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Star Wars Quest

F-14 Ace · 78 · 11455

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Wars RPG.  Here are the characters I have now.  If it is alright to have a Star Wars role playing game here, then anyone is welcome.  to begin, please select one of the characters listed here.  If you want to creat your own character, feel free to do so but please inform me first.  If you want to switch characters, please contact me first.  This is strictly a SW RPG but if you want a dinosaur-like species, creat one and contact me before putting it in the story.  Anyone is welcome to join in at any time.  If all characters are taken and someone wants to join, please creat a character and e-mail me so I can find a place to put the character in the story.  Nowwhen this thing starts out, should I choos where your character starts out or do you want to choose?  This is my first attempt at a role play game.  Locations will be specified soon.  
Paito Grimm-F-14 Ace
Jack the Raptorian-
Jan Ramata-
Ralis the Raptorian Jedi-
Yazet (villian)-

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Oh, and here is another thing, you can find information about most of these characters in the character info page on here.


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I would like to add my own Captain Threehorn of USS Cretaceous using a new device of systems that used on the ship. Sub-Light Warp drive, shields and weapons the sub-light warp can travel to one side of a galxey to the other with in 5 hours.

F-14 Ace

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Alright, here are the locations.

Beauta: type: planet  location: Wild Space Info: peaceful outer rim world.  Paito Grimm starts out there.

Raptoria: type: planet  location: Wild Space  Home worlf of the Raptorians

Kema: type: moon of a gas giant with the same name.  Covered with forests and freshwater marshes.  no cities

Tatooine: Desert planet in the Outer Rim.  I think we have all heard of this one unless hw haven't seen any Star Wars movies.

Bespin: Gas Giant in the Outer Rim.  Seen in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back.  Location of Cloud City where Han Solo was frozen in carbonite.

Polis Massa: Astroid located in Wild SPace.  Has a medical facility on it.  Was the place where Padme Amidala gave birth to Luke and Leia before dying.  Seen in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith.

Coruscant: Capital planet of the galaxy.  That planet with all the cool skyscrapers on it.  Completely covered by huge city.

Towa Prime: Tropical planet in the Mid Rim. Home of many tropical resorts.

If anybody wants mopre locations, please make a request and give a discription or request another planet or location from any of the movies.  Also, someone please use the Raptorian Jedi.  I would like him to be in here. Ancually, he is 73 but that is not all that old concidering that Raptoriand live 150 years!

F-14 Ace

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:yes Sure thing, Threehorn!  I have no problem with that.  It might be odd to have a Star Trek character in a Star Wars RPG.  It will be very interesting.  So you may add your character to this RPG.


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Earth 51: One massive planet size of Earth's sun orbits a Large Super Sova Sun which has a odd regeration fusion every 11 years. there is a large ring around the planet which has 50 moons all M-class a Saurain Race has a very strong hold in this area. with only 11% on the world covered with Saurain citys and stations there is a defence grid around the solar system bourders the grid protects the system from hostile attacks.

F-14 Ace

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I have a question: What does M-class mean?  Anyway, Now I will enter my character.  It was a raging stormy night in Thunder Valley on Beauta.  Thunder Valley was needless to say, famous for its summer thunderstorms.  in a house deep in the woods, a man saw in a chair in a room.  a fire burned in the fireplace.  outside, Lightning flashed followed by a clap of thunder.  The man was Paito Grimm, a former bounty hunter.  He had given up his profession after he defeated Janisa Tocka, a Sith lord who tried to bring back the empire.  Paito was regreting retiring from bounty hunting.  He missed all the action.
He called out, "Jack, I'm going to bed now!"
A voice in another room replied, "Alright, I'll go home then.  I will fix the darn thing tomorrow.  Good night then."
Jack the Raptorian put on a coat and ventured out into the stormy night.  He liveda short ways away and didn't have far to go.  Paito wondered up stairs and into his bedroom.


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M-class means it a planet that has a balance system like Earth.

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Alright, I'm getting an idea here.  What is on those planets and moons?  Prhaps tell me in part of the story.  Anyway, Paito went looked at the shelf he had in the corner of the room.  There was his crimson battle armor and all his weapons in a neadly organized collection.  Thermal detonators, a jetpack ,blaster rifle, and many other weapons.  Paito missed the good ol' days.  he crawled into bed and went to sleep.  Alright, now would be a good time to entroduce the villian.  Someone please do so or I'll have to do so.


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"Captain Log... Stardate 60918.2 the USS Cretaceous using new Sub-Light systems have worked well we heading to a neighbouring Galaxy for a scan then return after 2 weeks within this new galaxy we being the first to travel so far and arriving in only 10 minutes from now we will appear in normal space when we arrive. end log" Captain Threehorn close the channel as the ship head to the galaxy.


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Earth 51 moons have diffenert type of realities as it seem on a few there is a high in plant life, the most outer planet has arenas all over it a battle arena or tourments as some see it. some planets are mined for special metals and others used as homes.

F-14 Ace

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Meanwhile, not far away, the Raptorian Jedi Ralis was preparing for the jump to lightspeed in his XZ-32 Raptorian Starfighter, a slender craft with two back-sweapt wings on the tail.  the fighter also had two horizontal fins on the nose.  Suddenly, a Morningstar, a powerful starfighter came out of nowhere.  It opened fire on the stationary ship.
Ralis demanded, "Hey!  What in blazes???  Hold fire!"  Before he had a chance to react, the enemy ship destroyed his life support systems.
Then, a voice came over the com.  It said, "So, Jedi, we meet again at last.  I 'm sorry I can't torture you but I have other things to do.  However, I just want to warn you, your life support systems are gone so your air supply will run out soon.  Ta!"
The Morningstar zoomed off into hyperspace.
Ralis picked up the comlink and said, "Mayday!  Mayday!  Can anyone hear me?  My ship is disabled!  I need help asap!  Air supply running out!"
 then, Ralis went into what is known at Force-hybernation, a state which will keep someone alive in almost any condition until help arrives.


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"Captain we detecting a damaged ship it let out a digress call" Lt. Mattians said on the comm

"Drop out of sub-light and help them now" Captain THreehorn ordered

the ship drops out of sub-light speeds over the damaged vessel with a tractor beam it pulled into the primary shuttle bay and the doors forced open a team of medical officers come in to check the injured person "his life signs are stablizing we jsut got here in time." Doctor B'la said as she scaned him with a tri-quarter.

USS Cretaceous is the first of it type of ship with two warp necells it have a Sub-Light array allowing it to travel in sublight speeds and has 12 phaser arrys, 4 tordeo launchers and 2 Sub-Light phaser arrays and 1 sub-light torpdeo launcher with primary and sub-light shielding. with Warp drive as secodary normal means of travel in normal space

F-14 Ace

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Ralis awoke in the medicle bay of the USS Cretaceous.  He asked a doctor, "WHere am I?  Have I been rescued?  WHere are my lightsabers?  How long have I been like this?  The last thing I remember. that dirty rat Yazet attacked me.  The filthy space pirate.  I was the only one to put him behind bars.  That is why he wanted revenge."
A medicle officer stared at him wondering what he was rambling on about.  THis strange creature appeared to be some kind of worrier.


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"Your weapons have been contained in a room which I can't tell and what ever happened I can't help you with your health is normal and soon as the ship is repaired the captain said to have you taken back and to leave the ship. we not involved in any wars we from another galaxy first time exploring the farest from home" Doctor B'la said to him. "And you have been out for 2 hours maximum"

she sees the captain walk in and step a side when he saw the captain he was big and muslce with a similar uniform to the others with four pips showing the highest rank on the ship and was a triceratops humaniod with tail and all. "I am Captain Andrew Threehorn of the USS Cretaceous. we answered your dedresscall in sub-light speed we will help repair your fighter and send you on your way whatever the battle is about we not going to get involved our prime drictive forbids us for interfering with other wars or battles" the captain said firmly with two armed guards by the door "We don't know much about you so we taking procusions"

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Ralis replied, "I assure you I mean no harm.  I am a Jedi.  Violence is not our way.  We were once the protectors ps peace in theOld Republic until the Sith took over.  My clone troopers turned on me and I had to go into hiding.  I only recently learned that the Sith had been defeated 10 years ago.  I was hiding in the Dagret System all the time.  I am from the planet Raptoria.  We are peaceful.  I was preparing to return when that jerk Yazet attacked."
Just then, an officer ran up and said, "SIr, a ship is approaching us at high speed!  They are in attack position!"


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"Red aleart all hands to battle stations, if they got any brains they will back off our ship is the most advanced ship in the fleet" Captain Threehorn leaves sickbay and head to the bridge.

The ship's shields and weapons come online as the fighters close in.

Captain gets on the bridge "Open a channel to the ships"

"Yes captain" Tuvco said and opens a channel.

"This is captain Threehorn of the federation Starship Cretaceous we mean you no harm please power down your weapons if you wish for us to leave this system at once we will" Captain Threehorn told the fighters on a open channel.

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Ralis gou up out of bed.  He rushed to the door and said to the guards, "I may be able to help.  If that pirate has come back for me, we're in trouble.  Druing the Clone Wars, he disabled star destroyers 5 times bigger than this ship!  Take me to the bridge!  I must see the captian!"


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"Captain the ship trying to disable systems" Ensign Blex said looking at the senors of the beam that was hitting the shields

"Activate Sub-Light shelids and fire back" Captain Threehorn orders and the shield comes online and the weapon had no affect on the ship anymore and a phaser shot on the wing disabled the ships weapons and engines leaving it a drift.

"Captain it disabled" Blex said with a smirk on her face Ralis came on the Bridge as he saw what happened and the very pirate he was talking about in sickbay was dead in the water of space unable to fight this ship was more stranger then anything he had seen.

F-14 Ace

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Ralis said, "I meant to tell you, He uses a decoy to distract you then he and his men attack from behind!  Their ships have forcefielsd!
AN officer said, "Sir, more ships comming up from behind!  
Ralis said, "How long will it take this thing to jump into hyperspace?  That is our only chance!  Trust me on this one.