The Gang of Five
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Planet Alimon

Threehorn · 137 · 39222


  • The Gang of Five
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I just thought of this and see if anyone wouldn't mind this, i know that Alimon's are owned by a member here. so all copyrights is his, if he wish to stop this now, I will comply to it.


here is the background summary to the point of this bit.

USS Cretaceous, a federation Star Ship that gone into the far reaches of the Galexy coming into the Beta Quadrant arriving at the world which Alimon's live. the federation council found information about them from a person which was frozen since the earily 21st centrey and now been awaken. And now Cretaceous captain, Andrew Threehorn (which is one of my personal Charcaters) ordered to go there and learn as much about these Alimons as possible can with the help of the person that wrote the very reports.


(Profile of senior crew are here in this link. my ones that I created for the star ship that also used in a fanfiction of mine)

USS Cretaceous senior Crew Profile

I hope some people have some interests to this idea of mine that I just thought up.


  • Ducky
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I just thought of this and see if anyone wouldn't mind this, i know that Alimon's are owned by a member here. so all copyrights is HIS, if HE wish to stop this now, I will comply to it.

Hers.  DarkHououmon is a girl.


  • The Gang of Five
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(thanks for correcting me, so are you interested?)


  • Ducky
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Yes.  But I still think I should inform Dark.  Since she created the alimons, she's probably going to have to join too.


  • The Gang of Five
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(Yeah it best to see if its fine with her first. if not, I will close this topic down in respect)


  • Ducky
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  • Littlefoot
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(This roleplay sounds good, Threehorn. ^^ You can keep it up if you want to. I'll probably join soon.)


  • The Gang of Five
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(thank you :D, so it begins)

-starting as a Captain's log-

'Captain's Log Stardate 61930.3, the Cretaceous is on route to the star system Jexui, we have a special guest on board from the 21st centray, after beging cryonical frozen for over 300 years. Age was suprising but that is not the importances to this mission. the federation found out about a race called the Alimon in old earth reports that was made by this young man of a fossil of this race found on Mars. a Long range probe that arrived at the star system Jexui discoved at the 4th planet being M-class but with life signs that match the fossils. We've been asked to investigate this planet which was nicly called Alimian. Now we speed into the deep unknown to this planet beyond federation space, dangours could happen that make this mission more trouble then it really worth. I just hope it worth the risk for my crew and I...' Captain Threehorn did his log in the ready room on the bridge.

Captian walks out the doors opening then shutting after he walked through. Andrw turn to the view screen then Commander Turla "Commander where is our guest? I wish to speak to him" the triceratops captain spoke

"Mess Deck sir" the vulcan commander replied the captain walking into the turbo lift the door closing.

Meanwhile in the messdeck...

(your cue Cyber, the mess deck has tables, chairs, a galley which is the kicthen, bar and in the main area people sit to relex or eat looking out the large windows at the stars.)


  • The Gang of Five
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(Cyber. just letting you know its your cue to join if you wish. if your using Tanner, he would be in the Mess Deck sitting at a table near a window or something. there would be people walking in and out or getting something to eat or drink sitting down at other tables. Guinan who use to work on the enterprise D before it was destoryed works befind the bar and tend to come up to people and talk to them.)


  • Ducky
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(I know.  But I can't think of anything to type.)


  • The Gang of Five
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Guinan finish serving some drinks to officers then go over to Tanner's table "You must be Tanner, the human that was discovered in the hidden lab on Earth. I am Guinan the bar tender of this Mess Deck. How the 24th centery for you so far kid?" Guinan said politly to him


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  • Ducky
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"Hmm, it's different.  A lot of planets and stars in the galaxy that we only dreamed of going to in the 22nd century are now colonized.  Warp speed is faster and more efficient.  Very different indeed." Tanner says.  Looking out the window at the stars.


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Guinan looked out the window as well then back at Tanner as she sat down "The world can be a strange place for someone like you. But I am sure you will be fine" Guinan smiled


  • Ducky
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"Yeah.  It isn't all that different." says Tanner.


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"Alimons... a name I haven't heard of for over 200 year" Guinan spoke softly


  • Ducky
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"Hmm?" Tanner turns his head to look a Guinan.


  • The Gang of Five
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"Well I have seen one of these Alimons, some alien caught one from a unknown location and was displayed in a trading station over Kilar V over 200 years ago." Guinan spoke "very unusally creature. one it walk on fours and another is very intelligete."


  • Ducky
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"Same here." says Tanner as he goes back to looking out the window.

(Do you want to join my Dinotown RPG?  It's been over two weeks now and still nobody has joined.)


  • The Gang of Five
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(I will give it some thought. :) thanks for letting me know about it)

"How our guest Guinan?" Guinan turn and look up from where she sat

"Hello Captain, we was just talking about how things are in the 24 centery" Guinan answered getting up "And about the Alimon."

"Is there something I must be aware of" captain Threehorn requested

"The Alimon are very cleaver, you need to be careful with them" Guinan gave her words and went back to the bar tending it

"Mr Tanner I am Andrew Threehorn Captain of this star ship, sorry for not greeting you on board before hand, but I was in a meeting with the research teams that will go on the planet" Captain Threehorn spoke to Tanner who still looking out of the window not taking his eye on the triceratops captain yet.