The Gang of Five
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are you happy with the TV series?

kjeldo · 98 · 23517


  • Spike
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I like the episodes, but some of the episodes can't keep the quality of other episodes - most episodes are good, but some are bad.

And, in a  22 minutes long episode, such sing-along parts don't make really sense... and most of these parts sound really similar because they used the same beat, the same music and the same rhythm I heard in previous episodes!

Anyway, they should produce a second season!


  • The Circle
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Also some songs were used over and over in the tv series as well.  Ones like I'm so happy, and adventuring.


  • Ducky
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  • Petrie
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Meh, it was okay. The thing that annoyed me the most was all the secondary characters from the movies returning (such as Ali, Tippy, etc), and then not doing anything with them. The episode with Ali is a good example, since she's in it for like... a minute  <_<

At least Guido got a decent episode...

Paradise Bird

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I despised it.It was like somthing a toddler would come up with when dreamimg


  • The Circle
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For which reasons? What in particular was what you found to be like a toddler's dream Paradise Bird?


  • Chomper
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I like and movies and series,but more series cause in it my favorite character-Ruby...


  • The Circle
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The series did have some interesting episodes, though they also had some I won't ever watch again also.


  • Yet another wordsmith
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I really didn't like the series because alot of the episodes' plots were so predictable its funny  :lol , that is not like most of the movies, so I like the films more than the TV series.



  • Administrator
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am i happy with it. no. since they hardly advanced the plot, or explained why Ruby and Chomper were permitted in the valley in the first place
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  • Cera
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I voted yes because it could have certainly be a lot worse. While I agree there are plenty of plot-holes in it, I must say I am surprised how good some of the episodes are. A LBT TV series had never been attempted before, which is a surprise considering how long it's been around, s for what's it worth I would say it did well with what it had.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I personally am undecided.

While yes the episodes could've been so much more than the producers made it...the simplicity and generic feeling kinda made it feel...normal. And although Ruby and Chompers appearance could have been better told as well, it was also a children's cartoon show, and those children who are new to LBT probably wouldn't much care or notice the glaring plot holes.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I personally am undecided.

While yes the episodes could've been so much more than the producers made it...the simplicity and generic feeling kinda made it feel...normal. And although Ruby and Chompers appearance could have been better told as well, it was also a children's cartoon show, and those children who are new to LBT probably wouldn't much care or notice the glaring plot holes.


  • Cera
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GVG made a good point. The only people who will really notice and care about Ruby and Chomper's unexplained appearance are those of us who recognize that they were unexplained. Since this is a children's TV show, the intended audience will not care exactly how they got there. All they care about is that they are in the show and that makes it good for them.


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Jychara,Feb 9 2010 on  08:49 AM
I like and movies and series,but more series cause in it my favorite character-Ruby...
Same story here. I've always felt that LBT needed some smaller "misadventures", and Ruby is my favorite character. The movie series is awesome, but the TV series is good too.  :D


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  • Cera
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I am pretty undecided as well. They did a lot of butchering of the characters' personalities- Littlefoot and Petrie the most primarily (for me, Petrie's personality began deteriorating began as soon as he said he had an imaginary friend :anger )

I would LOVE IT if they should Ruby and Chomper actually COMING to the Valley and the Gang reuniting with Chomeper/meeting Ruby...
AND FOR GOSH SAKE, EXPLAINING RED CLAW'S MOTIVE! The second season should have come around and featured Pterano's return...and possibly make him a permanent/reoccurring character like they did with Mr. Thicknose. Same for Guido =P !

Villains should come back so we're not having to put of with Red Claw (urgh). Try to imagine how Chomper would react to seeing Ozzy and Strut again. Or what if Icky and Dil got into the Valley?

And maybe Ruby and Chomper shouldn't have become OFFICIAL members of the Gang, but more like tagalongs. If they ever try to re-create the sleeping scene from the first movie with the editions of Ruby and Chomper, I will not be happy. Nope.

I'm undecided with Ruby. While she is an interesting character, I badly want to hate her, but I just CAN'T. Her fragmented sentences are...unneeded. As if we need two gang members with bad grammar. But it seems like too much to have a girl who was "between Cera and Ducky". Can't we just have "Cera" and "Ducky" and be done with it? Give her a personality that's completely her own and not just a "middle spot" of the girls. I complain about characters having boring/annoying personalities, and Ruby's is in between. Yet she's a good role model for responsibility and she really does care about her family, like what was shown in "Return the Hanging Rock". My question is that if she cares so much, why doesn't she just ask her family to come to the Valley with her?


  • Ducky
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In my opinion, I'm not too happy with it. The animation was just horrible. The backgrounds were at times nice, but the characters hardly had any detail to them and looked like they were drawn up at the last minute. I'm reminded of one episode where the characters find Cera relaxing in a mudbath. There's a closeup of Ducky that looks like she was drawn by a six year old with crayons. Also what is with the characters' cheeks? Why do they look like they had plastic surgery?

I can see why people like Ruby but I just don't. The way she talks is annoying and it just makes her look unintelligent. Why not just give Ruby her own personality instead of making her the girl version of Petrie? Also, backstory please? Some explanation of how she and Chomper met would be nice. Otherwise, she's just going to remain a plot device in my eyes.

Red Claw is no better off. We know nothing about him, why he's terrorizing the Mysterious Beyond, what Ruby and Chomper's connection is to him and why the Gang are apparently the only ones who can defeat him. Seriously? Wouldn't it make more sense to just get the adults in the Valley to help stop him? I'd like to think that they would stand a better chance against Red Claw as oppose to seven little kids fighting him. Oh yeah, and what we have seen of ol' Red Claw just makes him look pathetic. Need I bring up his being scared by echoes again?

I like Ptyra's idea of having Pterano come back. Heck, he could actually help the gang fight Red Claw if they ever get to that. It would be an intresting way for Pterano to redeem himself.

If we ever get a season 2, I suggest that they focus on who Red Claw is and why he's terrorizing the Mysterious Beyond. Explain how Ruby met Chomper and explain what happened to Chomper's parents(do we even see them in the series? I don't remember). Also, please drop the songs. Save them for the movies. There's just no room for them in a 22 minute episode.

Cancerian Tiger

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I agree with Animeboye about the animation quality, or lack thereof.  Ducky looks like she's gained a few pounds in the TV series but has not sprouted at all :blink:.  Cera looks like she's quite heavier in the TV series as well.  Her face is even filled in like that of an indivual who has a severe case of fluid retention or even CHF (Congestive Heart Failure).  What's up with that?  

I also agree about Pterano.  He's a character I had actually gotten to like, and I'd like to see him return to the series.


  • Ruby
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I like the episodes, but I think they are a little bit too short.