The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

RockingScorpion's Side Projects


  • Spike
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Miss Kobayashi's Bandoragon

Source's safe to say that I haven't spent that much time on any drawing before. Totally worth it though. :D
Right now I'm taking a one, maybe even two days break from this stuff before I'll start on the next piece. It's going to be another poster, somewhat similar to this one, so yeah this is becoming a series. Dunno how many drawings that series will have in the end, but right now I have three more ideas for it. We'll see.



  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Your patience with this stuff is to be admired  :lol:

Great work again, mate!  ^^spike
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Ducky
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That drawing is amazing and fantastic you did a wonderful job making This


  • Spike
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My Little Dragon Maid


I never knew I would actually finish this when I made that sketch buuuut here it is, I guess. :D
And damn, it's been a while since I made something pony related.

I have quite the busy weekend ahead of me so there won't be any streams probably. Maybe a short one tomorrow, but I don't know yet for sure.
Anyway, hope you like this one :D

If someone might be interested in my stream stuff: (I stream somewhat often, mostly stuff in the creative category and occasionally gaming, plus recordings of past streams are there too if you wanna take a look.) (where I usually announce streams as well)

Would be nice to see some of you guys there someday. :)

Well hope you like this one and until next time :)littlefoot


  • Ducky
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That's fantastic very well made and drawn great job making it


  • Spike
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Poster Series - Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid


The poster series continues. :D
I have quite a few more of these planned, but what will they be about? Only time will tell.^^
(It's not just Dragon Maid related, but anime will be the overall theme.)

Hope you like this one, and until next time


  • Ducky
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A fantastic poster that you made. I would of put this on my wall you did such a amazing job making this poster.


  • Spike
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Pony Kanna


I kinda...forgot to post this here. xD
But yeah, after I made that pony version of Tohru, I was like, why not more of that. So here's pony Kanna. And I might not stop there. xD

But I also discovered another show I greatly enjoyed and I'm currently practicing the art style of said show. Which one? just have to wait and see. :p

I have a sketch that's far enough already though, so I will stream the first part of the process tomorrow. If someone's interested, this is where you can find the stream:
It probably starts at around 5/6 pm CET, I will post an announcement here as well.
So yeah would be cool to see some of you there. :)littlefoot

That's it, hope you like it and until next time.


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  • Cera
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do you have or don't you want to make someething huge like beautiful long strong-plot story-comics?  :)littlefoot


  • Ducky
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Another fabulous drawing you made the colors are fantastic and amazing great job drawing this


  • Spike
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Thanks for the comments. :)littlefoot

@Snik: I dunno. I'm not good at writing stories like that. Short stories without any long plots would be possible though, but in general I'm just not that good at making up least that's what I think.
I won't give away too much but I will say that an idea is developing. Nothing more, nothing less, I still have to see if this is something I wanna do.^^

Anyway enough blabbering, here's the next thing.

Nichijou Character Test


As the title states, that was just a character test to get a feel for this art style before I'd move on to more stuff involving these characters.

Also I got out my photo editing skills for this one and made those kanji symbols look like they were actually drawn traditionally - but you can barely see that on the web resolution so here:

(spent too much time on the symbols to not show it as well xD now that I have a technique for this - no tutorials were used - I might use that more often, for signatures and such.)

Yeah that's pretty much all I have to say here, so hope you guys like this one. :)

(ps: Nichijou is a fantastic manga/anime)


  • Ducky
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Fantastic drawings you have there. The style is wonderful and very awesome great work with this one.


  • The Circle
  • The Gang of Five
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Fantastic pictures.  I always look forward to seeing more.


  • Spike
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Thanks for the comments, and lets get to the update, shall we :)littlefoot

Nichijou Wallpaper - Shinonome Nano

(Full HD version at the source)

Decided to take the technique I created during my last piece a step further. This is the result. I like how this looks so I might do more pictures with this look. :D

Ulm Minster - Steeple Panorama


Pretty self-explanatory. I also walked up there (it's the highest steeple in the world) and took some more shots, but those need more time in post-production. So take this one as some sort of preview.^^

Hope you like this update and until next time.


  • Ducky
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It's a amazing picture and very pleasant to look at great stuff as always


  • Spike
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The Walking Cloud


Well uh...don't question it. Just a random idea I had a while ago. xD
(And sorrynotsorry because of the title :p)

This was also an experiment of sorts. The background and the characters were drawn on different papers and then brought together by the magic of photoshop. I like how it turned out, might do this more often from now on. :D

Hope you like this one and until next time.


  • Ducky
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It's a Amazing and interesting picture that you made. I like the design and detail of it. Such a wonderful drawing of RainbowDash and the zombie cloud


  • Freaking Rawr!
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  • Petrie
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Dude, I simply love your art.

The style you put into every picture just makes them all awesome for me.

Keep it up!


  • Spike
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Thanks for the feedback. :)littlefoot
Been a while since I finished this one but at least I'm posting it now...right? xD

Pony Kobayashi


Another ponyfication from the Dragon Maid anime/manga: Miss Kobayashi who works at a coding company. Now, was this the last ponyfication from this series? Only time will tell...:p

Tomorrow I'm gonna color my submission to the GalaCon Charity Auction, so if you wanna see that, keep an eye on this account here. There will be music and a chat to go with it, and it's always more fun when you can talk to someone while you do stuff. ^^spike

That's it for now, until next time then. :)