The Gang of Five
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Sudden Change of Species 2.0

rhombus · 68 · 32607


  • Literally Guido シ
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The suggestion made by Petrie’s mother was like a lifesaver. Spike had always been a passive dinosaur and would usually wait for someone to take initiative and give him commands to go along with. For the first time since this ordeal had begun, there was a semblance of a concrete plan that he could follow.

Even so, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of doubt and uncertainty within him. The grown-ups had never been particularly effective in dealing with problems, so what would make this situation any different? Would her idea even work?

“We can't risk some of the adults seeing you… like this.”

Despite his apprehensiveness, Spike knew that the flyer was right. He shuddered to think what would have happened if a less rational grown-up had discovered the scene.

Sensing that he had no choice in the matter, Spike turned his head to Ducky, only to see that his sister was still in a state of shock, her head and eyes glazed towards the ground. With a sigh, Spike gently crawled behind her and nudged the catatonic flyer with his jaw, beckoning Ducky to follow the circling flyer overhead.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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It took some time, but Chomper started to calm down somewhat, and he started to get used to his new trunk-like legs. As the longneck ventured out into the Great Valley, it somehow seemed so peaceful. Nothing seemed off to the former predator at first.

Off in the distance, he finally saw something that stopped him in his tracks. A pretty good sized adolescent two-footer sharptooth! The brown beast was looking down at a terrified orange glider, but didn't look like he was too concerned with gobbling down the tiny morsel. A deep, petrifying fear suddenly struck the poor longneck. Chomper would usually be scared when he saw another sharptooth, but this seemed different somehow. A new voice was yelling out in his head, Telling him to get the hell out of there, and never look back, but his feet were too weak to listen to that voice.

He turned to the pink threehorn next to him, to ask. "Wh...What do we do, Ruby? I'm not... I mean... A sharptooth anymore..."
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ruby felt a pang of fear rise within her new threehorn body.  Though, for some reason that was lost on her, she quickly subdued that impulse.  Fear was weakness and weakness will get you killed. she thought to herself in a cadence that was her own, but with instincts that most certainly were not.  Despite the unease, or perhaps because of it, Ruby had enough time to assess the scene before her before reacting.

A brown sharptooth that is not eating an easy meal?  An orange terrified glider... like Guido?  It was almost like they were not in their right minds.

Or bodies. The rational side of her mind interjected.  And if the colors match...

Ruby took a deep breath, which came across as almost a growl in her new form.  They were far enough away, so if they had to run back to the cave and lose the sharptooth in the caverns they could do so.  But she had a gut feeling that her hunch was correct.

She subconsciously rubbed her foot into the ground as she fixed her gaze on the distant sharptooth. 

"Were you two changed too?'

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Silence. It made Littlefoot's blood as cold as the nocturnal air that crept through the entire length of his transformed body. The former threehorn, now a glider, refused to yield a response. It was if nature conspired to keep them in the dark, not daring to whisper the reassurance he craved. Littlefoot's talons fell to the boulder, palm pressed down hard in an attempt to remain steady.

Hurried footsteps and squeak of a quadruped being brought his heart racing. Littlefoot's head snapped in an instant from the glider to the new arrivals. There were two of them. A purple longneck and a pink threehorn. Wait... did I see that right? His legs crumpled, and this time he did not resist. He knelt on the dusty ground, even as his insides threatened to burst within.

''Chomper? Ruby?''


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Ruby nodded hurriedly, which was quite a humorous reaction coming from a threehorn.

"It is us!  Whatever did this got me," she gestured at the purple longneck beside her, "And it got Chomper!"

She then tilted her head somewhat, which was a bit harder with her more limited neck movement.  "Are you two alright?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Still in such a downtrodden state, Volant's command never fully registered in the ears of Ducky. In the next moment however, primal instincts within the transformed swimmer flared up momentarily as Spike slowly walked up behind to gently nudge her with the front of his jaw. She suddenly jolted forward in shock of the large snout that touched her, finally snapping out of her stupor. After turning around to face the bellydragger, she bore an apologetic and sheepish grin at her brother, clearly embarrassed at the reaction that she elicited the moment before. Ducky now realizes that Spike is trying to lead her in a certain direction, and not before long she finally notices the shadow of an airborne flyer circling overhead, indicating the way that Volant wants them to follow. Still nervous and uncertain of what lies ahead for them, she walked back to smother her face in Spike's rough scaly skin and to give him a tight, luxurious embrace. After ten seconds of the heartwarming scene, they slowly drifted apart. Still feeling bitter regret at the despicable outburst she aimed at his brother the day prior, Ducky allowed her heart and her thoughts to pour freely.

"Spike..." She gazed up pleadingly into the bellydragger's eyes. "I am so... so sorry for what happened the day prior. I yelled at you... I hurted your feelings very bad, I did, I really did. But most of all..."

Ducky's eyes began to glisten once again. "I apologize for spewing out an uncalled for accusation that you didn't care about our friendship. I never felt so angry, bitter, repulsed, and so... vulnerable. I irrationally thought in that very moment that our friendship meant nothing after all these years. So basically... what I am trying to say now is... Can- Can you please forgive me Spike? I know that I should've never doubted you in the first place. I do... I really, really, do."

She stood frozen in place, never once averting her gaze towards the eyes of her adopted little brother. Not willing to go any further without receiving a gesture of approval from Spike, she waited anxiously for his reaction.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


  • Literally Guido シ
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With Ducky looking at him with pleading eyes (which even though she was in a completely different body, was still the same as when she was a swimmer), it looked like there was no running away from this confrontation. Besides, with his stumpy body, the best Spike could do was try to hobble away, which would probably give the nervous flyer in front of him the wrong impression.

While he could technically hold a grudge, Spike realized that there was no point in keeping up pretenses in a situation like this. Wasn’t the argument from earlier the entire reason everyone was in such a sour mood to begin with… all because the others couldn’t back down from things?

Keeping that in mind, Spike wouldn’t want things to worsen. Things had gotten this bad in the first place all because nobody was willing to listen to everyone else. Giving Ducky a hard look about, he could see that she was truly genuine in her haunched body language.

Taking a step towards the apprehensive Ducky, Spike placated her fears by giving her a nod of acknowledgement, before huddling forward lest he lost track of Volant. Being slow sucked.

He always was a spiketail of few words. Evidently turning into a completely different species did not remedy that.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Littlefoot pondered Ruby's question absent-mindedly. Part of him wanted to deny the pink threehorn because he was still livid and filled with uncertainty. Anger boiled deep in his system, churning within and begging for freedom. But that was more than likely the reason why all of them were in this mess in the first place. Littlefoot gave a nonchalant shrug and muttered, ''As fine as can be expected, considering the circumstances.''

He looked towards Cera with slight contempt and impatience, speculating in his mind whether she was going to help him explain the situation to Ruby and Chomper, or if she was just waiting for the right moment to say something nasty. For his sake, he prayed for the former.