The Gang of Five
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Finally Together Again/Into the Mysterious Beyond

LBTFan13 · 330 · 32864


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Mim looked over at Motochika, "Are you ok?" She asked with concern in her voice.  

Ducky looked over there, "I hope you are not badly hurt, I do, I do." She said.

"That look like it hurt." Petrie said closing one eye.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera glanced over at Motochika and said "Hey, you were in my way...we threehorns never stop once we start a charge!"

Longtail smiled and said "Oh yeah...then why have you stopped?"

This brought Cera back with a start and indeed Longtail was order to speak to Motochika, she had to stop to turn her head around..and now she was madder than before. She then continued to charge Longtail shouting "Eveyone stay out of my way!"


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"I'm fine.  Just a little jostled, that's all."
Motochika said, standing and dusting himself off...


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Ptyra was sleeping in a tree and woke slowly
Ptyra:...What's going on?


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Shera sat down next to Ptyra.

"They are going to play games to see who of them is the strongest." She said to answer Ptyra's question. "I just hope they don't get hurt."


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Zaine sat down next to Shera. "I guess this will be fun to watch. Two stubborn kids going at it against eachother? That's something I gotta see."


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Mim nodded, "This should prove interesting to watch indeed." She said sitting down once she found a spot that seemed to have a good view of the area.  

Littlefoot sat down to watch the events, "I just hope they remember to have fun." Littlefoot said looking at the ones who would be participating.

Ducky nodded, "And they remain friends and no one gets hurteded." She said, finding a rock to climb on top of that should give her a good view of things.  

"Me hope so too." Petrie said from the treebranch where he was.


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(ooc: Sorry for the triple post.  No idea why it happened.  It seems for some reason posting here became nearly impossible with the web site or server kept timing out.  Maybe best to delete this and the post following.  I would but I can't.  Sorry again.  ))


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OCC: ( Hey friends! I'm back. One prob though, I guess Mitch missed quite the much of this current conversation, so if anyone would throw a word on him I'd be happy.
To get me started again!  :) )
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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((OOC: Welcome back! Don't worry, I'll get you involved. Do you need a summary of what's happened so far?))

Zaine laughed at the others comments, then he noticed Mitch off by himself. "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit. I just gotta check something." He then looked towards Chomper. "Hey Chomper! Yell if something's headed for us!"

Chomper nodded. "Sure thing Zaine."

Zaine then stood up and slowly walked towards Mitch. "Hey Mitch, you seem really quiet. You want to talk about anything?"


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"Nah, it's okay." Mitch said. "Thanks for your concern Zaine."
"All this talk of families made me started to think about my own family, the one that I don't have."
"It happens at times, it's not a memory I like to have..." he said silently.

He then looked up. "Ouch! THAT had to hurt!" he said and noded his head Cera nad Longtail's way.

"You sure seem to feel better Zaine. That glads me!"

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"We don't have to bring up your family if you don't want to. I'd rather not talk about a subject that only makes you sad." Zaine then looked down at his legs. "Well besides my legs, I am feeling better. I just wish I could have been stronger to protect myself. I am really lucky that Ozzy has terrible aim when he stabbed me with that rock." He then looked at the others. "I guess I've just been getting a little paranoid lately. I really want nothing bad to happen to any of you. Is this Stone of Cold Fire even worth all this trouble?"


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"Good question Zaine, next please!" Mitch chuckled.
"I really don't know... I guess the only one who can really tell is you. Otherwise, I guess time will tell."
"But I do know one thing: We'll be okay." Mitch smiled.
"We'll all make sure of that, togheter!"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Zaine smiled. "I'm lucky to have friends like you. Thanks Mitch." He then looked towards Chomper. "Hey Chomper! Anything coming yet?"

"No!" Chomper replied. "It's strange. Normally the Mysterious Beyond is crawling with sharpteeh, but I can't sniff any out. What do you think it means?"

Zaine shook his head. "Well I don't know how sharpteeth think, but I do agree. It does seem very strange."


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"Either, they are causing trouble for someone somewhere, or something's caused trouble for them..." Mitch said.
"Not that I know what would cause trouble for Sharpteeth, but I'd sure like to know what that would be!" Mitch said and gave a angry look.
"I'd give my full support to whatever that'd be!"
"Nothing personal Chomper, but you don't know what happened to me in the past..." he said and looked away, as if it hurted to think about it.
And infact, it did. Everytime he had to.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"Me wonder what sorts of games they will do." Petrie said.

"We'll have to wait, we will." Ducky said.

"I just hope they remember it's all games and don't hurt each other." Littlefoot said.

Mim nods, "As Ducky said, we'll have to wait and see.  I trust they will remember and will remain friends."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera and Longtail collided again, and a loud CRACK filled the air. Both of them not willing to give into one another, that is until Longtail used his tail like a whip and tripped Cera. She blinked and growled at Longtail as he jumped over her and said "Look out Motochika...I think she's really mad now!"

Cera stood up and charged at both Longtail and Motochika not caring which one she got...she wasn't going to lose.

Cyrix smiled and laughed as he watched the activities below. " this is entertaining."


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Mim nods, "It certainly is.  I wasn't sure if they'd go at it like that or not.  I wonder how long it'll last." She said watching the action.  

"It is a good show, yep, yep, yep." Ducky said.

"It fun to see.  Me glad me not in it." Petrie said watching from where he was.