The Gang of Five
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Countdown 2005

Petrie. · 36 · 19100


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Roger grabbed Q's yo-yo.  "Stop walking the dog and join the celebration."

Taking a sip from his own drink, it ended up being so firery, his exhaling emitted clouds of smoke.  "Mmm...barbecue," he muttered.  Drinking the last of the mixture in the cup, he placed the saucer on Q's head.  "You know you need a party hat, and I forgot to bring lampshades." :P:


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Q stares at him "Get out of this" Q said clicking a finger making a massive party hat appear right over Rogar landing over him. Q then pows the drink into a plant pot then leans back on the wall making another yo-yo appear and plays with a grumble in his voice "Stupid annoying rabbit, next trick he pulls a trick I will give him something hot. hot feet" Q mutters


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ooc: I didn't realize Q was magical. <_<


"At least make it the right size next time," laughed Roger as he moved his gloved hands across the structure of the party hat and eventually tipped it over.  Taking another rice krispy treat, he pondered how he could get Q to have some fun.  Seeing that the marshmellow was still stretchy and gooey, he got an idea.

Wandering up to Q once again, he asked, "Want to play a game?"  He broke the confection behind his back and rapidly ran around the saurian, marshmellow strings all around him.  "Care to play Twister?" he grinned as he yanked on the rest of the treat, but the marshmellow string snapped, and his ears drooped.  "It always works on the cartoons."


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Q rolls his eyes "In all the dimensions in all planets I choice to come here" Q mutters "Well I better bring more music and light to here before I get very boried" Q snap his fingers and a disco globe lowers and a CD player with speaks appear playing music that Q thought was intresting in Earth history. "Before you try rabbit, you can't do the little tricks I can pull before your eyes the Q have powers beyond your tiny mind and they are beyond magic tricks" Q said then snap a finger again making the hat vanish and reappear the right size of rogar.


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ooc: I'm tempted to bring out Mewtwo and have him mess with your mind. :lol


Roger frowned at the sight of the disco ball and the disco music that followed.  "Geez, always the Disco Duck," he frowned, "no Rock n' Roll Rabbit or anything."

Then he had an idea.  "You wait right here, you silly little thing," he smiled, grabbing the saurian's cheeks and running off to find a wireless microphone.  Setting it to play over the speakers, he turned it on and announced to the crowd, "It's raining rabbits!" Realizing how bad that came out he tried a different tune,  "Uh, I'm the dancing kiiing," and stopped that one once he realized he wasn't much of a dancer thanks to his large, floppy, rabbit feet.


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STripetail smiled wanly.He gestured and a guitar appeared in Nick's hands. "Err.. thanks.. but I don't even know how to play a guitar.." STripetail cut him off. "The rabbit wants some rockn' roll, whatever that is..." Nick got the hint. "Oh I see.." Hey Roger.. would you like me to play some rock and roll?' He called out.
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"I am getting sick of this rabbit one minutes after the other." Q grumbles then thinks "I wonder what will hit him with a punch." Q click his fingers and vanish he reappears second later "Hot Chilly saruce" Q chuclked adding it to Rogar's drink "Get a blow of that bunny boy" Q makes the bottle vanish and he stands by his corner with arms crossed as he listen to the music

Thunderclaw saw what Q did "Mr Rabbit I advise you don't drink your drink" He warns but the music partly cuts his voice out


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ooc: Woah, woah, TO here....are these characters like Houdini or something, making things appear at their fingertips whenever they please?  Yeah, sure it makes it interesting, but at least I'm trying to keep in character (from what anyone has seen from Roger anyway) but its almost like you guys have no limits.

I'm willing to continue of course, but your character bios for Stripetail and Q don't include the ability to magically make things appear out of nowhere.  What exactly can these two do?


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Profile of Q: Q is of many of the race of Qs that live in a place that called the Q contimum this Q that brings around amusment for himself seeing others getting into stats when he is boried the Q are a race that is immortal and how the power to summon things with a snap of fingers that he wishes to appear at will. the Q mostly care little for races outside their contimum but gave interest to the beings of Earth interfering with history every so often he was Star Trek the Next Generation, Star Trek Deep Space Nine and Star Trek Voyager. he most of the time caused other to do things for his own fun. but lately his trying the other side of being on the mean side but after one time over again he gets to do stuff like it again for his own amusment.

hope that helps out.


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Q shook his head and mutters "I know I know don't play tricks" Q mutters and click his fingers removing his added flavor to Rogar's drink "Spoil sports" Q mutters once more.

"Rogar sounds like that Q really get boried quickly how about trying something that will get him to kick up a laugh or something" THunderclaw suggested whispering quietly to him


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( Brief bio on Stripetail
: Is a very powerful wizard, who can do all sorts of spells and illusions. He is immortal, due to his immemse powers. Is the ruler of a country known as Aestorica, which is home to many different magical creature)
Nick Took off the gitar and set it aside.
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^ You have got to be kidding me. <_<  You've pretty much created an invincible character that can do anything without limitations.  Could you possibly (if you want to continue this rp) post some limitations to this Stripetail?  I just do not like people who play invicible characters that can do no wrong...there's no fun in that because we do use limitations of a character to our advantage or disadvantage for some drama and thinking.  At least this is how RP's are done at another board I visit.


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(Certainly, Roger)
Stripetail sat down and began to think. How to liven up this party.Being here weakened his powers, but on the other hand he was enjoying himself. He looked over at Thundertail. "This party's starting to stall, Goyt any suggestions?"
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Thunderclaw looked at him "Well there is one suggestion I have these holo goggles I spend time trying to make something that looked like your at somewhere but your just sitting down using your mind to move the body" Thunderclaw said to Stripetail

Q stood there looking at them silently.


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Well, we need something to get this party moving. ' Stripetail said glancing at Roger did another routine, which didn't turn out too well.
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