The Gang of Five
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Yellowbellies rule! The RP

Goldenwind · 101 · 27949


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Cera finally had the chance to catch up to Hyp, running at him with her horn pointed forward. "Don't think you're going to throw me off with something lame like..." As more strange sounds came through the cavern, she suddenly paused. "...Weird noises?" As the hullabaloo continued to echo past them, she frowned. "What is that?"

Wild Arms gulped as he thought of the drop below him again. "You might be a sharptooth," he replied to Chomper, "but man, that's one sensible idea!"

"Heh...yeah, sorry I-I took you up here in the first place," Guido stammered as they began heading down. "Now that I've been flying a while, sometimes I kinda forget that not everybody's got wings..."

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redcroc’s Retinue came to an arid climate. The sand beneath his toes blew in a duar storm. The Spino Bros used their crusted sailsclike a shield to keep the sand out of Redcroc’s eyes, when he spyed a small Hadrosaur family crossing the desert plain. Two adults, in ivy green and their baby, a blue spunky hatchling running to and fro between them. Redroc roared for the croctingent to stop.

Redcroc called Thud to himself.

Redcroc: For your first test of loyalty, I order you and your fast biter pack to bring those Hadrosaurs down.


Redbelly danced the night away, the fire roared ad he boogied and drank coconut milk. He had never felt so free, and happy. The earth moved beneath his feet and then suddenly he became dizzy and fell knocking Oopah, Foofah, and Loopah which proceeded like dominos to knock most of the yellowbellies down. When Redbelly looked up he expected to see angry friends, but instead giggling feeler the air like a symphony. Suddenly Redbelly began to belly laugh, and some yellowbellies came to his belly to feel it rumble. Redbelly felt tickled and then it broke into a tickle war!!! :lol
« Last Edit: April 19, 2020, 03:02:46 AM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Thud smiles for an easy challenge. He calls for each half of his squad to block off the dinos from all sides. He then readied for a sneak attack… Only to find himself hesitant. Why? He has chased herds and different families before, but he has never actually successfully hunted an hatchling. Is it because that darn little Sharptooth gave him these feelings of sympathy?  :thudstonk He respects him, but curses it. Those feelings don't belong with a hunter. He then sweats in a panic. His redemption will end all too soon into an embarrassing failure. Suddenly something fortunate for Thud appeared. He immediately calls off the attack to the confusion of his fast biters and reports back to Red Claw. "Sorry for going aganist orders milord, but I feel like I need a true challenge to feel satisfied with myself… Those two tough longnecks appear to be more than enough for me." He pointed at the huge longnecks trying to pass through the desert, hoping Redcroc will understand.

"Tickle fight!!"  :PCera Boogie quickly joined in and jumped right onto Redbelly, starting to tickle him. "Whose a good Redbelly?" He said in a teasing fashion as he tickles the big sharptooth, laughing along with him. He nuzzles Redbelly's… big belly. XD There was so much tickling that even Tickles showed up… Who was confused by the scene.

"I have no clue…" Hyp is a bit intimidated by it, but he doesn't want to look like a coward in front of Cera. "I am gonna check it out." He said with a nervous smirk. He shivers at the sudden sound of laughter. It sounded evil.  :rhett_ohno

"It's alright Guido. I've been here before so I should have known better." Chomper said as he began his descent nervously.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redcroc eyed Thud as he explained his reasoning for disobeying orders. Would he be able to serve Croc’s purposes when the time came? “Very well, but next time do not contravent my orders again.” Redcroc then turned to the Spino Bros. “Kill the Handrosaurs, we need the meat.” The two charocal Spinosaurs rushed towards the Handros who with Longnecks nearby and the pack of Fastbiters backing off thought they were safe. “You actually succedded Thud,” said Redcroc, “They are tired from your sortie and befuddled.” The little blue hatching shrieked as the Spinos closed in.


Redbelly began rolling on his back laughing as Boogie tickled him senseless. The entire company was in ticktacular uproar. The air filled with giggles and the sound of yellowbelly horns blowing. It was chaos, pure chaos. :lol

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Guido shook his head, looking puzzled. "You know, I think I just saw Cera chase Hyp into the Secret Caverns a second ago. Wonder what's going on?"

"Probably the same thing that's always going on with Hyp," Wild Arms muttered. "I haven't seen him much, but he's trouble, isn't he?"

Guido nodded. "Yeah, he never was easy on..." He looked at his feathers. "...whatever these are." He turned towards Chomper. "Think we should see if she needs help?" Then Guido remembered how much stronger Hyp was than him, Chomper, or Wild Arms, and he sheepishly added, " know, in the form of moral support."


"Well, I'm checking this out first!" Cera declared, hurrying ahead of Hyp, towards the noise. Whatever all the hubbub was, it got louder as she went further into the cavern. Then Cera noticed some light coming through an opening in the rocky wall, so she stood on her hind legs to reach it, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was making that racket.

But when she brought her eye to the hole, she couldn't believe what she saw.

Dumbfounded, Cera gasped and stumbled backwards. What in the name of tree stars had she just witnessed? Was she losing her mind? Had there been something funny in those berries she'd eaten that morning?


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Thud sighs, he then orders his squad to take down the longnecks to add even more confusion to top of that. Fortunately they were extremely obedient, which Thud counted on. When he hears the screams as he goes after the two longnecks, Thud couldn't help but feel bad for the small dino…He didn't understand why though, as if there was a mental barrier that was preventing him from understanding his feelings. The hunt wasn't difficult at all with the well planned cooperation of the fast biters, but Thud couldn't help but feel like he is starting to stray away from himself. For the poor Handros, Thud had a plan in place for his safety. If all went well, the spinos would have noticed him gone as soon as the hunt was over.

Hyp looked at Cera's reaction concerned. "Cera? You're alright?" He nervously checked through the same opening and…His big mouth dropped (His reaction is my avatar, lol.) He said those silly fuzzies that were all over Wild Arms and Guido were nothing more than for tickling as a way to tease them… But this is insane! "What is up with those guys?! They actually took down Red Claw with tickles! Red Claw!!"  :opetrie Hyp shouts freaking out.

"Hmm?" :PCera Boogie notices some sounds coming from nearby and stops his tickling spree.

Chomper rolls his eyes, Hyp must of been up to old pranks again. He recalled how he chased him and Guido with one of his feathers claiming it wasn't for flying but for tickling… Though it might hold some weight as tickling a sharptooth from inside the mouth was what saved Guido. Hyp should have thought twice before pranking Cera though. "I think Hyp is the one who needs help knowing Cera."  :OhYou Chomper said to the two with a shrug. Though either way, he doesn't want the two to fight.
« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 01:37:56 PM by Goldenwind »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redcroc’s eyes filled with magma sparkles as he watched Thid and the Pack take down the Hadrosaurs and Longnecks. Thud had proven he could be coerced, which was necessary for the plan to destroy Redclaw. Redcroc examined the carnage, and after they all took care of their bodiky needs ordered the march to carry on. Redcroc coykd see Thud was downcast over the hunt’s success. He reached with his sickle claws around Thud’s shoulder. “What is a matter my boy? Your hunt was a success. Why so glum?”


Redbelly rose from his back, his heart pounding like a drun from the tickles and dancing. He then saw on a ridge nearby a figure like a Fastbiter, when he squinted it was gone. But the sight turned his merriment to worry. Was that Screech? Was it Thud? What about the yellowbellies? It was then in that moment he realized how vulnerable his new family was.  He rose and tore off the vines and garlands with his two forked claws. Oopah took notice. “Redbelly, what’s a matter?” Redbelly stepped away from binefire and crowd and rounded a rocky pass. He came to a pool of water, and looking in the reflection, he sawchis scared face, eye and belly. He remebers where hus wounds came from, and he never wanted his yellowbelly family to feel the pain he has carried. Eyeing his belly he felt the shame return, his failure absolute, would he fail his new family too? 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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"And--that bright red belly!" Cera blurted. "When--how...have they brainwashed him??" She put her paw to her forehead in confusion. "I'd say it can't be Red Claw, but...he had the claw, and the eye, too! Somehow, he's become a--a Redbelly!" She got on her feet and declared, "We have to tell someone!"


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"I feel unsatisfied milord… I need a more deadly hunt." Thud tried to force a grin, but in reality his mind was somewhere else.

Earlier, right after the hunt.

"I got the kid right here. I don't understand why you wanted me to swipe the target of the Spines." Said a fast biter as he pushes along the horrified Haudros child.
Thud gestures his head in a direction to the child and the young Haudros runs off in terror! "...You're letting him go?"
Thud is hesitant to respond but..."...I don't see it as fair game. It's a low chance for him alone, but it's more fair."
The fast biter tilted his head and think for a moment. "I… see your point, but I don't expect Redcroc to agree."
"I don't either… I have my rules and he has his… I won't stop you if you wish to tell."
"I won't... You've always been a respectable fast biter to me. I won't object your beliefs." He trots back to the Sharpteeth herd with Thud joining to report their success and that the coast was clear.

Thud felt like he was changing, thoughts like a honor code normally wouldn't come to mind, but after his time with Redclaw and that small swimmer and sharptooth, he began to see things in a different light, although ever so slowly. The more he thought about the terrified look of the Haudros the more scared he became of himself… as if he was projecting himself in the Haudros's place. Thud shook his head.

The smile that looked like it would've always remained on Boogie's face… dissipated when he saw how Redbelly looked… He followed over to the sad Sharptooth. "Something's bothering you?..." Boogie could tell something was, he could feel like an event that happened in this sharptooth's past made him like this.

"If that alone ain't crazy, me actually agreeing with you is! Our valley is gonna be invaded by yellowbellied invaders and a Redbellied Redclaw!!" Hyp proceeds to run in a panic back to where they came. Here's hoping they can fight off the insanity that is the yellowbellies.


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"Well, what do you wanna do now?" Guido asked the others, glad to be back on firm ground at the bottom of the Looking Rock.

Chomper and Wild Arms didn't even have time to answer, however, before they heard a cry of panic. "GUYS!"

Wild Arms and Guido spun around and saw that Cera was barreling straight towards them. And if there was one thing that made Wild Arms nervous, it was a threehorn barreling towards him.

"Stay back!" Wild Arms yelled, waving his arms in front of him as if to stop Cera. "That was an accident when I ate your dad's tree stars, I swear!"

Cera frowned. "You ate my dad's tree stars?"

Wild Arms giggled anxiously. "Wait--what? Did I say that?"

"Oh, forget it," Cera said, "there's something more important to worry about!"

"What's the matter?" Guido asked. "Is it what was going on between you and Hyp?" As soon as those words left his mouth, he blushed. "Not to say a-anything's, uh, going on between you guys, so to speak...heh, that was a bad choice of words..." He glanced towards Chomper, hoping his friend would say something to change the subject.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redcroc eyed Thud as he spoke of his zeal for a greater prey. Redcroc smerked and said, “Your prowess today is commendable, how you lead the Fast Biter pack was exemplary. However, why did you spare the hadro hatchling?” Redcroc kepted a fixed lizard eye on Thud as he paused for an explanation.


Redbelly turned to see Boogie there and attempted to answer the inquiry. “I fear for our family.. I failed my first one, and bear the marks on my body.” Redbelly pointed to his glowing crimson underbelly. “I fear I will not be able to protect you when the time comes, and if snything happened to you or the others.. I would.” A tear filled Redbelly’s red scared eye. “I can’ I won’t let that happen!” Redbelly let out a gruff roar and raised his head upward. “I will not let anything hapoen to my new family! I promise you!”


“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Thud almost frozed and his heart sank. Did that fast biter tell? Did RedCroc see? He took a breath. You know what? Why should he care what RedCroc thought?  :thudstonk He is Thud, one of the greatest fast biters known around. So what if everyone would see him as treacherous? He can hold his own like he did again and again.  "It wasn't a fair fight… The cycle of life to me is the survival of the strongest… you lose, you lose. I simply wanted to give the youngling the chance to adapt. Which was why I didn't want him hunted. I thought you wouldn't understand so I kept hush." Thud explained with his heart. Awaiting RedCroc's reaction, prepared for the worst.

Boogie felt like he could understand what Redbelly meant. Every word in sharptooth made sense to the leafeater, or berryeater. He began to smile again seeing Redbelly's determination. "You don't have to worry, no matter what happens, we'll be by your side." He puts a hand on Redbelly's side. "Remember to live the moment and follow the groove. It's what we all live by and it helps quite a lot." He said.

Hyp fumed at the way Guido suggested that he and Cera were together. x(cera He thinks she is better off with that Spiketail who eats all the time. :SmugSpike But he shook it off. Now's not the time!
"Did you see something in the secret caverns?" Chomper asked curiously.
"Yes and it was horrible!!" Hyp put's his hands on his face, still trying to process it.
Chomper gasped! "Were there Sharpteeth!?"
"Worse!!"  :opetrie Hyp yelled in terror.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redcroc blinked his slit serpentine eyes. He listen intently to Thud explanation. After a pause from the Fast Biter, Redcroc said, “I understand, but when we arrive at the Great Pass we are tasked with destroying those kids that brought shame to all Sharpteeth. Will you have the resolve to kill children then Thud?” Redcroc squinted hus eye as if peering into the Fast Biter’s souk. Had he been mistaken to select this former servant of Redclaw?


Redbelly lowered his head to Boogie and forced a smile. His heart was filled worry, the figure that looked like Screech or Thud had awakened an alarm inside him. He felt something awful lurked ahead, and he tried to reassure Boogie, “The groove.. yes I will keep the groove.” Redbelly rejoined the Yellowbellies around the bonefire. Oopah offered him aome more berries, and he took them. With each bite Redbelly felt a little better.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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With a gasp, Wild Arms tried, very unsuccessfully, to hide behind Guido. "WORSE than sharpteeth??" he squeaked.

"I mean, it was a sharptooth!" Cera blurted. "It was Red Claw! But--but..."

"But what??" cried Guido, clinging to Wild Arms's neck.

"But...he...he was with YELLOWBELLIES!" gasped Cera.

Wild Arms and Guido stared at each other for a moment, then sighed in relief. "Phew..."

"Alright, heh-heh, very funny," Guido said.

"You really scared us!" Wild Arms gasped.


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Thud was silent. Those kids have been in the survival game for awhile and he has chased them many times before. It’s been rumored that they may have been the ones to have made “The Sharptooth” disappear. If they go down, he reasoned that they would go down having accomplished a lot… But… Could he actually betray the sharptooth that has helped him? He told himself it was a one time thing but… No... Don’t let your personal feelings and honor block the sharptooth way. You will fight that young Sharptooth and you will move on like nothing happened… That’s what Thud told himself… But his heart tells another story… A story of a scared young fastbiter that has witnessed betrayal and loss… Something that Thud wants to keep locked up. He merely responds with, “I’ll fight and slay whoever stands in my way…” The response was ambiguous, but it was the only thing Thud could bring himself to say.

Boogie nodded happily, remaining close by Redbelly’s side. He could feel there is something coming ahead, but if there is nothing to currently prepare for, it’s best to flow with the moment's groove. So he did! And all his worries vanished.

“That’s pretty silly.” Chomper couldn’t help but laugh. He heard about how ridiculous the yellowbellies were.
Hyp blinked. “It’s not a joke!” He shouts at Chomper before turning to Guido and Wild Arms. “You’re both in on this aren’t you? Spies to those guys?” He accused Wild Arms and Guido, giving them threatening looks. “Your tickling tactics won’t work on me!” He then takes a ninja fighting stance on one leg… He looks even more ridiculous.
Chomper laughs even more, he couldn’t help it from how ridiculous Hyp was acting. He isn’t a bully, he is a clown.


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Wild Arms tried to stifle a laugh. "Wow, guys, he's cracked."

Guido was downright dumbfounded. "Ah...okay," he muttered, taking a step back from Hyp. "I think...I'm just gonna go someplace else now." Turning away, he began to walk off. If Hyp was losing it, he didn't want to stick around to see what happened next!

"We're telling the truth!" Cera insisted, stomping her foot. "Oh, forget it! You goofballs can never take anything seriously, anyway! Come on, Hyp, let's tell the grown-ups!"

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Mr. Threehorn heard about Wild Arms staying in the Great Valley. He didn't want to be a part of Wild Arm's whole Sharptooth routine with Chomper. "Oh No! A SHARPTOOTH!", And then Wild Arms would faint. Mr. Threehorn couldn't take it, and came to a secluded little area of the valley. He thought it was great. No Wild Arms, no drama, and best of all, no Longnecks! :longneckBRUH

     "This is the life," Mr. Threehorn said to himself. Today was going to have no problems.
Go Chomper!


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That was when Cera suddenly yelled, "DAD!" :rhett_ohno Running towards Mr. Threehorn as fast as her legs could carry her, she blurted, "Dad--wait'll you hear what's going on!"

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Mr. Threehorn could see that today might have one little problem, but he wouldn't let that ruin the very peaceful day he was having.

     "Cera, what's wrong?" he said, hoping that it was NOT Wild Arms related.
Go Chomper!


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"Mr. Threehorn!" Hyp cried out to the big guy. Hyp respected Mr. Threehorn a lot, surely he can help. "It's a emergency! There is something worse than RedClaw!!"