The Gang of Five
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Land Before Time: Out of the Ice

Threehorn · 1665 · 111912


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"You'll all from what I know of have the day to tomorrow morning off. So you can visit the Dome Eden Gardens, cafe, chill room or games room, whatever you wish to do after you put your stuff away." Startor said to them

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ricktor nodded in reply and stepped into his own room and marveled at all the space that he had. "This is going to be great." he said aloud to himself.


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Evan walked in the middle with the two muscular men beside him.
"Oh, that's not really neccesary gentlemen, let me take these..."
He reached out to grab one of his bags, but moved back as the man kept it away from him, saying nothing.
"... whatever you say..." Evan mumbled.
"Thanks then."
They kept walking, Evan could feel the bright sun shine on him. He was very glad that he was dressed up as he was, he felt sad for the two men beside him.
Must be hot in that outfit...! he thought silently for himself.

He stoped. His heart fellt like it had jumped out of his mouth.
He looked out over a lushy area. He could swear he had seen something.
He didn't finish, cause suddenly a strong hand grabed his shoulder hand pulled him out of the place as if he had been light as a feather!
The same men that carried his lugage looked straight at him from above, with very serious faces.
Evan feelt like a bug compared to them.
"...Eh... hi! Shall.. we go?"
He said and pointed at a random direction.
"So where is this Melter Block anyway?"
"Will I meet with others there?"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"If you opened that hatch you would of been sent straight to the Brig for Vilotation of Rule 19A." they stood by the windows that was shaped to look like rocks and appear to be rocks on the otherside of the glass. "The Hatch may not be opened part from all opens of a emergency are exspired and used as a emergency exit. If it opened other then so, the person will be sent to the Brig and kept on guard till they are trusted by the leading officer can be regained as they serve their work period" one of the men explained

"So it a good thing we have a kind heart and warned you and stopped you" the second one finished. "Now follow us and don't stray"


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Evan nooded silently.
"I see... Thanks alot then gentlemen..."
He started to walk after the men, and cast a last sight out in the lush.
Whatever was there, it was gone now.
He shook his shoulders, then kept walking.
He felt that he could trust these big men.
"...So, what your name and why're you here?
He said and looked from the first to the other.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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an guy came into the room, it was a engineer, it was cesar, an hispanic guy with black hair and a little stache he escaped mexico to find a better home, he asked to prof, elm: boss... the machines are ready, should we activate the machine? or must we wait longer? just like the last 15 times?


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Vylor stepped into the professor's office. "Professor, we finished checking the equient in the labs. It is all fully functional. So is the security system. I'll be in the game room if you need me. My sister is already there setting up a machine that we personally brought." He then left the office.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank finished his drink. "Ah that's the stuff,' he said. "Well it seems you and ceasar have a lot to talk so will that be all for now,' asked frank.


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Shane looked around his living quarters.  He had already finished with decoration, as he didn't have much important to him.  Living as a refugee and soldier did that to a person.  However, he did have a pair of photos resting on his desk.  One was of him as a child, with his parents and a pet, smiling at the camera, and the other... It was a photo of him and Ricktor, taken the day before his life had been changed forever.
"There.  All finished.  Now then, I guess I'll go check out the game room, just to kill some time."
He said, slinging his coat back on and heading down the hall...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ricktor was already one step ahead of Shane and was in the game room playing one of his favorites games: House of the Dead 2. He smiled as he put the final shot into the last boss fight and shouted "Oh YEAH!!!! And look at the high score to boot! YES!!! I am good!" He inserted his initals and stepped back and checked his watch.

"Wow...still way too much time for me...I'm getting pretty hungry." However just as he was about to turn to leave a familiar music score caught his ear and he immediately turned to see the classic Star Wars arcade game a few feet away. "And how sweet it is!" as he walked over.


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"Yes, see you tomorrow at the Briefing" Professor Elm replied then look to Ceaser as Frank leaves "You may run a controlled test tomorrow Noon, a short test, I am just not confertable with us using Alien technology to create this machine. So I will go with a controlled test. Explain to me what this will do. the details in the papers are not telling me everything" Elm said and asked for details.


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'gives command to start machines thruogh radio'

alright boss guy, the machines are briefly running, but what do you guys want with this frozen dino's?


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"I said tomorrow!" he takes the radio "Shut down the machines till I give the ok tomorrow." Elm then puts the radio down. "I am in charge of this base! And you don't under mind what i say, next time you do, your transfered straight back to the Harbour, as for the frozen dinos, it Class 9 clearance information. I can not tell you much all I am saying is that the machine might be able to unfreeze them from time. Since it was the only two we found of their kind on this land mass" Elm then gets up.

He hands the radio back to him "Now do as I say and do not power up the machine till we are ready tomorrow to run a controled test. If I find out it online before hand I will personally deal with you" Elm said in a serious tone.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank entered his room and rushed to get the cinnanmon rolls he was baking out of the oven. The sweet smell drifted throughout the base. He took a moment to look at all the pictures on the wall one picture portrayed a younger Frank with four other men all standing shoulder to shoulder in front of a P-51 smiling. He smiled and sighed "those were the days,' he said silently to himself.  "Well I think I'll go the the game room," said frank. He got his flight suit on and a helmet with a picture of a raptor on it with the words "RAPTOR"in bold black letters. He brought the cinnanmon rolls he just cooked and began walking to the flight sim area of the game room.


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Shane was standing in front of a motion boxing game, easily beating round after round.
"Heh.  This is easy.  Nice to know I've still got my touch!"
He finished as he sent a spinning punch into the opponent's face to beat the game.
"Aaaand...I got the high score!  Cool."
He said, entering his initials into the machine.
Just as he finished the entry, he smelled the Cinnamon rolls that Frank had made, and turned to face the door...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ricktor was trying to figure out what level he should start on, when a scent caught his attention. "Mmm...Cinnamon buns..." he croacked. He walked towards the door, noting the smell was coming from the hallway and he smiled as he saw Shane. He waved and called out "Hey, you still got that high score right? Cause you remember our little bet."


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Lisa had seen the new stuff working around the areas that they allowed in, then she stops by a door putting her card in the door opens to show a lift and walks into it and then push the top floor button, the lift doors close and soon it arrives at the top floor, she walked out of it and light shined into the place, it was a tower created to look like rock from the outside but on the inside people to take a look at the Great Valley from up high on the wall.

Lisa walked up the steps away from the lift and stood by a telescope that was designed to get a good view of the land alot closer up. "Now what are the kids up to" she checked the location of the Valley on a set of screens move the scope into place and looked right into the lens and she could see 7 little dinosaurs playing then lift her head "I still don't understand how a little T-Rex could be friends with these others" Lisa then look back at the lens watching. "I understand after 2 months why this is Level 9 clearance to come up here" she whispered and continued to watch.


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(OOC: Is that the cue for folks to bring in the gang and rp them, or are you just posing?)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank walked into the room and put half of the rolls on a plate and put it on the table in the middle of the room. 'Get your cinnamon rolls here,' said frank. He continued to door that said FLIGHT SIM ROOM. and he went into the room closing the door. In the room were several aircraft on flight sim stands ranging from Spitfires to F-22's.