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Petrie. · 91 · 19370

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Wow, that's a seriously thought-out assessment, I wish there was more stuff like that around here...

One thing you forgot was the "Escape from the Mysterious Beyond" episode, where Chomper has to comfort and protect Ducky for like 3/4 of the episode  while they're on that ledge, untill Littlefoot & co. show up and rescue them both. Also, even though Ducky mentioned wanting to help the trapped velociraptor, it's Chomper that in the end decides to actually do it.


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Part of that may be since she could not talk to the trapped fast biter and could not push any rocks away since she is to little.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Ah, true that. Still, it would have been nice if it was Ducky who reminded Chomper about the velociraptor or something. She just seemed superficial in the end, being I think the only charater who didn't end up rescuing somebody else in the whole episode.

Cancerian Tiger

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The best swimmer around, hands down :D.  Ducky has always been my second most favorite character, my first being Cera.  She's very kind, devoted to others, sweet, caring, brave and a little too innocent, not to mention being a pushover.  She's also very accident prone.  I'd cuss out Universal if she ever gets seriously hurt :angry:.  Ducky's dark side has now been put out in the open.  I think it's great for all to know even the sweetest and most naive folk have flaws like everyone else.  Her light side definitely outweighs her faults.  Even the way she adopted Spike as a brother is very touching.  Like some have been saying, I wish Universal will develop a sequel which mainly focuses on Ducky :yes.  She is way too underrated.


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She is a cute character and I think with many folks she'll be in their top 2 characters if not top 3.

Cancerian Tiger

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I watched "March of the Sandcreepers" the other week, and I could'nt help but notice just how maternal in nature Ducky already is.  She is so sweet, and she's gonna make some lucky batchelor a happy husband and be a great mother at the same time :^.^:!


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I"m sure she will.  There may be potential swimmers around for her to date since in some scenes they show several adult swimmers in some shots, and they may have kids.

She does seem very maternal and caring, even back in the first movie as I recall.  Though I would need to see it again, I've not see it for a while.  A good reason to watch it again.


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Yes... shame I just leant my copy of the original to a friend...

In the original Ducky is the one who "adopts" Spike as a brother and I think that this is an important point. Already she is looking out for others, even if she's never met them before and they're not even the smae species. She had no hesitency about coming up to Littlefoot as well.


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And as she talked to Littlefoot, if I recall correctly, she showed some concern when he didn't talk to her right away.

The Great Valley Guardian

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She had no hesitency about coming up to Littlefoot as well.

That's just part of who she is. And let's not forget that at the end of the very same movie after reaching the valley her mother didn't raise a single question either. Although it is widely believed that Ducky's species is highly parental and the producers may have taken that into consideration.


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As I recall didn't both of her parents accept Spike with no problems or questions?  It may be natural to her kind of dinosaur in the LBT world.


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Quote from: LettuceBacon&Tomato,Feb 5 2008 on  11:07 PM
Ah, true that. Still, it would have been nice if it was Ducky who reminded Chomper about the velociraptor or something. She just seemed superficial in the end, being I think the only charater who didn't end up rescuing somebody else in the whole episode.
I think the only reason why Ducky didn't end up convincing Chomper to do anything during that episode was that Chomper needed to learn on his own what he can or can't do at his current age. The fast biter kept making teasing comments about Chomper being small and unable to help anybody, but in the end Chomper is the one who comes out as the bigger sharptooth by helping him get unstuck from the rocks. This episode most likely sent out the message that evenif you are small you can still do big things, and Chomper needed to learn this on his own, just like Ducky learned in the first episode when she screamed in the Cave of Many Voices to scare Red Claw away.

Overall, Ducky is definitely a loveable character who is the purest form of a child. She always thinks about others before her and is always so kind and gentle. She definitely has a bond with Petrie, always comforting him every time he gets scared.

In my opinion, Ducky also has a dark side hiding underneath her cute innocent nature. The first we saw of this in my opinion was in LBT 8 when she really got mad at Spike after Cera taught her how to be mad (the song was pretty annoying). Then we saw it again in LBT 11 when the others were really pissed off at Littlefoot about the incident with the tiny longnecks. She always seemed to follow the idea that friends should never really get angry or fight with each other, however she ignores this when she yells at Littlefoot. She even becomes a little selfish when she makes the comment that she didn't get a tree sweet (although she countered this with including everybody else in the valley)
The biggest sign of her dark side was definitely in the tv episode "Search for the Sky Color Stones". After searching in the cave for a long time, Cera and Ruby are unable to find any stones because Ducky has already found them all and is keeping them for herself. Since when did Ducky become so greedy? She was even willing to risk her life for the stones when she was hanging on a ledge and all her stones were falling. Although Ducky is 99% the sweetest character of them all, the remaining 1% contains a much more darker side to her.


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My problem with the greedy thing is it does seem to fit Cera's personality more then Ducky's.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Yes, but this proves that Ducky isn't immune to such emotions, and that it just takes time for them to show in her personality.


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Not only did Ducky keep the stones for herself, but she chose to search for them over helping Spike in his time of need.  I'm very disappointed in her for that. -_- At least I can be happy knowing she learned her lesson.  Too bad it took a near death for it to happen. -_-

Ducky's mutual side is SO highly developed for her age.  It definately showed with all the care and protection she showed for all those crabs.  She'll probably make one of the best wife and mother in history when she gets old enough.  Whatever guy ends up with her will be quite lucky indeed. :)

Oh, and if she was a human in modern times, she'd probably be spending a good portion of her time helping the poor and homeless. :)

The Great Valley Guardian

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Oh, and if she was a human in modern times, she'd probably be spending a good portion of her time helping the poor and homeless.

Too true. :lol

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Kor,Mar 26 2008 on  04:25 PM
My problem with the greedy thing is it does seem to fit Cera's personality more then Ducky's.
No one is totally immune to having a dark side, and Ducky is proof of this fact.  Funny enough, Cera has yet to display that kind of behavior to prove herself greedy.  This is not the thread on Cera, but I find it fitting to say the reason I believe Cera is gruffer than Ducky is because her father has made her a perfectionist.  She wants to do something right the first time around or it embarrasses her.  Back on topic, I'm not surprised about Ducky's dark side.  It was a long time coming.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: The Great Valley Guardian,Mar 26 2008 on  07:20 PM
Oh, and if she was a human in modern times, she'd probably be spending a good portion of her time helping the poor and homeless.

Too true. :lol
Or she would be an Olympic swimmer who donates to charity ;).


  • Ducky
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although it may be logical to have that characteristic of a "dark side", perhaps it was a little overdone... I mean... I could understand hoarding more than leaving her brother to.... who knows what could've happened


  • Ducky
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Sometimes anyone can made a lot of mistakes because he is upset and ignored. I don't think, that Ducky's "dark side" was shown overstated.