The Gang of Five
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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 99566


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You keep topping yourself! :lol:

Everything just works so perfect! The dialogues, the descriptions, the thoughts...

Too bad I roughly know why chapter 14 will be graphic :p What I don't know, is the way you'll write it so I'm literally bursting in anticipation! :yes
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thank you for the kind words.  :) Yeah, since you have already read my rough draft for the plot synopsis I would imagine that eliminates much of the suspense.  However, I still think that you will find some surprises in there.  :yes

With regards to the next chapter, I should have it posted within the hour.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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 Chapter 13   Memories of blood

“When the Fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin', but not to help.” ― Thomas Harris, The Silence of the Lambs

"Urgh..."  Chomper moaned as the bright circle emerged from behind thick mid-morning clouds.  

The brief respite of sleep was soon removed from the little biter as the new day had begun.  With the resumption of consciousness also came the return of the memories from the previous night.  Chomper realized that today was going to be a truly eventful one.  Littlefoot had accepted the necessity of acquiring food at any cost.  They would soon have the difficult duty of convincing the others and preparing for a hunt.  Hunting dinosaurs was a far different proposition than hunting ground fuzzies or buzzers.  Even besides the danger involved, there was also the emotional component.  When Chomper had hunted with his parents on the island he was racked with some guilt despite knowing the necessity of his actions.  He could only imagine what the others would go through.  How much pain had Littlefoot gone through to even have him consider the possibility of hunting his own kind?  It seemed that he had been considering his situation for quite some time.  It was something that Chomper resolved he would bring back up with the former longneck.  However, right now they had a more important matter to attend to.

Chomper slowly rose from his prone position and rubbed his eyes.  He needed to wake Littlefoot so that they could get started today.  As he looked at the slumbering brown fast biter, and considered what the gang would soon be going through, Chomper thought back to the first time he hunted with his parents.  It was only a few moon cycles after he had learned leaf-eater from Ruby...


Many seasons ago:

"Alright son, it is time that you learned how to do this."  

Chomper nodded reluctantly, but was uneasy at his father's words.  Although his mother was more sympathetic to Chomper's reservations due to Chomper's unique entry into the world, Dein was less than impressed with his son's objections.  That way that he saw it Chomper would have to hunt for his food sooner or later, and it would be preferable for him to learn these skills while he was still young.  Sentimentality was unbecoming of a sharptooth, in his opinion.  His son would simply have to learn the hard facts of life.  Chomper simply couldn't live off of buzzers and his parent's kills forever.

Dein sighed at his son's half-hearted response.  "Don't be like that, son.  It is something that every sharptooth has to do."  He paused for a moment to sniff the air.  "Ah, swimmer."  He muttered to both himself and his mate.  "It looks like we have found you a target, Chomper.  It smells like a small swimmer.  Stay close behind and observe what we do."

Chomper observed as his mother went into a stalking stance, almost bringing her head and tail parallel to the ground.  Shortly thereafter, his father did the same.  They then slowly edged through the forest as silently and stealthily as two large rexes could.  They obviously had their sniffers fixed on the young swimmer.  If such a swimmer was a small enough catch for him, then obviously it wasn't worth the effort of his parents.  Such a meal would barely be an appetizer for them.  No, his parents were trying to find him suitable prey in order to test out his hunting skills.  Chomper had deep misgivings about this.

How could I kill a leaf-eater?  The little biter asked himself?  They have feelings just like us.  My friends in the valley even raised me despite being a different kind.  He reflected for a moment.  How can I now harm others?

He and his parents had several heated arguments about this.  At first, his mother was sympathetic to his plight and suggested that he could go a little longer before hunting, provided that he practiced his stalking skills.  Chomper excelled at stalking, but he never did kill his quarry.  Most of the time the poor leaf-eaters didn't even know he was there.  If they did see him and run away, then Chomper would simply let them flee.  He couldn't stomach the idea of killing another dinosaur.  Even the thought of it would make him think back to his five friends in the valley or to Ruby, the friendly fast runner who taught him the leaf-eater language.  This reluctance to kill was a trait that his parents noticed in him and for some reason that concerned them.

Finally, his father had told him in no uncertain terms that he would hunt the next day.  "You can't survive off of our catches forever, Chomper.  You will have to learn how to kill."  He had hoped that his mother would grant him another reprieve on this task, but his hopes were for naught.  "Your father is right, Chomper.  This is something that you are going to have to learn."  Terri was a good mother who could even be accused of coddling her son, but she had to draw the line somewhere.  It was better for him to deal with this reality now, then later on when he had no choice in the matter.  With both of his parents looking at him with looks that brokered no disagreement, Chomper had reluctantly complied.  His parents cared for him deeply, even to the point of invading the valley in order to look for him.  He did not want to disappoint them.

So here he was observing his parents in preparation for his first actual hunt.  Despite his deep misgivings, his mind was working overdrive in observing and thinking about what his parents were doing. They are avoiding the leaves in order to move quietly.  I didn't know they could move that quietly. Thus far he had not seen anything different in their technique than what he had used in his "mock hunts" with leaf-eaters.  They were simply using them with far more finesse and skill than he thought possible.  He then noticed that his mother was signaling to his father.  She made her right forelimb get close to her eye and then bobbed her head once.  That was immediately followed by his father signaling to his nose and bobbing twice.  She nodded and then made a gesture for Chomper to catch up to them.  Chomper walked very carefully as he did not want to ruin his parent's work.  After a few moments, however, he had arrived at their location.

"Okay Chomper, what did you notice in observing us?"  His mother asked.

Chomper pondered for a moment before answering.  "Well... Both of you were very quiet."  At his mother's nod, he continued.  "You were able to see one swimmer and daddy was able to smell two."

"Very good."  His father affirmed from behind the duo.  "The mother of this swimmer is in the lake to our left."  He laughed softly for a moment.  "Quite possibly looking for her lost youngling."  He paused for a moment before pointing with his forelimb at an opening in the forest canopy.  "The youngling, on the other hand, is right in front of us.  Take a look."

Chomper allowed himself to be picked up by his father and looked through the forest canopy.  A young swimmer was walking slowly in a narrow gorge quite a distance away from the aforementioned lake.  The gorge seemed to have a narrow stream in it that traveled from a mountain into the gorge before eventually empting into the lake.  It appeared as if there was only one way in or out of the gorge, and it was in plain sight.  However, it looked like that the swimmer had trapped herself into a corner, as she was slowly walking back to the gorge's entrance.  She obviously would not be able to make it before they could catch her.  With a glum passing thought, Chomper noted that the swimmer must have been no older than Ducky.

His mother then spoke to him.  "So son, how would you proceed?"

Chomper thought for a moment.  They were testing his mind more than his body, he noted, and he didn't want to disappoint them.  After a few moments he gave his answer.

"The swimmer is trapped in the gorge, so I would cut off its escape."  Chomper began.

"Good.  Then what?"  His mother asked.

"Stalk it until I can trap it into a corner.  Then attack."  He responded quickly.

"Good.  If you attack headlong, even with the escape route cut off, there is the possibility that it can outmaneuver you.  If you attack by surprise, the prey has little chance of escape."  His father was the one to speak this time.  "It is nice to know that you have been listening to my lessons even though you seem to have refused to use them until now."  He looked at his son with an odd mixture of both pride and annoyance.  Chomper looked away in embarrassment.  "Now is the time, Chomper."  At his son's nod, he continued.  "We will go after the swimmer's mother, while you go after the youngling."  He ordered.  "Do not let it escape."  The last sentence, although spoken without anger or reproach, brokered no disagreement.  Chomper quickly nodded and ran into the grassland that resided between the gorge and the forest, apparently eager set about his task.

He did not hear his parents talk to one another after he stalked off.

"He will try to warn the swimmer, won't he?"  His father asked with a sigh.  He didn't buy his son's feigned eagerness.

"Undoubtedly."  Terri confirmed.

Dein sighed for a moment.  "I think one kill will break him of this behavior of his."  He stated.  "I can take out the adult swimmer easily by myself.  It smells weak."  He affirmed.  "Perhaps you can give Chomper a helpful nudge?"

Terri nodded in agreement, but then spoke softly to her mate.  "You realize that this is going to hurt Chomper?"

Dein nodded, before sighing in resignation.  "He has to learn sometime."

Terri smiled.  "I know, but he has feelings for leaf-eaters because he was hatched by them."  She paused for a moment.  "Then there is that one longneck that Chomper talks about... He apparently was there when he hatched."  He looked at her mate with an amused expression.  "Chomper seems to think of him like a brother or something."

Dein grunted in annoyance.  "Being hatched by leaf-eaters would mess up anyone."  He then spoke with incredulity.  "A longneck for a brother, ha!  What is your point, dear?"

"My point, oh joyful one."  He bristled slightly at her teasing tone.  "Is that after I help Chomper make the hard choice, we should help him deal with his feelings."  He outright rolled his eyes at this idea.  "We may not understand it, but he obviously cares about the food dearly and we should help him with that."  She finished with a pleading look at her mate.

Although this discussion was annoying him, Dein was not totally oblivious of what his mate was saying.  Chomper would need some counsel on this matter.  This, however, did not mean that he had to be happy about Chomper's abnormal behavior.  

"Fine, dear.  But I think that you should handle it."  She smiled at his acquiescence.  "I don't have the patience for it."

Terri smiled broadly.  Her mate put up a rough exterior, but he had a good heart underneath his well-practiced demeanor.  Sometimes he just needed a hand in expressing it.  "Alright, dear.  I suppose I should supervise Chomper now, and you have dinner to catch.  Unless you need help, that is."  She added with a slightly teasing voice.

"I can take care of it!"  He responded with annoyance at her playful teasing.  "Just make sure that our son doesn't play with his food, will ya?"

With a slight huff, Dein went off to hunt the mother swimmer.  Considering how much she had riled him up, Terri actually felt somewhat sorry for the swimmer.  It most certainly wouldn't stand a chance now.

She then headed off in the direction of the gorge.  It was time to see her son in action.


Chomper had quickly run to the opening of the gorge, before stopping.  The time for stalking had arrived.  He had to sneak up on the young swimmer in order to catch it in ambush.  A headlong rush could lead to the swimmer escaping.  For the moment he put aside his misgivings from earlier and went into a stalking stance.  You can do this, Chomper. The young biter told himself.  It is just like what you have done in the past. Except, of course, he would actually have to catch and kill his prey this time.

While walking in his stalking stance, he went from boulder to boulder.  He made quick rushes from one to the other, before resting for a time and checking his surroundings.  Speed was not the main consideration now.  Stealth was the main concern.

At one of these stops, he took a deep breath and examined the scents from around him.  He could easily pick out the swimmer from the scents blowing in his direction from the interior of the gorge.  It was a small female, he could deduce, and it was already injured.

An easy kill. Some part of his mind pointed out.  He shook his head at this thought.  There was something about that line of thinking that felt so natural, but yet it also seemed like a betrayal of those who helped hatch him.  The guilt that he had tried to suppress during much of this journey had returned in force.

He looked out from behind the boulder he was hiding behind and immediately jumped back.  It was the swimmer!  She was walking in a slow and unsteady manner, as a large gash on her leg indicated a nasty injury.  It was obvious to Chomper that this swimmer would not live for very long in her condition.  The only question was whether he would be the cause of her demise or if something else would do the job for him.  He figured that he was the most humane option.

He walked out from behind the boulder and made no attempt to hide himself.

"Ah!  Sharptooth!"  The little swimmer called out and immediately turned back in order to flee.  Unfortunately for her, the injured leg couldn't handle the strain and she tumbled to the gorge floor.  She began to thrash as she tried desperately to get up from her prone condition, but it was clear from Chomper's perspective that she was not going anywhere in a hurry.  He slowly advanced towards his prey...


Terri watched from the ridge above the gorge as her son advanced towards the young swimmer.  Perhaps I won't have to urge him on after all. She noted.  He seems to be going in for the kill.

She decided to stay back and calmly observe her son's handiwork.


Chomper advanced slowly on the injured swimmer.  However, upon looking at the cowering female, an image immediately arose within the little biter's mind.  The swimmer reminded him of Ducky, one of the leaf-eater's who had helped him after he hatched.  This unwanted thought caused him to question himself.  Maybe I could let her get away.  He thought uncertainly to himself.  I could hide her until her leg got better.

"Don't run away!"  He called out to the swimmer.

The swimmer stumbled a short distance, before falling again.  Her leg injury severely hampered her ability to move.  However, the sudden voice did not help her concentration either.  did the sharptooth actually speak?

"You can speak?"  The swimmer asked in surprise.

"Sure!  My name is Chomper.  What's yours?"  He responded in his usual innocent manner.

"Um... I am Arlan."  The swimmer spoke, still confused and frightened by her predicament.  "Are you going to kill me?"

Chomper paused for a moment.  Was he?  He still wasn't sure what to do at this point.  Part of his mind told him that he needed to learn to hunt and that he owed it to his parents to make a kill.  However, some other part of him found that this was wrong.  He was conflicted in what to do.

"I just chased on instinct.  It is what we do."  Chomper dodged the question.  He was uncertain if the swimmer actually had a chance on that injured leg of hers.  If she did, then he would try to save her and just tell his parents that she got away.  Otherwise, he would make it quick.

The swimmer looked at the little biter with a mixture of relief and concern.  She knew that she would have little chance if the sharptooth attacked her, so she decided to listen to him.  What did she have to lose at this point?

"Follow me and I will take us out of the gorge."  Chomper suggested.  "We have to hurry.  My mommy and daddy are here."  At the swimmer's gasp, Chomper continued.  "I don't think you want to meet them."

The little biter then gently grasped the swimmer's forelimb and helped her off of the hard ground.  With an appreciative nod the swimmer followed the sharptooth towards the gorge entrance.


Terri sighed.  I figured that this would happen. She thought to herself. I guess that Chomper needs some motivation.

As she was about to roar and alert her son of her presence, she heard a loud roar followed by an alert call.


Caw... Caw...  Urk.

Well there goes the mother.  She thought with satisfaction.  Time to help my son with the last loose end.



The swimmer heard the commotion from a distance and recognized the roar of a sharptooth followed by the panicked call of her mother.  

"Mommy!  I am coming!"  Arlan yelled in despair, as she attempted to limp faster with limited success.

It was not lost on Chomper that the swimmer's call was cut off suddenly.  My parents have done their part.  Chomper thought.  It is up to me now, isn't it?


Chomper looked up and noticed that his mother was looking at him from the ledge of the gorge.  He had an audience now.  An audience that expected him to succeed.  He would not be able to hide Arlan now.

He looked in front of him and took a closer look at the swimmer.  They had just traveled to within visual range of the entrance into the gorge after a particularly slow trek, which attested to the crippling injury that the swimmer had.  He could smell the blood dripping from the wound and now noted that it had a tinge of infection.  How did I not notice that? Chomper asked himself.  It appeared that his sentimentality and nostalgia for his past friends had blinded him to the realities of the present.  If she were to live, the best that this swimmer could now hope for is to suffer from a painful infection as an orphan and to live the remainder of her short life crippled.  It was obvious what the humane choice was.

"Oh no!  There is another one!"  Arlan exclaimed before looking at Chomper with fearful eyes.  "What do we do now?"

Chomper didn't reply, but instead walked up to the young swimmer.

"Chomper?"  The swimmer asked.

Chomper stopped just in front of the swimmer before looking upon her with an apologetic expression.

"Arlan.  I am so sorry.  I really am."

With a sudden flurry of movement, Chomper leapt upon the hapless swimmer and struck at her throat with his powerful jaws.  After only a few seconds of struggle, it was over.  At least he had given her a quick end.

As he stepped away from the now dead swimmer, he looked upon his bloody handiwork.  Confirming visually what he had just done, he then looked upon his blood-soaked red forelimbs.  For the first time in his short life he had killed another dinosaur.  A line had been crossed that he could not return from.  A part of him mourned the innocence that he had lost.

He then embraced the corpse of the fallen swimmer and began to weep.


After an indeterminate amount of time, Chomper heard the thundering footsteps of an approaching sharptooth.

"It isn't easy, is it son?"  His mother's voice softly asked.

The teary-eyed sharptooth looked up at his mother and nodded.

"I am sorry, Chomper.  But even though leaf-eaters may have hatched you, they are still your food."  She continued as she picked up the little biter with her forelimbs.  "It would have been easier on you if you didn't know what they were saying."  At that moment Terri was inwardly cursing that young fast runner.  Knowing what leaf-eaters were saying would be a good advantage in hunts, but it was also mental torture for a kind soul such as Chomper.  It would have been infinitely more merciful for him to simply view leaf-eaters as food, as his kind generally did.  Instead he was being tortured by a fate that he couldn't change.

"Does it get any easier, mommy?"  Chomper asked her as she nuzzled him.

A good question.  She reflected.  Most sharpteeth did not feel any remorse at the idea of eating leaf-eaters.  Why would they?  But when sharpteeth are forced to kill family or allies then they often enough will feel guilt, even when such actions were necessary.  It was not something that she could relate to personally, but she did remember the words of her father when he told her of the time he had to eat others of their kind in order to survive.  "Time can heal all wounds, so long as you survive long enough."

"Yes, Chomper.  Yes it does."  She answered softly.  As she noticed the little biter dry his eyes, she smiled at him.  "Don't worry little one, I will tell your father that you meant to kill that swimmer all along."  She then continued as the young biter uttered a relieved sigh.  "Now dry your eyes and get ready to walk.  Your dad will be expecting us.  It's dinner time."

After she sat Chomper on the ground and picked up Chomper's first kill with her forelimbs, the two began to journey to the site of Dein's kill.  A part of Chomper's innocence had died that day, but something else was born.  

Several seasons later, when Chomper traveled to the valley, he made a vow to keep that newly-awakened killing instinct under tight control.  He resolved then that he would not break that promise until it was time for him to finally fully embrace his sharptooth side.  There would be no more painful conflict between his tender beginnings and his inevitable future.  When it was time for him to accept his fate, he would simply sit aside the part of him that could no longer be.  When that day came he would wish his friends goodbye, leave the valley, and accept his fate.  It was the only way.


Back to the Present:

Chomper blinked a few times as his thoughts returned to the present.  His friends would soon be going through the same struggle and agony that he had gone through seasons ago.  The only thing that he could do is be there when they waivered or broke under the strain of what they were doing.  He at the very least could do that.

Chomper stepped up to Littlefoot and carefully shook the fast biter with his forelimb.


A groan emitted from the fast biter as he slowly rose from his prone position.  With a massive stretch and yawn Littlefoot finally rose to his full height.  He blinked a few times before responding to Chomper.

"It's morning already?"

Chomper nodded.  "Yeah.  The others aren't up yet."  The little biter paused for a moment before stating what was on his mind.  "Are you ready for this Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot paused for a moment.  "No.  No, I'm not."  He sighed.  "But... We are getting worse, Chomper.  We have to do something.  If we don't hunt something else then we might..."

At Littlefoot's pause Chomper finished for him.  "...Turn on one another."

Littlefoot nodded.  "We have no choice."  He then looked in the direction where Petrie said the herd was the day before.  "We have to do this."

Chomper looked at Littlefoot in a state of awe as a hardened look appeared upon Littlefoot's face.  It seems that the harsh resolve of the pack leader was beginning to manifest within him.  Chomper wondered for a moment whether this change was caused by their current difficulty or was actually a gradual change that he hadn't really noticed until now.  Either way, it was a very noticeable change.  Chomper would have to bring this to Littlefoot's attention after the hard work of the day was done.  He had to make sure that their attempt at keeping themselves under control did not in itself lead Littlefoot to lose himself.  They had to hunt now, that was true.  But he did not want to see his old friend lose his kind and caring personality in order take hard but necessary actions.

Littlefoot then talked to Chomper in a motivated voice.  "Let's wake the others.  It is time."

Chomper nodded as they set out about the work of waking the others.  Then they would try to convince them of the necessity of the hunt.



Well this is going about as well as expected. Chomper thought to himself.  At least only Cera is reacting violently to the idea.

Ruby, Petrie, and Chomper had agreed to the hunting idea, whereas Ducky and Spike were conflicted on the issue.  Spike was sure of its merits, but unsure that he could participate.  Ducky was horrified by the idea, but was even more horrified at what was happening to the group.  They had started to lose control over their emotions and begin to snap at one another.  She was in a situation where the right choice was obvious but also abhorrent.

“But I do not want to be a killer!  Oh, no, no, no!”  Ducky exclaimed.

“But what choice do we have?”  Spike asked.  “If we don’t do this then we might turn on one another.”  He looked at Cera when he made that statement, the irony of him making that observation having not escaped his notice.

He finally relented on his prior objections.  “I will do whatever the group decides.”

Ducky was overwhelmed by this turn of events.  Intellectually, she understood the severity of their situation and the fact that they had limited options.  Emotionally, however, she was horrified beyond all reckoning.  She was always the gentle soul in the group that was able to find the goodness in everyone.  How could she then become a calculating killer?  She was unable to make any decisions in her current conflicted mental state, so she decided to let the group decide.  Like her brother, she would abide by the group’s consensus.

Meanwhile, the debate continued.

"We have to do this, we have no choice!"  Ruby exclaimed.  "If we had any other choice, then that choice I would choose."  She wasn't happy with the situation, but she realized its necessity.  Just like when she stole the egg when she was young, sometimes you have to do what you have to do.  Although she understood her distress, she was quickly tiring of Cera's antics.

"So you have decided to join in, huh?"  Cera asked mockingly.  "Did Chomper tell you nice stories about how tasty longnecks are?"

"Cera..."  Spike may not have been on good terms with Cera at the moment, on account of their fight the day before, but even he knew that she was pushing this way too far.  Ruby looked irate and Littlefoot didn't look much better.

Cera was livid and did not hear Spike's cautionary words.  In fact, in her current state, she would have brushed them aside anyway.  The last aspect of their leaf-eater sides were being pushed aside with Littlefoot's call to hunt.  She was not going to let this go.  With that in mind, she turned towards Littlefoot and played her last trump card.

"What would your mother have thought?"

Cera's words descended upon the group like a pile of boulders.  Complete silence permeated the scene as the two fast biters simply stared at one another.  Cera with an accusing expression and Littlefoot with an unreadable expression.

Crap. Spike thought morosely to himself.  This is not going to end well.

Ducky, who had been quietly listening during the entire debate, took a quick look in Ruby and Spike's direction.  With a few quick nods, the trio began to move towards the front of the group.  They were convinced that they would soon have a fight to break up.

Littlefoot calmly began to walk up to Cera.  His demeanor exhibited no malice or aggression.  In fact, Cera could not determine anything about Littlefoot's mood from his current actions.  She couldn't tell if he was trying to deescalate the situation or to end it.  Whether he was full of calm serenity or calm fury.  This unknown variable frightened her and as a result she began to move into a defensive position.

"Guys..."  Chomper cautioned.  He could see the trio move up to the front and Littlefoot walking towards Cera.  We can't start fighting!  Not now! He too began to rush towards the front of the group.

Littlefoot continued his approach to Cera, but made no offensive gestures.  As the trio of Ducky, Spike, and Ruby walked up to within a few paces of the two, Littlefoot walked up to meet Cera face-to-face.

The two stared one another down for a few moments.  Each looked at the other with cold, unblinking eyes.  It was a battle of wills, Chomper deduced, as neither wanted to be the one who gave the first sign of weakness.  He settled near the trio of fast biters in order to break up the confrontation in the event that it turned violent.  None of them could deny that the hunger madness was beginning to take hold now.  He had never seen any of his friends act like this as leaf-eaters.  It was a jarring change.

Petrie had settled onto Ducky's back.  He was horrified at the sudden change in his two friends.  What is happening? The flyer asked himself.  Why they act this way?

"Guys..."  Petrie began.  "Me no like this!  You two act like bad sharpteeth!"

Oh shut up Petrie!  Cera thought to herself.  I am showing this stubborn upstart who is boss! But then as the seconds rolled by, she actually examined her thoughts in more detail.  Wait.  Am I acting like a sharptooth?  That can't be! She focused all of her attention to what she was seeing once again and the same unblinking, harsh eyes stared back at her.  She couldn't recognize the version of Littlefoot that stood in front of her.  Did she look like he did right now?  If so, then what did that say about her? Even without hunting I am losing myself. She concluded.  Is there no hope?  She thought mournfully.

Cera took one step back and looked down, averting her eyes slightly.  She didn't realize it, and probably would not have done it if she did realize it, but she had just made a gesture of submission.  She was the first to back down.

Littlefoot blinked, before nodding once.  His expression softened ever so slightly.  The others noticed this and visibly relaxed.  Although they couldn't say quite why, they knew that the worst had passed.

Littlefoot took the opportunity to speak.  "That was out of line, Cera."  His voice was soft.  Disturbingly soft.  "Do you honestly think that I haven't asked myself that question?"  He began pacing back and forth.  "It's bad enough that I have to fight my instincts..."  He began while looking away.  "But I never thought that I would have to fight... My own friends!"  The last three words were roared out in suppressed rage.  Chomper cringed.  How much had Littlefoot been holding back?

Cera looked up at Littlefoot with a mixture of anger and fear.  She understood his rage at her question, but certainly he should understand her reluctance to hunt.

"It isn't fair! "  She roared.  "If we don't hunt then we lose control.  But if we do hunt, then what is the point of keeping control?"  She began to pace as well, as suppressed tears fell down her face.  "I don't want to be a killer."  She said sadly as she looked off into the distance.  Cera was finally coming to terms with what Littlefoot had just dealt with the night before.  Although Littlefoot was still angry at this point, he understood that he couldn't hold her outburst against her.  She had just experienced a death.  Not the death of a loved one or a friend, but rather the death of a hope.  The hope that they could avoid what being a sharptooth entailed.  Now only the horrible realization of what they must do remained.

Littlefoot's expression softened as he saw his close friend break down in despair.  He approached cautiously, with his head bowed down in a gesture of truce.  He then looked at her with a soft expression before speaking.

"I don't want to kill either, Cera."  He shook his head.  "And I don't know what it means. All I know is that we will get through it together."  The two sat side by side for a moment, each coming to terms with their emotions.

Chomper looked sadly at the scene in front of him when suddenly he heard a sob to his right.  He looked in that direction to see Spike and Ducky comforting one another, whereas Petrie and Ruby looked on with unreadable expressions.  He walked up to Ruby and placed his forelimb onto hers and gave her a sad smile.  They were all in this together, as Littlefoot had said.  Now they had to come to terms with the fateful decision that they had made.

"Petrie."  Littlefoot called suddenly.

Petrie flew over to the brown fast biter and looked upon him with an inquisitive expression.  "We need to find that herd."  He stated assertively.  "Can you help lead us to it?  You're the only one with a flyer's view."  He stated the obvious.

"Me can look."  Petrie affirmed.  

At this Littlefoot nodded his head at the little flyer and cleared his throat.  Now is the time.  Littlefoot thought to himself.  We need to hurry if we are going to catch up with the herd today.

"Well, guys."  He began.  "We should get going."  He then looked at the others.  "We have to do this.  I wish we had some other choice, but... we don't.  Not anymore."  He affirmed.  He then looked in the direction that the herd was during the previous night before again speaking.  "Chomper?"

Chomper looked up and responded cautiously.  "Yes, Littlefoot?"

Littlefoot sighed.  "None of us have ever hunted... others... before."  He paused for a moment.  "Could you give us lessons while we walk to the herd?  We will need any help that we can get."

Chomper nodded before responding.  "Of course, Littlefoot."

With few words being exchanged, the gang began to head off towards the longneck herd.  The difficult decision had been made.  Now the most difficult part was ahead.  Each of the gang walked on in apprehension at the task that awaited them.  Nothing would ever be the same again.

Author's Note :
I would like to thank brekclub85 (aka. Scream96 on for allowing me to use his names for Chomper's mother and father in the story.  I wanted to use those names in homage of his story, Sharptooth Valley, which was the first "gang turning into sharpteeth" story that I ever read.  To a great extent his story helped inspire me to write my own idea of the concept.  I would strongly encourage all of my readers to read his excellent work if you have not already done so.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Chapter 11 has a variable pace. In places it is rather slow. I have in mind the introspections of Ducky, Spike and Volant, which perhaps needn't be so detailed. The adult's meeting was well done. It's risky to write the right amount of emotional drama in such scenes. You played it safe, and it turned out good. There was a thing in there somewhere that bothered me though. The phrase "grammar-challenged flyer". It doesn't fit with the mood of the sentence.

The implications of Volant spotting them should be nasty. The Valley has the will and the means to use a lot of manpower to find and dispose of the unwilling fast biters. This will bring them into more trouble than Screech and Thud have to offer, I reckon.

Also, the way the character's interact with nature betrays that you have had some experience with nature yourself. There are numerous details there that would be hard to make up. I also wonder how much of the behaviour and thought processes you give to the fast biters is based off of actual predators, and how much of it is an educated guess.

Now to Screech and Thud. The whole escape is a treat to read! You had me guessing at what did Chomper actually do to make them go way they did, but I was as clueless as Ducky and Spike. The trash talk between Littlefoot and Screech leaves me wanting, though.

The series and this story has established that Red Claw and his minions are outcasts in sharptooth society. I guess that one of the reasons would be that they have no scrupules about when and whom they hunt and whom they don't, as is shown by this chapter. Since they are the dinosaur equivalents of bums and bandits, the insults they would hurl at others would have to be pretty poisonous, quite more colorful than this exchange. Since you have experience with hunting, you could easily imagine what an argument between two older, drunken hunters from a rural area might sound like, and then exaggerate it for dramatic effect. :smile

I can't think of anything else to say about this chapter, so I'll go on to the next one.


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Chapter 11 has a variable pace. In places it is rather slow. I have in mind the introspections of Ducky, Spike and Volant, which perhaps needn't be so detailed. The adult's meeting was well done. It's risky to write the right amount of emotional drama in such scenes. You played it safe, and it turned out good. There was a thing in there somewhere that bothered me though. The phrase "grammar-challenged flyer". It doesn't fit with the mood of the sentence.

Yeah, I reworked the more introspective portions several times and had difficulty getting the pacing just right.  As for the "grammar-challenged flyer" quote, it does seem a bit out of place now that you mention it.  I may need to rework that later.

The implications of Volant spotting them should be nasty. The Valley has the will and the means to use a lot of manpower to find and dispose of the unwilling fast biters. This will bring them into more trouble than Screech and Thud have to offer, I reckon.

Interesting idea.   :yes And if any one of the valley residents wanted revenge, I am sure that a well-placed word from Volant would ensure the support of flyers outside the Valley in order to scout for the gang.

Also, the way the character's interact with nature betrays that you have had some experience with nature yourself. There are numerous details there that would be hard to make up. I also wonder how much of the behaviour and thought processes you give to the fast biters is based off of actual predators, and how much of it is an educated guess.

A good deal is conjecture on my part, although it is based upon known behavioral patterns in pack hunters, such as wolves.  In particular, the dominance play, reliance on scent, and linear problem-solving skills have been noted in other predators.  I simply filled in the gaps.

Now to Screech and Thud. The whole escape is a treat to read! You had me guessing at what did Chomper actually do to make them go way they did, but I was as clueless as Ducky and Spike.

Thank you.  The trick that I highlighted is actually something I learned from a family member who was a survivalist type.  He said that a similar trick would come in handy if the police ever sent bloodhounds after you.  Needless to say he was an interesting fellow.

The trash talk between Littlefoot and Screech leaves me wanting, though.

The series and this story has established that Red Claw and his minions are outcasts in sharptooth society. I guess that one of the reasons would be that they have no scrupules about when and whom they hunt and whom they don't, as is shown by this chapter. Since they are the dinosaur equivalents of bums and bandits, the insults they would hurl at others would have to be pretty poisonous, quite more colorful than this exchange. Since you have experience with hunting, you could easily imagine what an argument between two older, drunken hunters from a rural area might sound like, and then exaggerate it for dramatic effect.

That is true.  However, sometimes the worst insults are not those that involve obscenities but rather those that strike out at a person's insecurities.  Implying that Red Claw is a fool (a considerable insult in some cultures) strikes at the perceived competence of their leader, whereas implying that the two fast biters are incompetent strikes out at the weaknesses of the two henchmen.  They have obviously been foiled before (by leaf-eater children no less) which would no doubt cause them great distress over their abilities.

Besides the sort of dialogue I have heard from drunken hunters over the years would not be tolerated on this forum and would probably put off many of my readers on :p  That is one of the main reasons I kept the insults rather tame.

Thank you for the response.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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That chapter was just beautiful, Rhombus.

I'm glad Mrs. Chomper is the sympathetic type, wanting to help Chomper deal with his feelings. I wonder if Chomper would have gone through with that killing if he couldn't rationalize it as him putting her out of her misery.

The part with Littlefoot and Cera was done very well as well. I hope Chomper's worries don't come true. The gang is having to hunt now, but hopefully they don't lose their selves in the process. Littlefot is at least being compassionate after Cera basically said the worst kind of insult she possibly could have for the situation.

I'm a little disappointed you didn't get to the hunting yet, but just a little bit. I know you're just building here, trying to make us more excited for what's coming up. And I'll tell ya, I'm excited! :DD

I wonder if during future hunts, your gonna bring up things their prey are saying, since Chomper's gonna hear them, and he is going to have to deal with them. That's one thing the rest of the gang now has over him. That also makes me think about the possibility of Chomper re-teaching his friends the flat-tooth language. Would they even WANT that? Would it even be possible?

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Thank you for the response.  I am glad that you enjoyed this chapter.  :)

I'm glad Mrs. Chomper is the sympathetic type, wanting to help Chomper deal with his feelings. I wonder if Chomper would have gone through with that killing if he couldn't rationalize it as him putting her out of her misery.

A very good observation.  It took a lot of pressure for Chomper to kill his first dinosaur.  Not only did it take parental pressure but also contextual pressure by having the swimmer already be injured.  However, as Chomper admits in his thoughts, it was much easier to hunt after that first time.  I base that reaction off of my own reactions to butchering animals on the farm as a kid.  It gets easier after you get more accustomed to the process of death.

Littlefot is at least being compassionate after Cera basically said the worst kind of insult she possibly could have for the situation.

Indeed. :yes  Bringing up his mother after they are all angry and very hungry wasn't exactly a good idea.  It is important to note, however, that Cera is fighting against the inevitable here.  She is raging more so at her situation as opposed to Littlefoot.

I'm a little disappointed you didn't get to the hunting yet, but just a little bit. I know you're just building here, trying to make us more excited for what's coming up. And I'll tell ya, I'm excited!

Don't worry.  It is coming up.  :DD

I wonder if during future hunts, your gonna bring up things their prey are saying, since Chomper's gonna hear them, and he is going to have to deal with them. That's one thing the rest of the gang now has over him. That also makes me think about the possibility of Chomper re-teaching his friends the flat-tooth language. Would they even WANT that? Would it even be possible?

The language issue is indeed going to come up later.  :yes  But that is all I am going to say for now.  ;)

I should have the next installment posted within the next week.  :yes  A lot depends on how my writing pans out over the weekend.  I am having some issues in writing a later chapter.  :bang

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Whew! It's getting hard to keep your pace :p

As always, this chapter was structured very well. The flashback was a candy. It was a constant climax and preparing the unevitable pretty well :) Chomper's parents are characterisised very well (I would have chosen his mother to be the rather caring one while his father is the tough guy as well) and Chomper's reaction is just written perfectly! Poor Swimmer girl :( I wonder how that scene would have been like if she hadn't been injured already.

I must also say that you're really good at keeping a good level of depressing scenes. Neither overdoing them nor having too few of them. I sometimes feel I'm overdoing them in my fic :lol
And who would have thought nobody actually got hurt? I sure did not. It was quite a surprise to see Cera giving way instead of provoking Littlefoot further and causing the quarrel to escalate :)

The next chapter shall be very awesome, I reckon :p
Inactive, probably forever.


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^  Thanks for the kind words.  :)

Whew! It's getting hard to keep your pace  :p

 :lol Yeah, it is actually getting hard for me to keep up with my pace.  As it is, I might slow down my posting schedule somewhat for the next few weeks, as midterms are coming up.  :yes However, at minimum, I should post at least a chapter a week.

As always, this chapter was structured very well. The flashback was a candy.

Thanks.  I always wanted to elaborate on Chomper's time with his parents between the fifth film and the TV series.  Obviously there would be some tension between his past with his friends and the bloody realities of his kind.  I wonder to show what happened when those two segments of his life collided.  Even though Chomper is still a young, naive kid in some ways, he actually has quite a bit of experience in others.  His experience with the harsh realities of sharptooth life will come in handy for his friends.  The only question is will they adapt as well as he did?

must also say that you're really good at keeping a good level of depressing scenes. Neither overdoing them nor having too few of them. I sometimes feel I'm overdoing them in my fic  :lol

Nah, I think that you have placed just the right amount in your fic.  Every story has its own pacing of action, and I think that you have interspersed the more depressing chapters quite well with the more action-based and introspective chapters.  :yes

The next chapter shall be very awesome, I reckon  :p

Well, you of course have the advantage of knowing what is coming, although I have started to diverge from my previous plot outline somewhat.  However, I think most of my readership can pretty much guess what is going to happen this point.  :p I should have the next chapter posted either on Monday or Tuesday.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Here we go!  :DD

Fanfiction link:

 Chapter 14       A transformation complete

He seemed to pass through lifetimes in his dreams. Through the Giant's Drink again, past the wolf-children, reliving the terrible deaths, the constant murders; he heard a voice whispering in the forest, You had to kill the children to get to the End of the World. And he tried to answer, I never wanted to kill anybody. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to kill anybody. But the forest laughed at him. รณ Orson Scott Card, Enders Game

The gang was no longer following the river, as they adjusted their course in order to follow the wandering longneck herd.  Initially, they only had Petrie's occasional directions in order to guide them, but for the previous few hours the still-fresh footprints of large sauropods were clear for all to see.  They were slowly approaching a large hill that rose from the river's edge to the high peaks that rose to the south.  Petrie told them that the herd had stopped in a valley on the other side of the hill.  The gang was quite ready to see their goal with their own eyes.  Their hunger had not diminished during their daylong journey.

"My daddy also said that good scouting was as important as the chase itself..."

Chomper was going through the basics of hunting with the rest of the gang.  Besides their recent stint at hunting ground fuzzies, they had no experience in hunting.  They certainly had plenty of experience in being hunted when they were leaf-eaters, but they had little from the other side of the equation.

"Why is that, Chomper?"  Ruby asked.

Ruby was apprehensive about the upcoming hunt.  True, she had more experience at eating meat than the others, but she had no hunting experience besides her one brief excursion into egg stealing.  Considering that this herd was on the move, egg stealing seemed out of the question.  They would have to hunt one of the herd members down without being annihilated by the rest of the herd.  She was not optimistic about their chances, but she kept her misgivings to herself.  Nothing could be done about it.

"Well, you need to see if any of the herd is weak or sick.  If they are then they can be an easy meal."

Cera was an odd mix of horrified and enthralled at the conversation that they were now having.  Just a few days ago they were happy leaf-eaters residing in the valley.  They hadn't had a care in the world.  Now they were a pack of hungry sharpteeth who were calmly planning out their first hunt.  What disturbed her out the most, however, was the fact that it felt so right.  It was as if some part of her mind found hunting in a pack to be the very definition of family and community.  She wanted to fight against this feeling, but she knew that they had no choice at this point.  What good would making herself miserable do?  As it was, the gang's focus on the upcoming hunt was quite possibly the only thing keeping them off of one another's throats.  For these reasons, she decided to focus on her giddy anticipation and ignore her hunger pains.  She hoped that her thoughts would calm with the filling of her belly.

"Also, you want to stop them from escaping.  So you need to know the area."

Spike was still angry at Cera's antics from earlier, but he knew that his anger actually originated from his unsatisfied hunger.  The hope that his hunger would soon be resolved gave him something to focus his anger upon and allowed him to function.  He noted that the realization that his hunger would soon be resolved at the expense of another dinosaur did not disturb him as much as it should have.  We really are in the hunger madness, aren't we?  He admitted to himself.  I guess it is a good thing that we agreed to do this now.  Who knows what would happen otherwise?  He decided to focus on Chomper's lessons for the duration of the journey.  Even if it didn't help in the actual hunt, at least it gave him something to focus on besides his insatiable hunger.

"What if they have help?"  Littlefoot asked.

Littlefoot was amazed by his own callousness.  Here he was calmly discussing how to murder another dinosaur, another longneck at that, in order to eat.  It was obvious to him that his new instincts were guiding him. Instincts are those feelings that guide us.  The words from his now distant conversation with his grandparents echoed in his mind.  Littlefoot did not know whether to be grateful or spiteful at the new voices that called out in his mind.  On one hand, they were driving him away from the kind, gentle longneck that he used to be.  On the other hand, however, they were now allowing him to do what he simply had to do.  Finding no resolution to his confused thoughts, he turned his attention back to Chomper's reply.

"Well... You could try to kill them before help comes."

Ducky was walking with the pack, but she was doing so in a confused daze.  She had no idea how to reconcile her kindness and caring nature with the reality that she now faced.  She had agreed to abide by the group consensus, but she did not know if she could actively take part in the hunt.  How could she take the life of another?  She always had the ability to see the good within everyone.  Now, she was about to snuff the life out of a total stranger.  What did that say about her?  The only certainty that she had is that she would continue to follow the others.  She had followed them into impossible situations before and each of them had risked their lives for the others.  She then resolved that if her beloved friends were about to fully embrace their sharptooth natures then she would join them.  She may not make the kill, but she would help nonetheless.  She would not let them be damned to this existence alone.

"That way, even if help comes and you run off, the meat will still be waiting for you later."

The gang was now scaling the large hill, which rose at a relatively steep angle.  Even the fast biters in the gang had to slow their forward progress as the elevated ground prevented the steady jog that they had maintained for much of the day.  Chomper was grateful for the respite, as he had difficulty in keeping up with his now much-faster friends.  They were only a few moments away from seeing their quarry for the day.

Chomper had been going through the lessons that he learned from his parents for the better part of the afternoon.  He was amazed at the duality of his emotions at that moment.  Part of him was excited that he was about to participate in a hunt with his friends, as it was a large portion of his heritage that he had to keep secret from the others in the valley.  In fact, in many ways he had partitioned this part of his life from that which he shared with his friends.  Hunting was something that he always associated with his parents.  Thus, in a way, this represented unification between the two halves of his life.  True, his descent into fully embracing his sharptooth instincts again had occurred sooner than he had hoped, but if his friends were with him then he didn't care.  

The other part of him, however, reflected with extreme concern at the changes that his friends had undergone.  With their hunger having grown throughout their journey, his friends had grown much more aggressive and callous in their demeanor.  Their agreement to finally hunt seemed to have suppressed their darker natures, but Chomper knew that this was a further indication of the changes that they had gone through.  They were now planning out a hunt and listening to Chomper's murderous advice without the slightest hint of disgust.  In fact, Chomper admitted, the only one who resisted the idea of a hunt in the previous day was Cera and she seemed to have utterly dropped her protests when she agreed to the hunt.  No one remained to restrain them from their primal hunger.

Chomper looked back at everyone for a few moments.  These are still my friends. He affirmed to himself.  They are sharpteeth like me now, but they are still there.  The kindness of Ducky, the wisdom of Ruby, the leadership of Littlefoot, the perceptiveness of Spike, the protectiveness of Cera, and the trustworthiness of Petrie, all remained.  They were just now endowed with the predatory instincts of fast biters and sharptooth flyers.  They had not lost themselves, as Cera had admitted to fearing.  Rather, they were simply changing into what they had to be now.  Sharpteeth didn't have the luxury of being vegetarians, but they could still be good.  His friends would simply need guidance in order to realize that.

And I will show them how to do that. Chomper nodded to himself.  They have lost a lot, but they haven't lost everything.

At this point the gang was approaching the crest of the hill.  The wind which had been blocked by the hill was beginning to collide with their crest feathers, signaling that the hidden land in front of them would soon be revealed.  Ruby began to move to the front with Cera and Littlefoot in order to see the quarry for herself.  She was filled with an odd sort of excitement that disturbed her at some level.  She was looking forward to hunting dinosaurs with the same giddiness that she had hunted snapping shells in the mysterious beyond.  She knew that it couldn't be helped, but it still gave her some pause.  Finally, she and the others reached the summit of the hill and gawked at what lay in front of them.

Immediately in front of them there was grassland, which was being inhabited by an innumerable number of longnecks.  Their exact composition and size was impossible to gauge at their distance, which was still several miles away, but it was obviously a massive herd.  I only knew of one herd that was that large. Littlefoot thought to himself.  Is this the Old One's herd? It was bad enough that he had already resolved to hunt his own kind, but he was beside himself with the possibility that he might be going after Ali’s herd.  He bit his lip as he tried to suppress his misgivings.  They simply had no choice anymore.  Regardless of his opinions on the matter, the hunt was going to happen.  He just hoped that he could live with himself afterwards.

Majestic forests stood to the both the left and the right of the herd, which seemed to extend as far as the eye could see in each direction.  Their trees were so tall and imposing that nothing could be seen under their canopies.  The fact that the longnecks were avoiding the plentiful food of the forest was a curious finding.  Were they seeking shelter in the open in order to easily see any predators?  Even so, resting in the open was abnormal for a longneck herd and was generally inadvisable.  Perhaps they are looking for something? Ruby deduced.  If so, what is it?

“Well, here we are.”  Cera said stoically.  

Cera was feeling a confusing combination of emotions at that moment, which ran the gambit from nervousness to guilt.  However, the most pressing emotion was the feeling of anticipation.  No matter how much she had railed against it earlier, they simply had to do this.  She knew that now.  This hunt and the possibility of food was the only thing keeping them from going at one another’s throats.  She did not like the possibility of taking another dinosaur’s life, but she hated the possibility of hurting her friends more.

“What now?”  Cera asked after a pause.  Surely launching an outright attack on a full-grown longneck would be suicidal for a small pack such as theirs, let alone an attack on a full herd!  They had to wait for Chomper’s advice now.  This was his specialty.

“Yeah, Chomper.”  Littlefoot replied.  “You should probably lead this.  You’re the only one of us who has... done this before.”  His words were true and unquestionably correct, but in a pack dynamic they took on a different meaning.  Littlefoot was not simply letting Chomper lead a game or tell a story or do any of those things that they did as leaf-eaters.  No, he was offering Chomper temporary command of the pack.  Even though Littlefoot did not understand the full implications of his offer, his instincts did.  Littlefoot’s appearance changed markedly into a much more contemplative expression.  

All eyes turned to Chomper then as the gang awaited instruction.

Chomper noted this with surprise and went from a bewildered expression to an unreadable one.  I have never led a joint hunt before.  Can I do this? The sharptooth thought to himself with more than a little trepidation.  Oh well, I guess that it is up to me now.  Chomper would have to become the harsh commander that they needed right now.  He could deal with his own misgivings later.

Chomper then took on an imperious demeanor and rose to his full height.  His chest puffed out in a show of force and readiness as his eyes lost any of their innocent gleam that they had moments ago.  To another sharpteeth the scene would have appeared comical, as the very young sharptooth tried to take on the bearing of his kind despite being less than a twentieth of an adult’s size.  Nonetheless, in the gang’s naivetรˆ of their own instincts, they were moved by the display.  They would have followed his suggestions in any case, but now they would obey them as orders.

With a stiff nod to Littlefoot, Chomper gave his first orders.


“Ducky?  Spike?  You are to scout out the forest that is closest to the herd.  See what you can find there.”

Ducky was slowly making her way through the forest with Chomper’s instructions from a few hours earlier echoing in her head.  They were to scout in the outer regions of the forest to see if any younglings were in the vicinity.  After all, they would have little chance of killing any of the adults.  Their best chance was to drag off a child when the adults weren’t looking.

I sound like a bad sharptooth now.  I do.  I do. Ducky thought morosely.  She didn’t know if she could actually carry out the deed or not.  To actually make the kill.  However, she knew that she could handle scouting, especially if Spike was here to assist her.  Spike. She thought to herself.  I don’t know what I would have done without him.  I can’t give up and let him carry on alone.  Even though she was often the emotional cement that helped to hold the gang together, she was in more need of being supported than the others right now.  The partition between her old life that was now gone, and her new life which has just started was simply too great to bridge together.  She didn’t know who she was anymore.  However, the gang gave her something to latch onto.  It was a very small known variable in a universe of unknowns.  They were what kept her going during these trying times.  Chomper had known the former swimmer emotional turmoil better than even she did at this moment.  That was why he assigned Ducky and Spike into the same group.  Chomper knew that it was what she needed right now.

“Find anything, Spike?”  She inquired at her brother.  She had found nothing of any interest in her area.

Spike simply made a grunt that signified “no”.  Even though he had gained the ability to speak, he often neglected to use it.  In Spike’s point of view it was useless to say a bunch of words when a simple shake of the head would accomplish the same thing.  Old habits died hard.  With both siblings finding nothing of interest in this area, they proceeded a bit deeper into the forest.

They had been searching for about an hour now, but had detected nothing.  None of the longnecks had entered the forest.  She certainly hoped that the others were having more success than they were.


“I smell longneck!”  Cera called out excitedly.

They had been scouting the forest farthest away from the herd for a few hours now and she was bored out of her mind.  Why were they searching for dinosaurs in the forest when there was a herd resting in the grassland?  She knew that they stood no chance against the adults, but what were they accomplishing in this forest?  Or at least those were her thoughts until she detected a very sweet and enticing smell.

“Yes, Cera.”  Ruby replied  “You smell longneck because longnecks are nearby.  It is the nearby longnecks that you smell.”  The former fast runner was preoccupied with a small indentation that she saw in a bush.  I wonder what made this? She thought to herself.

“No, I smell a longneck in this forest!”  Cera replied in an annoyed fashion.

At this the rose fast biter ran to where Cera was and, upon Cera’s nod, took a deep breath.  

Longneck!  Ruby exclaimed in her mind.  We might be able to beat the hunger madness after all.

“This is wonderful, Cera!”  Ruby replied, but then remembering what she was looking at earlier she quickly added, “Take a look at this!”

Running to where the former fast runner took her, Cera noted that it was the same area where she was looking before Cera’s announcement.  What is it?   She thought to herself.  There is nothing here except for some crushed bushes.  She then paused for a moment.  Oh.

Not only had longnecks been in this forest, but they had rested here for a while as well.  Furthermore, since there was only limited space between the trees in this part of the forest, and the depression in the bushes was quite small, that could mean only one thing.

“Ruby!  These must be young longnecks!”  Cera then smirked.  “Let’s tell Littlefoot that we have found dinner!”

The two fast biters then ran in the direction of the rendezvous point where Petrie was supposed to be flying.  They would tell Petrie and he could recall the others.  The hunt would soon begin.


“And Littlefoot?  You’re with me.  We’re taking a look at the herd.”

Darn it, Chomper!  Remind me to never let you lead again! Littlefoot thought angrily to himself.  This was the third time that he had to run for his life today and quite frankly he was getting sick of it.

“Coward!  Stand and fight!”  A young adult longneck yelled at Littlefoot.  He, of course, could not understand any of it.  To him it sounded like a series of incoherent bellows.  No wonder why sharpteeth think leaf-eaters are stupid. He thought to himself.  Finally, he entered the forest and the sanctuary of its darkened depths.  No adult longneck could enter here on account of the small spaces between the plentiful trees.  He was safe again.

As the brown fast biter disappeared from sight, Littlefoot’s pursuer slowed down and stopped at the forest’s edge.  He turned his head when he heard a bellow from the herd.

“What do you think that you are doing, Brako?!”  It was the Old One’s deputy.  “How many times must you be told, you must stay with the herd.”

Brako bristled at this rebuke.  “And do what?  Let the sharpteeth go so that they can kill again?”  Brako was a prideful longneck and he was tired of the passivity of the herd elders.  If they let sharpteeth go each time, then they could come back to attack the herd.  Why didn’t they understand?  

“He got away anyway, didn’t he?”  The deputy asked as he caught up to Brako.  “You also broke our ranks when you pursued.”  Brako then looked back at the herd to see that the defensive circle around the remaining children had a noticeable gap.  In his determination to destroy the sharptooth he had forgotten his first duty: to protect the herd’s youngest.

The deputy sighed.  “What are we going to do with you?”

As the longnecks continued to grunt and bellow unintelligibly at the forest’s edge, Littlefoot advanced into the forest.  When he finally caught up to that purple menace he would give him a piece of his mind.  Suddenly, he saw the bushes in front of him begin to flutter from side to side.  As he stopped and gave it a closer look, the face of a purple sharptooth came out of it.

“That was great, Littlefoot!”  Chomper exclaimed.

Littlefoot was taken aback by this comment and sputtered for a moment.

“Great?  Great?!”  He was beyond upset at this point.  “I was just chased by a longneck who wanted to trample me!  How is that great, Chomper?!”  What was wrong with that sharptooth?  Had he lost his mind?

“You found the herd’s weaknesses, Littlefoot!”  Chomper exclaimed excitingly.  He then looked at Littlefoot with an amused expression.  “And besides you easily outran that longneck.  He never even came close to you.”

“Well, it looked a lot different to me!”  Littlefoot exclaimed.  “He was running at me so I didn’t stick around.”  He then paused for a moment as he comprehended Chomper’s first statement.  “I found their weaknesses?  What do you mean?”

Chomper took on an excited look again and waved with his arms in a “come this way” gesture.  “Come on, I will show you!”

Littlefoot noted with some anticipation that they were approaching the edge of the forest again.  Were they both going to go into the grassland this time?  If so, Littlefoot did not like that idea.  It was better for Littlefoot to take a close look at the herd as he had the ability to quickly run away, but poor Chomper didn’t have that kind of speed.  Hence, why Chomper observed Littlefoot’s actions from the safety of the forest’s edge.

Before too long they were just out of the forest’s canopy and looking at the herd in the grassland ahead.  Chomper signaled for Littlefoot to stop and cleared his throat.

“What do you see?”  Chomper asked.

Was that a rhetorical question?  Littlefoot thought to himself.  “A bunch of longnecks that are too big to eat and a bunch of grass that is too icky to eat.”  He stated dryly.

Chomper gave him a pointed look, but the smile hadn’t left his face.

“Well, here is what I see.”  Chomper began as he started to point at the various herd members.

He pointed at the Old One first.  “She is the leader, but weak and frail.  Much of the herd defends her instead of defending others.”  Littlefoot thought back to the first time he was chased when he got too close.  The larger longnecks all gathered around her or the five or so youngling longnecks.  Everything else was left open to attack.

He next pointed at the children.  “There are five young longnecks.”  He stated.  “About your age...”  Both of them realized the implication, so Chomper immediately went back to his point.  “But there are seven mothers around them.”  Littlefoot looked at what Chomper was referring to and gawked when he realized that he was right.  How did he miss that detail?  There were five females obviously focusing on their respective children and two others with worried, far-away looks.

“Those two are missing their kids, aren’t they?”  Littlefoot asked.

“Yes, Littlefoot.  The question is: where are they?”  Chomper was impressed with Littlefoot’s progress, as he was already beginning to see the world from a sharptooth’s perspective.  His mind was ready to perform the morbid, yet logical calculations of a meat-eater; all that he needed was to train his eyes to see what was in front of him.  Part of Chomper was sad that some of Littlefoot’s innocence was beginning to die before his eyes, but he was also glad to see that what really mattered was still intact.  This was still Littlefoot.  It simply seemed like fate was remaking his figurative brother into a more literal one.  He hoped that he wasn’t being selfish in feeling some happiness from the change.  Chomper always thought that when he was forced to adopt the ways of his kind, that he would be forever alone.  Now, however, fate had ensured that he would have companionship during these days of blood and death.  His journey was no longer as dark as he had once feared.

“Maybe they are dead... or maybe they are lost!”  Littlefoot finally got the implications of Chomper’s line of reasoning.

“Exactly!”  Chomper exclaimed, while nodding.  “They might be our next meal.”  Chomper affirmed.  “But first we have to find them.”

Chomper then looked worried and again took a look at the herd.  “If we can’t find them, then...”  Chomper paused for a moment.  “You could annoy that hotheaded one over there.”  Chomper pointed at the longneck that had chased Littlefoot earlier.  “If he leaves the children unprotected again to chase you, then one of us could sneak in and kill some of the kids.”  Littlefoot looked sick at the mention of what Chomper was planning.  “We could run away and get their meat later, after the herd leaves.”

“That would be...”  Sick, depraved, evil... Littlefoot’s mind raced, but he knew that never mind how it made him feel, none of those labels was applicable to their situation.  They had to eat now, no matter the cost.  

“Dangerous!”  He finally finished.

“I know, Littlefoot.”  Chomper relied sadly.  “That’s why I hope we find those two longnecks.”

Littlefoot reflected for a moment on the side of Chomper he had just seen.  This was not Chomper the friendly sharptooth, this was Chomper the cold, calculating killer.  There was nothing malicious about his thoughts, nor anything that would not be expected out of one who had to hunt for his dinner, but it was horrifying to see it out in the open like this.  The fact that Chomper was capable of this stunned Littlefoot.  Did Chomper think like this when he was in the valley or did he always suppress this side of him?  Was this always going on underneath his non-threatening exterior?  Littlefoot supposed that it said a lot about their friendship that Chomper never betrayed their trust in the valley.  If Chomper was willing and able to hold all of this at bay for his friends, then he must have loved them all very much indeed.


The longneck herd went into a defensive posture again at the sudden call.  However, after seeing that it was from a distant flyer, the herd relaxed again.  For the sharpteeth, on the other hand, the call represented something else entirely.

“All right!”  Chomper exclaimed as he took a victorious hop.  “Dinner is coming!”

Littlefoot looked perplexed.  “What do you mean?”

Chomper smiled as he replied.  “I also gave Petrie orders, Littlefoot.”  He answered. “He was to tell us if the others found any food!”

Despite the morbid nature of their current conversation, Littlefoot couldn’t suppress his smile.  It seemed that their insatiable hunger would soon be filled with the only food that mattered anymore.



The others had arrived at the agreed upon rendezvous point.  They were situated in a clearing just inside the forest which faced the herd.  From this vantage point, the longneck herd could not be seen, but it still could be heard and smelt.  Now, they were simply waiting on Littlefoot and Chomper.

Suddenly there was a rustling of leaves from behind the gang.  As they turned to see what had arrived, they were relieved to see the brown crest of Littlefoot and the familiar purple hue of Chomper.

“It looks like everyone is here.”  Ruby stated the obvious.

“What took you two so long?”  Cera asked in an annoyed fashion.

Littlefoot looked at her with a preoccupied expression.  “Time flies when you running for your life, Cera.”  Cera was confused by his explanation, but didn’t ask.  She figured that she probably didn’t want to know.

“What did you guys find?”  Chomper asked excitingly.

“We smelled longnecks in the forest.  Most likely children.”  Cera responded.

“Were you able to see them?”  Littlefoot asked.

“No, but we smelled their trail into the forest and we found were they had rested.”  Ruby replied.

Littlefoot turned and looked at Chomper.  “Those must be the two missing kids!”  

“The what?!”  Cera and Ruby almost exclaimed simultaneously.

Chomper decided to explain.  “There were two mothers in the herd that had missing children.  You must have smelled their children in the forest.”  Chomper reflected for a moment.  “If they are away from the herd then that makes our hunt easier.”

Littlefoot added, “Yeah, there will be no adults to save them.”

Ducky felt something fall in her stomach when she heard those words from Littlefoot.  This was it.  They were really going to hunt somebody.  At this realization, her lingering doubts began to reappear in her mind.  She had to make her objections known.

“I don’t think that I can do this.  Oh, no, no, no!”  Ducky said sadly, while looking down in anguish.

Chomper and Littlefoot both looked at her with surprised expressions, as they had not expected her outburst, while Ruby and Petrie conveyed sympathy in their demeanor.  Spike was about to speak to her, until Cera interrupted.

“Ducky, it is a bit late for that isn’t it?”  Her voice did not convey any anger or exasperation, it simply sounded tired.  They had all had their moments of weakness and uncertainty leading up to this moment and yet here they were, seven sharpteeth getting ready for their first hunt.  Surely Ducky understood that she had no choice now?  None of them did.  If there was any other choice then they would have certainly taken it.

Spike looked in Cera’s direction for a moment with an unreadable expression.  Cera simply nodded in his direction.  She wants me to handle this.  He realized.  He was quite grateful that she wasn’t going to press the issue or be spiteful.  He didn’t have the patience for it, nor would it help his sister.  He would have to get his sister to understand.

“Sis...”  He began, but was immediately cut off.

“I know, Spike!”  Ducky exclaimed in frustration.  “I know we have to do this, but I just can’t!  I can’t kill!”  The former swimmer had her face in her paws.  She was absolutely lost.  She had no idea what to do.

“Perhaps...”  Everyone turned to face Chomper as he began speaking.  “Perhaps, you don’t have to kill?”  Littlefoot was looking at his with a bewildered expression.  What was the sharptooth talking about?  Chomper noted his response and clarified his words.  “You and the others could help find them or chase them.  Then let me make the kill.”

Littlefoot nodded in understanding at this.  Yes, that could work.  

Spike pressed the matter.  “Ducky?  Would that work?”

Can I do this?  The former hadrosaur thought to herself.  I would still be helping to kill someone.  She knew beyond all doubt that this simply had to be done, but she was unsure if she would be able to live with her guilt afterwards.  Nonetheless, the entire gang was depending on everyone to do their part.  She resolved that she would not be the one to let them down.  Never mind the personal cost to her, she would bear that burden.  She knew what she had to do.

She looked up at the rest of the gang and, with a resigned look upon her face, simply nodded.  She would participate in the hunt, but she would not make the kill.

Now the only question was how to proceed.

After a few moments of silence, Chomper cleared his throat.  This was still his hunt to lead.

“Okay, guys.  This is what we are going to do...”


“Are you sure we are going the right way Rhett?”

It had started off innocent enough, Ali thought.  They would simply go into the forest for a short while and find some tasty sweet bubbles.  There were sweet bubbles in the trees in the Great Valley, so perhaps they could find some here?  It would be a chance to get a rare delicacy that the herd almost never encountered in the open areas in which they often traveled and it would be a chance to get away from the stifling atmosphere of the herd.  The over-protectiveness of the herd was something that both of them had gotten quite sick of during the herd’s endless journeys across the Mysterious Beyond.  

For Ali the herd’s micromanagement of her life, which controlled everything from when everyone ate to when she could play with the other children, was a jarring departure from the brief respite of freedom she had experienced in the Great Valley.  The Old One meant well, but was this life truly living?  It seemed that her brief times with Littlefoot and his friends had awakened a bit of a rebellious streak within the young longneck.  She was not completely reckless, however, as her personality was cautious by nature.  For that reason she had Rhett with her.  Despite his admitted fabrication of his heroic deeds, she felt safer with him around.  She was confident that they could get out of any situation as long as they stuck together.

For Rhett, on the other hand, this journey represented something else.  When his decimated herd had finally merged with the Old One’s herd he had no friends or family, besides his mother.  In fact, Ali was the first child his age that he had seen in quite a long time, ever since his brothers and sisters...  Well, there were some stories that even Rhett did not want to tell.  With both of them lacking companionship within their own age group, it was no surprise that the two immediately became inseparable in the herd.  However, soon after the two had become friends, Ali had told him of that amazing longneck named Littlefoot and all of the amazing adventures that he had.  Feeling challenged by this unknown longneck, and fearing for the loss of this companionship that he had wanted for so very long, Rhett had tried to overcompensate by making up heroic stories about his past deeds.  For all of Rhett’s bluster and fabrications, however, that longneck and his friends had apparently experienced the adventures that Rhett could only imagine.  Littlefoot had even had made friends with a sharptooth!  Compared to them, Rhett’s life seemed boring and uninspired.  He was just another lonely child, who wasn’t even strong enough to save his own father or siblings.  The fact that a child couldn’t be expected to do those things didn’t matter in Rhett’s mind.  His fabricated stories were part of his coping mechanism for his perceived failings.  

For the several months after they had visited the Great Valley, Rhett had been feeling humbled by his humiliation at that hands of Littlefoot and his friends.  They had tricked him into believing that Chomper was an invading sharptooth and, rather than live up to the heroic stories he had told of himself, Rhett had simply ran away and told the herd’s adults of the threat.  Worse of all, he had left Ali to fend for herself!  When he realized the full implications of what he had done, he felt ashamed.  He really liked Ali and he knew that she deserved better than what he had done.  With his idealized version of himself striped away, he had to deal with the real Rhett and his current lot in life.  He soon realized, upon reflection, that Ali was the source of most of his happiness and that he had wronged her in his selfish desire to keep her from others.  He then resolved to protect her no matter the danger to himself.  He didn’t protect his family when they needed him, but he could still protect her.  Even if she eventually chose that other longneck as a best friend, he figured that he owed it to her.  She had given him happiness; the least that he could do is ensure that she was safe and cared for.

When Ali had come up with the idea of going into the forest he found his opportunity to prove to her that he was more than a mere braggart.  He didn’t mind the fact that they might get in trouble for their antics, as this gave him an opportunity to live up to his personal resolution.  He would keep her safe while they searched for sweet bubbles.  They would be in and out for a short time, or so the intrepid two sauropods had thought, and no one would notice their absence.  If someone did, then they could simply say they were playing elsewhere in the grassland and lost sight of the herd.  They would be reprimanded, of course, but not as badly as they would be if their parents knew they were in the forest.  

But, like many things in Rhett’s short life, their journey did not go according to plan.

“I don’t know, Ali.”  Rhett answered truthfully.  “I think that we are lost.”  Rhett wished that he could get her out of this situation, but he knew that fabricating knowledge that he didn’t have would solve nothing.  I learned my lesson about that.  The little sauropod thought to himself.  

Ali sighed.  She briefly thought that she would have like Littlefoot to be here in order to help them out, but she immediately quashed that thought.  Then he would be lost just like us. She thought guiltily.  At least he had enough sense to leave the Great Valley only when it was necessary.  Here I am getting us lost for sweet bubbles.  She was quite angry at the situation, but mainly she was angry at herself.  She had to admit that Rhett’s honesty was not in doubt on this journey.  He wasn’t of much help in finding a way of it this maze of a forest, but at least he had been brave enough to share the risk with her.  Rhett would have been better off not going with me and trying to talk me out of this.  Ali noted morosely.  He tries so hard to be Littlefoot, when all I need is for Rhett to be Rhett. She supposed that she was to blame for that.  She resolved that she would tell him about her true feelings whenever they got out of this mess.

“Maybe we should try to follow the bright circle?”  Ali offered.  “We left when it rose and now it’s...”  She then noticed that the small view of the sky she could see through the forest canopy was turning a deep color of red.  It was obviously twilight and the darkness of night would soon follow.  Crap.  We are going to be in so much trouble. “...setting.”  She then cleared her throat.  “So if we go in the other direction, maybe we can find our way back.”

Rhett seemed to consider this for a moment before smiling at Ali.  It was that confident and disarming smile of his that she greatly loved.  “That sounds like a good idea, Ali!  Let’s go!”

The two longnecks then headed in the general direction of the grassland using the setting bright circle as their guide.  Unbeknownst to them, however, they had traveled far too deep into the great forest during their misadventure.  They would not be able to reach the sanctuary of the herd before the darkness of night enveloped all.


In the darkness of the forest, seven pairs of luminescent eyes could be seen.  The twelve pin points of green and two of red made for an ominous sight to any prey that would have seen it.  The growls and barks of the assembled hunters silenced all of the buzzers which rested nearby.  These seven were in the midst of preparing for a murderous enterprise.  They had learned as leaf-eaters that the night was an herbivore’s worst nemesis, but now they were about to learn that it was a hunter’s best friend.

“Me don’t think me be much help.  Forest too dark to see.”  Petrie said to the others.  “Me sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it, Petrie.”  Chomper affirmed.  “You have helped us a lot already.”

“Yeah!  Let us take care of this!”  Cera affirmed.  Petrie had helped warn them of danger during both the journey out of the valley and the journey to here.  Even Cera had to admit that they would have been trampled or eaten well before now if it wasn’t for the well-timed alarm calls of the excitable flyer.  He would be of little use during the darkness of the night in a well-covered forest.  He should be allowed to take a well-deserved rest.

Petrie was a bit taken aback by the gang’s well wishes and answered in a flustered voice.  “Uh... Thanks.  Me wait here.”

Now that left six participants in the hunt.  There was Chomper, the temporary leader and designated killer of the group.  He would kill whatever the others chased his way.  At the very least, he could put their horror and killing another dinosaur at rest for this hunt.  Then there was Ducky and Spike.  Those two had been selected to be the scouts of the group.  They would locate the two tasty morsels and tell the others.  This would spare Spike and Ducky both of the guilt in directly taking part of the chase or the kill.  Cera and Ruby, on the other hand, were designated by Chomper to be the main chasers.  If everything went according to plan, then these two would chase the prey into Chomper’s grasp.  Littlefoot, on the other hand, would be the backup chaser.  He might have to take over the chase if the prey outmaneuvered the others.  Likewise, Chomper told Littlefoot, he might have to make the kill if they get past Chomper.  Littlefoot looked glum at this possibility, but nodded nonetheless.  Chomper knew that if it came down to it, Littlefoot would take whatever action was necessary to help the gang.  He might hate himself afterwards, but he would do it all the same.  That was why Chomper placed that great responsibility upon him.

“Okay, guys!”  Chomper began.  “Everyone understand what they are doing?”

As the affirmative grunts and nods were made, Chomper continued his speech.  “Remember those gestures that I taught you.  We can’t let the prey hear us.”  He had trained the others in basic sharptooth gestures such as those for “I see two”, “I smell one”, “attack”, and “back off”.  They would need those if they were going to be successful tonight.

“We should search for their smell right now.”  Chomper affirmed.  “When the smell is strong enough, it will be up to you two.”  He pointed at Ducky and Spike.  “To let us know exactly where they are.”  

He then looked towards Cera and Ruby.  “Then you two will chase them towards me.”  He actually began to smile at the thought of the hunt.  The expression that Chomper gave would have scared them when they were leaf-eaters and would possibly have led them to telling Chomper to leave the valley.  But, of course, they weren’t leaf-eaters anymore and they were barely suppressing their own bloodlust as it was.  They had long since lost the right to judge.

“All right!  Let’s get started!”  Chomper exclaimed.  

At his call, the six sharpteeth proceeded to sniff through the underbrush of the forest, trying to pinpoint in which direction the two sauropods had traveled.  Finding the smell wasn’t difficult, but finding the direction in which it became stronger was a more challenging task.  Finally, however, Ducky found a good scent trail.

“They went this way.  Yep, yep, yep.”  Ducky affirmed.  The others then followed stealthily.

The hunt was on.


Ali shifted uncomfortably beside Rhett.

It soon became apparent to the two longnecks that they would not reach the sanctuary of the grassland before nightfall.  Deciding that it would be best to rest for the night and try again in the morning, they had settled down to sleep.  They wouldn’t be able to find their way in the darkness of night anyway.

However, Ali was having great difficulty sleeping on this night.  This wasn’t just because of her inevitable lecture from her mother, she had already made peace with the fact that they would both be in serious trouble for running away.  Rather, it was because she was outside of the protection of the herd.  Despite her misgivings about herd life, she could always have relied upon the herd for support and defense in even the darkest moments.  To suddenly be away from that protective community caused deep anxiety in the small longneck.  I will never complain about the rules again! She thought to herself.

Ali jumped as a sudden loud snore arose from Rhett.  My goodness!  That boy can sleep through anything. She though sardonically, as she nudged him back onto his side.  The snoring became more quiet and bearable, but Rhett did not awaken from his slumber.  She sighed to herself.  Well at least he is getting some sleep tonight.

Since she was not getting sleep any time soon, she decided to walk around for a bit.  Perhaps she could resolve some of her worries as she paced?  Then perhaps she could finally get some sleep.

Being careful not to stray too far from Rhett, lest she lose sight of him, she took stock of her surroundings.

They were situated in a small clearing deep within the forest.  How deep she could not discern, as they had gotten lost early the day before.  The trees were quite close together from an adult longneck’s perspective, but still relatively far apart from a child’s perspective.  The massive trunks of the mighty trees left shadows that seemed to follow her ominously.  Part of her mind screamed that there was no telling what horrors hid between those massive trunks.  She could not see much farther than several of her lengths in any direction, which further added to her anxiety.  Perhaps this was a bad idea. She thought to herself.  I feel even worse now.

She was not aware that she under surveillance.


Found you!  Spike thought to himself.

He and Ducky had led the pack to within a few tree-lengths of the location of their quarry when Chomper gave the signal for the pack to disengage.  It was up to them now to pinpoint the exact location of the prey.  Only then would they would send word to Ruby and Cera in order to begin the chase.  First, however, they had to examine the terrain.

Chomper had told them that leaf-eaters often ran in the path of least-resistance when in a panic, so they should look for obvious paths in their surroundings.  

Taking a quick look around, Spike could see that there were several large bushes on three sides of the small clearing that the two sauropods were located.  Spike and Ducky were both peering through one of those bushes, as not to give away their location to the female longneck in front of them.  He knew that the longneck was female, on account of her smell, not her looks.  Although his eyes could see much better in the dark than they ever could as a leaf-eater, his night vision was short on detail.  He could very easily pick up on the movements of the longneck, and her distinct neck rising from a stocky body, but he could not see her face or pick up on her expression.  Nonetheless, she wasn’t running or looking his direction, so she obviously had not yet found them.

He then felt a tapping on his shoulder.  It was Ducky!

She pointed at her nose with an exaggerated motion.  She smells... She then raised one claw and pointed at her neck.  One longneck. With a final gesture she pointed with both paws to her left and laid her neck on her paws.  A sleeping longneck?!  At his expression of surprise, she curtly nodded.  It seems that both of their targets had been located.

Spike then tapped on Ducky’s shoulder and gave her a nod.  He gestured towards the female longneck with both paws in a stalking fashion.  It was time to get the chasers of the pack.  They would chase them out of the clearing into the only path which wasn’t obstructed by thick bushes.  That would be the best place for Chomper to lay in wait...


Ali shivered in anxiety as she considered how alone they were.  They had risked everything for a bunch of stupid sweet bubbles.  Sweet bubbles which we never found. She reminded herself.  She had decided to leave out of a desire to seek adventure and she had tried to convince Rhett out of her own fear of going alone.  This is all my fault!  She raged at herself.

With shaky legs and an even more unsteady mind, she returned to their sleeping area and lay beside Rhett.

“Hey, are you okay?”  Rhett’s voice echoed softly.  “You’re shaking.”  He noted with more than a little concern.

Ali was surprised to see Rhett awake and, emotional as she was at the moment, she decided to be honest.

“This is all my fault!”  She raged at herself.  “None of us should be here right now!”

Rhett was taken aback by this outburst and immediately shook away any remaining fatigue that he felt.  He would not let her bear herself up over this.

“Don’t say that, Ali.”  He reassured the young longneck.  “I decided to come along too.  We had no way of knowing that we would get lost.”

Ali took a shuddering breath and sighed.  “I know.  I know.  But, I should have known better.”  

After a few moments of the two laying next to one another, Ali began to calm down.  Much to Rhett’s surprise, the female longneck began to chuckle.

“What’s so funny?”  Rhett asked in utter confusion.

Ali let the laughter subside for a bit before answering.  “You know, we are going to be in so much trouble when we get back.”  Then, at the shear absurdity of the situation, she began to laugh again.

Rhett joined in the light laughter, as they both needed some respite from this crazy situation.  They had abandoned their herd for a bunch of fictional sweet bubbles and gotten lost in a pitch-black forest.  The entire absurd situation spoke to their youth, naivetรˆ, and inexperience.  Sometimes when the darkest times come, you either have to cry at the horror of the situation or laugh at its shear absurdity, and they both had decided to take the healthier option.  Regardless of their failings, they both still had their wits about them and retained their determination to get through their current troubles.  They both knew that if they stuck together that they could get through anything.

Finally feeling relaxed for the first time since the previous morning, Ali began to drift into a restful sleep.  Noticing this, Rhett relaxed and attempted to return to sleep as well.


Good work, guys. Cera thought to herself.  This should be easy.

Cera could not believe their luck thus far.  They were hopelessly inexperienced, with this being their first actual hunt, but yet here they were with their prey literally sleeping in front of them.  Well, one of them was asleep anyway.  Either way, baring mishaps, the two longnecks simply did not have a chance.

However, she could not entirely dispel the misgivings within her mind.  This was it.  In mere moments she would begin the chase which would either result in failure and the possibility of starvation or madness, or else it would result in success and the knowledge that she helped to kill another dinosaur.  It was quite literally kill or be killed and the starkness of her options was quite frightening to her.  Was this the conundrum that faced every sharptooth that the gang had encountered?  If so, then how could she judge them?

She shook her head in order to dispel the thoughts in her mind.  She had no real choice now and the decision had been made.  It was simply up to her and Ruby to do their part.  She could deal with the aftermath later on.  Right now she had a hunt to begin.

She took a brief glance at Ruby, who was in the bushes beside her.  She awaited the signal from the former fast runner.

Ruby saw the glance from the former threehorn and gave her a "hold on" signal by placing both of her forelimbs in front of her.  It wasn't that she wasn't ready for the hunt.  She most certainly was, despite her misgivings.  No, it was that they must be careful in their chase.  As she found out during her brief stint as an egg stealer, a poorly executed plan could lead to disaster.  Thankfully her father was there at that time...  But he wasn't here today and she had to do this alone.  If the others were ready to do this despite being former leaf-eaters, then she resolved that she would do everything that she could in order to ensure their success.  The survival of the pack demanded this and she would not fail.

She observed the scene in front of her.  The two longnecks were curled up beside one another in a rather adorable scene.  She immediately choked down her revulsion in the realization of what she was about to do.  After all, they had no choice now.  They were sleeping in a small depression in the ground which resided between the various bushes on either side.  The bushes existed on three sides of the sleeping pair, whereas the remaining side was open, creating a peninsula which lead inevitably to Chomper and death.  It was a good plan, which spoke to Spike's good observation skills, Ruby noted.  A less observant sharptooth might have simply chased the two in any other direction, in which case they could run in an unforeseen path.  However, under their current plan, the actions of the two longnecks were quite predictable.  She found nothing that she could add, so she determined that they were ready for the chase.

Looking at Cera with an unreadable expression, she gave her a curt nod.

Cera took in the sight of Ruby confirming her readiness with great relief.  Now we can get this over with! Despite her feigned thoughts that this hunt was a distasteful necessity, even she had to admit that part of her looked forward to this hunt.  Whether it was bloodlust, her hunger, or something else entirely, part of her wanted this.

And she was about to get her wish.  Wasting no time, she decided to begin the festivities.  Well, here it goes...

With a wave at Ruby, the two slowly began their entrance into the clearing.


Rhett was slowly beginning to return to sleep.  He had had quite an eventful day.  Between their unsuccessful attempt to find sweet bubbles in the forest and their uncertain journey out of the forest, they both had quite a stressful time.  However, despite their precarious position at the moment, he actually felt some relief at how he had behaved himself during their journey.  He had refrained from lying to Ali and had actually helped to keep her calm during their misadventure.  He was finally beginning to act like the heroic dinosaur that he wished that he was.  

He then turned in order to look at Ali.  She appeared so peaceful during sleep.  He wondered what she dreamed about at night.  Did she dream of him?  Of Littlefoot?  Of her father?  He remembered the one time that he brought up the question of where her father was and how he was greeted with a grief-filled expression.  He immediately assumed that he must have met a violent end, just like most of his family.  He hoped that she didn't have dreams about that.  He often was haunted by the visions of what he had lost in the months after his herd was decimated and he didn't wish that fate upon anyone.  In fact, his brief sleep which was interrupted by Ali was one of the most peaceful rests that he could remember.  Perhaps his emotions were beginning to accept that he was not at fault for the deaths of his family members?  Either way, he hoped that his second round of sleep of the night would be as peaceful as the first.


Rhett rose with a start.  What was that! Taking a look in the direction where the sound came from provided no obvious sign of what made it.  Perhaps he was simply hearing things?  Taking a second look, he still couldn't find anything.  There were simply bushes and the greenish light from four bright buzzers (fireflies).  Wait a moment, this isn't the season for bright buzzers! That was when he noticed one of the "bright buzzers" blink.  Oh crap!

"Ali!  Sharpteeth!  Run!"  Rhett yelled at the sleeping longneck, as he gave her a forceful push.  

Ali woke up immediately upon Rhett's forceful warning.  Despite his insistence on running, she looked around frantically in order to find the supposed threat.  At first she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, but then she saw the four greenish lights which were close and heading right towards her.

"Ahhh!"  Ali screamed as she bolted in the opposite direction.  

Seeing that his friend had finally decided to flee, Rhett joined her in sprinting away from the predators.


Rhett barely dodged the bite of a yellowish fast biter as he turned away from the bushes and headed straight out of the clearing.  He took a quick look behind him.  He was gaining distance on the fast biter!  Ha!  So much for being fast! He thought triumphantly to himself.

"Ah!  Help!"  Rhett heard Ali's panicked cry from in front of him.

A purplish fast biter had appeared to sneak past him and was now pursuing Ali.  The fast biter was to her right, snapping at her from a location just inside a large line of bushes.  Why wasn't he going for the kill?  It almost appeared to Rhett as if the fast biters were attempting to lead them somewhere.  He immediately dismissed the thought.  Why would they do that?  He needed to help Ali get away from the predator, but how?

He looked from side to side and noted that the bushes cleared to their right.  Maybe they could turn here and outmaneuver their pursuers?  He figured that it was worth an attempt.

"Ali!  Turn right!"  Rhett yelled.

As the two sauropods turned suddenly into the opening, the two fast biters seemed to fall back.  Rhett beamed at this.  We're losing them!  Thank goodness sharpteeth are stupid!

As the two longnecks continued in their high speed run, Cera and Ruby reduced their speed to a steady jog.  They exchanged a brief glance at one another and gave each other a wide grin.  It was all in Chomper's paws now...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Wow, it appears that I exceeded the character limit.  :blink:  Here is the continuation of the chapter:

Ali was running as fast as she could, but she was quickly tiring.  She didn't know if she could keep up the pace and escape from her pursuers.  They seemed to have slowed from their initial velocity, but nonetheless they were still keeping up the pace with her.  She knew that something would soon have to give.

She looked to her side and saw that Rhett was keeping pace with her.  He had undoubtedly saved her life when he urged her to turn right.  Part of her reflected that he was becoming the true hero that he had only pretended to be when they had first met.  She would have to thank him whenever they got out of this.  If they got out of this. Part of her mind added.

She noted that they were quickly entering another clearing.  She could now see a bit more now that the glow from the night circle could shine through the clearing in the forest canopy.  There were large patches of grasses and bushes in this clearing, whose existence were made possible by the absence of trees.  The lack of trees led to a lack of discernible shadows in this small space.

After the duo had entered the clearing, Ali looked behind her and noted that the two fast biters had stopped.  They almost appeared to be waiting for something.  What are they doing?  Ali thought to herself.  She then around her and noted that two more fast biters had taken up positions by the trees on either side of them.  They were trapped.

"Oh no, Rhett!"  Ali screamed.  "They've got us!"

Rhett appeared to look uncomprehendingly at the scene around him for a moment.  Then, after the realization hit him, he noticeably swallowed and turned back towards Ali.

"Stay close to me, Ali!"  Rhett called.  He was absolutely petrified at the moment, but he knew that their best chance was to stick together.  He was going through the same conflict that others go through when faced with a life-threatening situation.  Should one take flight or fight?  Now that flight was no longer an option, Rhett had decided to meet the threat head on.  It was not a rational response, but then again, no instinctual responses are rational.  His best friend was faced with certain death and he would not let her face that alone.  He had made that mistake once.  He would not do so again.

That was when they saw something enter the clearing that shocked them beyond all belief.



Chomper looked at the scene before him and nearly froze in his tracks.

Rhett and Ali?  I have to kill Rhett and Ali? Chomper repeated in his mind.  It was almost as if the entire universe were playing a sick joke at their expense.  Of all of the leaf-eaters on the planet for them to hunt, it had to be two of Littlefoot's friends.  Taking stock of the situation, he realized that the others probably had not yet identified them.  The opening in the forest canopy in this clearing provided limited light, something that was lacking elsewhere as well.  However, he could still understand the leaf-eater language and thus knew very well who these two longnecks were.  If the gang had identified the duo during the chase then Chomper suspected that the hunt would have been botched, hunger or no hunger.  It was up to him now to do what the others were unwilling to do.  He would make the kill.  But more so than any other kill in his short life, he would deeply regret this.

In order to avoid informing the others of who the prey was, he decided to speak in the leaf-eater language.  The others could lament their actions after the deed was done, but this simply had to happen.

"I'm so sorry."  Chomper said in a regretful voice.  "I will make this quick."

Ali cowered behind Rhett as he looked at the sharptooth with a stunned expression.  

Chomper then went into a stalking posture and advanced at the duo...


This can't be happening! Ali thought to herself.  It appeared like this was it.  She was going to die at the claws of Chomper, the only sharptooth that she had ever considered a friend, and no one would ever know what happened to them.  Worst of all, she knew that this was all her fault.  If only she hadn't been so foolish to leave the herd...  If only she hadn't urged Rhett to go with her...  But there was nothing that could change any of that now.  So she cowered behind Rhett and awaited the end with her friend.

"Ali."  Rhett uttered softly.  

After a split second with no answer he tried again.  "Ali!"

"Huh?"  Ali responded.  Her mind was still numb with the panic that comes with impending doom.

"The fast biters are everywhere, except in front of us."  Rhett stated the obvious.  "We could run forward!  We just have to get past Chomper!"

"But... Rhett..."  Ali replied, but she was cut off.

"It's our only chance!  Let's go!"  Rhett commanded.  Upon seeing Ali stand still with a perplexed expression, he tried again.  "Let's go!"

With that Ali regained her bearings and joined Rhett in his run straight at the advancing sharptooth.  They both were engaging in one final, risk gambit to escape their pursuers.


"What the..."  Chomper uttered as the two longnecks sprinted in his direction.

As a sharptooth, he had become accustomed to having his food run from him or attempt to hide, but he was unaccustomed to the food running at him.  With each sprinting side-by-side, he realized that he would only have a chance to attack one of them.  Good strategy.  He noted.  Most leaf-eaters would either cower or fight futilely.  It is a shame that one of you have to die...

As the two longnecks approached he could hear the footsteps get louder and louder.  They were running madly, almost in a daze, towards an unknown destination.  The two longnecks were acting in a panic, he noted.  Dangerous.  Some part of his mind deduced.  Even an herbivore could become dangerous when it believed that it had nothing to lose.  He would need to aim his attack well.

Stomp... Stomp...

Get claws ready.  His mind commanded as he prepared to attack.

Stomp... Stomp...

Chomper then placed the weight of his body onto the toes of his feet in preparation for a lunging strike.  He would have to make this count.  Otherwise, it would be up to Littlefoot...

Stomp... Stomp...

The male was slowing a bit.  Perhaps to make sure the female is okay?  His mind deduced.  He would make a far better target as he was distracted.  The time was approaching.


Chomper could feel the rush of air as Ali ran past him.  That meant that the male was a mere fleeting moment away.  Now was the time to strike.


"Ahhhh!!!!"  Rhett screamed in agony as Chomper's clawed paws sliced through his right hind limb.  Chomper's claws ripped through muscle and sinew as the leg was ripped from knee to calf.  Bright red blood spewed from the wound and splattered upon Chomper's prone body.  He had put everything into his attack and it had paid off.  The longneck may not have been mortally wounded, but he was certainly crippled at this point.  

"Rhett!!!"  Ali screamed.

"Run, Ali!!!  Just run!!!"  He screamed through the unbearable pain.

The two sauropods then ran out of the clearing, with the male lagging noticeably behind.  As he slowly rose from his prone position, Chomper noted his handiwork.  One of the longnecks was severely injured.  The rest was up to Littlefoot at this point.

Your turn, Littlefoot.


Littlefoot couldn't see much from his vantage point, but he could see the blur of the longnecks as they ran past Chomper. Darn it!  Why me! He complained inwardly.  It was up to him to make the kill now.

With a heavy heart, he placed his weight upon the front of his hind legs and burst into a flurry of motion.  First, he had to get closer to his quarry in order to assess their condition.  As it was, he was unsure if Chomper had injured any of them.  He had heard a pained yell, but he could not ascertain the source. If they have hurt Chomper... Littlefoot thought darkly to himself and he quickened his pace in his anger.  He would soon deal with these longnecks...

As he advanced on the two longnecks, he could smell the beautifully sweet scent of blood.  The smell was emanating from both the ground and the retreating longnecks. Chomper injured one of them.  Good.  Littlefoot thought to himself.  The fact that one of them was injured meant that Chomper was probably not the one who screamed in pain.  This greatly relieved the former longneck as he continued to advance on his former companions.

As Littlefoot weaved around the trunks of the plentiful trees in his advance on his quarry, he noted that the trunks were slowly becoming thinner and more plentiful.  This was a clear sign that they were reaching the end of the forest and would soon enter the grassland where the herd was located.  Littlefoot had to make his move soon or he would lose his chance. I can't let that happen. He thought. The gang is depending on me.

He had advanced within five body-lengths of the lagging longneck and could now notice that it was severely injured.  He was stumbling and noticeably limping on his right hind limb.  Chomper had made a very good strike on this one.  Littlefoot reflected that this one would probably die anyway, as it could not survive in a migrating herd with such a crippling injury.  This helped calm him about what he had to do.  He would now simply be hastening the inevitable.

Suddenly the light of the night circle began to shine upon Littlefoot's face, as the trees fell behind him. Crap!  They're out of the forest! Seeing that the injured longneck was within one body-length of him, he decided to make his move.  Placing his weight firmly on the claws of his hind feet, he leaped at the longneck with all of his might.


Littlefoot's attack had met its mark.  His sharp sickle claws dug into Rhett's sides, securing Littlefoot onto his back.  The weight of the fast biter's body caused his claws to slice through the abdomen and begin to expose its contents on either side.  This alone would have constituted a mortal injury.  However Littlefoot, acting on this killing instinct, also bit into Rhett's back, greedily ripping at the flesh where his neck intersected with his torso.  With a sickening crack, Rhett's vertebrae shattered under the pressure.  With a violent lurch, Rhett crumbled to the ground and Littlefoot was sent hurdling off of the paralyzed longneck.

As he lay flat on the ground, the fast biter struggled to catch his breath.  The sudden fall had knocked the air out of him and for quite some time he was indisposed.  After some time, however, he glanced in the direction of the collapsed body of the longneck.

He had done it.  He had brought the longneck down.


Pain.  Unimaginable pain.

Then nothing.

Rhett was horrified and confused by the sudden turn of events.  The fast biter had obviously caught up to him and had attacked him from behind.  Now suddenly he couldn't feel much of anything at all.

He tried to will his legs to move in order to continue his escape, but nothing happened. Why... Why can't I move my legs!  Why can't I feel my legs!

Rhett tried to scream but his voice only came out in a muffled wet gasp.  With a horrific realization, he realized that he had a metallic taste in his mouth.  He was bleeding internally.

I'm dying.  Rhett realized.  However, that realization did not strike him with any more terror than what he had already experienced.  It seemed that as his body was shutting down, so was his ability to be horrified.  The calm that often came before death had descended upon Rhett.  For reasons that he could not explain, he knew that he only had moments left.

Was this what daddy felt? He reflected.  He supposed that he would soon go to wherever his family went.  He mused that perhaps that was why his family did not haunt his dreams during his last sleepstory.  Perhaps they knew that he would soon be joining him.

He could hear footsteps approaching his head as a brown fast biter came into view.  He had a grim expression on his face.  Rhett fully expected that this was the end.

But the fast biter did not advance.

Rhett observed that the fast biter suddenly had a horrified expression on his face, as if he had seen a ghost. I suppose that is what I am at this point. He noted darkly.  

His now immovable neck kept his head prone upon the ground, facing the brown fast biter.  However, he could now also see the rapidly retreating form of Ali.  He could hear her shrieks of grief as she ran to the herd.  At least she made it.  Rhett thought to himself.  At least I did that.  Whatever misgivings that he had about his past evaporated as he noted what he had accomplished.  He couldn't save his father or his siblings.  He had hidden behind his mother as they were ripped to shreds in the attack on his original herd.  For so long he had felt that he was a coward, that he could have done more.  Now, in his final moments, he realized that at least Ali would survive.  She would live, love, and continue on.  Perhaps she would even tell his tale one day...  She was his legacy.  Secure in this knowledge, for a brief moment in his short life, he was at peace.

With his vision dimming and his mind becoming foggy, he had one final coherent thought.

I'm sorry, Ali.  Live a good life.

And then he knew no more.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Hell, you really went all out with this, didn't you? All the way, by making it Ali and Rhett on the menu? I was expecting a lot out of this, but not this! Also, like Chomper was saying, I also thought this was some sort of sick joke, but you just kept playing it along. Well Done!

Only thing was I was wanting to see was the rest of the Gang's reaction to this, and all I have so far is Littlebiter (:p) looking horrified. Oh well. I'm sure I'll see that at the beginning of the next chapoter then.

Though it was nice that Rhett at least had an heroic death, It's the least he deserves. Actually, it's the only thing he deserves. No, actually he doesn't even deserve that, screw Rhett! :p

Sorry, but I just really hate that character, hence why I killed him off in my own fanfiction, and happy you did the same here! :anger

Also, I wonder if Littlefoot's going to have a little different thought as he's eating Rhett. Like he's eating the longneck Ali probably would have ended up being with if it wasn't him?

I'm sorry, this is just bringing up all the Joker levels of sick and twisted thoughts right now. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Quote from: vonboy,Feb 24 2014 on  08:32 PM
Sorry, but I just really hate that character, hence why I killed him off in my own fanfiction, and happy you did the same here! :anger
I'll admit, I don't really understand why Rhett appears to be such a hated character. From what I recall of the episode he appeared in, he really wasn't that bad.

By the way, Rhombus, nice story so far. Sorry I didn't comment on it before. I'm pretty lazy with comments, I admit. :p


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Thank you both for your responses.  :)

@ vonboy

I am glad that you enjoyed this installment.  Yeah, I spent quite a bit of time working on this particular chapter, as it establishes the final descent of the gang into their sharptooth forms.  It is one thing to physically be a sharptooth, but it is quite another thing to have fully embraced the realities of that situation.  Although they still will have misgivings, obviously, they will be unable to harbor any hope of going back at this point.  Even if they were to change back into their original forms, they would still be burdened with the knowledge that they had killed another dinosaur.  They have all crossed the point of no return.

With regards to Rhett, I acknowledge that he isn't exactly my favorite character.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  However, I felt that he was just a kid and in my story he had several reasons for developing the heroic tales that he told about himself.  He was left with survivor's guilt because of the loss of most of his family and had an inferiority complex because of Ali's prior friendship with Rhett.  Notwithstanding his prior flaws, he was well on his way to developing as a character until Littlefoot and Chomper put an end to his short life in this chapter.  In a way, his last altruistic thoughts about the well-being of Ali is Rhett's swansong.  It is a reminder to the the reader that every time the gang kills it will not just be the killing of some nameless nobody, rather it will be the snuffing out of another life that is no less precious or three-dimensional than their own.

By the way, I knew that I struck the right tone in this chapter as soon as I saw "YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD!!!" at the top of your review. :lol  Although the next chapter will not be quite as extreme in the bloodlust department (well, except for the meal, of course) I think that there will still be a few intriguing surprises in the near future.  :yes


Thank you for the kind words.  :) Don't worry about not commenting before.  I am simply glad to know that my story is being read and enjoyed.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Quote from: rhombus,Feb 25 2014 on  12:01 AM
With regards to Rhett, I acknowledge that he isn't exactly my favorite character.  Quite the opposite, in fact.  However, I felt that he was just a kid and in my story he had several reasons for developing the heroic tales that he told about himself.  He was left with survivor's guilt because of the loss of most of his family and had an inferiority complex because of Ali's prior friendship with Rhett.  Notwithstanding his prior flaws, he was well on his way to developing as a character until Littlefoot and Chomper put an end to his short life in this chapter.  In a way, his last altruistic thoughts about the well-being of Ali is Rhett's swansong.  It is a reminder to the the reader that every time the gang kills it will not just be the killing of some nameless nobody, rather it will be the snuffing out of another life that is no less precious or three-dimensional than their own.
I did like the way Rhett was handled in this story. He died, yes, but it didn't seem so obviously "I hate this character so he must die" (which I will never understand; I feel that there should be a much better reason to have a character die than just hating them). It made sense for the plot. I feel it takes more effort to write a character you hate believably, without distorting them based on your views, than it is to write off a character, whether it be ruining their personalities or killing them off, simply due to dislike of the character, and nothing more. The way I see it, the way you feel about a character should not completely dictate what happens them; it's the story, the plot driving it, and the events that naturally follow, that should do most of the work determining what happens, not personal feelings, positive or negative, for a character.

That's just how I see it anyway. :p

And you're welcome, Rhombus.  :)


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EDIT: Not sure why the Quotations wouldn't work...

12000+ words?!? awesome :smile Due to the lenght and the actual overload of things to comment on, this review will be a little... longer :p

Where to start.. er... at the beginning, I shall start. The beginning was done quite nicely. Your strategy - to have Chomper tell them something and then working in what each character felt about the situation - was well chosen. Needless to say, you wrote all of them very well. Especially Chomper's thoughts are of particular importance imo.

Well, the setting for the hunt is well chosen. The woods will come into handy after all.

So this is the first hunt Chomper is going to lead? Well, not surprising. His parents would hardly have allowed him to lead them :p

I'm happy to see that Ducky is the one suffering most under the situation since it's the most reasonable choice in my view. I wonder if she will ever kill... or even hunt. She has to someday, right? :p

Cera and Ruby... nice team :) The teamwork was very well since Cera has used her sniffer and Ruby her eyes.

Wow, Littlefoot and Chomper have made good observations. You wrote some very good thoughts about their friend (brother) ship as well.

Chomper has made a very important decision by having Ducky do the "soft work" as I call it. It's probably most reasonable to be the killer himself since he has some knowledge that the others lack of.

Using the Old One's herd as their first target is... awesome :DD That doesn't leave much doubt concerning the gang's first victims... considering that TWO kids are missing :p That has to be great...

I love the backstory you gave Rhett! Also, he seemingly learned his lesson indeed :) Good job here! The two got themselves into a very unfortunate situation. The anticipation is building up!

Very logical hunting strategy. The quarry seems to feel anxious however :p Quite reasonable, actually, since Ali is careful by nature...

Rhett and Ali seem to have in common that they both have lost their father and (possibly) their siblings as well...

Rhett rose with a start. What was that! Taking a look in the direction where the sound came from provided no obvious sign of what made it. Perhaps he was simply hearing things? Taking a second look, he still couldn't find anything. There were simply bushes and the greenish light from four bright buzzers (fireflies). Wait a moment, this isn't the season for bright buzzers! That was when he noticed one of the "bright buzzers" blink. Oh crap!
This is such nice a paragraph that I feel it deserves a mention :) It introduces the hunt very efficiantly!

The hunt begins very promising. As always, it isn't just pure action but also the descriptive elements are in use here :)

Rhett and Ali? I have to kill Rhett and Ali? Chomper repeated in his mind. It was almost as if the entire universe were playing a sick joke at their expense. Of all of the leaf-eaters on the planet for them to hunt, it had to be two of Littlefoot's friends.
That's some bad luck I suppose :p This is worded extremely well! Man, this is getting exciting and scaaaaaary...

I'll make it short: This is a wicked hunt you brought to paper! When I read your synopsis I thought, "killing Rhett? Great idea!" However, you managed to change my mind. Let me just say that this is what I consider EPIC :lol I'm glad you didn't stick to your original idea (which was already very awesome). The way you build up the tension and anticipation, the whole chapter being one powerful climax, the very descriptive and perceptive writing style... the sign of a genius at work!

I'm really happy that you gave Rhett a heroic death, albeit a cruel one but I assume this is just a piece of candy in comparison to what might happen in the future...

Now, it'll be interesting to see how the Gang's going to react once they realise WHOM they have killed.

I'm jabbering away... BEST chapter so far and that has some deep meaning...


Wow, it appears that I exceeded the character limit.  Here is the continuation of the chapter:
I so had to laugh when I read this :lol I don't remember anyone exceeding the limit of 10000 words per post so far but then again I'm only a member for 14 months...

Having accused you of writing too formally (You have improved on this matter), I now have to point out that you made Ducky talk "too" informal here
“I don’t think that I can do this. Oh, no, no, no!” Ducky said sadly, while looking down in anguish.
She would say "do not" ;) or "can not" instead of "can't". Just pointing out.

Some little typos I noticed:

We really are in the hunger madness, aren't we? He admitted to himself. [COLOR-blue]I guess it is a good thing that we agreed to do this now. Who knows what would happen otherwise?
The colouring didn't go well here.
What is it? She thought to herself. [COLOR-blue]There is nothing here except for some crushed bushes[/QUOTE ] Same here.

Chomper would have to become the harsh commander than they needed right now
I assume you meant "that" instead of "than"

She briefly thought that she would have like Littlefoot to be here in order to help them out, but she immediately quashed that thought.
would have likeD
Inactive, probably forever.


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Thank you for the kind words.  :) I am glad that you enjoyed the latest chapter.

I'm happy to see that Ducky is the one suffering most under the situation since it's the most reasonable choice in my view. I wonder if she will ever kill... or even hunt. She has to someday, right?
Chomper has made a very important decision by having Ducky do the "soft work" as I call it. It's probably most reasonable to be the killer himself since he has some knowledge that the others lack of.

Very good observations.  :yes One thing that I felt was underplayed in the TV series was that Chomper would have to be quite good at handling people socially in order to avoid potentially fatal complications in the valley.  Just one wrong word or action to the wrong dinosaur...  Thus, I have written Chomper as being very good at "reading" other dinosaurs emotional states.  Since he is already close friends with Ducky, it would be a reasonable observation on his part that she probably couldn't hunt for emotionally reasons, so she should probably be given some other duty instead.

Wow, Littlefoot and Chomper have made good observations. You wrote some very good thoughts about their friend (brother) ship as well.

Yeah, there special bond is something that I wanted to highlight in this story.  With regards to the observations, I wanted to show that in both hunts and battles the best advantage that one can have is knowledge about their terrain and enemy.  Since the gang are all still children, the use of skilled scouting will be especially important.   :yes

Some little typos I noticed:

Thanks for pointing those mistakes out.  I have made the corrections in both my chapter and on this forum.  With regards to the coloring not going well, I pretty much expected myself to make mistakes on that.  Out of the 40 minutes or so that it took me to format this chapter into a form that could be posted on this forum, about 30 minutes was spent on the coloring.

Thanks for the feedback once again.  :) I should have the next chapter posted within a few days.  I will post it when I have finished writing my initial draft of chapter 17, which is the last chapter of the first act of this story.  Then it will be time for me to begin working on Act 2...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I was hoping you'd take it well, after calling you that, Rhombus. Half of me was thinking it would make someone angry, or make a scene or something. Though... I'll need to think of something else to say if you happen to out-do yourself again, lol.

They'll probably be okay on their own now, but I'd still love for Chomper's parents to be involved in this some more. I don't know, just the things the Gang and Mama and Papa Sharptooth could talk about really interest me.

Now I really wanna finish the next part of my story! :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I was hoping you'd take it well, after calling you that, Rhombus. Half of me was thinking it would make someone angry, or make a scene or something.

Don't worry, I think the context of the post clearly indicated that it was meant as a term of endearment and not as an insult.  In fact, I have never seen the phrase "magnificent bastard" used in any other context except for a positive one.

They'll probably be okay on their own now, but I'd still love for Chomper's parents to be involved in this some more. I don't know, just the things the Gang and Mama and Papa Sharptooth could talk about really interest me.

I am sure that Chomper will try to reunite with his parents as soon as possible, assuming that he can find out where they are.  Of course, the gang will have to find Ruby's parents first in order to get more information on where Chomper's parents might be.  :yes Indeed the resulting conversations would be quite interesting, especially considering his father's unique sense of humor.

Now I really wanna finish the next part of my story! :DD

I look forward to the next installment.   :yes If you hurry then you might be able to add your next chapter before Vandon Welles "reviews" your story again on  :p I noticed that he posted two of his spam reviews before you got rid of them.  I finally got to the task of removing his reviews on my story today.  All 24 of them. :bang

Thanks again for the kind words.  :) I will try to post the next chapter in a timely manner.  I am having a bit of trouble with writing chapter 17 and that is slowing down my writing schedule.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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 Chapter 15   Joining of the pack

“That's just the first part. What others call you, you become. It's a terrible magic that everyone can do รณ so do it. Call yourself what you wish to become.” ― Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two

Littlefoot looked in horror at the dead longneck.

His eyes, forever opened with the onset of death, seemed to stare at him in an accusatory manner.  As if to say to the former longneck "Why?"  The attack that Littlefoot had wrought onto Rhett's body was horrific in its brutality, which further added to Littlefoot's inner turmoil.  The little longneck's body lay broken on the blood-soaked ground.  His back was shattered; with the gaping teeth marks clearing indicated the cause.  His viscera lay exposed onto the ground, his abdomen having been ripped open from both sides.  It was a truly sickening sight.  Rhett's mutilated body would stir no more.

"What have I done?!"  Littlefoot wailed into the night.  

He had done it.  He knew going into the hunt that he might be the one who would have to make the kill.  He also realized that regardless of how this hunt went that they would all have to kill now.  It was unlikely that they would be able to change back anytime soon.  If they were able to change back at all...  However, it was just too much.  He had just butchered another dinosaur.  As if that wasn't enough he had just murdered one of his friends...  and one the best friends of Ali.  Which must have meant...

Were... Were we chasing Ali too?!  

That realization hit him like a pile of boulders.  Not only had he killed one of his friends, and one of the friends of Ali, but he had nearly killed Ali.  If Chomper had decided to attack Ali instead or if Rhett had been able to run a bit faster...  He tried to imagine what Ali was going through right now.  She had just seen her best friend get annihilated by a fast biter and she was nearly killed herself.  He thought back to what she went through when his mother died.  Yes, he could imagine what she was going through.  Part of his mind accused that he was just like the sharptooth that killed his mom, in that he had killed a beloved dinosaur without mercy.  

With this final thought he collapsed to the ground and proceeded to weep.

Oh, mother!  What have I done?


Chomper was running at a steady pace towards where the two sauropods had run.

I hope Littlefoot was able to finish the job. Chomper thought.  We need the food!

He felt a bit guilty of having his best friend actually make the kill.  He realized that they had no choice in what he had done and that any other member of the gang might have lacked the inner fortitude to do what was necessary.  But nonetheless, he hated what he had put his friend through.  It was bad enough when Chomper had to make his first kill and he was simply hatched by leaf-eaters.  He couldn't imagine what a born and raised leaf-eater would feel after making a kill on his former kind.  He realized that Littlefoot might very well descend into despair after the act.  However, he resolved that he would be there in order to hold Littlefoot together.  He knew that once Littlefoot began to eat in his current state that the rest would come naturally... and once the physical needs of the group were met then he could attend to their mental needs.

As he approached the edge of the forest, he noticed that the trail of blood became noticeable more prominent.  I really got Rhett good. Chomper reflected.  He felt some guilt at this.  True, the arrogant braggart had lied to Ali and reacted cowardly when Chomper had arrived to confront him, but he was still a kid.  A kid that still had his whole life in front of him.  Now, providing that everything went well, that young life would soon be snuffed out.  He hoped that Rhett did not suffer for too long.  At the very least, he deserved a quick end.

As he left the canopy of the forest he could hear crying some distance ahead of him.  The cries of a fast biter.  He could also smell the scent of blood.  Lots of blood.

He immediately quickened his pace.  "I am coming, Littlefoot!"  The small sharptooth was very concerned.  Had Littlefoot been injured?  He would never forgive himself if Littlefoot was injured while he was in command.  They were all depending on him.  How could he let them down?

As he approached the sound of the sobbing, however, it soon became apparent what had happened.  

In the grassland, just outside of the forest, the night circle gave enough reflected light in order to illuminate the scene.  Chomper could clearly see the decimated body of a young longneck.  The young one's back had been shattered with an obscene amount of force.  His intestines and viscera were spilled onto the adjacent ground.  Looking up, Chomper could see the source of these grievous wounds.  It was Littlefoot.  His brown scales were covered with the bright red blood to such an extent that there was little difference between his scales and his naturally red crest feathers.  The grotesque scene would have frightened any leaf-eater, and actually gave Chomper some pause, but it was the fact that Littlefoot actually did all of this that surprised him the most.  Now, this bloodthirsty killer was doing what no outside observer would have expected.

He was weeping openly in a show of unrestrained grief.  Littlefoot had not even noticed Chomper on his approach.

Chomper's expression went from his harsh, stern expression to a look of understanding and sympathy.  It seemed that Littlefoot had discovered the identity of his quarry.  He didn't expect Littlefoot to forgive himself in the immediate future, but he did hope that he could regain control over himself.  He already knew the necessity of their actions, but he needed time to accept them.  In the meantime, Chomper would do what he had to do right now.

And that was to simply be there.

"Littlefoot?"  Chomper called softly.

The fast biter looked up from his handiwork and noticed his sharptooth friend looking at him with an understanding expression.  His face was not accusing, nor coddling, but rather seemed to convey a simple message.

Now you know what it is like to be a sharptooth.

Indeed he did.  Littlefoot took a look at his clawed forelimbs and noted that they were drenched in the same still-warm blood which coated everything else in the vicinity.  Slowly looking back down at his handiwork, he noted that he could see his own reflection in the pool of blood which had poured from the hapless longneck's body.  The reflection which stared back at him was not one that he would have recognized several days ago.  It was the reflection of a sharptooth after a hunt.  It was the image of a killer.

Because I am a killer now.

This realization seemed to make something break in the poor fast biter.  He could no longer hang onto his leaf-eater side with the knowledge of what he had just done.  If her were to ever go back to his old form, how would he live with himself?  He was a sharptooth now, he realized, and there was no going back.  Even if they were able to change back, he was unsure if he would take the opportunity.  In a way, his mourning was not just for Rhett, but for the death of his own leaf-eater side.  The intellectual change had already occurred, now the emotional catharsis had arrived.  He cried not in despair, nor in rebellion, but in resignation.  He was on the other side of the great circle of life now, and nothing could change that.

Littlefoot began to dry his eyes, ignoring the sting as Rhett's blood made contact to the nictitating membranes of his eyes.  He then looked at Chomper with an exhausted expression.  Chomper was approaching him slowly, Littlefoot noted.  It was at this time that Chomper decided to speak.

"It gets easier."  Chomper stated softly as he placed his forelimb upon Littlefoot's shoulder.

Littlefoot thought for a moment before responding.  "I'm not sure that I want it to get easier."  He admitted truthfully.  He looked at the purple sharptooth with a forlorn expression.  "What monster will I be when I no longer care?"

It was a question that Chomper had asked himself in the past.  However, Chomper had the benefit of years to confront that question whereas Littlefoot only had a few days.  Chomper decided to tell the former longneck his resolution to the problem.

"We always need to remember."  Chomper affirmed.  "If we do that, then we will always care."  He then looked at Littlefoot with a contemplative expression.  "We can be good sharpteeth, Littlefoot, but we can't be nice sharpteeth.  Not anymore."  Chomper shook his head with a resigned expression.  "I wish it wasn't so."

The two then embraced slightly as Littlefoot began to calm down.  He could not change the past so it was useless to despair over it.  He recognized that his own instincts were assisting him in pushing his reservations aside, but right now he didn't care.  He had no choice at this point, so he might as well make peace with the inevitable.

As the two broke the embrace, they both looked at the dead longneck.

Littlefoot couldn't deny that, despite his lingering horror, the sight before him was incredibly appetizing.  There was more than enough tasty meat in front of him to feed the gang twice over.  He could almost taste it already...  The sweet, yet metallic, blood...  The savory muscle...  The squishy texture...  Now that his misgivings had been pushed aside for the moment, his primal need for meat was coming to the fore.  This change was not lost on Chomper.  Remembering his etiquette from his mother, Chomper spoke again.

"Go ahead, Littlefoot.  It was your kill.  You get the first bite."

With his insatiable hunger nearly at a breaking point, Littlefoot needed no further prompting to accept Chomper's offer.  With a salivating mouth and hunger-crazed eyes, he dug into Rhett's neck with his razor sharp teeth.  Finally, the uncontrollable and painful hunger was being fulfilled.  

Seeing that Littlefoot was occupied with his dinner, Chomper decided to begin his meal as well.  He had always enjoyed partaking of the tender meat of longneck tails...  That was when he heard the footsteps of the others.

Looking at the others he noted that they were about ready to snap as well.  Even Petrie had a noticeably vacant look in his eyes as his hunger was obviously overpowering his reason.  They probably won't even realize that they are eating Rhett. Chomper deduced, noting their apparent mental states.  Taking a quick look back at Littlefoot he could hear the crunch as he bit down on a portion of Rhett's skull.  I suppose they won't be able to identify him now anyway.  Deciding that it was time to invite the others for dinner before they violently invited themselves, Chomper called to the gang.

"Dig in, guys!  There is plenty for everyone!"

They needed no further motivation as the entire pack descended upon the longneck corpse like a group of vultures.  As the sound of snapping bones, tearing flesh, and chewing jaws echoed into the night, the sounds of everything else were drown out.  The pack could not hear the loud cries of Ali as she explained the fate of Rhett to the rest of her herd.  However, as they finished their meal quite some time later, they could begin to hear the pained wail of Rhett's mother from a great distance.  In the span of one night, the great circle of life had shown its favor upon them and again took from the poor longneck.  She was now completely alone.


Having eaten their fill, the seven sharpteeth began to regain their senses.  They were covered in sinew and gore after their impromptu feast on the fallen longneck.  They looked like something out of their bad sleepstories back when they were leaf-eaters, but their former nightmares had become their current reality.  Six of the seven had participated in a hunt, either directly or indirectly, and even Petrie had greedily feasted upon the exploits of their kill.  They were all implicated in their murderous deed.

Each reacted to this situation in their unique way.

Ruby was taken aback by her actions.  She knew that they would have to eat a longneck in order to survive, but she was ashamed that she had done so in an uncontrolled fashion.  They had behaved like a pack of out of control beasts.  They had literally ripped the longneck limb from limb in their ravenous hunger.  Now, little more than bones remained.  Ruby speculated about what her mommy and daddy would think.  They were right to fear sharpteeth. She reflected.  They... we... are dangerous.

Cera, Spike, Ducky, and Petrie, meanwhile, were beginning to congregate around one another and talk in hushed tones.  They were each dismayed by their actions, but for some reason they did not feel the soul-crushing apprehension that they felt earlier.  Perhaps it was the mental connection that anything that tasted that good couldn't be that bad?  Perhaps it was their instincts telling them to get over their past grievances?  Or perhaps they simply had no more tears to shed?  For whatever reason they seemed to be holding themselves together this time.

Chomper and Littlefoot, meanwhile, were each sitting close to one another.  

Littlefoot was thinking about what they should do now.  They had just killed another living creature, surely that required some kind of acknowledgement or response?  It wouldn't be right to simply say: Great work, guys!  Let's try to kill some more tomorrow! The former longneck thought to himself in a flourish of dark humor.  It was odd though, whereas before such a passing thought would have put him in a dower mood, now it seemed to actually be a source of actual humor to him.  This filled him with some concern and disgust.  Surely, he was not finding humor in the death of others?  If so, then he was turning into quite the monster indeed.

Littlefoot then looked back towards what remained of Rhett.  He still felt a pang of regret and sadness.  Well, that's good.  He thought.  If he still remembered what it was like to be a longneck and still felt regret at the taking of life, then he was not a monster.  He was simply a sharptooth trying to get some relief by finding some humor out of a dark and absurd situation.  Littlefoot didn't know it, but this was a trait that many sharpteeth had.  Having a questionable sense of humor was a far better coping mechanism that lashing out at others.  One path led to an unbearable personality like Red Claw.  The other led to those like Chomper's dad.

Chomper noted the change in tone of his friends with some relief.  It seemed that they were beginning to adapt to their new lot in life with remarkable speed.  No doubt this was due to their sudden resolution of hunger.  Now that they had experienced the hunger madness they would do anything to avoid that again.  Chomper had no doubt that they would not need much prompting to kill the next time that the situation warranted it.  

Nonetheless a curious atmosphere seemed to be settling over the group.  They were in a similar situation that an outsider faced when integrating with a totally new herd.  Very often they would discard their old ways in favor of the customs of the herd they found themselves in.  This was especially noted in those herds that welcomed them with open arms.  Many times these new recruits to a herd would become even more dedicated to their new companions than the original members actually were.  In the case of the gang, they were slowly becoming ready to accept the new life that had befallen them, but were unsure how to do so.  

Chomper realized, with some amusement, that he would have to be the one to tell them of the finer points of sharptooth life.  This was very ironic to him, as many in the Mysterious Beyond considered him an outlier of sorts.  A sharptooth who allied with leaf-eaters, a stranger to his own kind.  Now he would have to teach the others how to carry themselves in their new lives.  He was uncertain of his suitability as a teacher, but he resolved to do his best nonetheless.  He owed it to all of them.

With a tap on Littlefoot's shoulder, he whispered into his ear.  "I think that it's your pack again.  The hunt is over."

Littlefoot nodded to the purple sharptooth, before embracing him in a tight hug.  He knew full well that they all would have starved or attacked one another if it wasn't for Chomper's assistance.  They owed him much.

Littlefoot then cleared his throat in order to get the attention of the others.

"So... um..."  He began.  Man, I am not good at this. He reflected for a moment.  "We are no longer hungry."  He looked at all of the others as he said this.  "But it came at a high cost."  He said as he looked at Rhett's corpse.

Nods and affirmative grunts bellowed from the gang.  Cera, however, decided to speak.

"It... didn't suffer too much did it?"  Though she would not admit it, her lingering guilt over her actions were clear for all to see.  She wanted to think that the poor thing at least had a quick end.

Littlefoot simply gave Cera look that made her expression turn more solemn.  It was not clear to the assembled dinosaurs that their first hunt was a rather brutal one.

"Chomper got his leg... and I finished Rhett off."  Littlefoot confirmed

The others immediately rose at that proclamation and responded in shocked tones.

"Rhett?"  Ruby questioned.

"Oh, no, no, no!"  Ducky lamented.

Cera took a few moments to catch her bearing before she responded.  "Is that true?"  She then paused for a moment as the full realization set in.  "Did we... eat Rhett?"

Littlefoot simply nodded.

Ducky and Spike took on solemn expressions, while Cera and Ruby were still shocked by the revelation.  Petrie, meanwhile, had an unreadable expression.  Chomper observed their responses in silence.

Littlefoot then continued.  "I think the other longneck that we were chasing was Ali."

This did not cause as much of a response from the others, as many of them had already deduced that information.  Each of them were now trying to wrap their minds around the fact that they had killed a dinosaur that they considered a friend, and had chased another that they considered a very good friend.  How could they ever go back now?  They were left to confront the same horrible truths that Littlefoot had been processing many moments before.

"Are we bad sharpteeth now?"  Ducky asked softly.  Although the former hadrosaur was not crying, Chomper knew that she was on the cusp of losing control.  Regardless of whether she was a leaf-eater or sharptooth, Ducky was still the loving soul that she always was.  That was what made this fundamental truth very hard for the green fast biter to take.

"No, Ducky."  Chomper began.  "We are just sharpteeth and sometimes we have to kill."

Ducky looked deeply at Chomper for a few moments.  With her new fast biter eyes, Chomper noted that it almost appeared as if she were staring straight into his soul.  The luminescent green orbs appeared to lay everything bear.  After a few moments she averted her eyes slightly and nodded.  This was what she was now and she had no choice but to accept the inevitable.

Ruby looked at the bloody remains of Rhett with a contemplative expression.  Her clawed paw reaching her chin in a ponderous expression.  Finally, she spoke.

"He didn't deserve that."  Ruby observed with a morose expression.  She hadn't known the two longnecks well, as she had only met them once, however she knew that they were good dinosaurs.  They had killed an innocent on this night.

Chomper looked at his former caregiver for a moment, before answering with a sad truth.  "They never do.  But nothing can be done about it."  He then shook his head.  "We have to eat."

An anxious silence permeated throughout the gang as each tried to reconcile themselves with their actions that night.  Each knew that they couldn't have hoped for a better outcome, but that did not make the truth of their actions any easier to take.  The silence lasted for several moments as no one wanted to break the quiet.

Finally, Littlefoot decided to break the intractable silence.

"So um..."  Littlefoot began again, seemingly at a loss at what to do.  What did a pack do after it killed someone?  It wasn't a question that he pondered as a longneck for very obvious reasons.  For that reason he directed his next statement at Chomper.  "What do sharpteeth do after they... you know... hunt?"

Chomper nodded at Littlefoot's question and answered carefully.  "Well... We could go to sleep.  We still have a long journey ahead of us."

Cera interjected at this.  "Just like that... we go to sleep?"  She was surprised at the callousness of the proposed action.  How could they brutally rip someone apart and just go to sleep as if they were tired after an evening meal...  Oh right.  She reflected darkly.  We did just have a meal didn't we?

Chomper nodded, before continuing.  "But when new pack members join a pack they are initiated first."

Ruby inquired at this.  "Initiated?  What do you mean, Chomper?"  Despite the horrific implications of what they had just gone through, she had to admit that she was curious about how sharpteeth behaved.  She was always hungry for new information and this often got her into trouble during her younger days in the Mysterious Beyond.  But she just couldn't help herself.  She was a curious girl at heart and, much like Littlefoot, would strike off on her own in order to find out about the world around her.  With her stint as Chomper's caregiver she had tampered her impulses with the responsibility expected of a young dinosaur of her age, but she still had that adventurous streak in her.  She supposed that she always would.

Chomper pondered for a moment about how he would explain this.

"In... uh... sharptooth life you don't have just one name."  He stopped for a moment.  How in the heck was he supposed to explain this to former leaf-eaters?  He began to pace as he began dictating to the gang  

"You have the name that you are hatched with."  He resumed his speech.  "Like Littlefoot."  He said as he walked by the former longneck.  "Or Cera."  He said as he passed the yellowish fast biter.  "But then you have your pack name."

Ruby was perplexed by this.  "Why do we need a pack name, Chomper?"  She inquired.  "If I am already Ruby then why do I need to be called something else?  I would not want to be called something else unless I was something else."

Chomper knew that question would arise, so he addressed it the best that he could.  "A pack name is like an earned name.  It says something about you."

As the others gave him blank stares, he decided to explain.

"For example, my true name is Path."  The others were surprised by this.  "Oh come on, guys!  You don't think my mommy and daddy actually called me Chomper did you?"  As they nodded, he continued.  "That would be like calling Littlefoot 'Longneck' or calling Cera 'Tree Rammer' or calling Spike um... never mind.  It's just not a good sharptooth name."  He decided to get his train of thought back on track.  

"After my first hunt, my daddy gave me my pack name.  We hunted together so we three were a pack on that day."  He explained.  "I was named Path because I am a land path (bridge) between leaf-eaters and sharpteeth."  He then continued.  "I was hatched by you guys... But I am a sharptooth, that's why I got my name."

"So pack members get a name based on what they are like?"  Littlefoot asked.

Chomper nodded at his understanding.  "Yes, Littlefoot.  I guess we could still call one another by our old names, but we also need to have pack names when we see other sharpteeth."

Cera interjected.  "Hmph!  Well I think that this idea is stupid.  My name is perfectly fine."

Chomper rolled his eyes, but then took on a more serious expression.  "Cera, would you have done what you did as a leaf-eater?"  

"What?  Of course not!"  She responded as if the idea were absurd.

"Then should you still have that name?  You are not the same dinosaur are you?"  Chomper replied.

This realization stunned Cera and the others into silence.  They weren't the same dinosaurs anymore were they?  Did this mean that they simply had to move on and try to be someone else?  It was a horrifying possibility.

Chomper continued.  "When a kid is ready to hunt they are beginning to grow up.  That is what my mommy told me.  We can no longer act like babies; instead we have to act older."

"Kind of like the Great Longneck Test?"  Littlefoot interjected.

"Um... Yeah."  Chomper replied.

Silence fell on the dinosaurs for a second time in the last few moments.

Cera sighed.  "Fine.  Give us new names, but don't expect me to ever use mine."  She said in an indignant tone.

Chomper nodded  "Of course!  My mommy and daddy still called me Chomper even after my special naming day."  He paused for a moment.  "But if another sharptooth called me that then I would probably bite them."

The others laughed at Chomper's statement.  It seemed that even if you gave him a more dignified name, you couldn't take the chomp out of Chomper.  The only question now was what were they going to be named?  How would they demand that other sharpteeth refer to them as?  Chomper still needed to explain the ritual to them.

"How do we do this?"  Spike asked inquisitively.  He was skeptical of the relevance of this "initiation" but it obviously meant a lot to sharpteeth.  Since they were sharpteeth now it only made sense that they should follow along.

"Well when my mommy and daddy renamed me, they said that the leader of the hunt did the naming."  Chomper thought for a moment.  "In my case it was my parents that were the 'leaders', but I think with fast biters it is different..."  He paused for a moment.  "I guess that I could do the naming.  After all, you all named me!"  He reminded them.

At the unsure shrugs of some of the gang and the reluctant nods of a few others, Chomper gestured with his small forelimbs.  "Okay everyone!  Get in a circle."

As the gang began to form a semicircle around Chomper, each was taking the renaming with varying degrees of acceptance.  

Littlefoot did not much mind, as he had been told that "Littlefoot" was actually his father's nickname.  Ever since he had been told that, he realized that he too would be expected to take a more appropriate name when he got older.  Sometimes he even mused that he might be called Mr. Longneck by some of the residents when he grew older, more responsible, and more boring...  But of course that isn't going to happen now. He thought mournfully.

Cera too realized that sometimes adults when by different names when they were older.  Her father was a prime example, having been named Topsy by his mother.  As he grew older and tried to gain respect he had dropped his old name and demanded to be called Topps.  Very few dinosaurs, except Tria, would dare call him Topsy now.  However, Cera had always liked her name and had no intention of losing it.  Even if it no longer fit her anymore...  Nonetheless she would humor Chomper.  They would have to have more appropriate names when encountering other sharpteeth anyway.  Although she was ignorant of sharptooth society, she was quite sure that the names such as "Ducky" and "Littlefoot" wouldn't exactly make their competitors quake in fear.

Where did that last thought come from?  Cera mused.

As the gang settled into their places, Chomper stepped into the middle of the circle.  He was not an expert at this.  Heck, he was just a child himself.  However, he had gone through this ritual before which was more than what his friends had encountered.  Despite his youth and inexperience, he would try to do this ritual justice.  This was the gang's ceremonial entry into sharptooth life, a most solemn occasion.  After this they would truly be one pack.

He began to walk along the inside of the circle and called out their names one by one.


At the mention of his name the brown fast biter rose to his full height.  His crimson crest and limb feathers gleamed under the light of the night circle.  Although he did not quite understand this strange ritual, something in his instincts seemed to tell him that it was time to be at attention.  The ritual had begun.


The yellowish fast biter rose with an unsure expression on her face.  Despite her misgivings about getting a new name, she had to admit that she was somewhat excited about what was coming.  She wondered where that emotion was coming from...


The rose-colored fast biter stood up at the mention of her name.  Fast runner society had its fair share of rituals, far more than what the leaf-eaters had.  From the ceremonial bath prior to one's star day, to the great test of speed, they had many ways to mark the passage of time and the coming of new life stages.  She supposed that this was another one of those stages for her to acknowledge.  To her knowledge, no one had ever turned into a sharptooth before, but nonetheless she and her friends had.  She resolved to mark the occasion and try to deal with her new lot in life to the best of her abilities.  It wasn't like she had much of a choice now.


Petrie rose to his full height... Or at least as far as his new body would allow.  Although he felt much more maneuverable in the air, he found that he could only walk and stand in a quadruped posture in his new form, using his wings as a second pair of "legs".  That was why he spent a lot more time in the air ever since the change.  With regards to the ritual, he took a pragmatic view of the proceedings.  He was no longer a leaf-eater flyer and he would have to take on a name better suited for his kind.  It was unlikely that he would ever see his loved ones again, he reflected, so it was probably best for him to put that part of his life behind him.  He had a new life now and he had to accept that.  Although his new mind was willing to readily accept this momentous change, his emotions were not ready to throw his old life away.  This split in his outlook caused great anxiety in the young flyer.  This ritual would not change that.


The green fast biter stood as the others had done in the previous few moments.  As a spiketail he never really understood the importance of rituals.  To him such social graces, including the gang's incessant talking, were superficial things that took away from the things that truly mattered.  He did not need to talk to his friends in order to know their feelings.  All he had to do was observe.  The transformation had not changed that second point, he was still very observant.  However, he noticed that the things he had once considered "superficial" actually meant a lot more in his mind now that he was a sharptooth.  Although he couldn't have known it at the time, Spike was now more focused on the pack dynamics that permeated sharptooth society.  Such social graces were now part of his existence and he had to adapt to them.  With such mental and physical changes having already beset him, Spike did not mind one additional change.  He supposed that a new name could signify his transition into the new sharptooth Spike.  However, he resolved that he, and he alone, would determine what being a sharptooth meant to him.  But nonetheless, the change had been made.  Now it was simply time to acknowledge it.


Ducky was the last to rise.  She was still in a bit of a daze from her participation in the feast.  She was a killer now and she did not know how to reconcile that with her gentle nature.  True, she did not actually make the kill, but her help had made the entire enterprise possible.  She was certain that even if she could have changed back into her old form, that her mother wouldn't be able to recognize her.  The mental anguish was simply too much.  She had seen and done too much.  In a way she hoped that this renaming would allow them to put some of their misgivings behind them.  She had no choice but to live as a sharptooth now, perhaps she should adopt the name of a sharptooth.  Despite her hopes, however, she still realized that a huge chasm existed between her old life and her new one.  She was unsure if she would ever be able to bridge the two.

With all of the gang now called upon by their old name, Chomper decided to proceed with the ritual.  Now let's see...  How did my daddy do this? Giving his best effort, he tried to repeat the words that his father had spoken several seasons ago.

"You were all children with children's names, but today you have put away your childish things..."  He began with an imperious voice that surprised the others.  Chomper may have been repeating what he had learned long ago, but he sounded like a sharptooth that was years older and wiser.  Ruby reflected that perhaps this ritual was more instinct than learned.  However, before she had too much time to ponder, Chomper continued.

"Today you have killed.  You have taken the life of another to maintain your own.  Today you have become true sharpteeth."

Chomper then took on a softer expression.  The ritualistic part of the initiation had been completed, now it was time for the naming part.  Thankfully, this was a bit more informal.  At least it was in his case...

"Okay, guys.  Now we have to choose your names."  Chomper seemed to ponder for a moment, before walking up to Littlefoot.

Littlefoot had an unsure expression on his face.  Chomper was immediately reminded of how he found Littlefoot the night before.  He had been trying to talk to his long-dead mother in an attempt to find some guidance in what to do.  He was also the de facto leader of the group, only relinquishing control when it was obvious that they needed an experienced hunter to lead the first hunt.  He was the embodiment of the unsure leader.  He knew exactly what to name Littlefoot.

"Littlefoot, you are kind of lost without your old self.  I will call you 'Seeker'.  As you are seeking what it means to be a good sharptooth."

Littlefoot seemed to ponder this for a moment, before nodding.  Obviously he could not disagree with the logic of Chomper's choice.  He was undoubtedly seeking the answers, just like he had done as a leaf-eater, but now with renewed vigor.  At least he still had his friends to help him.  With them he knew that he would eventually find the answers to his questions.

Chomper then walked up to Cera.  She couldn't resist the chance to get a word in.

"This silly ritual changes nothing.  We are sharpteeth either way."  Cera observed.

Chomper smiled.  "You shall be called 'Stern Claw'.  You are cold in your outlook, but you are not wrong."

Cera seemed to digest this information, but she raised no objections.  She was always the pragmatic one who raised unwanted truths despite popular resistance.  She nodded.  Yes, the name does fit me, doesn't it? She reflected.

Chomper then walked up to Ducky.  He decided to ask her a question before he named her.

"What do you think about your change, Ducky?"

Ducky looked upon Chomper with a sad expression and seemed to think for a bit before answering.  "I don't know.  Oh, no, no, no!  I don't want to hurt, I only want to help."

Chomper pondered for a moment before making his choice.  "You shall be called 'Haven'.  You would rather be a refuge for others, rather than their killer."

Ducky had no objections to her name, as it matched her perfectly.  She gave a slight nod and stepped back from the circle.

He then walked up to Petrie.  Petrie looked up to him with an unreadable expression.  It was obvious that the flyer was uncomfortable on the ground, as the desire for great heights that was found in all sharpteeth was magnified in his case.  Thinking about his attributes as a flyer, Chomper wasted no time to pick his name.

"You shall be 'Spotter', as you are good at spotting things from the air."

Petrie gave a nod, just as the others had done and joined Ducky outside of the circle.

Chomper then walked up to Spike.  Spike's eyes seemed to stare into Chomper's very soul.  It was obvious from his work as a scout during their hunt on that day, that Spike was extremely observant.  He was already observant as a leaf-eater, despite his much weaker senses of smell and hearing, but this trait of his was magnified with the transformation.  He also could see emotional turmoil in others, such as Ducky, before any of the others took notice.  He knew exactly what to call him.

"You shall be 'Finder', as you are a good scout.  You see what others do not."

At Spike's nod, Chomper went up to the last person left in the circle.  Ruby had been waiting silently with a contemplative expression on her face.  She was obviously observing and thinking about this ritual with the same introspection that she confronted with everything else.  Chomper admitted to himself that Ruby was an excellent choice as his caregiver.  Her calm, reflective nature was a perfect foil for his excitable, proactive personality.

"You look like you are thinking."  Chomper noted.

Ruby responded after a moment.  "I don't know what to think anymore."

Chomper nodded.  "You shall be called 'Ponder', as you are trying to find your thoughts once more."

As Ruby nodded her acceptance of her name, the ritual drew to a close.

Chomper looked at everyone for a moment.  They all had an appearance of uncertainty intermixed with acceptance, a rather interesting combination.  They were obviously still adapting to their changed lot in life.  He hoped that their new names helped them to put the past behind them.  It was rather clear to the young sharptooth that they were never changing back.  The sooner that the others accepted this, the better off they would be.  He wished it wasn't so, but with only one exception in his life, wishing didn't change anything.

"Well, that's it!  You all have your sharptooth names."

Littlefoot looked up at the purple sharptooth and decided to tease him now that he knew Chomper's real name.

"Alright Path, I suppose what I truly seek now is sleep."

The others laughed at this, whereas Chomper looked taken aback for a moment.  But, after seeing the mirth from the other members of the gang, he too joined in the laughter.  They had acquired new bodies, new instincts, and new names, but yet they were all still here.  Where it truly mattered, his friends had not changed.

It was that final thought that followed Chomper into his dreams that night.  Tomorrow, they would have to continue their journey to Hanging Rock and deal with whatever unknowns that came their way.  But, for this night at least, they were all at peace.  They could not know what the morrow would bring, but they all knew that they would face it together.

Author's note:

Just to let everyone know, I will continue to use the gang's original names as the story goes on in order to avoid confusion. Just keep in mind that they will actually be using their new sharptooth names when interacting with other sharpteeth.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.