The Gang of Five
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Kit12 · 50 · 8919


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(backed up my OC's ages and so thus added one. When I find Character profile again I'll put her info up)

The young Whistling Swimmer, for one of the things they were called at times, with the single rounded crest to her head that aided in the whistling type tunes that gave them that name, squinted as she looked out over the horizon.

"Yep, they're still there".

The young swimmer, Lily, was in her early teens same as her other two...friends, Tylr and Cree. She hesitated since she would call Tylr a friend, the flyer's only other brood mate of what had apparently been the last brood of their parents, his brother, Cree, she wasn't so sure of.

It made sense for why that, still titled the worse earth shake of ever, had robbed the two boys of their parents since the two elder flyers other children were old enough to have children of their own. Cree was saved from being the youngest of all only by Tylr himself, though he acted tough enough to take down a grown sharptooth and acted as if he despised Tylr.

Lily was pretty sure these were both acts.

Now, the early teens flyer laying claim to an entire territory was not so faked. It was just low vegetation near the Big Water, but Cree had decided, since it was uninhabited when the three 'kids' stumbled upon it, that it was theirs and, by definition of his being in charge in the group of just the three of them, his.

This worked since Tylr would never challenge his brother and just went with whatever he said. Lily just rolled her eyes and let the flyer have at it.

This had been challenged, though, when an actual herd of adults came through to claim the land in the midst of problems at their home of the Great Valley.

One of Cree and Tyler's afore mentioned, much older siblings which kids of their own being in the group just seemed to irk Cree more.

They hadn't been kicked out or anything, their sister, who they met once, briefly, before the Great Earthshake, had simply explained the situation and...Cree had been forced to pretend to give in since he didn't want to face any of the other adults, let alone the very mean looking old Threehorn the group had.

"It's not fair!" he cried, "we've been using that land for a very long time, and then just 'cause they're actual adults they get to come through and steal it!".

"Cree, the Great Valley's got problems" Tylr argued, "and plus Tera (name proposed for Petrie's mom) and her kids are in the group, we couldn't turn them away!".

Lily frowned, "That is rather a sad thought, though, the Great Valley having problems, it's suppose to be...well Great".


Meanwhile, having arrived later with his friends and unaware there was a brooding teenager related to him on the patch of land (or right outside technically) at all, Petrie was...wel hesitating at Ducky's new game really.

"Petrie!" Ducky called to the flyer from one the small pools this land had apart from the Big Water, "come on , jump in, it is deep, it isn't, it isn't, and even if you do sink I will catch you!" she said brightly.

From the rock he was on, about to either jump in or not jump in the water, Petrie frowned deeper at this last part, "But...what if you no catch me in time...".


  • Littlefoot
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Meanwhile, a threehorn sat down and was watching the whole scene unfold in front of her as she scoffed some "Makes me glad I don't have a family....adults being all pushy to get what they want, sisters and brothers to argue about...bleh...." she spoke with her tounge being poked out in the process.

Her name was Skye, she had no family in the Great Valley, she was one who was all alone, however, that's what she didn't seem to mind, she was rather happy to be a one dinosaur herd....well, that's what she continued to believe anyway...granted she was still young, around the same age as Cera and the rest of the gang.

She looked over at Cree and the others, but yet, she gave off a small shrug as she continued to sit where she was, well, that was until she stood up and went to get herself some green food....until another dinosaur rushed in and started to eat from where she was going to eat from.  Skye gave off a bit of an annoyed groan "Hey! That's my green food!" however, she was left ignored as she grumbled to herself.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Spike looked up at Skye and even with a mouth full of treestars grumbled out an apology, then turned around and went right back to eating the shrub without missing a single beat.

Cera was lying next to the pond Ducky and Petrie were in and she sighed before speaking up. "It's so boring around here! I wish something would happen to make it more fun! Geez...I haven't been this bored since we were on that mystery island Chomper calls a home."


  • Littlefoot
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Skye looked over to Spike and what he was eating and actually decided to be rude enough and push him out of the way to get a bite to eat herself as she begun to much away at what green food she could get her paws on.

However, as she ate, she remained quiet, completely ignoring the fact that Spike was still around, she was just hungry at the moment and needed something to eat.


  • Ducky
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Cree'd been about to just blow this younger kid off, when he realized she agreed with him. That gave her point. "Yeah, it's highly annoying!" he agreed.

Tylr and Lily sighed. "Don't mind our moody friend here" Lily said, "Hi, I'm Lily and this is Tylr", the other flyer waved, "and the brooding one is Cree" Lily smirked.

Cree stuck his tongue out at his friend, "I'm just saying...".

Just then their point was proven as Skye, seeming to move on to get something to eat, was interrupted.

"See! See!" Cree almost seemed to squawk like flyers could at times, as he stood and pointed, "See, kid and even pretty much adults (Tylr laughed at his brother claiming they were near adulthood in anyway) like us just can't get a break here!" he pointed to the stocky spiketail kid.

"Ah Cree he's a kid" Tylr said. Both he and Lily frowned and just watched as Luna pushed the other kid out of the way.

"Well, if they do start a fight that could be fun to watch" Cree smiled as he whispered. Lily and Tylr both frowned at his saying such a thing.


(ooc: I suppose we can just temp around Littlefoot)

"Well..." Littlefoot tried to figure out Cera's logic, "Then...this place being bigger should be more fun" he smiled at his attempt before going on, "Look Cera I's not the Great Valley, but the grown ups said it should only be a short time longer before the Great Valley's green again".

Granted, they had only been here a short time and Littlefoot thought they were just saying that, but still.

"You could tell Ducky I no jump" Petrie offered for something to do.

"Oh Petrie" Ducky sighed, realizing her friend didn't want to jump at all, "you can ask Spike, he is a spiketail and swims all the time, and it is not so bad, it isn't".

This, made her look around for her brother, "Spike?" she called, "where did you goed?"


  • The Circle
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Diver (one of Ducky's twins) and her 2 friends Mia (a maiasaur), and Rhyn (a type of flyer like Rinkus) surfaced.  They had been diving to get some underwater food and floated on the surface as they ate.  

"This is certainly better then all that walking in all those dry places." Diver said.  "it certainly is."

"& better tasting then that funny tasting water." Rhyn said before she started to eat some of her underwater green food, having been taught how to swim by Diver during their travel together when they had gotten separated from their families by the great earth shake. Though they had, luckily, been on the same side instead of being on the other side like Littlefoot & the others had been when the earthshake split the earth.  

"At Dion will be ok." Mia said, referring to the young friendly fastbiter they had met during their trip together who had helped them to find their families by following their scent before joining up with his family and herd who lived near the great valley, or flattooth valley as they called it.  

"Certainly since the leaf gobblers do not eat fish so he and his herd will have plenty to eat, certainly they all will."  Diver said.


  • Littlefoot
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(OOC: Remember Kit, it's only Skye at the moment, I'll bring in Luna much later on, when the story has gone on a bit more ^^)

Skye continued to eat the green food in the bush that she had pushed Spike away from as she grumbled a little to herself as well "Stupid leaf gobblers eating all our green food in the Great Valley" she spoke to herself as she looked back at Spike "What are you looking at?" she asked him as she swallowed the food in her mouth before walking off to another area and flopping down onto her stomach.

"This is so boring!" Skye complained, rolling onto her side as well for a moment or two before rolling over onto her other side, then onto her back before sitting up with a groan as she watched the adults eat before looking over at Cree, Lily and Tylr "And what are you lot looking at?"

She paused for a moment before deciding to stand up and walk over to the three of them before sitting back down, now a few feet away from them "Only reason I'm here is....probabally the same reason as you are, the Great valley having no more green food, and probabally will never have green food ever again, all because of those stupid leaf're probabally going to be stuck wandering around forever, eating what green food you can" Skye told them as she had indeed, refeered to just them and not herself, keeping herself out of the argument as she had her own little plan in her mind, one that might work, but probabally wouldn't.


  • Ducky
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Lily and Tylr immediately turned from looking at Skye as she asked this, but Cree was unphased and just shrugged, "Just seeing if a fight was gonna ensue".

"Oh no, we're not wrapped up with that Great Valley lot" Cree waved a wing, "found this place all on our own after that giant earthshake everyone talks about".

"Though...I'm kinda hoping the Great Valley does fix since, yeah, I'd sort of like to go live there with our sister and all", Tylr didn't say they were going to point blank, since that depended on Cree and Tylr wouldn't ever abandon his brother if he did chose not to go, and right now it was looking like he might just chose that.

"But I'm sure it will fix again" Lily said optimistically, "why are you so sure it won't?" She asked Skye.


"You see, Petrie, Rhyn swims" Ducky used her sister's friend as an example". Petrie just frowned, but it did seem to work, making him feel worse if another flyer could pick this up. "You...sure you catch me...?" he asked. "Oh yes yes yes" Ducky smiled. "Ok..." Petrie took a deep breath and jumped, landing like a stone in the water yet then bobbing back up. "See?!" Ducky grinned, holding onto her friend just in case, "it's fun!". Petrie coughed water.


  • Littlefoot
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"Oh, nothing much" the threehorn begun "Just for the fact that when there was that first earthshake, there was hardly any green food around, only the Great Valley had heaps of green food, but look around you, I mean, aren't you certain that by now, green food should be everywhere? But instead, there's just sticks and twigs just got lucky to find green food yet again"

Of course, Skye was just being negative, which was one of her traits as she didn't believe that the Great valley would be able to recover herself, she was only going by what she had seen "I mean, I hould know, I spent some time away from the Great Valley....doing....other stuff" she wasn't going to mention the part about finding her family at the moment "And while I was away, there was hardly any green food around"


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Diver and her 2 friends floated on the top of the water on their backs as they ate their green food looking up into the sky and some of the surroundings and other folks nearby as well.

- - -

Mim was eating while walking around, seeing what different sorts of things that there were to eat that were not the same as in the great valley and somethings she had maybe seen before but not for a while.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot merely frowned at the other group near them. He couldn't help but overhear their complaining about their presence here, but there was nothing they could do about it. "Hey guys, do you think we should try and make friends with them? I mean, by the looks of it they aren't happy to see us, but maybe if we can convince them that there is enough here for all of us to share we can be friends." To be honest, Littlefoot still felt a bit guilty about him and his friends ending up where they were. Had they not run off in the first place, the grownups wouldn't have gone searching for them, and they would have never been reunited here.


Chomper continued to chase the flying buzzer as it weaved in and out between trees and bushes. It hadn't been long since Littlefoot and his friends left the island, and already he was getting lonely. He figured the best thing to keep his mind off of them was food, but even this wasn't helping. He eventually decided to give up chasing and sat against a rock. "I miss them already," he said to himself. "I hope they found their folks. I hope I see them again soon."


  • Littlefoot
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The young threehorn looked over to Littlefoot next, watching him mouth something away, well....she was too far from him to actually hear what he was saying as she let off a small groan and decided to approach the longneck, yet, she looked back to Cree and the other two and shook her head a little bit as well.

Skye approached Littlefoot and sat down a few feet away from him...something she seemed to be used to doing, sitting a few feet away from others, yet, she just shrugged it off without a care and spoke to him straight away "So, what are you lot doing here? Given up hope on the Great Valley as well? All thanks to the leaf gobblers? I mean, I for one, I just had to leave when they swamed in and ate all the green food we had in the valley....had to find some more green food for myself.....and don't mention my parents, they don't care about what happens to me" she spoke up, deciding not to mention what had actually happened to them.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot shook his head. "We haven't given up on the Great Valley, but the swarming leaf goppers ate all our food too. Our parents decided we had to leave and find some place else." He hesitated before continuing. "It's kind of a long story, but my friends and I are the reason why we are here." He then realized that this was probably the best time to try and make friends with the others, so he shook his head and smiled. "My name's Littlefoot by the way. What's yours?"


  • Littlefoot
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At first, the threehorn said nothing as Littlefoot introduced himself to her "Skye" she finally spoke in introducing herself "I guess you're I mean, my parents....decided to leave the Great Valley too, like I was saying, because of those stupid leaf gobblers, eating all y food up, best desicion I had made I think at the tie"

Of course, Skye had more or less contradicted what she had said, saying that it was her parents desicion first, then that it was her own desicion seconds later, something she didn't even realize that she had done....she was just more or less attempting to lie, but seemed to be failing as she did so.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Spike sighed after hearing everyones' conversations about the Great Valley. He gathered up several piles of leaves, and nudged a pile over to Skye with a friendly smile. He then mumbled as if to say, 'This is for you...I'm sorry I stole your food earlier.' He then turned to Ducky and walked into the water and began laughing as he started swimming around and having fun.

Cera sighed at Littlefoot, and Ducky's suggestions. She laid her head down again and replied, "It was more fun on Chomper's least there the game hide and seek had an all new twist."


  • Cera
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Littlefoot nodded. "Yeeah, I know what you mean. My friends and I were so worried that we were going to be split up because of our parents' decision, which is kind of why we took matters into our own hands." Littlefoot then looked at Cera. Yeah, the twist was there were threen sharpteeth there that wanted to have us for dinner. Although, I do wonder how Chomper is doing."


  • The Circle
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"Maybe you can go for a visit." Diver said looking over where Littlefoot was from where she was.  


  • Ducky
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((that's right, you had Littlefoot LBTfan, sorry there))

As Skye went on, Lily frowned, her argument making a bit of sense since even after they found this place they hadn't traveled much themselves. "Well..." she tried to come up with some other reason it would probably be ok, but couldn't think of one so she broke off.

As Skye walked off, Lily turned back to her friends, "I...I don't think the whole world's gotta be dead or anything" she said.

Tylr smiled, "No, there's probably food somewhere, just not near enough to be of use" he said, him and Lily trying to stay positive.

Cree had just sighed and stood in that way that Tylr knew meant his brother was bored and about to leave, so he decided to halt that with a sudden idea.

"Come on" he started, quite boldly actually, half pushing Cree over towards where the kids were, "Come on, the little flyer there's apparently one of Tera's so we're gonna introduce ourselves".

"I don't wan--Tylr let up!" Cree shoved his brother back, but Tylr just smiled after stumbling back. Lily giggled to herself, "Come on boys, Tylr's got the right idea.

She walked over as well.

Petrie had just smiled shyly at Skye's approach and turned to Cera at what she said, "Um, me no like the no get eat twist" he frowned.

He then noticed the other three approach, and especially since they were older teens and Hyp and his friends had built in a nervousness of older kids into Petrie.

"Hi" Lily smiled, "We figured it'd be rude to sit over there when you kids noticed us anyway and not introduce ourselves, I'm Lily".

She decided to let the boys take it from there, so Tylr smiled, "Hi I'm Tylr and, since my brother probably won't introduce himself, that's Cree" he indicated the other yellow flyer who just gave a half-hearted, "Hey".

"We're uh...kinda your grandparents last brood there" he told Petrie, understanding if the little flyer found it odd since he still found it odd his parents had other kids that much older than him. From gossip he'd heard the little three horn with Petrie was in the same lake ((boat)) though.

The little flyer looked like he was thinking, "Oh...maybe that what my mom trying to tell me 'bout other family". It had been a brief conversation and Petrie hadn't grabbed up most of it.


  • Cera
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Littlefoot nodded.  "Yeah I guess, but I think already sneaking away has gotten us in some trouble. I'd rather not put my grandparents through that again." He then looked over at Lily who introduced herself and the others."I'm Littlefoot, and these are my friends. Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike. I hope we aren't intruding too much here."


  • Littlefoot
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One thing Skye was glad of was that none of them had actually figured out her backstory yet, which is how she wanted to keep it for now.  She glancd over at Spike whom had bought her green food, yet, said nothing to him, not even a simple thank you as she looked back to Littlefoot.

"Heh, yeah, parents can be rather annoying and bossy, so glad I don't listen to anyone...." Skye paused for a second as she looked at them "Too bad you guys aren't like me....I mean, me listning to no one at all, it's all just me" she added on rather proudly.

"Er, I family as well...." Skye added on again, this time, with a small nervous sounding laugh as well, still doing what she could to keep up her lie she had going on, even if the lie wasn't going so well anymore "Yeah, that's right, is....around here.....somewhere...." however, she stepped back a little bit and turned away from the group and moved a few more feet away from them.