The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Event: Live Stream - LBT VII - The Stone of Cold Fire


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In honor of Pterano month (in June), there will be a live stream of the 7th Land Before Time movie on Discord. This will likely take place on June 21st, 9 AM ET, 3 PM CEST.

Subject to change since I am not sure what my internet situation will be in the new place, but I'll make sure to announce it on time if the plan changes :)

Can anyone confirm that they can see this event on the forum's calendar?

Edit: Thanks Flathead! :D
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 08:37:45 AM by Mumbling »


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I can confirm that it shows up on the calendar!

Already saw it this month but I might as well try and join this one as well!  :rhett_smile
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 09:48:33 AM by Flathead770 »


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I didn't know you could set events on the calender lol, I thought it was just to check birthdays.

Well I missed a good chunk of the last LBT7 stream because I was tired, so I might actually try to make it for this one.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I'll try to be there. Also, is it possible to have a reminder close to the date? Not only for me, but for others who are interested. I seem to recall that few people have missed these live streams for that reason. It would be appreciated. :)


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Certainly! :)

I didn't know you could set events on the calender lol, I thought it was just to check birthdays.

I was just trying out the feature. Glad to see it works ;)


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Gentle Sharptooth

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Count me in. :)

I’ll have to watch it remotely at the same time.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Is there any chance that a poll could be set up so members could vote on a good time for the stream? Or are your hosting options for this stream limited, @Mumbling?


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Count me in... :OhYou

Is there any chance that a poll could be set up so members could vote on a good time for the stream? Or are your hosting options for this stream limited, @Mumbling?
And yeah, this would be really helpful. :^^spike


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Also, random trivia, but here's all the past live streams that we've had. :smile

May 14: XII – The Great Day of the Flyers (For the Guido Showcase; streamed on
Jul 28: VI – The Secret of Saurus Rock (In celebration of the discovery of the LBT 6 script; streamed on
Nov 5: II – The Great Valley Adventure (Test stream for the new #cinema channel on Discord)
Nov 7: Every TV series episode
Feb 1: II – The Great Valley Adventure (Ozzy and Strut Showcase)
Mar 14: IX – Journey to Big Water
Mar 21: X – The Great Longneck Migration
Apr 2: "The Brave Longneck Scheme" (Rhett Showcase)
Apr 4: XIII – The Wisdom of Friends
May 9: VII – The Stone of Cold Fire (Rinkus and Sierra Showcase)
May 23: V – The Mysterious Island (Japanese version)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2020, 05:41:42 AM by StardustSoldier »


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This will likely take place on June 21st, 9 AM ET, 3 PM CEST.
Whoa, count me out!! :rhett_ohsnap
Sorry, that was overdramatic, but nothing can drag me out of bed in the morning hours on a Sunday, folks. :SmugSpike


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Well that's why I think it would be nice if there were a few different time options that we could vote on. ImpracticalDino mentioned to me that the current time would be too early for him as well.


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Can't satisfy everyone. We have members all over the world. For some of you this is 7 AM, for others midnight, it's the only reachable time for me personally to reach all time zones. I could offer the option to run it af 7AM europe time, but theres a fair chance I sleep in and forget. Any later in European mornings and all of America is asleep. Any later in European afternoons and Austalia/Asia is asleep (and honestly they already miss out too much due to the Western focused world we're in). And I personally can't stay up for long after 9PM these days, so evening streams for me are out. Of course anyone is welcome to host a stream, it doesn't have to come down to me, but I don't see the point in offering many different options if the most likely option that will be picked is a time when I want to be in bed :yes


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Well that's why I think it would be nice if there were a few different time options that we could vote on. ImpracticalDino mentioned to me that the current time would be too early for him as well.

Can't satisfy everyone. We have members all over the world. For some of you this is 7 AM, for others midnight, it's the only reachable time for me personally to reach all time zones. I could offer the option to run it af 7AM europe time, but theres a fair chance I sleep in and forget. Any later in European mornings and all of America is asleep. Any later in European afternoons and Austalia/Asia is asleep (and honestly they already miss out too much due to the Western focused world we're in). And I personally can't stay up for long after 9PM these days, so evening streams for me are out. Of course anyone is welcome to host a stream, it doesn't have to come down to me, but I don't see the point in offering many different options if the most likely option that will be picked is a time when I want to be in bed :yes

This is the reason why time zones are such a pain in the ass - they restrict activities like this and make it harder to organize so that everyone can enjoy them. Alas, it's almost impossible to satisfy everyone and whether we like it or not, someone is going to feel left out and there's not much we can do about that. If only we could actually record the streams so that people who miss them could watch them later, albeit the overall experience would still likely be diverse as those people wouldn't have a chance to chat with other people. We can't have everything and must be happy about what we do get. :(


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Jul 28: VI – The Secret of Saurus Rock (In celebration of the discovery of the LBT 6 script; streamed on

Oh that was a great one - decided to join the list of "bad luck"  :lol

Major kudos to anyone who figures out what that means :)


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Can't satisfy everyone. We have members all over the world. For some of you this is 7 AM, for others midnight, it's the only reachable time for me personally to reach all time zones. I could offer the option to run it af 7AM europe time, but theres a fair chance I sleep in and forget. Any later in European mornings and all of America is asleep. Any later in European afternoons and Austalia/Asia is asleep (and honestly they already miss out too much due to the Western focused world we're in). And I personally can't stay up for long after 9PM these days, so evening streams for me are out. Of course anyone is welcome to host a stream, it doesn't have to come down to me, but I don't see the point in offering many different options if the most likely option that will be picked is a time when I want to be in bed :yes

Oh yeah, it's fine. I wouldn't want you to make things inconvenient for others by changing the time just because of my weekend laziness. :p I just wanted to let you guys know ahead of time that I wasn't going to make it to this stream.