The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Fanfiction Awards 2020


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  • Littlefoot
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The fanfiction awards will use the same rules as last year.  Nonetheless, for those of you who are new or who wish to have a refresher as to the process, here are the rules for the fanfiction awards.


1)   Everyone who wants his or her fanfiction to be part of the awards must enter their fanfiction before September 30, 2020. You may enter up to 5 of your fanfictions, but can only have 1 fanfiction award from each year in your signature. Just to clarify, if you posted your story for the fanfiction prompt challenge they can also be nominated here - in fact we would encourage you to enter them. :) The fanfiction must abide by the following criteria (subject to change):

----The fanfiction has to be in The Land Before Time setting. It would not be an LBT fanfiction otherwise.
----The fanfiction needs to abide by the forum rules (otherwise it wouldn't be permitted on this website in the first place).  So no smut or porn.
----The fanfiction has to be either a script, poetry or prose. It can consist of several chapters or just a shorter story, but the minimum length required is 1000 words for a story, or 500 words for a poem.
----The fanfiction should have been updated or created in the last year (so after September 1, 2019). It does not have to be finished.

2)Fill in this form and send it to me by PM on or before September 30, 2020.:

Name of fanfiction:
Short summary:
Link to fanfiction on the GoF:
Author(s): (You have to be one of the authors, but if you have a co-writer, put him/her down here)
Any other comment:

You can rate fanfics here: (no topic created yet - it will be posted after September 30)

1)   We list all fanfictions that you can vote for in one thread. In that thread you can post your rating for the fanfiction. Voting is simple, but it will take some time. You may pick any of the fanfictions you've read, and only those you have read. You will rate this fanfiction a mark from 1 to 10, and include a little description of why you want to give that fanfiction that mark. This description should include your opinion and should show that you've actually read the fanfiction.

2)   Voting looks like this:
Fanfiction: [name of fanfiction 1]
I rate it: 6/10
Because: This fanfiction was average. It did not keep my attention span for much longer than 5 minutes. Next to that it was so obvious what would happen to Cera, everyone knew that she would eventually escape from the Sharptooth. However it is still an interesting plot line and could be made into a movie if it was written with more care and enthusiasm.

Fanfiction: [name of fanfiction 2]
I rate it: 8/10
Because: Wow! I've never seen anyone write this well! As much as I despise human influence in the land before time, it was awesome to see how Littlefoot communicated with them.

3) If you have submitted your fanfiction as nomination, you HAVE to rate someone else's fanfiction (you may not rate your own). You need to review at least one fanfiction for every fanfiction you submit. If you submit 5, you review 5!

4) After the awards are over, everyone who participated in the fanfiction award will get an award for them to show in their signature.  If you submitted multiple stories for consideration then you will need to pick which story you wish to receive your award for. The award will state the following:

Fanfiction award for [name of fanfiction here]
Number of votes: 3
Average rating: 7/10

You will not be disqualified for the appreciated member award if you join these awards.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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  • Littlefoot
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@DiddyKF1 @OwlsCantRead @RainbowFaceProtege @Ducky123 @UnionRags123

The nomination period for the fanfiction awards has been extended through the end of the Appreciated Member voting period.  So if, for example, you get the Summer Exchange Prompt done and want to include it as one of your nominations, you still have the chance to do so.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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  • Ducky
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Good to know, Rhombus! Thanks for the heads-up! I might actually have my story finished in time for that, we'll see.  :)littlefoot


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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Hi everyone! :rainbowwave

Today is the last day to send in your nominations for the fanfic awards.

Please note that the creation of the voting topic might be delayed by a few days due to personal circumstances on Rhombus' side, but it will arrive soon! :)