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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349909


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"Are we interrupting something?" Sara asked as she and Jason (in his imperial dragon form with formal attire) came over with their gifts. "If so we can return another more appropriate time."


"Sounds like someone needs a rolled up newspaper taken to his nose." Exile said.

"Or touche biting." Blitz said smiling at the idea.

"Have you seen a doctor about your obsession?" Exile asked.


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No Sara , not at all' Dixie said giving her a smile.. "How are things with Tarrax? I saw him around here somewhere.. but with so many flks around its hard to bkeep track of one creature even a dragon of his size..
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"More like a bullet to the head," Deimos muttered as he overheard Exile. He was munching on some catfish sausage.


The cyan F-22 rolled up to Stripetail. "I don't believe we have met," she said. "In any case, I am Major Allison Douglas and I am the flight leader of the Silverbolts. But you may refer to me by my callsign, 'Rainbow. Also, has everything been properly set up in preparation for the airshow?"

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Lord stripetail at your service Major. I would assume everything is ready, although i just arrived here recently myself so i am not entirely sure..' Stripetail replied  " Did you asist the recent war against chong?
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(( OOC: I have no idea how to write two different P.O.Vs of the same person in different bodies. So, uh, sorry if it may sound confusing or something… ))

'Finally,' GoldenStriker thought, relieved that she had arrived at the wedding reception on time. ëI hope that I’m not too late, I’m just anxious to give them their wedding gift right now. Luckily, my present shall not disappoint them too much!’

Parking, GoldenStriker activated her holoform; a realistic hologram of a young teenager appeared out of thin air as she sat on the driver’s seat. Her long blond hair was decorated with a single jewel encrusted hairclip that resembled her Autobot crest. The adolescent’s silver and gold dress matched perfectly with the hair ornament, along with her bright azure coloured eyes.
The teen looked down on herself, clenching and unclenching her fists. Testing out the holoform’s reflexes, “Hm, seems stable enough, although, it’s a good thing that I practiced using holograms before. Or else this temporary form would’ve flicker out the moment I activated it.” The teenager spoke, her voice sounding exactly like GoldenStriker’s. Except the robotic tinged undertone was not present. The young woman then picked up the gift on the passenger seat and automatically opened the door to allow her to walk out. Leaving behind her primary body in the parking lot. And unfortunately for GoldenStriker, she did not posses the ability to focus on both her holoform and her main body at the same time. Leaving herself completely vulnerable if she were to be attacked in this state, however, the female Autobot was willing to take that risk in order to attend the wedding.

"I hope that Scooby Doo and Dixie shall appreciate their newly acquired photo album."


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the guests did not really take note of the  mormal looking girl as she entered the reception area and moved through the crowd. Scooby had moved to the " gift" area and was thanking those guests who came up to give them gifts..
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"He's doing well.  I think he's mingling with the guests, or something along those lines." Sara said.  "And he can be hard to miss, unless he is with a group of folks near his size or behind something large."

"Wonderful party you have here." Jason said.

"It is indeed.  Here are our gifts.  I hope the party is going well for you so far." Sara said.


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It has been wonderful, we really didnm't expect the turnout to be this big..i'm just glad stitch fifn't bring all his cousins _ he ssays he has 998.. Jummba apprently is working on his 1000th experiment..we're really packed in. the pridelands lions all gave us food..and kopas gave us some fruit and some recipes to make some drinks..
_ kovu? Vitani exclaimed as she looked at her brother. " what in blazes are you foing?kovu was swaying back abd forth with a microphone, it was part of a karoke setup. he looked like he was completely drunk.. ' that punch is really good ' kovu said ' kopa and kiara will not be happy when they find you like this.. ' they already saw me flitying with some of the girls.. what more harm could i do? 'plenty little brother. try anything else, and i hope sleeping outside of pride rock for a few months is appealing to you, because thats where you will be sleeping.. he 4 of us rule together as a group remember, if one of us has problenms, we all have problms because we rely on each other so come on, you need to go sit down and not drink any more of that punch..
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"I'm not too late for the ceremony am I?" GoldenStriker asked the brown canine, while making sure that her holographic hands would continue to hold the futuristic photo album with little problem. As she carefully balanced the wrapped gift’s weight to further ensure that the album would not drop against her will. She didn't want to ruin the item that she worked so hard to finish, plus most of the materials she used on the newly weds' gift were expensive if it hadn’t been for her job.


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the reception will go as long as the guests want to hang around " scooby said with a smile abd carefully took the gift from her.." thank you for the gift, we'll be sending out lots and lots of thank yous once we unwrap eferything..pleaswe help yourself to some food and drink..
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(( Uh, the random guests who are staring at her is anybody. XD ))

She nodded with a small smile, before she walked away and moved towards the table filled with a large variety of food. And became surprised when she found a small pitcher of Energon; intrigued by the material which held the glowing acidic purple beverage. The female Autobot did a brief observation on the strange glass like material,   ëWell, that’s strange… How exactly did they obtain such materials? And how did they managed to create Energon on this planet, when barely anybody has the knowledge to safely create it?’ She asked herself; unaware of the strange stares she was receiving when several guests witnessed her eyes emitting a strange blue glow, which was repeatedly sweeping over the pitcher’s transparent surface as she thoroughly scanned the object.


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(prison planet)
Meanwhile Chong  had managed to get into the doxking bay where the shuttles and security were '  gawd! Its Chong! Contact commander Stripetail immediately!" cried the guard foreman! Stun him! get him on the ground!
Kiara had found her husband seated at a table and the look she gave him was withering.. 'its bad enough you started drinking and making passes at other girls kovu, but now you've made it worse, but drinking even more.. what got intro you?
he'll just have to sleep off the afterefects..kopa said coming by.. ' i enjoy having drink as much as anyone, bro, but i think you've gone quite a bit too far with your merrymaking..
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(Prison Planet)

"You may use deadly force," the warden ordered through the earpieces of the guards.

Sure enough, the guards did so. Bullets and shotgun pellets flew through the air as they aimed at Chong and Hailey.


(Wedding Reception)

"No, I was overseas preparing for an airshow. Lt. Martin was on leave," Major Douglas said. She then smiled. "And please, call me 'Rainbow'."

She then slowly headed back to the airstrip. "If you'll excuse me, I'll start getting the airshow ready."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As you wish raindbow' Stripetail nodded and he turned away and headed back towards the ceremony
Agumon came over to the gift table and  laid down his gift which was a specially made digivice, actually a pait of them..
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Gabumon stared strangely at the blond teenager; not exactly sure of himself on how he should react. Seeing as the Human World and Digital World didn’t have any humans who had the ability to scan things with blue lasers shooting out of their eyes. Or at least that’s what he thought he saw, although, he had a good feeling that the odd woman was simply scanning the pitcher. Since the lasers seemingly looked non-lethal and if she had been invited to the wedding that would mean that she was acquainted with either Scooby or Dixie at least. So, he wasn’t too worried about the not-so human teenager with special powers, however it was still a sight to behold…

“Hey, Gabumon what are you staring at?” Lilamon asked, curious on what caught the Digimon’s interest.

“To tell you the truth, I’m not so sure myself…” He replied, too occupied with GoldenStriker’s eye scanning moment to notice that his friend had joined in the staring as well.


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Rainbow rolled onto the runway with the five Silverbolts. "All right, we're ready to go."

Lt. Martin rolled out onto the tarmac. A group of mechanics with the Silverbolts fitted her with a harness containing a smoke generator. She shifted slightly, ensuring that the harness was secure and did not interfere with her control surfaces. "Ready to roll."

The other Silverbolts were on the runway and ready to fly.

Suddenly, the sound of several jet engines spooling up echoed around the wedding reception. At the same time one of the Silverbolt mechanics went up to the announcer stand's and cleared his throat.

"And now, we present Galena's premiere aerobatics team. Please give it up for the Silverbolts!"  

As he finished speaking, the six jets roared over the crowd with Rainbow in the lead. Their smoke generators produced a thick white trail behind them. They then switched off the smoke generators and the bottom two jets dropped in altitude but the six continued flying straight ahead.


Several of the crowd watched in awe as the Silverbolts performed some quick flyovers, their silver paint gleaming in the noon sun.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Both the bride and groom were surprised and very impressed by the flyover' Wow1 Thats really good!' dixie clapped as they went into another toutine. ' these planes are realy talented1 she said to her husband, who was craning towatch them as well..
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"That is a lot of cousins.  The most I heard of is Ma and Pa Kettle having 15 kids, and Ducky having many twin siblings." Jason said.  Jason looked up at the airshow, "Very impressive and skilled."

"Indeed, they are." Sara said. also watching the airshow.


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But the Silverbolts were far from finished. A pounding hard rock played as the airshow went on.

Rainbow and one of her fellow planes looped around and flew at each other. They then tilted on their sides so that both planes appeared to briefly overlap. They then joined the rest of the squadron as they continued flying over the awed crowd in their classic diamond formation.

Lt. Martin and another F-16 broke off and soared straight into the sky opposite each other, their smoke generators producing billowing columns of white smoke. As they ascended, they performed several barrel rolls.

At the same time, Rainbow led the other four planes into a synchronized diamond pattern as they climbed into the sky. They then rotated so they were upside down and continued flying like this for a moment, then they righted themselves and dove straight down, soaring at high speed just over a 1,000 feet above the crowd.

The result of this was that Lt. Martin and her partner appeared to cross through the flight of the other four - essentially writing an "o" with an "x" in the middle. This was actually an illusion as there was several hundred feet between the two groups (though Lt. Martin and her partner had a margin of less than 120 feet). Nevertheless, this was still dangerous as they were moving near the speed of sound.

"Holy s---! That is awesome!" Deimos cried.

"Never seen anything like it," Zachary said.

"Well, the fact that they're living machines means that they're immune to g forces and have faster reflexes so, they can perform eye-popping stunts," Dr. Zanasiu said as he sipped his glass of hibiscus punch.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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The crowd roared its approval as the airshow began to wrap up.

"And now for the grand finale - the Silver Burst!" the announcer shouted.

All six of the planes activated their smoke generators as they roared over the crowd in their signature diamond pattern. They then sped up into the noon sky. After about ten seconds of climbing, the formation split into a starburst with each plane peeling off in a different direction. But they were not done yet, each plane lit their afterburners as they prepared to go supersonic. Then, six powerful sonic booms simultaneously ripped through the noon sky, making everyone's teeth rattle.

As the planes circled around and prepared to land, the guests' thunderous applause was audible over the driving hard rock beat.


Deimos, Rime and Strut were practically jumping up and down in their excitement.

Mr. Bigmouth and Zachary were clapping loudly.

"Awesome! Even if I can't hear too well after those six sonic booms!" Dr. Zanasiu shouted.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.