The Land Before Time > LBT Fanfiction

Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Voting

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I'm going to have to vote for "The Way I Am" as well- a really excellent character study, I enjoyed it thoroughly :)

I've finally read all entries and here's something I just have to say... I'm jealous, jealous of the great stories you all wrote there. And also a bit... stunned.

I also think it's both a good and a bad thing that rhombus and Fyn are not to be voted for. Bad, because their entries were so excellent, that I just want to vote for them... and good because I don't have to decide who to give the vote for.

I had to think about the voting quite a bit longer than I thought... in the end, I've finally made up my mind though I can't say it's a 100% decision since all entries were amazing in their own ways. My vote goes to The Wasp this month with his story "The Way I Am"

As all of the eligible voters have now cast their votes, I can announce that the winner for the January 2017 prompt challenge is The Wasp.  Congratulations!  :) You may now inform us via PM of what prompt you have in mind for the special prompt for Fyn and I, and we will try to complete our responses sometime this month.

But I would also like to thank everyone who participated last month.  I was amazed by the amount of participation, and I look forward to seeing what all of you come up with in the months to come.  :)

I, too, would like to chip in with my thanks. We weren't expecting such an impressive turnout for the first month, but the forum never ceases to amaze. There's a lot of talent here, and probably a great deal more out there, undiscovered. I honestly enjoyed my time reading all of the short stories this month, and I thank you all for your submissions! Great work!

The Wasp:
Thank you. everyone! It's a great honor that my story was so highly regarded among you all. Everyone had solid entries, and I enjoyed all the fics that were submitted for this contest.

Rhombus, Fyn, I'll have the prompt up either by tonight or tomorrow.


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