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LBT TV Series Over on CN


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It has come to my recent attention that, for the upcoming week, no episodes of the LBT TV Series are going to be on.  After further careful research, after Friday, there will be no more episodes airing on CN.

Looks like they screwed us over as well, guys. :(


  • The Gang of Five
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IN the UK just last night on Boomarang +1 they showed LBT TV Series at 7:30pm and it was the bright circle celiberations. Looks like they show LBT TV series on more then one channel in the UK since we have sub channels of the same channel but showing different programs like CN. We have CN+ and CN Extra that i seen up on Sky when I was last at Nans.

If anyone want t to see episodes... you have to be a friend and member of the page. Youtube I put up 17 of my 18 episodes I got, the only problem is I am unable to put up episode 8 because of some invaild reason that keeps appearing the others came up just fine, it was that one only for some strange reason.


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Okay people.  You can watch the eps on live internet tv.  All you need is the newest version of quicktime and WMP11 is a good idea.  Here's the site where I watch the lbt eps:  It has tv from not only the us, but from all over the world as well.

This will NOT work for people with dialup!  You need at least 520kps and dialup at best is 56kps.


  • The Gang of Five
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I do not see a channel on there that do LBT TV series


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Well one of them does.  I don't know which one.  It usually shows at around 9pm.  I always check the kid channels around then.


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OOPS-EEPS!  That wasn't the link!  Copied and pasted the wrong link.  I don't know the site.  I have it in my favorites but it's on a computer that is undergoing matenence right now so I don't have the link at the moment.


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*insert 649 pages of cussing here*

Ugh… What a bunch of crap.

Well, at least downloading the episodes will now feel justified.


  • The Gang of Five
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I suppose this is a bad sign for the series :cry.  If Cartoon Network were getting enough viewers, the series would not have been cancelled there.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Swears in Japanese. I'll still be able to watch them online. Does the website to watch the eps work with DSL?


  • The Gang of Five
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Cartoon Network most likey didn't want it on there and choice to repeat 13 episodes over and over again so they can get a good reason to get it off. If they did things right and aired it at a time that suited everyone they wouldn't have a problem.

Link Boomarang in the UK the sister channel of CN. They air it at 4pm, a time when kids just get home to watch cartoons, the best time to do so and CN in the US putting it on at 9:30am. Not many kids going to be home to watch that so there would be very low ratings for LBT TV Series on CN in USA.

Boomarang +1 airs LBT TV Show in the UK at 7:30pm another good time for kids to sit down and watch it. Boomarang in the UK funny enough is doing a better job then CN in USA.

Also if you look at my signuture there a website for my Youtube link, episodes are on there. 18 out of 19 by tomorrow. I managed to get Days of Rising water

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Hey threehorn could you add me to your friends list on youtube?


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Can you add me too, Threehorn?  It's a crying shame really of what has happened, and it could demolish my hard worked on project that I planned so hard for. :(

f-22 "raptor" ace

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beside the ones they've show I haveen't seen any of the other eps.


  • Spike
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I request also to added to your friends list on YouTube, Threehorn. Please? ;.;


  • Spike
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Quote from: TheNumberOneShmuck,May 23 2007 on  05:18 PM
*insert 649 pages of cussing here*

Ugh… What a bunch of crap.

Well, at least downloading the episodes will now feel justified.
Guess i was right again about ctn. Scratch show number 5.
beast machines season 2 ctn no air
gundam wing original last 6 eps ctn no air
.hack sign last 10 eps ctn no air
one of the digimons last 5 ctn no air
land before time over half the eps this season no air next season no air

Good job CTN show how much you care for your viewers. Guess more time for scooby doo now. (nothign wrong with scooby if you like the shows)


  • Spike
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Well few things here

First thank you threehorn and action if not for you guys wed never get to see land before tiem eps now.

Secound time to start emailing YTV and universal about this i think. Universal was crazy excited abot cartoon network and land before time then ctn pulls this bs. I kind of doubt speilburge will be very happy about this. Ill get the email addys later in the day and post them in a new topic in the fridge. We can then come up with some good email subject and body to send them. Also maybe a petitiononline deal as well.

CTN screws over viewers every chance they get. They seem to use one good show to crank up their ratings then yank it air reruns or no air of the show at all. Then suddenly with zero warning and no update to the schedual put something else in its place. Now this show suddenly gets high ratings. One people tune in to see show x and its not on but oh well ill watch it any how and 2 fans of said replacement show tune in just to see their fav show. So now suddenly ctn gots views of the show from 2 groups the take it or leave it group and the fav show group. They now get a huge rating bump for the show and a huge bump in advert dolors.


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I personally have no problem with Cartoon Network.


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the 25th is the last show. Why? The ratings on have been good... maybe its just on hiatus...
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  • The Gang of Five
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I hope so, i really hope it is on hiatus. By the way, when you say ratings on, you mean nielsen ratings, not individual viewer ratings, right?


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Correct that rating is about a 7.3.. which is in the "good" catergory.
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