The Gang of Five
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Messages - MF217

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Gamers Zone / Re: Wii U and 3DS eShops Closing on March 2023
« on: February 19, 2023, 06:00:11 PM »
I didn't mention this prior, but regarding my ability to ultimately want to hack my 3DS to install Custom Firmware? I had made a promise to myself many years ago I would refuse to do so until I knew for absolute certainty that virtually all major support for the system would come to an end. Considering the fact hacking the 3DS relies on a game that requires the eShop to get a hold of? I decided that last year was the time I'd ultimately hack my 3DS and begin to go to town with it. The adventures I had with my 3DS in the years before that were a fun little adventure.

Gamers Zone / Re: Gamers' Wishlist
« on: February 19, 2023, 05:26:00 PM »
Less so a specific game and more so hardware for my PC, specifically a better GPU than the one I currently have. There are a lot of games that have gotten my attention which as of now I meet the minimum specs for, but the one contributing factor to me not meeting the recommended specs is that my GPU is severely outdated compared to what's available on the market right now. Needless to say I'm very adamant this time with trying to get my PC upgraded at long last so I can begin to have an increased interest in Steam once again.

Also, as for a specific game? Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX for Steam which I'll also probably get the Switch version later down the road as well. I already know Metroid Dread will be something I will work on getting a hold of later as well, but so far my biggest priority above all others is the aforementioned GPU upgrade.

Over a year later, about time for a status update. Let's start with the big one.

I got my GPU upgraded. However, that was about all that was changed with my PC because it was the cheapest option available without having to modify just about everything else with the hardware. However, because most of the games I already had simply needed a better GPU for me to run? This doesn't hurt as much as you'd think, and it's overall a good improvement.

I also got Monster Rancher DX on Steam, but I haven't played it yet.

I hadn't gotten Metroid Dread yet, sadly, but I'm actually pleasantly surprised of the post-release Free DLC the game wound up addressing a lot of issues I myself either saw as potential problems or other people had been wanting from the game to be addressed somehow. I actually like the fact Metroid Dread wound up breathing new life into the franchise, especially with how Nintendo just shadow dropped a remaster of Metroid Prime roughly a week or so ago from today.

1988 Theatrical Release / Sharptooth the Sociopathic Serial Killer
« on: October 10, 2021, 09:38:34 AM »
I think this one is kind of self-explanatory given the novelization of the film actually chose to portray Sharptooh's morality as being more pinned to a given interpretation than how vague it was in the actual film, albeit this interpretation here could very easily apply to the film as well because of how little it actually changes the overall events of the plot as we already know it unfolds.

Sharptooth, in the novel, is described as being a Serial Killer who preyed on the Flatteeth not just because of hunger, but actively killed Flatteeth out of a mad blood lust he has which makes him a serial killer compared to other Sharpteeth who simply tried to survive. Sharptooth was hunting for new victims, and when encountering Littlefoot and Cera, had every intention of killing those two because Littlefoot had wound up wounding his pride by having a sharp thorn pierce his eye and leave him half blind afterwards, and his pride further being wounded by Cera when she headbutts him while he's unconscious. Then of course the fact Sharptooth killed Littlefoot's Mother while being fully aware of the fact he was doing so less out of a need for food and more so to kill for the sake of it. He had apparently discovered the entrance to the Great Valley as well, and had every intention of heading there to go on a killing spree, but his own pride got the better of him, leaving him with a score to settle with five children who offered no real sustenance for him, and he targeted them specifically because of Littlefoot and Cera's presence in the group, reminded of the fact that the two of them damaged his pride and left him irrationally hateful towards both of them by the end. Even when nearing death, he attempts to take Petrie with him at the last second solely out of a spiteful attempt to have the last laugh in the end.

Definitely makes you think about Sharptooth in a different light when you consider he's flat out the most menacing incarnation of a carnivorous dinosaur in virtually all of The Land Before Time's franchise wide history of many other Sharpteeth after him typically not showcasing the same behavior he had which made him stick out more.


Specifically the Glow in the Dark Digital Monster Ver. 20th. It contains all five of the main Digital Monster line DigiEggs which can hatch into the respective Digimon associated with said Digivice version, and some of which can now achieve Mega Level with some in particular being able to DigiFuse into an even stronger Digimon. This Digivice was also the debut appearance of BlitzGreymon, CresGarurumon, and Omegamon Alter-S in the whole franchise, with me having aimed to acquire both Digimon to DigiFuse into the latter as I was beginning to learn the ropes with how to best acquire the individual forms of whatever Digimon I needed to go into the Digivolution paths for BlitzGreymon and CresGarurumon specifically.

It was quite an acid trip with CresGarurumon, as the easiest route I wound up going for was Elecmon and Whamon as the Rookie and Champion respectively, with the only choice in Ultimate being MetalMamemon. Even if you had went with the harder to accomplish Gabumon and Garurumon, you'd still go into MetalMamemon in-order to get to CresGarurumon. I had an easier time with BlitzGreymon, meanwhile, as the requirements of Greymon were stupidly easy for me to meet which meant I pretty much just had to do battles for both Digimon to have them achieve Ultimate Level before they would later hit Mega Level. Thankfully the Ver. 20th rectifies at least two issues with the older models it's based upon. First is that the save file on the Digivice is not tied to the battery, meaning you can have the same save file kept intact spanning multiple battery replacements. Second is the fact there is an option to battle opponents in a single player session, as I don't believe the original Digital Monster Digivices had such an option.

Also I find it absolutely ironic with the Digivice I got regarding its exclusive Digimon which I will more than likely never get a hold of because of how you unlock it. Each Digivice in the Digital Monster Ver. 20th line has an exclusive DigiEgg you can unlock by communicating with at least 5 other unique Digivices, and it depends heavily on the color of the Digivice which Digimon you get from this. The Digimon I get with my Glow in the Dark model is ironically a Digimon I rather heavily detest; Meicoomon, which had first appeared in Digimon Adventure Tri.

Gamers Zone / Re: Gamers' Wishlist
« on: October 10, 2021, 09:12:02 AM »
Less so a specific game and more so hardware for my PC, specifically a better GPU than the one I currently have. There are a lot of games that have gotten my attention which as of now I meet the minimum specs for, but the one contributing factor to me not meeting the recommended specs is that my GPU is severely outdated compared to what's available on the market right now. Needless to say I'm very adamant this time with trying to get my PC upgraded at long last so I can begin to have an increased interest in Steam once again.

Also, as for a specific game? Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX for Steam which I'll also probably get the Switch version later down the road as well. I already know Metroid Dread will be something I will work on getting a hold of later as well, but so far my biggest priority above all others is the aforementioned GPU upgrade.

The Welcome Center / The Mightiest Fan of all returns!
« on: October 10, 2021, 09:01:01 AM »
Hello everyone, this is MF217. Certainly has been a long time since I was last active wasn't it? A year, maybe two years, at this rate, was it not? I can't recall exactly which case is more accurate, might've even almost been three years if I'm not mistaken.

I know one thing is for certain, though. I had a bit of an emotional and mental breakdown during the final days of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 onward to this day. My grandfather had passed just after Christmas of 2018, and two of my most beloved dogs had passed since then as well as the surprisingly sudden passing of an uncle I was very close to occurring earlier this same year in 2021. The pandemic afflicting the whole globe and pretty much destroying the status quo of society for a good while last year also did nothing to help my overall sanity issues at the time, as while I do enjoy typically keeping to myself in my bedroom on my PC, I never felt so restrained with how the pandemic more or less forced me to be like this a majority of last year. I developed a sort of cabin fever type of madness that lasted for a while, which was one of several instances I had initiated a mass exodus of various servers I used to be a part of. I unfortunately cannot recall exactly when it was when I had bailed from the Discord server for this place, but I am at least glad my overall wellbeing has improved to the point I can say I'll be sticking around here a while so long as y'all don't mind.

I am looking forward to reconnecting with all of you here, and I hope to speak with y'all sometime soon. Thanks in advance, MF217.

Gamers Zone / Re: Being scared because of computer game
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:55:08 AM »
Two examples come to mind, first one being directly PC related and the other being an example of personal choice.

The PC example is from the Carnivores Trilogy which involves you being on an alien planet with very vintage looking dinosaurs and other prehistoric life to hunt and earn points to progress in. The actively dangerous animals in the game terrified me and constantly had me on edge while trying to hunt the more docile herbivores, as often times I could never predict exactly when a given aggressive animal would be bum rushing me straight out of nowhere. I recall seeing a Diatryma for the first time in Carnivores Ice Age and I had quickly tried to escape back to the main menu when I realized it was probably going to kill me otherwise. It was literally like no more than 3 feet away from me by the time I successfully escaped.

As for a personal choice example, it's the Old Chateau from Pokémon, and any other area in Sinnoh which shares music with that place such as Turnback Cave. Old Chateau was the first place in the entire series I had seen actual human ghosts as opposed to Pokémon ghosts such as when in Lavender Town in Gen I or other Kanto based games. The worst part about the encounters that always had me on edge was the fact I needed to come to this place at night, which is past 8 PM in Sinnoh's time zone, to be able to catch the elusive Pokémon Rotom, in which for some unforsaken reason it plays the generic Legendary Pokémon theme from this game when encountered, if merely as if Game Freak knew how freaky sounding that battle music was in particular. Oh and let's not forget Giratina's entrance in Platinum with a flat out jumpscare in regards to horrifying even the normally stoic Cyrus.

Gamers Zone / Re: Saddest Game Moments?
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:26:01 AM »
Spoilers for Metroid Dread within the spoiler tag below.

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The death of Quiet Robe in Metroid Dread, especially due to not only being the first living Chozo that Samus had seen in a very long time which is friendly to her, but also her having to hear his backstory of how his tribe had created the Metroids, wanted to destroy them when they became too much of a threat, only for the vile Raven Beak of another tribe to have other intentions of using the Metroids as a bioweapon, and then him proceeding to slaughter the tribe from which Quiet Robe came from, and also leaving him alive solely so he can help him clone Metroids as a slave. After how much he goes out of his way to welcome Samus especially considering the Chozo had raised Samus and were believed extinct for such a long time, only for Raven Beak's soldiers to kill Quiet Robe right in front of Samus with how Quiet Robe had outlived his usefulness and also having turned against Raven Beak to help Samus.

It gets even more emotional at the very end of the game when Samus in her newfound Metroid Suit form winds up being incapable of escaping ZDR on her ship without risking draining her whole ship of energy as the Adam AI warns her, but when Quiet Robe's body shows up as possessed by an X-Parasite, Quiet Robe's sheer willpower allows him to sacrifice himself to have Samus absorb him and have Samus back to her normal self which allows her to finally start up her ship and escape the imminent destruction of ZDR.

Gamers Zone / Re: Pokémon games!
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:17:57 AM »
The Nature Mints alone pretty much solidified my thoughts on Sword and Shield being the best games in the main series for me. Why? I absolutely hated the mechanic of Natures in the series ever since it was first introduced in Gen III, and initially not having any means of actually manipulating the way the Nature is generated in the game by an official method since inheriting Natures by Breeding wouldn't begin til Emerald, and Synchronize while also introduced in Emerald did not work on Legendary Pokémon until Gen IV. Also it's saying something that Sword and Shield also removing Hidden Power from the game proved to be a very good thing for me at least, considering I absolutely hated trying to simultaneously get the right nature and Hidden Power Type in the older Gens prior to this one.

Also not going to lie but I like the uniqueness of the Legendary Pokémon introduced in Sword and Shield. Their main abilities actually make them feel like they had a lot more effort put into their gameplay than most other Legendaries tended to have beforehand. The only one I can't really say has a good Ability is Eternatus with the generic beyond all reason Pressure, but considering Eternatus' stats and one of its signature moves with Dynamax Cannon, it more than makes up for it with sheer unbridled firepower to utilize in Max Raids. The fact Zacian and Zamazenta can't even Dynamax due to being incompatible with Galar Particles only further adds to the uniqueness, as well as Eternatus having been so thoroughly drained of energy that it can no longer access Eternamax for very long, and even when it does via Eternabeam, it has to take a recharge turn after the attack is used.

Also not going to lie Urshifu's line and Calyrex make for perfect mascots for the DLC of The Isle of Armor and The Crown Tundra respectively. I especially like how highly versatile Urshifu is, being able to choose between two different formes with a distinct type and signature move, one favoring multi-hit damage and the other being purely relentless firepower. Calyrex having a speaking role in the main story of The Crown Tundra also helped sell how unique it is, though I am admittedly still baffled by why exactly Calyrex's aura when Dynamaxed is an icy blue as opposed to the typical red of every other Dynamax Pokémon.

Gamers Zone / Re: Which game did you ¨spend most time on? In your life?
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:08:39 AM »
Mabinogi appears to be the game I have with the most playtime ever recorded for any of my given games on Steam, although considering for the longest of time I wasn't even using the Steam version despite having the same activity on the game before and after relocating to the Steam version? It's kind of saying something when over the past two years I've accumulated over 4,000 hours of playtime recorded on the Steam version alone.

Gamers Zone / Re: Whatcha playin'?
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:07:04 AM »
Been obsessing over Monster Rancher Advance for the past three days ever since Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX were announced to be released around December this year on systems like Switch and Steam. I was rather infuriated due to me not realizing I was forgetting to face a specific tournament in the final parts of the game to have my then current monster to be eligible for the invite to the Emperor Cup AKA the final boss fight. Earlier this morning I had managed to effectively bum rush my way through the game to get not only strong enough to actually face the final boss overall, but also doing so quickly and efficiently enough to ensure I beat each individual tournament I needed to beat just in time for the Emperor Cup Invitation to be able to be received.

Gamers Zone / Re: Worst Ways to Die in a Game
« on: October 10, 2021, 08:03:39 AM »
Virtually any boss fight in which you're just barely a ways off from finishing it off only for the boss to basically sucker punch you and win against you instead. Happens a lot to me more in RPG type games than anything else.

Gamers Zone / Re: Pokemon: Let's Go Series!
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:46:55 PM »
My brother is planning on getting Let's Go! Eevee, whereas I'm planning on getting Let's Go! Pikachu. Pikachu I've always trusted in terms of overall competency considering you have to stick with it the whole game in Yellow without evolving it nor having the advantage of the Light Ball, but with Let's Go! Eevee I'm just letting my brother get that, considering I know personally that Eevee is terrible unless you evolve it to one of its many Eeveelutions.

Silver Screen / Re: Favorite Animated Film
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:40:59 PM »
1: Summer Wars
2: Beauty and the Beast (1991)
3: Aladdin
4: The Incredibles
5: The Great Mouse Detective
6: The Lion King
7: Rise of the Guardians
8: Recess: School's Out
9: Kung Fu Panda
10: Disney's Tarzan

Silver Screen / Re: The Last Jedi spoiler thread
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:31:14 PM »
I LOVE the fact they axed Snoke, because he's just a Palpatine copy. It's called a Bait and Switch. They built Snoke up and then whipped the carpet out from under you. That's not a flaw in the film. It was a surprise you weren't expecting. They could never have done anything with him they didn't already do with Palpy, anyway. It's much more interesting to have a young, unstable Dictator overthrow him via a cheap shot and have a Hitler-style figure run the empire he's inherited into the ground with his fanatical ways, anyway.

So yeah, I'm really looking forward to Episode 9 and feel the sequel trilogy has been very well-written.

However, bait and switch Snoke might be, that only works in a video game sense I'm afraid; in a movie or story based sense, a bait and switch is only good if you actually have an established character from which you're intending to do a bait and switch with. Snoke has no backstory, no personality, no information on how the heck he even is, or even why we should even care he even existed at all. Because of his poorly fleshed out nature, it makes the entire point of a bait and switch feel like a weak cop-out to just not develop Snoke any further and make a random plot twist with Ben killing him without much issue. There's a difference between making him a bait and switch boss for Ben, but all it does is create an apathetic atmosphere in regards to people wanting to know more about who Snoke honestly was, knowing that not only will they never get the answer, but due to his anti-climatic death, it'll only be information that'll ultimately be tainted by his pathetic performance in The Last Jedi.

The Fridge / Re: What was your age when you joined this site?
« on: June 25, 2018, 05:19:05 PM »
I was 21 when I had first joined, just a little over a month away before I would turn 22 at that.

The Fridge / Re: So who all decided to make the transfer?
« on: June 25, 2018, 04:49:54 PM »
Been here a few days by this point; arrived kind of late to the grand opening, but I transferred all fine and dandy. Glad to see the new forum keeps all of the old posts and topics intact, since that gives me hope with another friend who needs to make a similar move to her own domain.

Silver Screen / The Last Jedi spoiler thread
« on: May 10, 2018, 10:35:59 AM »
I had many high hopes for the sequel trilogy to say the least... up until Snoke gets the axe in which all hope disappears for me in terms of the writing competency of the new trilogy. We have no backstory for Snoke, we have no distinct personality for him, and heck even Palpatine had much more to work with in the original trilogy than Snoke ever did. Snoke, in hindsight, was built up by the writers and cast members as this huge threat, but it's ultimately a very bad case of Show, Don't Tell considering Snoke doesn't even get dignified an actual fight as Kylo Ren ultimately kills him without any real amount of effort.

Palpatine, meanwhile, is only hyped up as the Big Bad by the entire plot and characters of the original trilogy concerning the mere idea that someone like Darth Vader has someone higher up in power than him in the first place is naturally a scary thing to consider, and when we finally see Palpatine in the flesh, he more or less proves exactly why he's such a threat by demonstrating to Luke that even if Darth Vader could ultimately be redeemed, there is no salvaging Palpatine at all by comparison, hence why Darth Vader ultimately has to throw him to his death to save Luke from his potential demise at the hand of Force Lightning.

Silver Screen / Avengers: Infinity War
« on: May 10, 2018, 10:28:58 AM »
Quote from: Nick22 on May 2 2018, 09:57:39 PM
Take the 90s batman films post Returns. Bat nipples anyone? Bat credit card?
For starters, the Bat credit card ordeal is a non-issue when you consider Bruce Wayne already uses alter-egos and disguises for his various spending needs for stuff he needs as Batman, and because he has a secret identity to uphold as Bruce Wayne completely separate from his life as Batman, the Bat credit card makes sense because that way if anybody tries to track his purchase histories to try and uncover his secret identity, they can't do so because any purchases made with the Bat credit card would be labeled under the alias Batman, with no attachment at all to his Bruce Wayne identity whatsoever. I mean considering many ask how he gets all of his wonderful toys to begin with, they won't be able to know it's Bruce Wayne because the Bat credit card would only, again, link to Batman as the ID of the spender in question.

With that out of the way...

The Fridge / What did you get? Holiday 2017 Edition!
« on: January 05, 2018, 07:20:54 AM »
Late to the party with posting this, but I figured I'd post this anyways:

-$70 in cash
-Nintendo Switch with Gray Joy-Cons (whole family's)
-$50 GameStop card
-$50 Nintendo eShop card
-$25 Karma Koin card
-Little Caesars gift card
-The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch version)
-Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (whole family's)

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