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Ducky123's fanart :)

Ducky123 · 472 · 64192


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While I don't know the story, the picture is quite good! Like others have said, it is nice that Shorty is right in the middle as the main subject. the background, while simple, is detailed and random enough to look nice. And I just love the two heads poking out of the bushes, haha! Nice job :)


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Better reply late than never right?  :sducky

A late entry gets a late response I guess right?  :PAli

It's good to see you make a submission for this one! I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. Despite having the pesky graph paper lines present, the drawing looks all around pretty great! 

I won't comment too much on Shorty since he's mostly taken directly from a reference but needless to say he looks good. Cho and Bron both look real good as well. Littlefoot and Ali look decent enough as well but their heads look a little off, though it's kinda hard to pinpoint exactly what. I see you went with a colour scheme similar to CybertronianBrony's for Littlefoot. Probably looks better then my brown one and is different from Ali's to easily tell them apart so that's good.

Another small nitpick is the changing directions for the sky. You can see the strokes going in clashing directions. I think the long strokes look good with this very bright sunset you're going but I feel like if you had them all pointed radially outward from the sun it would look better. The gradient from the yellow to orange is also a nice touch.

What I feel is the best part of the poster though is the focus with Shorty. His name is in the title after all. He takes a prominent spot at the center of the poster, with almost every character in the background staring intently at him and his actions. I know what you're going for with Littlefoot and Ali but I feel like if you could have included them in this as spectators it might have been better as it seems awkward that they're the only ones happy in this, seemingly ignorant to what is occurring :p

Great stuff though!  :)littlefoot

Thanks for the feedback @Flathead770  :)

I've certainly rushed the sky a bit and I didn't quite know how to create the colour gradient in the first place so I guess I kinda forgot about stroke direction which is something I usually try to keep in mind  :confused

Now that you mention it, it really looks a bit like how Cyber colours Littlefoot  :thinking I'm not too fond of the brown colour scheme I've been using for ages anymore so I tried something different. This is grey with light yellow for the light parts which works alrighty if I daresay so.

I've been thinking about Ali/Littlefoot a lot, believe me. I was conflicted as to whether I should display the issues with Shorty or focus on their happy reunion instead. As you can tell, I decided to portrait that in the end  :PAli

This picture really has a rather cool setup which is really fitting for a poster. Indeed, the tension between Shorty and Cho works rather well and it lays out the themes of the fic quite nicely. All the expressions work really well and the dramatic sky creates a very decent effect that adds to the atmosphere very well. The colors are also smooth enough. As for the problems, Shorty's neck looks a bit too long which isn't that noticeable. What caught my eye more is Littlefoot and Ali's expressions as they seem to break the serious tone of the poster quite clearly. Perhaps trying to create a bit more coherent picture of the characters' feelings towards the main conflicts of the fic could have worked better but the poster is already good enough as it is. Nice job! :)

Thank you very much @Sovereign  :)littlefoot

Yeah, now that you mention it Shorty's neck looks slightly too long  :thinking Well, it looks like you too think a more serious tone for Ali/LF might have worked better. I can certainly get behind that but hard to undo at this point, I'm afraid  :sducky I'm glad you liked the picture though, that's the most important thing in the end :)

While I don't know the story, the picture is quite good! Like others have said, it is nice that Shorty is right in the middle as the main subject. the background, while simple, is detailed and random enough to look nice. And I just love the two heads poking out of the bushes, haha! Nice job :)

Thanks!  :Mo

It's a good story if I dare say so, you should read it  :PAli

The random heads are actually two minor characters I kinda had to fit in SOMEwhere so that came to mind eventually  :PCera Glad you liked the drawing @Mumbling
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Just dropping this WIP here, fully coloured picture hopefully in a few days, gotta focus on my fanfiction prompt entry for now  :bang

I have no clue why it is so f*cking large though...

Edit by Mumbling: resized it for ya.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 12:38:47 AM by Mumbling »
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Oh no! Poor beheaded Petrie and Ducky! Sharptooth finally got them! D':

 It would be better if picture won't be so much cut like original LBt without 11 minutes. :)
But I love this scene so much so it's pretty cool!


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Ha the classic final scene! Looking good so far :)

Oh here's a trick to resizing images. Use: [img width=xxx] instead of just [img]. It will use the amount of pixels you set as a max and resize the image appropriately. I've resized the image to width 900 as an example ^^


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Oh sweet, thank you Iris  :)littlefoot I simply took the imgur link and pasted it and usually that doesn't give me unusually large ppics but I guess my phone has some moods sometimes and likes to randomly snap larger pictures or something XD

Yes, I was gonna comment on the cut off heads when the fully coloured version is out. For once, I messed up the proportions a bit and ended up drawing this about an inch too big for them to fit on the picture. And secondly, they would be so small that they picture would probably look worse with them in it. Therefore, I will make a separate drawing of the two on Littlefoot's head soon where they're large enough to look semi-decent, I suppose  :bolt

I've got some ideas for this one and I'll share my full thoughts about the drawing when it's coloured. :)
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Looks pretty solid thus far! :) Even if copying pictures might easier than drawing a new one, the look of this drawing is thus far steadier and cleaner than usual. But yeah, Petrie and Ducky look really awkward which is rather unfortunate. :p


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I agree that it is looking really good so far! It may be copying the scene from the movie but it's an excellent showcase of the friendship that formed and is an interesting take on the prompt for family.

Oh here's a trick to resizing images. Use: [img width=xxx] instead of just [img]. It will use the amount of pixels you set as a max and resize the image appropriately. I've resized the image to width 900 as an example ^^
Did not know that. Will be handy for the future, thanks!


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Ducky and Petrie aren't cool enough to fit the picture, it seems. Ah, well, we can still kinda see them, so I guess that's a win. :smile
I haven't looked through much of your artwork yet, but I'm sure that I will get that chance sooner or later. Just have to make time to view your work, is all. Even if it's not fully colored yet, I must say that this is some pretty amazing work, Ducky. I like how you chose the classic scene of the gang hugging each other. I might go a bit overboard when I say this, but when you have colored this work, it will look even hundred times better, in my opinion. And furthermore, it looks very similar to the film's own image. At least to me, I can't say the same for everyone else, but that's what it looks like to me and you should be commended for that. :^^spike


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Hey thanks for checking out my stuff Anagnos  :rainbowwave

Unfortunately it is unlikely that I will be adding anything in the near future since I have no joy creating art these days.
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That's a shame. I would like to see more from you eventually. If you ever do find joy in art again, I will be eager to see what you can come up with. For now, just take one day at a time and decide what's the best course of action. :yes


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I'm more into writing these days. Hope that makes up for the lack of art?  :duckyhappy
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Well, as long as you're happy and enjoy doing it, I don't see a problem. :)


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Have you made any LBT related written works yet?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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it's all over the fanfiction forum.

While I have mostly retired as an artist, I'm still quite invested in writing whenever I get find a little time, inspiration and motivation.

Aside from various one-shots I wrote for the fanfiction prompt challenge, there are a few ongoing stories that are more or less on hiatus.

SDP (Shorty's Dark Past) - active but I'm writing ahead on an arc so there's a break in uploading at the moment.

One of my first two stories that actually made the cut. It's set during the events of LBT 10 but with the addition of Ali, some OCs and figures from Shorty's dark past he'd rather forget... I've started rewriting this a while ago so I recommend checking out the new version of it (because the old version is sucky in a few regards  :sducky ).

The land before time fanfiction series - on hiatus

This is a topic for a series of novellizations I'm planning. Currently, I am novellizing the glorious first movie but work on SDP has kinda put it on hiatus for now.

Not Supposed To Be - on hiatus

a story about older Ducky and Petrie. They fell in love and became a couple, however Petrie's instincts linked to the Time of Great Growing as well as his growing doubts about their relationship (growing differences in size and other issues that come with inter-species relationships) are threatening to tear their bond apart. The story begins when Petrie goes on a journey, leaving Ducky behind devastated. Are they really supposed to be? Both will have to find out.

I simply haven't worked on this in ages so I feel safer continuing work on the other stories for now but I have no intention of leaving it unfinished such as a few other projects I wrote over time...

I also have a short FINSHED story to offer. It's about SUCKY, a very unfortunate swimmer and a bit of a crackfic. You have been warned  :)petrie
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Oh boy I haven't uploaded any pics in forever  :opetrie I'll put the pic in spoilers in case people want to wait for the final product (also someone tell me again how to resize these?  :bang )

Spoiler: ShowHide

Well, here's my preliminary submission for the Hurt|Fear prompt, a one page comic about Ducky as she regrets Spike's departure. Time taken up to this point is likely around 30 hours. I'll make a full artist's note (does this term exist?   :thinking) once it's done which won't be before February as I have to work on finishing the current prompt somewhat in time  :PCera
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Wow! Getting some experience in for the comic prompt coming up later this year? ;)

I really like it. Ducky's face looks quite natural in most of the tiles, which is impressive enough on its own. Add to that the detailed backgrounds and you've definitely got yourself a masterpiece right here. The only real feedback I have is that Ducky's head doesn't quite look right in the first panel, but other than that... Yeah, simple amazing.

As for how to resize: add width=xxx where xxx is the max number of pixels in the first img tag, like this: [img width=800]


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it's amazing!!!

ESPECIALLY background and shading!!! :O
and I love format of this picture. :)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2020, 04:30:23 PM by Sneak »


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Very decent work. :chompysmile We haven't really seen comics before and you certainly made a lot of great expression here. The first three pictures created a very somber and sad mood for the rest of the comic and they worked perfectly. I really like what you made here but sadly, the pictures' size make it a bit difficult to see the comic as a single entity. Likewise, the spiketails in the first picture look.. not great. I get they're far away but still... But overall, a great idea with a pretty good execution. :^^spike