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Bramble Maze from The LBT Activity Center

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Anyone remember this mini-game from an old Land Before Time game back in the 90s?

I'd played several different LBT games in my youth, but this one mini-game really stood out in my memory. It's a fully-rendered 3-D maze (might be Doom/Wolfenstein engine? Not 100% sure but the camera swivel/wall angles look familiar) with surprisingly varied environments (my favorite was the underwater section). You play as Cera tasked with retrieving 5 different items from within the maze, and there's some great ambient music that plays while you travel. 

Until it doesn't. Sometimes as you hike through the maze, you'll hear a snarl and the music will stop. This is a warning to turn around immediately, because if you continue forward, you'll get one more warning growl, and then a T-Rex bursts through the wall in front of you and you drop all your items. I remember being so terrified of this part of the mini-game, and I suspect it's the main reason I still remember it so well decades later.

Just wanted to see if anyone else has memories of this particular mini-game. And if not, you should watch the above-linked video and see how surprisingly-advanced it was for a single activity in a largely promotional stocking-stuffer title!
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 01:45:13 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Thank you for showing video of this game!!!

Yeah, this sharptooth encounter was eerie!!!.. :O I can imagine how I would be scared to death in my childhood if I played it back then!
(though... it doesn't make you be eaten, but makes you just lose your items, lol)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Yeah, I'm not sure why young me never understood I wasn't going to get eaten, haha. I wish the YouTuber had showcased the other maze sizes, you could choose large, medium, or small mazes, and the large mazes were truly enormous (filled that whole minimap square)
« Last Edit: March 16, 2021, 02:20:31 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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SO scary. Traumatized.

Talked about this just a few days ago on the Discord server as well haha. The huge maze was actually quite challenging as you had to collect a lot of different items.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Oh man what a coincidence!

Yeah, the gameplay was surprisingly tense. I remember that Sharptooth would never spawn in the blue water area, and he was far more likely to spawn in the brown bramble area, so each chunk of the map had its own identity that let you either take a breather or force you to stay on your toes.


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Strikes me that this game might have been inspired by the 3D Monster Maze, possibly the first survival horror game ever, and notably starring a tyrannosaurus rex as the titular monster.


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^know this game very well, being horror games fan. :) I immediately remembered this game after I watched LBT maze.

ManOfWar GT

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for anyone who thought the bramble maze was scary enough.

edit: this is fake. dont take this seriesly.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2022, 10:08:15 PM by ManOfWar GT »


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That thumbnail, though :rhett_ohno  genuinely unsettling. Who knew neon-green Sharpteeth could be so scary?

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~