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Ducky123's fanart :)

Ducky123 · 472 · 74530


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Thanks everyone :DD

Well, the main issue with the anatomy wasn't related to the fact that the drawing was made digitally. This is just what I can make a drawing look like when I'm not taking a screenshot to draw the exact same scene (which is what I used to do all the time. I might still do these from time to time but I'll try to get away from that :P)

In the next time, my non-LBT art topic is going to be much more active than this one here but I'll still drop in the occasional LBT drawing, maybe just some quick sketches too since I'm doing these more often recently :P
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Well, art-wise I have been going through a bit of a hole lately, doodling the few things I can doodle from my memory quickly getting boring, while learning new things being too much of a chore for me lately.

Due to the fanart prompt challenge, I decided to undust my graphic tablet and draw something quick and dirty just so I have something to contribute at all. I regret not having more time to refine this, look at references etc. but, well, here it is. A digital sketch, 2 hrs, no reference used.

The prompt was to draw a scene from a possible future LBT sequel. I wanted to draw something quick and something that wasn't completely new so I decided to go for longnecks since I'm most familiar with them in front/side view perspective. And soon a story idea came so it'd fit the prompt as well.

First of all, here you see (from left to right) Rhett, Littlefoot and Shorty. The synopsis for the possible sequel I had in mind was that Ali somehow gets into grave danger (kidnapped? Because why not? :P ) and the three boys have to get their act together in order to save her in time. In this scene I wanted to show Rhett and Shorty yelling at Littlefoot (and at each other too :P) for screwing something up :P They're standing on a sort of cliff there btw.

I know this is terrible but feel free to be honest about everything I butchered there :DD Might try to revisit this sketch when I have some more time but for now this is my entry to the first prompt of 2018 for the fanart prompt challenge :sducky
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Well it's an interesting idea. I could see Shorty and Rhett at each other's throats with Littlefoot trying to get them all to work together.

I think if you want to have them arguing it would be good to have one of their mouths open like they're talking. Maybe give them angry eyes as well.

I like the fact that Littlefoot's head is lowered, he clearly doesn't like what he's hearing and/or regrets what happened.

I would comment more but I have my own prompt to finish :p
« Last Edit: February 27, 2018, 11:43:51 PM by Flathead770 »


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It's nice to see more art from you even if this one... isn't nearly your best. Your idea for a scene is a rather interesting one and the overall layout with the two arguing is, as Flathead said, rather well done. However, the drawing itself is overly simplified and I wouldn't really recognize the three based on these sketches. In this art style, Rhett and Littlefoot are good enough I guess but something odd is going on with Shorty's legs, body shape and face. Aside from that, I don't have that much to say about this one, unfortunately. It is a nice idea and as a sketch it's decent but the simplified style isn't the most impressive I've seen.


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Well it's an interesting idea. I could see Shorty and Rhett at each other's throats with Littlefoot trying to get them all to work together.
Yes totally :D

I think if you want to have them arguing it would be good to have one of their mouths open like they're talking. Maybe give them angry eyes as well.
Yeah, I kinda failed to give Shorty angry eyes. I think it kinda worked on Rhett though. Rhett just kind looks angry while Shorty is intended to scream/yell something at either Rhett/Littlefoot or both :P I will need to draw this on a bigger scale so I can go more in depth with details :yes You can still consider this a WIP btw, as I said I don't intend on this abomination to be the final result  :oops

I like the fact that Littlefoot's head is lowered, he clearly doesn't like what he's hearing and/or regrets what happened.
Yeah, I really felt like trying this pose on him, expressing submission as well as sadness. I do not believe it is anatomically correct the way it is but surely I'll find something to reference that in the future.

It's nice to see more art from you even if this one... isn't nearly your best.
Yes yes I know :lol It's ok to be honest, I haven't really done many LBT related drawings in a while + never colour my sketches/linearts recently. That is until I feel I have learned enough art-wise to have time to spare for finishing and showing off my work :P Consider this a WIP for now  :sducky

Your idea for a scene is a rather interesting one and the overall layout with the two arguing is, as Flathead said, rather well done. However, the drawing itself is overly simplified and I wouldn't really recognize the three based on these sketches.

Yep, they are not really individually recognizable at this stage, hence I mentioned who is who  :oops Glad you liked the idea behind it though, it is one of these random ideas I sometimes get which, if I had the time, could very well be planned out more and turned into a story.  :exactly

Thanks for the honest feedback, if you have any further suggestions, especially concerning longneck anatomy, I'd be very grateful, yep, yep, yep! As I mentioned, I will try to redraw this on a larger scale so I can work on details and refine the sketchy lineart and anatomy of these guys  :confused

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Ah, nice! You're getting a lot better at drawing without a reference! While it's certainly a little rough, it's still in the sketch stage, so that's understandable :D And I still owe you that tutorial on using references, I haven't forgotten!
This is a really fun scene, I never would have thought of these three working together :lol


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ok guys, this is sort of a milestone I think. Maybe  :p

So, this is an entry to the fanart prompt challenge. The prompt was to draw an OC  :Mo I'm not known to create many OCs in my stories but they usually play a bigger role if I do. I had two big choices here and after the initial sketching stage it became clear very soon that Cho would win.

But first, let me see if I can figure out how to make a direct upload here, shall we? I've yet to test it haha

(oh boy, even after resizing the quality isn't the greatest... gotta beg my sis to give me her phone to take a better pic or smth)

Okay, I hope you have some time because a special drawing like this one comes with a story to tell.

So, this is actually like... the 3rd or 4th attempt of mine to draw this very scene. It seems my skills and endurance were finally large enough for me to succeed! I've tried so many different poses and perspectives... but more later!

What does it show? Yeah, maybe I should get started writing about the drawing itself before we get to the creation process. So... seen here are Shorty and Cho. Cho who? To those unaware, Cho is my OC. She is a major character in my story Shorty's Dark Past
Shorty's Dark Past (which btw is in the process of being written almost completely from scratch so keep your eyes out  :Mo). Cho is one of the little longnecks that Shorty was mysteriously seen leading during Bron's infamous flashback in LBT 10. There's quite a story around how all of that came to be (in other words, read the story  :add :SmugSpike) but, anyways, Cho is a rather shy and reclusive character who can appear a little odd and weird at times. Her appearance is, as seen, pretty much... black. She is mockingly nicknamed "Shadow" for her rather dark and dull appearance which also translates to her being rather ugly.

If you think Shorty was being mean towards Littlefoot, then maybe reconsider that. Shorty was generally described as a bit of a bully in LBT 10 and I build his character around that in my fanfic. Due to the circumstances of his not so bright but fairly dark past, he's become quite an idiot... and Cho is his favourite target. He would taunt her, insult her, push her around or even hurt her physically (his stone flicking skills are remarkable after all.) But there is one turning point (which will be handled a whole lot different in the new version of the story btw) during which Shorty completely loses his mind. This is the scene that I decided to draw!

I think I should next talk about the perspective here because I know it is a bit of an unusual one (and I seem to have a knack for it so expect to see it more often haha). I used a frog perspective here. It's not perfect yet and especially the background isn't harmonizing 100% with the foreground but I think I've finally learned how to use perspective in the first place, not just this particular one. Anyways, the viewer isn't seated on the floor exactly but slightly above (otherwise there would be grass all over the place lol) looking upwards to see Cho run-jumping (I adapted this from the several occasions longnecks are seen running in a jumpy sort of manner - well, kids anyway) towards the viewer, her left foreleg just landing right in front of the viewer while the right is still coming down while the hindlegs are high above the ground. I'll admit this kind of weakened the effect of the frog perspective but I think I managed to draw it accordingly to her pose.

So, Cho has just turned directions here after passing by a thick tree in an attempt to escape the much bigger, much stronger and also faster Shorty. The latter is seen towering slightly over her (Cho would only reach up to his back while standing, roundabout) while just appearing behindd the tree. Kinda saved me the trouble of figuring out his pose as well hahaha   :OhYou

Obviously, Cho is terrified. After being assaulted by a Shorty who lost all sense, she runs while screaming as if a sharptooth was hot on her heels (and if you've read the story you'd know that comparison isn't too far off). I didn't originally plan to have her close her eyes but it kinda worked so I decided to use this instead.

I think I don't need to explain Shorty's expression or do I?  :OhYou

Whew, not that this is out of the way, I can finally tell you a little about the creation process. First things first, I guess, this must have taken me about 20-30 hrs in total which is just an estimation (And only like 10 hrs were spent on the final paper) It might as well have been more if you also count all the time I spent looking for help and screenshots  :oops Speaking of which, I thik I should mention that I DID use a fair amount of them, however I did not trace! I watched some of the tinysaurus chase scenes from LBT 11 frame by frame and literally couldn't decide which of the many poses to use. In the end, a scene of Littlefoot running away from the tinysaurusses won after some discussion on the discord server (If you haven't joined, DO IT NOW  :)littlefoot ). So, I had a screenshot to base my drawing on BUT I needed to change to perspective a lot. Boy that was some hard work xD

I probably had like 3 or 4 sketches done before I decided on that pose at last, some based on screenshots, some from memory. That's several more hours of work btw :P

So, once I had my lineart looking somewhat acceptable, I did some background doodles to get an idea of how to draw some random vegetation and also get an idea of how to apply my perspective on my background. Once I felt semi-okay-ish about it, I made a first draft on my sketch paper with the finished lineart which I kept for the most part in the final version with slight tweaks (and clouds, hah!)

Finally, it was time to colour this monster! It was getting somewhat close to the deadline and I swear I would have made it if my motivation and patience hadn't decided to fuck me, haha. I couldn't work on it for some time and I say it here and now that I am not likely to create many works using coloured pencils in the future anymore. It's simply become too much of a drag to do and very time-consuming if done right. In all honesty, I could have spent twice or thrice the amount of time colouring this and it would probably look a lot better to but what for? I'm not even learning anything valueable during that time!  :sducky I think it's quite easy to spot who I started colouring (Shorty) and what I was colouring last (the bg). Retracing the lines took a good hour and a half today and it was the only step that greatly improved the looks of the drawing (most of Cho's features would have been buried in her dark colour haha, I legit had to look at photos I made of the lineart to recognize where some facial lines were supposed to go)

So yeah, that was my creation process (and that's the rough draft of it haha)  :bolt

Last but not least, let me tell you what I, personally, think about my creation.

First things first, I'm pretty darn proud of it, not lying there.  :)littlefoot It is the first drawing of mine where I actively changed and came up with a perspective. It is also one of the first which I didn't just trace. It is also one of the first showing a scene I came up with myself and probably the only one that's telling a story. Speaking of which, it's the first fanart of a fanfiction (in this case, my own) that I did and also the first to have a fully coloured background (the one with Ducky and Petrie doesn't count, it was traced and butchered  :lol ). So yeah, many firsts and it surely doesn't look any worse than my usual stuff, now does it?  :OhYou Well, let me hear it in all glorious detail, what you think about it, will you? Please please please?  :sducky

Last but not least, I would like to give a special shoutout to Flathead (no, not Littlefoot but our member). Without his constant support and some sketches of his helping me figure out some key elements of my drawing, I might not have made it to get the lineart to look any good in the first place. You rock m8te  :celebrate

Ducky out
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Hey here it is and oof you weren't kidding about the text. :lol

It's great to see the final product and now that I'm taking a good look at it (and not on my phone :p ) it is easier to notice the more rushed colouring areas. It still looks good though so you shouldn't be too worried! :DD I agree that coloured pencils take way to long with full backgrounds but as much as I hate it, it feels good when you're finally finished and it comes together.

I think the pose and expression of Cho are done quite well and the blades of grass down at the bottom goes a long way to help sell the perspective. It would've been nice if Cho's head wasn't partially cut off but maybe it helps emphasize that she's running away?

The two nitpicks that I have are with Shorty. His on eye closest to Cho is properly drawn to be angry but the farther one isn't. The eyebrow (or whatever the best way to call it) should be angled downwards toward the nose but the farther eye is angled in the opposite direction (like in a sad expression). I had actually noticed that earlier but you had already had a good amount of progress in so I didn't want to discourage you  :oops The second one is that Shorty's body seems to disappear behind the tree. This one's kinda tricky as it could be possible that with the way he's facing his body could be angle into the page enough that it wouldn't be visible on the other side but it still seems off.

Overall it's really well done and I'm not surprised that you feel proud about this drawing as I think it's the best one you've done! (at least that I've seen)  :)littlefoot

Last but not least, I would like to give a special shoutout to Flathead (no, not Littlefoot but our member). Without his constant support and some sketches of his helping me figure out some key elements of my drawing, I might not have made it to get the lineart to look any good in the first place. You rock m8te  :celebrate
Thanks! It helped motivate me as well so it ended up being mutually beneficial and I'd be happy to do so again.  :cheers


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heh, funny scene. :D

Nice! Though yeah, not-simple perspective made some parts of body like forelegs strange-looking. ;)
And I actually like background!


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Yeah, it's pretty obvious that this is probably your best drawing thus far! The coloring and lines (as you said) are far more solid than most times before and I quite like Cho's expression here (it's also good to see your vision of her and I quite like it). Her fear of Shorty is really clear here which fits the latter parts of the fic quite well. The trees in the background are very simple but they do their job very nicely. :) However, I agree with Flathead that Shorty's farther eye looks a bit creepy and the way I see it, Cho's body looks a bit small in relation to her head. The perspective brings a pretty good feel to the drawing even if it is probably partially to blame for some of the odd-looking anatomy. Yet, it's good to see draw completely original scenes and it always warms me to bring the fanfiction world to life in visual style too. I truly hope to see more such stuff from you as this is a really nice step forward for you! :DD


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When I first saw this picture, I was amazed by the colors! I still am! I have never managed to apply the colours so intensively with coloured pencils, it was always too pale.

Apart from that, I find it well done, and at first look I didn't notice any mistakes.
However, his left front leg looks a little angular.

I think it's good that you made the blades of grass in the foreground. This showed me the depth of perspective. The flower is sweet.  :DD
The scenery becomes perfectly clear because of the facial expressions.

A successful picture!


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Ok, I think I finally have some time to reply to all these comments  :^^spike

Hey here it is and oof you weren't kidding about the text. :lol

It's great to see the final product and now that I'm taking a good look at it (and not on my phone :p ) it is easier to notice the more rushed colouring areas. It still looks good though so you shouldn't be too worried! :DD I agree that coloured pencils take way to long with full backgrounds but as much as I hate it, it feels good when you're finally finished and it comes together.

I think the pose and expression of Cho are done quite well and the blades of grass down at the bottom goes a long way to help sell the perspective. It would've been nice if Cho's head wasn't partially cut off but maybe it helps emphasize that she's running away?

The two nitpicks that I have are with Shorty. His on eye closest to Cho is properly drawn to be angry but the farther one isn't. The eyebrow (or whatever the best way to call it) should be angled downwards toward the nose but the farther eye is angled in the opposite direction (like in a sad expression). I had actually noticed that earlier but you had already had a good amount of progress in so I didn't want to discourage you  :oops The second one is that Shorty's body seems to disappear behind the tree. This one's kinda tricky as it could be possible that with the way he's facing his body could be angle into the page enough that it wouldn't be visible on the other side but it still seems off.

Overall it's really well done and I'm not surprised that you feel proud about this drawing as I think it's the best one you've done! (at least that I've seen)  :)littlefoot

I was a little unsure about Shorty's eye myself :unsure: Well, I don't think it's too big of an issue but I've gotta keep that in mind  :^^spike

I know Shorty's position isn't ideal but it would have meant having to figure out his pose as well and I was already burnt out from figuring out Cho's.

Glad you like the fina result my friend :)

heh, funny scene. :D

Nice! Though yeah, not-simple perspective made some parts of body like forelegs strange-looking. ;)
And I actually like background!

Yay, glad you like it (particularly the background, that's especially great to know :D ). Perspective can make things look unusual and strange sometimes ;)

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that this is probably your best drawing thus far! The coloring and lines (as you said) are far more solid than most times before and I quite like Cho's expression here (it's also good to see your vision of her and I quite like it). Her fear of Shorty is really clear here which fits the latter parts of the fic quite well. The trees in the background are very simple but they do their job very nicely. :) However, I agree with Flathead that Shorty's farther eye looks a bit creepy and the way I see it, Cho's body looks a bit small in relation to her head. The perspective brings a pretty good feel to the drawing even if it is probably partially to blame for some of the odd-looking anatomy. Yet, it's good to see draw completely original scenes and it always warms me to bring the fanfiction world to life in visual style too. I truly hope to see more such stuff from you as this is a really nice step forward for you! :DD
Hey, I'm glad you like the drawing :D

Yeah, that's how I imagine Cho. Of course I cannot display her true colours with coloured pencils, I think DarkWolf did a really good job when she's drawn her before :)

Her head is so big because it is closer to the onlooker taking the perspective into account. I don't know if the relation is 100% accurate though.

I'm really glad I was able to delight you with this original artwork, it is indeed always a pleasure to see fanfictions come to life with fanart :yes

When I first saw this picture, I was amazed by the colors! I still am! I have never managed to apply the colours so intensively with coloured pencils, it was always too pale.

Apart from that, I find it well done, and at first look I didn't notice any mistakes.
However, his left front leg looks a little angular.

I think it's good that you made the blades of grass in the foreground. This showed me the depth of perspective. The flower is sweet.  :DD
The scenery becomes perfectly clear because of the facial expressions.

A successful picture!
Thanks for your review Levente! :D

To achieve such vibrant colours, you will need to apply more pressure while colouring. I've also noticed though while using different brands of pencils that some brands give you more vibrant colours because the pencils are softer. I was mostly using those softer pencils here. The second thing is post-editing. I'm using to adjust sharpness, contrast and saturation after I take a picture.

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Oh snap, so much dust in here *cough*

Ahem, so I didn't think that I'd get something done for this prompt after missing the previous two (although I did work on something for one of them which is still unfinished) but, well, here I am, after 8 hours of work following a spontaneous idea, I have finished another drawing I'm quite proud of. See for yourself :)

(make sure to scroll sideways)

The prompt was to draw something related to the Time of Great Giving. A very open prompt, admittedly. I was thinking about it a fair bit in recent days. Should I draw a scene from the movie? Or something completely else? Well, as we all know, The Time of Great Giving is all about sharing and that was the spark that enlightened me. Sharing... Sharing is caring as we all know and I felt like drawing something related to that :smile

My original idea was to draw Ali and Littlefoot but when I realized that I wasn't able to change the tinysaurus style (I used them as reference and it was also a scene from LBT 11 that I tried to reenact with this artwork) into the normal longneck style, I decided to draw random tinysaurusses instead  :bolt

Right from the start I knew that it would be a two panel picture (and that it would be digital, yes DIGITAL  :celebrate) and still I had to adjust the size of the canvas eventually  :lol I literally haven't worked with my graphic tablet in months which is probably part of the reason why I'm so satisfied with the result. The initial sketching went okay (some misadventures here and there but I think I was done there after 3 hours or so :P ) and the poses I picked turned out to be really awesome, especially the left panel! The biggest difficulty was definitely figuring out how to draw the  :TreeStar :TreeStar :TreeStar, took me a while and the sketch looked much different than the outlines  :olittlefoot

I had to play around a little until I had a tool to outline that I was happy with. PS: Smoothing saved my *censored* or did you think my hand is this steady? Oh no no no  :sducky

It didn't occur to me at first but I decided to add some romance on the right panel at some point during the inking stage and holy spiketail it makes the panel so goddamn cute  :wub

Finally, I had to think about the colours. I didn't feel confident enough to attempt something unusual so I just went with the good old paint tool and used simple, boring flat colouring. I did save the lineart before colouring so maybe when I do feel like it I'll play around with it some more  :^^spike Anyway, since I had unnamed OCs here, I was pretty free as far as colour choices are concerned. As you can see... I was using stereotypes but actually I played around with colours a lot and chose what I liked best; and blue and pink worked nicely together  :lol

I really hope that you like the drawing. I'm aware that the left panel has some anatomical incorrectness because I've drawn the lower body completely freely without any referencing and I know the colouring method is a bit noob-ish but otherwise I'm 100% happy with the result, especially that I was able to do this in one sitting!  :lol: Thanks for listening, Ducky out  :bolt

Time taken: Approx. 7 hours (procrastination and chatting not included)
Software: Art Rage Lite

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This drawing is very beautiful! I don't even know where to start! ^^

I think it's clear that this picture is totally sweet! The idea together with the realization gives a very good effect. This is not only achieved by the two tinysaurs, but also by the rhyme and by the hearts.
The drawing may look a bit incorrect in some places, but the effect it creates is not affected for me in any way by it.
Incidentally, I also like the fact that the background color changes.

You can be really proud of yourself! The 7 hours were worth it! Thank you for sharing this drawing with us! :)


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I really like this one as well! The characters as well as the obvious message of helping and caring works amazingly in these drawings and it was a great idea to make this picture in two parts as it creates much more depth and strength into the feel of these pictures. :wow The feeling in this one is amazing and the characters look great as well. If I had to nitpick, the girl's face in the first picture looks a bit weird and the lack of background is something that always catches my eye (even though it was in no way relevant in this one so I'm not really complaining). In any case, you had a great idea and an amazing execution for this pair of pictures! :^^spike
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 04:39:04 PM by Sovereign »


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Such a nice drawing. It may be simple, but I think that adds to it's charm. There are a few errors most notably in the first panel, such as the boy's neck and the girl's face as Sovereign pointed out. Still, a great entry to the prompt!  :)littlefoot

Now I just need to hurry up and finish mine :p


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Thanks everyone, I'm so glad that you like my drawing! :DD

I was probably debating for like 20 something minutes what colour to use for the background lol. Plain white seemed boring. I wanted ti use a warm colour but no matter what I tried it always seemed to bite. In the end I went for a light blue colour on the left (sort of what you'd expect a sky to look like) and to convey mood picked a pink colour for the right panel :)

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Here's my super belated entry for the Jan/Feb fanart prompt challenge!

The challenge was to draw a movie poster and, well, Shorty's Dark Past is sort of an alternative version of LBT 10 if you will so I thought it'd fit the prompt nicely  :PAli

This was a little extra tricky because it makes a huge difference how you compose the picture, where you put what characters etc. I think I did an okay job with it :^^spike

I started planning on this piece of squared paper, not really assuming I'd end up with a finalized concept yet. But I ended up with a really acceptable concept. Knowing fully well that changes to the positions would happen if I traced this to a new piece of paper, I decided to stick to this piece of paper even though it has some disadvantages. Since it's so smooth, it was certainly easier to colour though.

I began with Shorty. He's unarguably the main character of the story so he had to be somewhat in the foreground, right? I'm not so happy about the fact that I merely copied a popular pose of his but by now you should know that I'm simply not good enough to draw my poses all by myself.

Of course Cho had to be in the poster too  :PAli Unlike for Shorty, I had to improvise a lot on her pose and while I can't guarantee for anatomical correctness, I think she looks okay :P Wish those tears weren't biting with her black colour so much, oh well. For those curious, Shorty is a bad boy and bullies her a lot which is why I chose to portrait the two the way I did. It's probably not the most central conflict of the story but one of my personal favourites :^^spike

Littlefoot and Ali are like secondary main characters of the story so I thought I'd put them somewhere in the foreground but a little distance behind Shorty. Unlike Shorty, they're having a splendid time so I've drawn them happy and goofy  :PAli Can anybody tell that I used a reference from the Tv-series for Littlefoot?  :sducky I based Ali off that same reference too so I guess Ali is the only character here where I did the pose myself, sort of  :)littlefoot
By the way, what do you think about the colour schemes of these two? I was experimenting with a different set of colours here and as for Ali, well, it was a first drawing her :P

Bron is kinda in the background with a concerned expression. This makes sense because not only Shorty but Littlefoot too will cause him some grief in the story.

The other characters are spoiler territory for those who don't know the original version of the story yet so I won't say anything about them here :)

Don't ask me why I ended up doing a background, it's nothing too special, I just sketched this in a few minutes lol and the colouring was a bit rushed, there's no shame in admitting that. Colouring isn't really fun for me nor is there any skill behind it if I just colour it flat like this (lacking time/dedication to learn better colouring methods). But a drawing without any looks bland so I had to colour it, I guess  :thinking The sky may look even more rushed but I actually did this as to mix different pencils to create a colour gradient. I think this passes as a sunset just barely  ;)Cera

I hope that you like my drawing :)
Inactive, probably forever.


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A late entry gets a late response I guess right?  :PAli

It's good to see you make a submission for this one! I wasn't sure if you were going to make it. Despite having the pesky graph paper lines present, the drawing looks all around pretty great! 

I won't comment too much on Shorty since he's mostly taken directly from a reference but needless to say he looks good. Cho and Bron both look real good as well. Littlefoot and Ali look decent enough as well but their heads look a little off, though it's kinda hard to pinpoint exactly what. I see you went with a colour scheme similar to CybertronianBrony's for Littlefoot. Probably looks better then my brown one and is different from Ali's to easily tell them apart so that's good.

Another small nitpick is the changing directions for the sky. You can see the strokes going in clashing directions. I think the long strokes look good with this very bright sunset you're going but I feel like if you had them all pointed radially outward from the sun it would look better. The gradient from the yellow to orange is also a nice touch.

What I feel is the best part of the poster though is the focus with Shorty. His name is in the title after all. He takes a prominent spot at the center of the poster, with almost every character in the background staring intently at him and his actions. I know what you're going for with Littlefoot and Ali but I feel like if you could have included them in this as spectators it might have been better as it seems awkward that they're the only ones happy in this, seemingly ignorant to what is occurring :p

Great stuff though!  :)littlefoot


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This picture really has a rather cool setup which is really fitting for a poster. Indeed, the tension between Shorty and Cho works rather well and it lays out the themes of the fic quite nicely. All the expressions work really well and the dramatic sky creates a very decent effect that adds to the atmosphere very well. The colors are also smooth enough. As for the problems, Shorty's neck looks a bit too long which isn't that noticeable. What caught my eye more is Littlefoot and Ali's expressions as they seem to break the serious tone of the poster quite clearly. Perhaps trying to create a bit more coherent picture of the characters' feelings towards the main conflicts of the fic could have worked better but the poster is already good enough as it is. Nice job! :)