ruby
  6 Cera
  5 Spike
  4 Littlefoot
  3 Petrie
  2 Ducky
  1 Chomper

One Eye the T-rex

  • Ruby
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10. Bron
9. Sierra
8. Tricia
7. Tria
6. Littlefoot's mother
5. Ducky
4. Cera
3. Littlefoot
2. Chomper
1. Original Sharptooh  ;)


  • Cera
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My List:

1. Littlefoot (I almost always like the hero the most.)
2. Ali
3. Chomper
4. Ducky
5. Spike
6. Petrie
7. Littlefoot's Grandpa
8. Archie
9. Littlefoot's Mom
10. The original Charptooth (the only villain with any real menace to him in this series)
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf