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Topics - AvestheForumFox

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 9
Random Role Play / The Devil's Box
« on: November 24, 2014, 11:54:52 PM »
The void seemed endless. Black as the blackest of Coal. Cold as the meat freezer of the Insane Cafe and as boring and endless as an infomercial about ear swabs.

For a while, Aves, the crazy little desert fox found himself trapped on a mysterious tiny ship hurdling through this strange abyss. There wasn't much to eat on this strange voyage aside from an endless supply of stale cheesy puffs and an endless supply of off brand diet soda that literally had no taste. And the only form of entertainment was some old television broadcast (via ancient radio waves floating through space) featuring US President, Nixon endlessly playing catch with some loud obnoxious warty toad named Rush Limbaugh.

Aves was obviously miserable from all this. He did not know how he got on this ship or why he was on it. He remembered being at the Insane Cafe once upon a time, then he blacked out. And then he awoke, finding himself in this odd situation.

The ship itself had no power to it, and therefor could not be controlled. He had no way to radio out for help. Strange, as it was, he had an endless supply of air and food. Where did it all come from? He really stopped wondering after boredom had set in.

Aves heaved a sigh as he glanced out the tiny cockpit window. He had finally muted the small tv monitor after getting tired of the Rush Limbaugh toad ranting and raving about how Nixon was terrible at catching (and then started bashing the referee for being a liberal pixie.)

His mind began wondering about the void, as it had done many a time. Just what was the meaning of all this?

Suddenly, something caught his eye. A tiny speck of light blinking in the blackness. He had not seen it there before. It was something different. He obviously felt very intrigued by it and even felt hopeful. Could this be some form of help?

He continued to watch as he gnawed on a stale cheese puff. The light grew brighter as well as slightly bigger. What was it?

Little did he know that as he looked on, his ship was being tracked and pursued by another ship, this one too far out for a visual but just far enough to get a signal of his ship. This vessel being captained by none other than Aves's friend and fellow Insane Cafe cook, Nick and crewed by a colorful assortment of characters, all from the more recent adventures in The Insane Cafe.

The Welcome Center / So this place still alive?
« on: November 24, 2014, 10:18:59 PM »
Its been a few blood moons since my last visit here (and back then, I had some honorable badge in the RP section and stuffs)

I figured I should pay the old forum a visit just to see how things are going.

so what's been goin', GoF?

The Fridge / MLP - Spike's Quest - Game Test Demo#4
« on: September 16, 2011, 10:03:04 AM »
I've been working very hard at this for the past three months...

hope t work's  for y'all!

Silver Screen / The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread
« on: March 07, 2011, 08:16:15 PM »
So before you go "But Fox, why My Little Pony? its so giiiirly!" please watch these two music videos:

Now that your minds have been blown, let me explain...
For those who have been living under a rock (much like myself up until a few nights ago) this brand new cartoon primiered months ago and due to its brilliant style in art and storytelling it has spawned a massive fanbase of all ages and genders.

Even the likes of 4chan celebrates this show as something spectacular (just use googleimage and look up the show for a huge gallery of memes and funny pictures created for teh lulz and of course 'pony love')

When I first heard about it, I thought the forum thread that I was reading was some kind of sick troll thread, but alas, I was wrong! And thusly I was gradually converted into what is called a broney (bro+pony=brony)

The first video above was my first introduction to the cartoon and after I had seen it I felt the need to see more of it.. I was.. hooked... Of all things, I never expected to become a fan of such a thing as My Little Pony (dont worry, Istill prefer to keep my dignity and not buy the toys :p )... but alas, I fell for the trap, and now I feel obligated to spread the word.

Almost every forum I visit on a normal basis has a thread about it (except this one) so indeed, enjoy what you see here!

Visual Art / My Youtube Drawing Series
« on: December 03, 2010, 11:53:01 AM »
Hey, guys!
I've decided to start hosting a series on Youtube of me drawing nice things.

The first little series is up and its 10 videos long (each video 10 minutes long) and its a picture of an olf fantasy themed house out in a nicely detailed country side.

here's the link to the playlist... watch it and let me know what you think!

Oh.. and on the first four videos, there seems to be some nasty gaps between the music selections... I blame this on Windows Movie Maker (for tricking me in the editing process) and  me for not taking the time to watch each video after they were saved and before the upload... after the fourth video those gaps are gone :p so yeah....

Oh, and I'll certainly accept critiques!

Thanks for your time! And I'll post in this thread each time a new series is ready ;)

The Fridge / RP Forum Revival Party Invitation
« on: August 17, 2010, 11:57:33 PM »
It would seem that the RP section of GoF has kind of dwindled since the last time I went RP crazy on it. And because of that fact I've decided to use my forum foxy powers to launch a grand party to attract more attention to that area!

Everybody is invited... you don't have to become a normal RP'er to join, its merely to bring attention to that general area.

Everybody is invited!

Here's the link:

Come, post and be merry!

/end spam

Random Role Play / RP Section Revival Party
« on: August 17, 2010, 11:56:50 PM »
Aves, the forum fox was hanging out near the food table helping himself to a handfull of M&M's, it was only a matter of time before anybody showed up.. that is, if there was to be anybody who wanted to show up.

Every now and then he would beat the boredom of waiting by tossing suction darts at a portrait of Petrie (the Forum leader) or boast to a stuffed dummy in the corner about how he beat Petrie (the forum leader) at a game of virtual bowling a few years back

"Yep, I got four strikes in a row! But dont tell him I said that." said the fox before tossing another suction dart that landed sticking right on the nose of the forum's grand ruler "He'll deny it, no doubt."

Land Before Time RPG / A Journey Beyond
« on: August 17, 2010, 12:11:27 AM »
Young Denton lay awake looking up at the stars. It was late, his mother lay close by asleep. It would seem that all in the valley would have been asleep as well, but the eternal chirping of insects and small toads would make it seem otherwise.

As the young longneck lay looking up at the cosmos he'd study each star, some would seem to twinkle others just stayed perfectly lit. Some were bright, others were dim, Denton was fascinated by them and he'd often wonder in silence about them

The moon was at mid peak now, full and bright, an ominous dead-like grin smiling down upon the sleeping valley, Denton never liked the look of it, there was something about that giant orb of white light that always spooked him but he could never figure it out.

It was indeed late, but Denton was having trouble getting to sleep. Those past few nights before he had been having terrible dreams. But when he would awaken he would remember nothing about them, except that they were truly terrible and he felt very bothered about trying to get back to sleep. He, being the ever shy creature that he was never spoke of these dreams, but the few that were friends with him started to notice that he started to grow increasingly more and more tired each day.

Denton knew he needed his sleep, but he feared the strange nightmare that kept haunting him, but even as he tried to fight off sleep this night, he felt his eyelids starting to give out, he was too weak to fight any more and so he gave in, his eyes snapped shut and he was swept away once more into that recurring nightmare.

He awoke finding all about him in complete darkness, a cold breeze blew constantly around him and he had the feeling of absolute loneliness, he cried for his mother but she was nowhere to be seen or heard, the only sound came from the howling wind. Suddenly the sky above lit up, a bright and terrible light came erupting from the west and it shot into the east and at a terrifying rate before disappearing behind the mountains, lighting up the clouds around it as it went. The wind went silent and Denton stood shaken by the terrible sighting, he knew not what to make of it.

Then suddenly...


Denton awoke suddenly, his ears ringing from the terrible sound from his dream, or was it really from his dream?

The whole valley was now awakened and it was still night. Everyone seemed disturbed by something and they were all looking towards the western walls of the valley. Behind those walls there seemed to be an eerie glow illuminating the sky. Denton's mother was already up with the other adults and they each spoke in hushed voices.

"What is that strange light? What was that horrible sound?"

"It shook the valley whatever it was!"

"Should we go investigate?"

"No! Its beyond the valley... it would be much too dangerous."

Denton slowly made his way towards the silent meeting, he looked around to see who all was there, his mother was busy conversing with the other valley inhabitants so he dared not interrupt her. He still crept near looking to see if any of his friends were there hoping they'd know more about what was going on.

Role Play Discussion / Discuss: The Future of The Insane Cafe
« on: August 14, 2010, 11:20:40 PM »
for those of you who do not know, I was the true creator of the legendary Insane Cafe series.. I started the original as a means of goofing off and stuff like that. I never imagined that it would gain so much popularity in these forums and I never imagined that it would go so far.

I've been absent from the series for some time but Nick has taken it to such extream heights...

He and I have been talking about plans for the next and possibly last of the series... Yes, I am coming back for it.. and I have big plans for the next chapter.

for now.. let us talk about the current going-ons of the current chapter.. use this discussion to bring me up to date on all that has happened and what is happening now.

I'll check back as often as time allows it. ;)

Start now!

Role Play Discussion / Discuss: A Journey Beyond
« on: August 14, 2010, 11:14:15 PM »
I'm planning up a new RP bringing back my characters used in the old abandoned Shadow Raptor series, these characters include Denton the young Long neck; Serious the elderly swimmer and a few other additions.

This will mark my full blown return to the GoF RP section. And yes, this is a 100% LBT related RP so if any of you want to play the original LBT cast, feel free to cast your lotts here and I also encourage you to bring in your own cast of characters.

So what's the story?

That's to be revealed as it happens ;)

The RP starts tomorrow. So everyone who's interested, post here. questions may be asked, but I will not reveal much of the specifics, I just ask that you be apart of the story and dont try to manipulate it to be your own.

The Fridge / Update: The Fox Returnith?
« on: August 12, 2010, 12:44:37 PM »
[Note to Adam (and the rest of the staff): I'm posting this thread in two different places at once... forgive me for this spamming, but I feel I need to broadcast this update to get additional attention... this is to help me to get back into this community... This is the only time I'll ever spam like this. if it is too much, then feel free to delete one copy of this thread. Thanks for your understanding...]

Aye, it has been some time since I posted in here. And as of late I cant help but feel guilty for abandoning my post here in the RP forums (and GoF as a whole). Right now I am considering a return... but my problem is making a commitment for doing such a thing (lately, I've been having trouble committing to anything...)

So what trouble am I having concerning a potential return to the GoF? Besides commitment there's also the lack of interest... my interests lately have been bouncing around like the balls inside a lotto my day to day interests the numbers are always different, one day I want to program something, another day I want to draw something, another day I want to attempt to write a novel, another day I just want to play videogames, another, go for a walk, another watch tv, another etc... I seem to be having a terrible case of day to day ADD and its something I'm not particularly proud of.

Despite these day to day changes in interests I will not deny that GoF has popped into my head from time to time, and every time it does come into my head I ponder why I haven't been coming back. I still love The Land Before Time, but as of late, I've been feeling a bit silly for liking such a kiddie series and that feeling along has for some reason made me want to avoid coming here, at least until I can get back into fully appreciating the series as I once did.

Another reason, I just got a new laptop.. a Mac IBook to be precise (I was always a PC guy up to this point) and since I've got the thing (bought it for $40 from my uncle who had no use for it) I've been toying with it, trying to figure out what I can get to work and what I cant get to work (as far as my usual preference in software goes), so that's another thing that's been keeping me preoccupied ... and the fact that I'm using a piece of hardware that's dated, I cant upgrade to the most up to date Mac related software (I'm using a Power PC... as any Mac User should know by now, Apple has long since abandoned PPC for Intel hardware, so I'm stuck using Mac Panther (OS 10.3.9) which is terribly limited... I'm also stuck using Firefox 2 (which stinks something awful compared to FF3) considering I'm midways on my quest to find things that will work for this machine, I've been terribly lazy when it comes to the internet in general... I've just today added GoF to my bookmark list and I plan to later today add more of my other favorites to the list (I cant seem to import my bookmarks from my current PC which is running FF3 as the main internet exploring software) so to speak, I'm just now getting around to posting in GoF again after this huge transfer from a PC genius to a Mac idiot.

Anyway, with all that said and done, I'd like to get some help from my fellow GoF members, (and mods, and Admins) I want to make a huge comeback somehow, and for me to make that commitment may require me to re-befriend everyone on here (and chances are, I may need to go back and rewatch all the LBT movies and tv episodes to get back into the spirit, as cheesy as that journey sounds to me right now dino_tongue.gif )

Currently, MSN sucks on my Mac IBook, so I'm requesting all my buddies join me on Skype (granted if you have skype, or you plan on downloading it... its free!) my IBook has a built in Mic, so I can carry on conversations without the need of having to type to a dozen screens at once (at least I hope that's how it works... I don't know the limit of oral conversations I can have on this piece of software... dino_tongue.gif )

My Skype name is AvestheFox

the folks I hope to chat with:
Adam (Petrie)
Tim (Action9000)

and a few others I cant name off the top of my head (if your not on that list, then dont feel uninvited, I'm open to meeting new people, and chances are I already know you, but could not remember to add you to the list... My sincere apologies in advance!)

If you dont want to use Skype (go through the trouble of downloading it, etc, etc) then dont... this is simply a suggestion to get in contact with me. there are other methods such as AIM: AvestheFox; Yahoo:AvestheFox; ; or simply just pm me through the forums. dino_tongue.gif (e-mail and pm'ing would prove to be much slower than IM service, and I'm not on Yahoo or AIM that much.. Skype works better than most on this machine...)

Anyway.. thanks for your time in reading this... I hope this can help me to come back to this community and enjoy it as I once did... smile.gif

- AvestheForumFox

Role Play Discussion / Update: The Fox Returnith?
« on: August 12, 2010, 12:41:54 PM »
[Note to Adam (and the rest of the staff): I'm posting this thread in two different places at once... forgive me for this spamming, but I feel I need to broadcast this update to get additional attention... this is to help me to get back into this community... This is the only time I'll ever spam like this. if it is too much, then feel free to delete one copy of this thread. Thanks for your understanding...]

Aye, it has been some time since I posted in here. And as of late I cant help but feel guilty for abandoning my post here in the RP forums (and GoF as a whole). Right now I am considering a return... but my problem is making a commitment for doing such a thing (lately, I've been having trouble committing to anything...)

So what trouble am I having concerning a potential return to the GoF? Besides commitment there's also the lack of interest... my interests lately have been bouncing around like the balls inside a lotto my day to day interests the numbers are always different, one day I want to program something, another day I want to draw something, another day I want to attempt to write a novel, another day I just want to play videogames, another, go for a walk, another watch tv, another etc... I seem to be having a terrible case of day to day ADD and its something I'm not particularly proud of.

Despite these day to day changes in interests I will not deny that GoF has popped into my head from time to time, and every time it does come into my head I ponder why I haven't been coming back. I still love The Land Before Time, but as of late, I've been feeling a bit silly for liking such a kiddie series and that feeling along has for some reason made me want to avoid coming here, at least until I can get back into fully appreciating the series as I once did.

Another reason, I just got a new laptop.. a Mac IBook to be precise (I was always a PC guy up to this point) and since I've got the thing (bought it for $40 from my uncle who had no use for it) I've been toying with it, trying to figure out what I can get to work and what I cant get to work (as far as my usual preference in software goes), so that's another thing that's been keeping me preoccupied ... and the fact that I'm using a piece of hardware that's dated, I cant upgrade to the most up to date Mac related software (I'm using a Power PC... as any Mac User should know by now, Apple has long since abandoned PPC for Intel hardware, so I'm stuck using Mac Panther (OS 10.3.9) which is terribly limited... I'm also stuck using Firefox 2 (which stinks something awful compared to FF3) considering I'm midways on my quest to find things that will work for this machine, I've been terribly lazy when it comes to the internet in general... I've just today added GoF to my bookmark list and I plan to later today add more of my other favorites to the list (I cant seem to import my bookmarks from my current PC which is running FF3 as the main internet exploring software) so to speak, I'm just now getting around to posting in GoF again after this huge transfer from a PC genius to a Mac idiot.

Anyway, with all that said and done, I'd like to get some help from my fellow GoF members, (and mods, and Admins) I want to make a huge comeback somehow, and for me to make that commitment may require me to re-befriend everyone on here (and chances are, I may need to go back and rewatch all the LBT movies and tv episodes to get back into the spirit, as cheesy as that journey sounds to me right now :p )

Currently, MSN sucks on my Mac IBook, so I'm requesting all my buddies join me on Skype (granted if you have skype, or you plan on downloading it... its free!) my IBook has a built in Mic, so I can carry on conversations without the need of having to type to a dozen screens at once (at least I hope that's how it works... I don't know the limit of oral conversations I can have on this piece of software... :p  )

My Skype name is AvestheFox

the folks I hope to chat with:
Adam (Petrie)
Tim (Action9000)

and a few others I cant name off the top of my head (if your not on that list, then dont feel uninvited, I'm open to meeting new people, and chances are I already know you, but could not remember to add you to the list... My sincere apologies in advance!)

If you dont want to use Skype (go through the trouble of downloading it, etc, etc) then dont... this is simply a suggestion to get in contact with me. there are other methods such as AIM: AvestheFox; Yahoo:AvestheFox; ; or simply just pm me through the forums. :p (e-mail and pm'ing would prove to be much slower than IM service, and I'm not on Yahoo or AIM that much.. Skype works better than most on this machine...)

Anyway.. thanks for your time in reading this... I hope this can help me to come back to this community and enjoy it as I once did... :)

- AvestheForumFox

Gamers Zone / 3D Head Tracking - The Future of 3D Gaming!
« on: May 07, 2010, 01:49:32 AM »
If this has already been posted (or is old news), then forgive me. But this is too epic not to be mentioned!

Behold! A Genius!

Its believed that Nintendo's 3DS will be using this same method for its 3D.

The Fridge / Lawnmower Dreams
« on: April 29, 2010, 10:16:54 AM »!

No comment needed :,D this video speaks for itself!

edit: "Hey ma, Ima go fly mah lawnlower!"

The Fridge / Update: Finding me is like finding Waldo :P
« on: March 21, 2010, 02:40:18 PM »
I'm sure my absence has been noticed both on these forums and on MSN. So where have I been?

Well, first of all, life has kept me busy (as usual) but there's also the factor that I'm in the process of moving south. To the Gulf to be precise. Some fifteen miles from Mobile Bay. I can go one way now and be in Florida, or the other way and eventually be in Mississippi.

I'm looking into getting a job working at a factory that builds airplanes (damn good pay, so I've heard w/ decent benefits :) .... if I can get it... ) And if I can get on with that job I can eventually get me a new vehicle and a cheap home. Then I'd be living like a king.

But I'm not there yet, and so for the moment, its a bit of a tussle. Me and my grandparents (who for the moment have taken me in) are staying at my Aunt Lee's house. I literally have to go out and sit in the yard to get even two bars of wifi (with a blanket over my head and my busted up laptop... dratted screen is sensitive to the sun ya know?... so I need to be in a really dark place to see what I'm doing :( )

I've been stuck in this miserable trailer park for the past two weeks helping my granpa fix up the trailer that they're moving into (having to gut the dratted thing, the floors and everything were rotted out from water damage...) and I've been wanting to go down to Dolphin Island for the longest (again, just a 15 minute drive from here) but well... I'm stuck :(... and literally bored out of my mind!

But anyway. I'm still alive.. and I'm still very much a part of this friendly little community. I just figured I needed to update y'all about it.

I'll be around! :)

- Brian

1988 Theatrical Release / I ask Don About LBT Lost Scenes
« on: January 14, 2010, 12:31:57 PM »
Last night Don Bluth held a free seminar for members of the community (the first and possibly last one that is free)

the seminar was hosted live over the internet, and forum members as well as guests were able to ask questions through the forums or through the IRC chat that was hosted along side of the webcam feed.

I showed Don my artwork and got some decent feedback and I asked him some questions about his work.

One question I decided to ask on behalf of the GoF forums was concerning what became of the lost scenes from the original Land Before Time, and this question I attempted to record via Windows Recorder. The audio was partially garbled but I was able to get small bits and pieces of his response.

He ended this response saying that Stephen Spielberg was the last to have the material from the lost scenes.

I'll try to clean up the audio a bit and post it up here later on.

Real-Life Captions / Ceiling Cat
« on: January 10, 2010, 03:51:33 PM »

Role Play Discussion / The Fox Speeketh
« on: January 10, 2010, 10:55:16 AM »
I know I've been absent from this section for some time. Again, its not something I pride myself about. I do miss the days when we were all in this together doing some really awesome roleplaying.

It just seems that over time I lost interest in the practice... And when one such as myself loses interest, its hard to keep at it.

There's also the fact that I was having a hard time keeping up since keeping up with an RP is almost an hourly requirement (or so it may seem to me) I post a reply in the morning to an RP and come back that night to see thirty posts stacked on top of my reply. Not only is this tediuos work (having to read through it all) but it throsws my characters far behind. This played a factor as to why I had to stop... It was something that I nor anybody else could control, it just happens.

Now, does this mean I wont be returning at all to the RP section? no... I have great intentions of a comeback in the near future. I just cant promise that I can stick to my guns on this.

I would love to revive my old Shadow Raptor series (possibly start it over) and it seems someone has already started the GoF meets LBT scenario (Its a shame that the first one had to end in such a way)

Nick often pesters me about rejoining the Insane Cafe again (the poor chap... I hope he doesnt feel I've been ignoring him... I've just been busy about other things) This series I'm sure I'll be joining again soon taking up the part of my main character Aves and other characters that Nick has told me about that require my role. All I can tell you Nick is just be patient with me... My attention is cluttered with other creative desires as well as the needs of life (getting a job, getting my life in order, etc, etc)

That all said and done... expect a possible return of my activities here in the Roleplay forums. Just please understand the wall of text above and why it can turn me away from doing anything here again. Its nobodies fault, I just need to work out a way that would make this less of a 'job' and more of a hobby again...

Thank you all for your understanding. See you all around! :)
- Aves the Forum Fox

The Fridge / Update: 1-6-2010 - Belated New Year Update
« on: January 06, 2010, 08:13:25 AM »
Happy Belated New Years folks! (Or New Decade as I like to call it)

First let me say that my holidays were awesome! (thanks for asking)
Its bitterly cold here in Tennessee but I'm staying warm with a nice hot cup of cocoa and a blanket or two.

And yes, I'm still without a job or a vehicle, but I am more optimistic than ever before and I vow early this year to get back on my feet :)

I will also be returning to some project work starting back up with project Percy and then the literature on Arkayia. I also plan on maybe starting back up the BC webcomic (maybe...)

I've got a new tool that'll benefit greatly in these projects. An I-Pen! (basically a small cheap digital mouse pen) this will help me with some of the artwork.

Anywho. Let me start this first year's update by asking about your holiday. How was it? What wonderful gifts did you get this year?

Me? It was a decent holiday. I had fun with the family and a few friends (Spent the new year with my mother and three nephews and chatting with my friend Chris Fabo over Skype) I got some nifty new toys including a bike, a new digicam/media player and other things to be named. All of which have been really useful for the start of this year.

I've also made some vows for the new decade that I want to accomplish. Getting in shape, getting my finances in order and getting my life back in order. There is so much else I want to accomplish this year.

Anywho, that be all I have to say about my holiday (for now) . Now how was yours? :)

Thanks for your time!

- Brian Bullock

Gamers Zone / Final Fantasy IX
« on: December 02, 2009, 03:58:48 PM »
I've been in a very deep RPG craving lately, and lately I've completed games such as Chrono Trigger and Super Mario RPG for the SNES

Now I've decided to play some of the classic Playstation RPG's

Current game of choice: Final Fantasy IX(9)

Though it was not the most popular of the series, its one of the most visually stunning games in my opinion. Check out these screenshots:

[ More Screenshots Here ]

And now some video (some FMV seq and trailers):

A Trailer (seemingly fan made)
Another trailer. Definately Fan Made
FMV Scene: Airship Chase

The art style of this game inspires my own style. But not only is it all eye candy, it also has some awesome storytelling. The gameplay is challenging enough (you gotta build up your levels for certain boss fights.) and everything else is perfect. It takes the 32 bit power of the PS1 and uses it to its full advantage! :)

The only minor complaint I have is that the game seems to be 75% storytelling. I need more gameplay to build up my levels and gain power ups and so on (this is a fault that Square Enix has had since Final Fantasy VII)

Post your thoughts on this game. But please try to avoid spoilers. I'm on disk 2 at the moment (the game is four disks long) And I'm enjoying every bit of it :)

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