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DarkHououmon's Artwork


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I was trying to make it look like there was a gust of cold wind swirling around the keelut (the creature depicted).


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Yay! I've been enjoying your drawings and seeing what you come up with for each prompt. I might participate in Inktober next year myself.


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    • - Build - Husky

I just realized that there might have been confusion regarding what medium I'm using. To clear it up, I'm using pencil only for sketching, then using a thin permanent marker to make the outline, after which the pencil is completely erased. The coloring is done using watercolor markers. The challenge is called Inktober for a reason: the final product must be done in some form of ink. Pencil is okay only for the initial creation of the image. I hope that clears things up.

@Anagnos  Sorry it took me a while to write this. Anyway, the reason I was upset was because your comment of "this picture is mediocre compared to the others" came off as rude to me as there was no attempt I recall of you explaining why you felt that way nor any attempts at offering suggestions for said image, outside of using color. I do enjoy reading your feedback; I just ask that if you find one of my pictures lacking, please explain to me, if you can, what you think needs improving on (such as posture, changes in design, etc).


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I like how expressive the Husky image is. The gray-scale sketch and expressive angles (its claws retracting inwards at an oblique angle) really lends itself to the projection of a feral wolf out for blood.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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@DarkHououmon  I realize I might have come across as rude in my comment, so I apologize for that. I unequivocally probably went too far with that without considering how you might take it. I will definitely make sure that my comments will not come off as accusative in the future. Once again, sorry for this inconvenience I may have caused unintentionally.

I must agree with Owls on the next set of pictures in pretty much everything. I would add that the grayscale actually makes them look a bit more qualified, which is noticeably preferable than the other ones, I’d say. Everything about these two disseminate existent art in a good way, the most notable being the expressions on these figures, which I very much like for adding that extra layer of emotion into them as a whole. The ferocious countenance of the wolf premeditates care in design and preparedness for a viable clash, while the sullen expression in the other one indicates poignant crisis has taken place not too long ago. Very well detailed, Darkhououmon!


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I really like the facial expression in this one which presents quite a humorous feature in the pattern of the character. Some might consider it to be a look of pure terror or in some cases even transparent bewilderment over something that they have seen. Furthermore, the apparent ominous hand attaching itself to the hapless bird reveals something sinister is about to happen – which is only reinforced by the look of the bird. Then again, the position of the arm is quite an extraordinary one, as it almost looks like the strange figure is not about to mishandle the poor bird, but rather help it. There are certainly many ways one can take this picture, but these are the sentiments I came up with when I observed this drawing. It certainly is very explicit in quality, but the catch behind it is not so clear initially. Very well done once more, Darkhououmon! I’ll eagerly await for your future drawings!


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I really like the contrast that is present here between the bird and the darkly shaded hand, proving that opposites do attract in my book. The odd smoke that is coming from the bird's eyes...I do wonder if something bad is about to happen, possibly towards the person who is handling the bird at the moment. I do believe that looking towards the audience like that is a possible foreshadowing of such event. There are some minor issues that I would like to point out in the drawing that I think can be improved. The shape of the bird's head could be more uniform and less irregular. Also, the long pointy feathers sticking out in the back, particularly the first and last one, was drawn a bit weirdly. Also, the end of the pointer finger looked odd as well, albeit it looks fine if you look at it from a different perspective. Keep up the good work, DarkHououmon! :D

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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I honestly smiled upon first glance of this drawing, DarkHououmon. Not only because I thought this was excellent, but also because of the context of the picture. Here, it shows the intimidating and ferocious leopard, while at the same time a smaller creature is clinging towards him like some sort of protector and guardian. I think that is just so heartwarming. Obviously, something off screen is making the leopard acting so defensive and aggressive. Although, the more I look at it, it could probably be interpreted in other ways. While the thing the rodent is holding is a little too vague to know if its a paw or an item, it doesn't change the overall meaning of the picture much for me. Overall, I loved this particular drawing. Great job on the details! :smile

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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I had a darker interpretation of the drawing. To me it seemed like the long-necked leopard was about to devour the poor little rodent. Or maybe he just wants a piece of whatever the rodent is eating. Regardless, very nicely done. It's impressive how much detail you can get using only grayscale.


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I had a darker interpretation of the drawing. To me it seemed like the long-necked leopard was about to devour the poor little rodent. Or maybe he just wants a piece of whatever the rodent is eating. Regardless, very nicely done. It's impressive how much detail you can get using only grayscale.

The rodent looks a bit too calm and happy though, don't you think? Unless he was completely oblivious of the impending doom he is about to face a second later or so.

To further elaborate on my perspective, it didn't seem like the leopard had his preying eyes on the rodent, but rather it was acting aggressive towards something in front of it and off screen. I do have to admit though, the rodent is a little too close for comfort near the leopard's mouth. :o

It's funny, because I would usually always jump on the darker and pessimistic side of things, but yet any thought of that was completely absent with the picture I viewed this time. :lol

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Those are good points. You could be right. That was just how the image struck me at first. Perhaps DarkHououmon could weigh in with her interpretation?

Speaking of which, she showed me the image that inspired her drawing. :P


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That uhh...looks pretty creepy actually. :olittlefoot
Nonetheless, an inspiration that churned out a great drawing. :yes

Also, no need to change your interpretation because of the things I’ve pointed out, unless I have successfully changed the way you viewed it entirely. But yeah, we should wait for his interpretation.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Now this is easily one of the most curious drawings from you lately, and the emotions it awakened in me were quite engrossing as to what this picture could possibly mean. Yes, I believe that every piece of art tries to convey some form of a message to the people to ponder, and while it may not always be unanimous, I like to hear what other people think of the specific art and what kind of emotions it brought up. Now, this kind of a feeling is a bit strange as while I’m not a big fan of art, I still enjoy watching some every now and then. I have to once more reiterate by how amazing the overall quality of the picture is. It really makes me feel like I’m right there, if you know what I’m trying to say here. Undoubtedly, the rodent is about to have some unexpected and unwelcome company sooner or later from the predator it hasn’t yet noticed. I hate to think what the outcome in this scenario would be, but regarding the circumstances, things are not looking very good for the rodent at all. I must also once more express how glad I am to see you continue to keep up with your high-level of detail in your drawings. Keep those drawings coming, it is always a great pleasure to see them. For the record, your inspiration for this one was something else. :lol:


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''Look, mom! No hind legs!''

I realized that I absolutely had to include that sentence as this one was worth a good laugh, in a good way, mind you. I couldn’t stop the small grin from forming on my face when I saw the priceless pose of this creature – whatever it is, because I have no idea. I would gladly appreciate if you could offer some of your input on as to what it could be. Or do you have an inkling what it is and just went with your gut, as they say? I would be most pleased to receive an answer from you to this question, as not knowing has been bugging me almost the entire day. The facial expression is quite frightening, in my opinion as the cold stare of this thing is utmost unnerving – a clear testament of your ability to create something so powerful that it actually affects the person observing it in this way. I have no constructive criticism to offer this time, as I simply couldn’t find anything to point out about. Perhaps someone else will have better luck? Let’s hope so, as there is always room for improvement. :)