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Flathead770's Fanart

Flathead770 · 348 · 103939


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I've been looking forward to new drawings from you lately, Flathead. I can't really say the same that it manages to capture the specific scene well, as I haven't yet had the pleasure to read Owls' story (Sorry OwlsCantRead  :p). Even so, I've heard only good things about it, so it is no doubt a great story. That being said, I still can give my honest opinion on the drawing. I second Mumbling in her judgment that both Ducky and Mama Swimmer's expressions, and by extension their eyes are done very well. It is the detail in them that manages to tell exactly how each of them feel about the situation that has hurt and divided their family. The added details into the background work rather well and I have no nitpicks about that. Though, I do find it slightly odd that Mama Swimmer isn't in her usual color, but that does not mean that green doesn't look good on her. This is merely just a preference on my part, and I do believe you have managed to capture the main theme here elegantly. :duckyhappy


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Nice! I'd say you capture the specific scene really well. You can see the surprise and hurt in Mama Swimmer's eyes really well, and Ducky's expression of suspicion works well with the scene too. I like that you can see their footprints in the snow, though I'm missing the footprints of how they got there ;) But that's nitpicking! The colors are nice as well, I think green works well for her mother.
Thanks! Yeah I thought about adding the footprints for Ducky, but that would have added a good amount of time with me trying to figure out shading and stuff :p Thankfully her mother is big enough that her steps wouldn't have to be included.

Nice expressions! :)
Thank you!  :smile

I've been looking forward to new drawings from you lately, Flathead. I can't really say the same that it manages to capture the specific scene well, as I haven't yet had the pleasure to read Owls' story (Sorry OwlsCantRead  :p). Even so, I've heard only good things about it, so it is no doubt a great story. That being said, I still can give my honest opinion on the drawing. I second Mumbling in her judgment that both Ducky and Mama Swimmer's expressions, and by extension their eyes are done very well. It is the detail in them that manages to tell exactly how each of them feel about the situation that has hurt and divided their family. The added details into the background work rather well and I have no nitpicks about that. Though, I do find it slightly odd that Mama Swimmer isn't in her usual color, but that does not mean that green doesn't look good on her. This is merely just a preference on my part, and I do believe you have managed to capture the main theme here elegantly. :duckyhappy
Well, sorry to always keep you waiting :p Glad you liked it though! Yeah I was trying to match her colour from one of the scenes in which she was kinda more of a dark green. I wasn't too happy with what I had and I didn't want to mix more colours in and potentially wreck it even more (I had done about 4 to 5 layers at this point already). If I went over it more in black I probably could have gotten it to look closer to what I was originally going for.


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Your work is always amazing to me @Flathead770 ! X) I agree with how nice the expressions are, and I find the coloring to be nice!  :chompysmile


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I'm definitely biased, but I actually forgot you wanted to use the story as a base until you reminded me. :p I had recommended it on the fly in Oct... :P

I know you seem unpleased with the shading, but imo the lighter pastel green (no doubt it's a traditional drawing thing, digital won't have that feel) and the overall icy blue tone gives the piece a soft and winter-y feel, one very suitable for the chilly Cold Time in LBT8. I love the texture of the snow, as even though it's white the depression of the footprints and the frozen lake really sells it.

I really the juxtaposition between Ducky and her mothers expression and posture. Ducky looks suitably incensed by Mama Swimmer, and the dispassionate eyelids sells that. Mama Swimmer is suitably concerned by her daughter's attitude change. Since I wrote the piece, I will say that Ducky does lambast her mother in the film itself, but not to the extreme in the story (plus, the background is different :p).

Yeah, I really like this piece. Thanks for using Five Stages of Grief as a base! I really appreciate the offer! :duckyhappy
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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 You pretty much went for the same thing I did for the Hurt|Fear prompt :lol

The green in Ducky's mother looks a little strange but I wouldn't say it's a bad choice. I'm no expert but  her neck seems a little too short to me.

As for Ducky, I'm not sure what it is but her facial expression seems slightly off and she looks a little non-Ducky like (though that might be because she is out of character here)

Either way, it's a great drawing  ;)Cera
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Great job as always, Flathead! It's good to see you making more art about fanfics so this was already a nice surprise as Owls' story is amazing. As for the drawing, I like it as well and Ducky's mother's expression just works. Her concern for her daughter is really palpable and creates a good feeling overall. My main issue here is Ducky's expression as it doesn't really fit my vision about her reaction to her situation. She could look a bit more angry and frustrated but it's fine as it is. Good job overall. :^^spike


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Your work is always amazing to me @Flathead770 ! X) I agree with how nice the expressions are, and I find the coloring to be nice!  :chompysmile
Thanks a lot Goldenwind! :smile

I'm definitely biased, but I actually forgot you wanted to use the story as a base until you reminded me. :p I had recommended it on the fly in Oct... :P

I know you seem unpleased with the shading, but imo the lighter pastel green (no doubt it's a traditional drawing thing, digital won't have that feel) and the overall icy blue tone gives the piece a soft and winter-y feel, one very suitable for the chilly Cold Time in LBT8. I love the texture of the snow, as even though it's white the depression of the footprints and the frozen lake really sells it. ...

Yeah, I really like this piece. Thanks for using Five Stages of Grief as a base! I really appreciate the offer! :duckyhappy
Thank you and thanks for letting me use your fic for this prompt!

You pretty much went for the same thing I did for the Hurt|Fear prompt :lol
The green in Ducky's mother looks a little strange but I wouldn't say it's a bad choice. I'm no expert but  her neck seems a little too short to me.
As for Ducky, I'm not sure what it is but her facial expression seems slightly off and she looks a little non-Ducky like (though that might be because she is out of character here)
Either way, it's a great drawing  ;)Cera
Yeah it is quite similar haha. I'm not a fan of the green but there's no undoing once you start so I just had to run with it. Like I said before, I could've tried to darken it to try and match it better but that would have required another layer or two of colouring at least and I didn't want to spend anymore time on it since I'm so late.

Ducky's mother was hard in general as it was at a strange angle with no good references so I had to wing it. With her position the neck is supposed to be curled behind the head and out of sight. Take a look at the attached image for a rough overhead view of what I mean.

For Ducky the face could very well be off in some way. Ducky's body and face were the first thing I drew and did it all by memory.

Great job as always, Flathead! It's good to see you making more art about fanfics so this was already a nice surprise as Owls' story is amazing. As for the drawing, I like it as well and Ducky's mother's expression just works. Her concern for her daughter is really palpable and creates a good feeling overall. My main issue here is Ducky's expression as it doesn't really fit my vision about her reaction to her situation. She could look a bit more angry and frustrated but it's fine as it is. Good job overall. :^^spike
I'm not sure how much more angry I could make her honestly, unless she's shouting or something. Tthis was supposed to be the instance she broke from her mother trying to console her so she wasn't quite speaking yet. And yeah it can be interesting drawing art based on fanfics. Actually can be nice sometimes as it gives a good start with location and setting instead of coming up with something yourself :p Glad you liked it!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2020, 10:23:16 PM by Flathead770 »


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It’s pretty cool to know that you made something to represent a scene in one of Owl’s fanfics. Looking through the entire drawing, I’m rather satisfied by the simplistic approach of only a blue background, which contributes to the winter theme that takes place here. It may look bland by itself, but with Ducky’s mother blocking most of the background, it does fine here. Reading your own criticisms, there were some that I personally disagreed about. I can’t seem to pinpoint any proportional or weird discrepancies about Ducky’s mother, but that’s only my perspective. And as some others already mentioned, I actually like the usage of green for her skin, just like Ducky. The shading is nice and clean as always, and the emotion was captured well for the mother. As for Ducky herself, I’m not too sure. Yes, she does look disgruntled at best, which is kinda what I imagined she’d be, but the expression doesn’t seem...genuine enough? It felt weird and I couldn’t share the feelings of anger that she was supposed to have here. Now that I think about it, it’s like one of those “I’m cool” poses if you get what I’m saying, instead of “I’m cross with you.” But I digress. It’s still a great piece of art regardless. Keep up the good work! :)
« Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 12:49:43 AM by ImpracticalDino »

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Very nice drawing, Flathead. I don't have a whole lot to add beyond what everyone else has already said. Even though it isn't Mama Swimmer's official colour, I actually think the slightly darker green suits her a little better than brown does.


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Thanks Stardust and Impractical!

Wanted to have this done in time for Sharptooth's showcase, but with the extra time I was at least able to get it coloured. Here is my submission for the prompt: Villains off-duty

I like to think that before the first movie Sharptooth was a lot more happy then he was portrayed and that the main reason he was so upset that he could no longer enjoy all the flowers. Maybe his true goal was to get into the Great Valley to enjoy them once again?  :PCera
Also, what better way is there to burn off some extra energy after a nice meal? :p

Anyways, let me know what you guys think!


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*REAL Shartptooth, after seeing this, asks Chomper to ask Littlefoot to drop another stone on him while he stays near the deep lake*

Poor Sharptooth...

Well, it's his problem.

As for myself - then:
MY SUBGOD. I was freaked out after I saw this. :O
But I have to say, it's drawn PERFECTLY. XD
Nice job!

(or maybe he just finally met girlfriend of his dreams and happy about this fact?..  :OhYou)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2020, 05:36:55 PM by Sneak »


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Well, yeah, that 100% was his motive all along as that's very consistent with what we've seen. :bestsharptooth As for the drawing itself, it's very good and his expression looks quite amazing and happy. Maybe the background could have been more detailed but overall, very decent work. :)


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Thanks guys!

(or maybe he just finally met girlfriend of his dreams and happy about this fact?..  :OhYou)
Haha that might be what the flowers are for!

Maybe the background could have been more detailed but overall, very decent work.
Yeah that's true. I originally wanted to have it finished before the end of January so I made the idea quite simple. Was also going to just shade it to help save time but once it looked like I wasn't actually going to make it I decided to colour it as well to get those nice flowers to stick out a bit more.


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Hehe, great to see this one all finished! I like the soft colors :)

I have some very small points of feedback for this piece:
- I like that you added a shadow underneath Sharptooth, and this might look even better if you add his features to the shadow (e.g. tail and leg location), instead of having a round circle.
- The flowers seem to have been carefully planted there by a gardener (then again, that might be what Sharptooth is doing :D ). For a bit more natural look, try to place them in "random" locations + perhaps several close together.
- I think Sharptooth's "snout" might be a bit too long? But that might also be the angle, not sure ^^

Other than that I think this drawing is very smooth and looks great! Good job :)


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Lol, good one xD

I don't see anything wrong with the drawing, funny idea and well done :lol

(I'm so scared someone is beating me to my idea lol, glad you didn't do mine xD)
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This certainly managed to take me by surprise when I saw it first thing this morning. :p

Well, this is rather interesting and even slightly jocular mental image. To think that the big bad sharptooth simply wanted to enjoy the glory of flowers. In another universe where the events in the film were vastly different, I could see this as the prospective contrast in the predator's life. Alas, none of that was granted to the misunderstood creature, and this drawing starts to put things into perspective. In a few words, let me say that this is a rather great oeuvre from you, Flathead. In fact, I had very hard time finding anything wrong with it, so congratulations for exceeding my presumptions. :o


  • Literally Guido シ
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The pastel soft colors lends a gentle and serene atmosphere to this piece, which really fits how merry and perfect everything is. :Mo

It's such a stark contrast from what we expect and know about Sharptooth that I can't help but be entranced by the setting this piece depicts. The pose he's in (gingerly holding a foot up as if he's afraid of treading on the flowers) tells almost as much as the jolly smile on his face as he holds a bouquet in his hands. Maybe Sharptooth is celebrating Valentines' Day. :bestsharptooth

Yeah, great job! Always can count on a different and unique piece with your style every prompt. :^^spike
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That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Thanks everyone!

I have some very small points of feedback for this piece:
- I like that you added a shadow underneath Sharptooth, and this might look even better if you add his features to the shadow (e.g. tail and leg location), instead of having a round circle.
- The flowers seem to have been carefully planted there by a gardener (then again, that might be what Sharptooth is doing :D ). For a bit more natural look, try to place them in "random" locations + perhaps several close together.
- I think Sharptooth's "snout" might be a bit too long? But that might also be the angle, not sure ^^
-Yeah, it can be really hard to try and project a shadow underneath. I've practiced it a couple times and it usually just looks bad :p Something I'll need to practice a bit more on for sure.
-Yeah we can pretend that Sharptooth has a whole garden that he's been working on this whole time  :bestsharptooth At first I wanted to create a whole bunch of them to make it more of a flower field, but found out right away that it would be way too time consuming. In the end I just decided to draw a few of them instead.
-That could very well be true. I honestly never looked to close at a reference for this one and just kinda sketched him out haha. I did look at some references for colours afterwards but at that point I wasn't really worried about the lineart.

Thanks for the feedback!

Lol, good one xD

I don't see anything wrong with the drawing, funny idea and well done :lol

(I'm so scared someone is beating me to my idea lol, glad you didn't do mine xD)
My ideas are usually out there so I don't think you have to worry about me taking your ideas :lol

This certainly managed to take me by surprise when I saw it first thing this morning. :p

Well, this is rather interesting and even slightly jocular mental image. To think that the big bad sharptooth simply wanted to enjoy the glory of flowers. In another universe where the events in the film were vastly different, I could see this as the prospective contrast in the predator's life. Alas, none of that was granted to the misunderstood creature, and this drawing starts to put things into perspective. In a few words, let me say that this is a rather great oeuvre from you, Flathead. In fact, I had very hard time finding anything wrong with it, so congratulations for exceeding my presumptions.
I suppose I like to make people look at things differently, much like my Brootie drawing  :PCera Glad you liked it!

It's such a stark contrast from what we expect and know about Sharptooth that I can't help but be entranced by the setting this piece depicts. The pose he's in (gingerly holding a foot up as if he's afraid of treading on the flowers) tells almost as much as the jolly smile on his face as he holds a bouquet in his hands. Maybe Sharptooth is celebrating Valentines' Day.
The idea was to have him in more of a skipping pose, like he's jumping for joy while being surrounded by flowers haha. I guess the drawing did come close to Valentine's Day, never even though about that :p I wonder who the lucky sharptooth is to be on the receiving end of those flowers?  :thinking


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Nice drawing, Flathead. It got a good chuckle out of me. While I think it would've looked fine in black and white, I'm glad it was delayed because the colours do add a nice touch. I can just imagine Sharptooth singing "I Feel So Happy" right now. :P