The Gang of Five
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Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond

Jrd89 · 820 · 100821


  • Petra (He/They)
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Pterano chuckled as the little guy fell asleep in his arms. "Go to sleep, little one. You need your rest." He placed him down, laying beside Fury because he was tired too. He laid his head over Fury's, protecting him from the cold. (Yep, Pterano's a real sweetheart once you get to know him) He was about to fall asleep himself but a ramble went through the ground, causing Pterano to jump. "Huh? What's going on?" he asked, still cradling the young glider.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Petrie
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Jared felt the violent rumbling below his feet "Whoaaahoooaahhh!!! PTERANO! It''s an... EARTHSHAKE!! WHOAAAHOOOAAAHHHHH!" yelled the tan rhamphorhynchus, feeling very worried and scared as the ground continued to rumble heavily.

Mama's Girl

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Just as she was starting to feel everything was going back to being better, Harper felt the ground shake a bit and backed up nearer Petrie as her brother looked even more shocked and worried over it and they both backed nearer where Pterano and Fury were.


  • Petrie
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********NEW CHARACTER :) :  Trulyfantasticme and I both wanted to bring in a villain because this story could use one...

Trulyfantasticme came up with Zaine. He's an old pteranodon who's Pterano's father, and he's far more evil than what Sierra could ever be in his life!

So (If it's ok with you guys) Let's let Zaine into the story. We just need a villain to make the story more interesting, and Zaine will be perfect for that.  ;) *************


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Redback sighed. There was no hiding it now. "Well, y'see, I have this little...condition that...makes me like this."

But as he made to get up and continue, he stumbled as he felt the ground shake beneath his feet.

"Aw heck, now?! Really?" He muttered as he held himself low to the ground.


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"Urgh, I hate these," Luke complained as he felt the ground violently tremble beneath him. "They always make me feel queasy..." He shook a finger at Redback. "We'll talk about your condition later. I don't want to end up on the wrong side of it."

As he spoke, he noticed the earthquake seemed to be getting more violent. "We should be careful of the trees... they don't sound so steady..." he warned, as the sound of the trees creaking filled the air.

*Also, I'd like to see what Zaine has to offer  :) *


  • Spike
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As the earth began to shake Roger looked as though he didn't even realize. He just stood there, swaying with the moving ground and a hand on his beak. "We'll talk about it later mate, seems like ye' old grounds getting restless" he chuckled and nodded to Luke. "Good point aye"


  • Petra (He/They)
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(Okay time to resurrect this baby)

The ground shook a little more violently, causing a few stalicites to fall on the ground. "Uhh Dad?" Devon called, a little worried. Let's say about a second later, the shaking stopped, leaving the dinosaurs in confusion.

"...that's it?" Artie muttered, stepping towards Devon to make sure he's okay. Pterano did the same for Fury as he brought the little guy back into his arms.

"Are you okay, little one?" he asked, but the the ground shook as hard as ever, causing the flyers to stumble. A crack formed on the dirty ground, getting larger and larger as it began to split the earth in two.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Mama's Girl

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Petrie and Harper both flapped up as the split formed, avoiding it. This was starting to look really bad, like it had back during that Great Earthshake. Harper pushed aside thoughts of that time.

"I...I hope the others are ok" she said, partly to herself.

*Yeah, Zaine does sound interesting, and it'll be interesting to see if Harper will be able to see through him, so to speak. Is he going to be playing nice around everyone but Pterano?*


  • Petrie
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Jared jumped in the air as the earth split.

"AHHHHHHHH!! Pterano!!! Artie!!! everyone! We've gotta get to a safe place now! I don't want to fall in!!" screamed Jared. The tan rhamphorhynchus was VERY scared as the ground continued to split apart!


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The creaking sound was replaced by a louder, grinding noise. Darting his head around to see where it came from, Luke jumped in shock as the ground in front of him cracked open. The trees next to the split line were ripped free from their roots and swallowed by the dark, cavernous mouth opening up.

"We need to get out of here!" Luke yelled as he flapped and landed on Redback, urging the ground - bidden dinosaur onwards.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Fury grumbled as he still felt the earth shaking below his feet. Yet despite all of this going on the poor flyer simply closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep feeling safe and content in Pterano's arms. "J-just let me... sleep." he mumbled aloud as he curled up to Pterano while still feeling the ground shaking.


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Roger jumped up and began to flap his wings, looking at the crack in the earth with an odd expression. "Very interesting..." he said to himself as his one good eyes scanned the ground.


  • Petrie
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Jared began to really worry.  :unsure:

"I hope Rinkus, Roger, and the others are ok."

Then, tears started running down the tan rhamphorhynchus's beak. Then, Jared started trembling all over as he thought of his father...

"I hope... I.. *sniff!* hope m-my dad's all right!  :cry Ohhh! I wish Rinkus was here with me right now. And... and Roger too... He looked like such a fun longtailed flyer... and... I.. I wanted to learn from him how he can sleep hanging upside down!"

Then, Jared's mind went back to Rinkus...

"B-b-but... OHHH!!! ... Rinkus!  He's my DAD! *sniff!*  :cry   I hope he didn't get hurt or fall in the crack!!.... AWWH!! DAAAAD!!"

Cried Jared as he continued sobbing his eyes out about Rinkus, very worried if his pink father was ok or not.  :cry


  • Petra (He/They)
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Pterano looked shocked at the little glider in his arms. Surprisingly enough, the earth was splitting in two and Fury was just sinking into him and sleeping? Just then, a stallicite cracked and began falling down from the cieling right above Pterano, who just moved out of the way just in time. As if on cue, the shaking stopped and the ground was now two cliffs. The opening of the cave wasn't there anymore. Just a big pile of rocks and dirt that looked futile to clear.

Pterano sighed, still holding the young one in his arms. "Is...everyone alright?"

Artie sat up and shook her beak. "Ohhh my head. Yeeeah I'm alright. How about  you, Devon?" She recieved no answer whatsoever. She looked in his direction, only to see a couple of rocks. "Devon?"

(Yay!! Time to put in some suspence!)
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • Petrie
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"I'm all right Pterano... but.. now you're cave's ruined....and worse yet.. WE'RE TRAPPED!!  :cry  Now I don't know WHAT WE'LL DO!!. :cry " Jared told the red flyer in a sad and scared voice... then HE got very worried about Devon..

"But first, before we do anything else.. we need to find Devon!  :blink: HE must be buried beneath the ROCKS!!!  AHHH!  WE'VE GOTTA SAVE HIM BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!!" said Jared in a very panicky voice...

Jared tried moving some of the big rocks out of the way, and called out for Devon...

"*Uuuuughhh* *mmmmmmffff* DEVON???? DEVON??? *urrrrrrgh* DEVON!! Can you hear me??? It's Jared! Do you remember me? *mmmmmfff* I'm that tan longtailed flyer with the blue eyes..  **oooof** DEVON! are you alive??" :blink:  :unsure: Devon!! where are you? c-can y-you hear me?"

shouted Jared to the blue cearadactylus as he continued moving rocks out of the way, hoping Devon could hear him.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Fury gave a short but annoyed screech at the sky as he rolled out of Pterano's embrace and landed on his feet. He stood up and without opening his eyes commented. "I am just never going to get to sleep am I?!" The young glider then opened his eyes and upon having to readjust them for the new source of light around him he blinked in rapid succession and then after realizing something was wrong he asked rather nervously, "Woah... did I miss something important? The last time I looked, we were in a cave.... What in the Mysterious Beyond is going on around here?!"

Mama's Girl

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"Yeah, we're fine" Harper said as she glanced back to her brother. Petrie looked freaked out, but generally ok. Yet then they both frowned as Devon couldn't be spotted and the worst was feared.

"Oh, me hope he ok..." Petrie said as they watched Jared dig and were too small to move most of the rocks themselves.

Harper turned at Fury's question, " There...there's been back to back earthshakes, and one of them, destroyed the cave" she answered, "but...we're not sure where Devon is".


  • Petra (He/They)
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Pterano snapped out of his thoughts and turned to Petrie and Harper. "Wait...WHAT???" He freaked out, immediately taking off to the other side of the split and landed next to Jared. "Devon? Devon? Can you hear me?" But there was no answer. Either the rock wall was soundproof or...No. No he couldn't think like that. Devon was on the other side of this cave. He knew it...he hoped it was so. He knelt down and helped Jared with the moving rocks. But there were too many of them...and 99 percent of them were too heavy for any flyer to move. He sighed, leaning against the rock out of breath. "Ohhh please be okay, Devon."

Artie sighed, trying to calm herself down. If there was one thing she feared most, it was being trapped in a small place, especially if it was with other dinosaurs, even if they were the dinosaurs she knew. She then turned to her side, expecting to see Joe...but he wasn't there either. "Joe?"

Just then, a mumbling was heard and she immediately rushed towards the voice. To her surpise, she saw a certain spiketail laying there, covered in rocks. "Joe!" She gasped, rushing to his side, removing the rocks. Luckily the rocks weren't too heavy or she'd be out of luck. "Joe! Are you okay?"

He groaned in response, opening an eye to face her. " that you?"
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

The Great Valley Guardian

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Fury looked around and noticed two things immediately. That two of their members were trapped underneath several large rocks and after a few moments of fearful indecision the young glider had made up his mind, and set off to try and help Artie clear the rocks from around Joes body. He felt bad that he had slept through most of the danger and wanted nothing more than to make sure everyone was alright. "J-just stay awake. Please... can you do that for us?" he asked gently as he pulled more rocks away from Joe.