The Gang of Five
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Ruby Showcase - October 2019

rhombus · 10 · 9434


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Alright, Ruby! It is now officially your month!

Oh... uh, sorry about interrupting dinner!  Ummm... what to do here?  :thinking I know, I will let the others know you are here while you finish up! 


In this topic please feel free to discuss Ruby as a character, to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart), or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving this character.  For a full set of rules please see the Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

I will go ahead and get the discussion started with the following questions:

1) What special qualities do you think Ruby brings to the gang that did not previously exist in the gang as qualities?

2) What are your unique thoughts about Ruby's unique speaking style? :p
« Last Edit: October 01, 2019, 12:42:16 AM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Okay, now that we are here, let me talk about something.

Remember this?

I had made this in February 2013.  At the time, we still weren't sure if LBT would get another movie.  Heck, this was me making my peace with LBT being dead.  We would never get another movie.  I had believed that.  How wrong I was a few years later.

Anyways, this was also a tribute to Ruby, whom I felt was an important character in the TV Series.  She was a very good friend to the gang we know and love.  Plus, she was somewhat of a mother figure to Chomper during his time in The Great Valley.  What she meant to the gang was highlighted in that video.

I feel her role was to be a protector of Chomper from the Grownups of the valley. (After all, they don't welcome Sharpteeth for obvious reasons.) However, she also helped out Ducky quite a bit.  Getting back her treestars from some thieves and saving her life twice.  Not to mention, she risked her own life to save Littlefoot.  She really cared about the gang and that matters a lot to me.

As for her way of talking, I feel it to be unique to her character.  I didn't like it much at first, but as the TV Series went on, I got used to it.  To be honest, I don't care too much for it these days.

Those are mainly my thoughts on Ruby and I don't think they'll change anytime soon.


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The first TV episode that I watched I honestly didn't much care for Ruby. It felt like she was kinda just thrown in for whatever reason and the way she spoke didn't help matters either. It took a couple episodes for that to finally change when Starday Celebration was released as we finally were given some backstory on her and more importantly her issues being at the forefront of this episode finally gave me a reason to care and empathize with. That and Remembering is easily the best TV series song in my opinion.

I did get over her speech once I started to like her more as the series progressed and it sometimes let to some nice humour when she would talk a bit too frankly about things. The one that stands out in my head was when Chomper woke up from his Lone Dinosaur nightmare and she says that he can't hurt you anymore, well, unless you go back to sleep? Way to help the situation Ruby :p

For those who might remember the Flathead vs Ducky drawing competition we had going a year or more back, we had actually done a Ruby drawing but never got around to posting it (and now I think Ducky has lost it somewhere last I remember?). It was a bit more unique as we were tasked with drawing 3 drawings of her from whatever source we found and could fit on the page in 1 hour instead of choosing a single drawing before hand.


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So you actually did this in like an hour or so and managed to fit them all on one page despite the set deadline? Now that is pretty darn impressive, Flathead. As for someone who Ruby has been close to heart ever since watching the first episodes of the TV series and then later on the one movie where she finally made her complete appearance, if you might say it like that, this was something I like wholeheartedly. Something about her character just almost instantly made me become fond of not just her demeanor, but overall appearance and personality likewise – something that is still considered to be one of the best qualities I can possibly find in her on the whole. As for the drawing itself, I really like it a lot and while I cannot spot any clear exceptions in it that I could criticize about, I must point about one tiny little detail in the first drawing on the left; while it is very neat overall, Ruby’s frame is a bit too elongated in my opinion. I realize that is not a huge deal at all, but it is something that caught my eye initially. Altogether, it is a very all-inclusive drawing that details perfectly every possible mannerism of Ruby in clear light. Once more, I have to compliment you for the amazing drawing you made and all in one page as well – that’s something I probably wouldn’t be able to do, but then again, my drawings were never perfect in my opinion. I’d love to see more Ruby art from you one day, Flathead! Very solid job again!


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I'm usually at a loss when it comes to Ruby because of her relative scarcity for a main character: only appearing in the TV series and 14th film doesn't lend much to opinions with someone not as familiar with them...

Anyway, I find that Ruby is levelheaded and eccentric, which are two qualities that didn't really mesh well in a singular character beforehand. Besides Littlefoot she is probably the most-rounded in taking charge. Probably her greatest contribution is her interactions with Chomper, however.

Her speaking style is... unique. It's not as emphasized or as stands out as much as Ducky or Petrie's, but I enjoy it.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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@Anagnos Whoops, I forgot about your post :p
Yeah the drawings were done in an hour as far as I can remember. It's not too bad when you're just doing line art and copying a pose you find online. As for Ruby being a little on the long side in the left drawing, I agree. Can't stop to fix it though when worried about time, just gotta keep on going!  :PCera
Thanks for the feedback though! I also would like to draw Ruby again when the chance arises.


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I didn't know about Ruby for a long time. When I slowly lost interest in The Land Before Time as a child, I didn't know anything about the series. I remember that when I was between 10 and 12 years old, I came across the series while I was switching TV channels. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I knew that successful movies often turned into poor quality series. That was when I saw Ruby for the first time, but I saw her as an annoying secondary character.
At that time however, many years ago, I wasn't interested at all in The Land Before Time. It was just like every else series to me.

When I really got to know Ruby almost 2 years ago, I was much more open. I found her sympathetic and not annoying at all. On the contrary, meanwhile I even think about her quite often. I think it would be a shame if she didn't exist. She has a lot of potential as a character, and for me she seems to be one of the smartest of the gang.

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When I first watched the tv series I was almost completely caught off guard by Ruby's appearance but I had seen her on the official website so I was able to role with it and after the first episode I watched I really liked her. I have to admit whoever was writing Ruby knew how to make her speech very unique and difficult to replicate correctly. I liked the backstory she was given even if it was a bit minimalistic but that means there is so much room for speculation which makes her a very interesting character.

I also really like her personality, I find her similar to Littlefoot in brains and cool level headedness, yep I also notice her kindness and compassion like Ducky and her competitiveness like Cera, these traits aren't as extreme as in her friends but it makes for a good balance and I like how she has taken responsibility for Chomper. In many ways she makes me think she is for older then she looks or very mature for her age, even more so then Littlefoot.

What I really don't like is how the 14th movie only gave her a minimal role. Why in the blazes wasn't she or Chomper given more inclusion? Especially with the Gang. It would have been so much more interesting and I also wish that we could see more of her personal history as well as Chomper, like how they met. She is a character with a lot of underutilized potential.
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As an outspoken fan of Ruby I am pondering that it is time to finally put my ponderings about Ruby into a post.  :thinking

Ever since I saw the television series for the first time, Ruby has been my favorite character of the series. Now this may seem a bit odd coming from someone who started with LBT with the original film during its original release, but Ruby quickly grew on me.  I think a major part of my feelings concerning her came from the fact that although Ruby was sociable, she also had an introspective side that I could relate to.  Furthermore, her many hardships (caring for Chomper, avoiding conflict with the Great Valley residents due to her omnivores nature, missing her family, etc.) made her a complex character that unfortunately was not completely developed in the television series.  This complexity and potential is something that I have enjoyed exploring through the medium of fanfiction and the occasional roleplay.

As for her unique speaking style, it is truly a unique styling of speaking.  :bestsharptooth I think it is not particularly annoying, and I actually found it endearing in its own way.  Though I can certainly see how others might find it a bit forced at times.

And I can only second what the others have said about your drawing, Flathead. It is wonderful.  :) It is always nice to see new art from you.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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1) What special qualities do you think Ruby brings to the gang that did not previously exist in the gang as qualities?

2) What are your unique thoughts about Ruby's unique speaking style? :p

Initially I refrained from posting in here due to not having seen Ruby in action. But today I watched "The Star Day Celebration", my fourth episode now. And, being a Ruby-centric episode, it seemed like a good time to comment. I'll admit I'm not as attached to Ruby and Chomper as I am to the original members of the Gang (although maybe it's because they haven't had as much time to grow on me). But for a TV series, and a long-running franchise in general, I do think bringing in some new blood was a good idea.

Not sure yet how I feel about her unique speaking style. It seems a bit overused, but then again, I feel the same way about Ducky and Petrie. Nonetheless, after Ruby's somewhat awkward introduction in the pilot, I am pleased that this episode gave her some backstory, even if it just led to me wanting to know more about her family and why exactly they sent her away.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 05:39:02 PM by StardustSoldier »