The Gang of Five
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Fixed animation errors and other personal edits


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I thought I'd start a new fan-art topic were I'll mainly fix animation error's from the movies and TV show by digitally editing them. And I'll do some other personal edits too,  like showing what I would have done in certain scenes or had certain characters drawn if I had been the big cheese of the franchise.  

I'll start off with these fixed error.

In this shot from LBT 7, part of Petrie's wing isn't coloured in.

So I coloured the blank part in.

And another from the 7th movie were Cera has one too many bumps on her frill.

So I removed it.

And another one of Cera in LBT 7. Were her eye lids are the wrong colour.

So I changed it to the right colour which is the same colour as the rings around her eyes.

And here's a personal edit. A lot of you know I don't like that they changed Chomper's design in the 5th movie and TV show. Mainly cause of the boy boobs and him been drawn with 3 fingers even though T-rex's only have 2 on each hand.
So here on this shot from LBT 5 I removed the chest lines, and removed his third finger on each hand.


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Here's a shot of Chomper from the TV show I edited to make him blue and have 2 fingers and no boy boobs.




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I find this work interesting!
good job

(wow, last picture is taken from my TV channel? Oo)


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Quote from: Snik,Dec 1 2015 on  03:47 PM
I find this work interesting!
good job

(wow, last picture is taken from my TV channel? Oo)
Thanks I have more to come. I tuck that screen cap from a clip of the Russian dub of the TV show on YouTube.


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Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Dec 2 2015 on  12:38 AM
Wow, that's really good. Chomper looks so much better.
Thanks have more to come. Take it you don't like Chomper's TV show design either?


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Here's an edit showing something I would have done had I been the big cheese of the movies.

One of the many things I don't like about LBT 5, was the rather bloody fight between the plated Sharptooth and Chomper's parents. As I was genuinely scared of blood as a kid, and the flesh tearing sound effects didn't help either.
I actually fond it more horrible to watch then Littlefoot's mum getting bitten on the back.

So this is what I would have done to make it more kid friendly.
Keep the scratch marks, but make them pink instead of red, and have no blood come out, and certainly have no flesh ripping sound effects.
Would have done the same thing in the 6th movie when the lone Dinosaur gets slashed across the face.


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Personally, I liked the part where blood splattered. It wasn't really all that much, and I felt it was done well. Besides, a little bit of blood splatter isn't exactly going to frighten kids. They aren't that sensitive. I mean, I saw this movie when I was a little kid as did my siblings and neighboring kids, and none of them freaked out, and my parents didn't really seem to mind the little bit of blood.

However, I'm not really complaining that you did the edit. We all have our own tastes. But if you don't mind, I'd like to suggest something.

I'm not really sure if I'd go with pink lines myself to indicate a strike, but that choice is yours. However, I'd suggest trying to taper off the tips of the pink lines to make them look more like claw strikes, and perhaps making the lines thinner too, if possible. As they are now, they look obviously like you took the pen tool in whatever program you used and just drew over them. Tapering them off into gradual tips would look better, I think.

Other than that, the rest of the edit looks fine. You did a pretty good job with removing the blood without it looking too obvious.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Dec 3 2015 on  02:10 PM
Personally, I liked the part where blood splattered. It wasn't really all that much, and I felt it was done well. Besides, a little bit of blood splatter isn't exactly going to frighten kids. They aren't that sensitive. I mean, I saw this movie when I was a little kid as did my siblings and neighboring kids, and none of them freaked out, and my parents didn't really seem to mind the little bit of blood.

However, I'm not really complaining that you did the edit. We all have our own tastes. But if you don't mind, I'd like to suggest something.

I'm not really sure if I'd go with pink lines myself to indicate a strike, but that choice is yours. However, I'd suggest trying to taper off the tips of the pink lines to make them look more like claw strikes, and perhaps making the lines thinner too, if possible. As they are now, they look obviously like you took the pen tool in whatever program you used and just drew over them. Tapering them off into gradual tips would look better, I think.

Other than that, the rest of the edit looks fine. You did a pretty good job with removing the blood without it looking too obvious.
the way I did the edit.. I did it on photshop.
I know its not brilliant but I just did it as a rough example. I experimented with all kinds of different methods. But in the end I used the colour change filter.

I sure hope I cleared that up...


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I cam across this new picture of the gang on the LBT Facebook page .

And While it's nice to see new official artwork of them. There are a few things in it that bug me.
Cera's eye lids are orange instead of the light yellow like the rings around her eyes. Petrie's tail tip is the wrong colour and his beak is to bright a colour, and Spike's under belly is too bright a colour also.  
So I fixed these, I also removed Littlefoot's eyelashes as I think he looks better and more boyish without them in my opinion , I tried to make Ducky's eyelashes stand out more but looked too poorly done.


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Yeah it's been a LONG time since I posted anything on this topic but I just made some edits I thought would suit this topic.
One occurring error/inconsistency in all the films, the TV show and even some storybook illustrations, is Littlefoot and Cera are sometimes drawn with only 3 toes of their feet rather then 4
so here are a few edits I made  to shot were they only had 3 toes in the actual scene, i these will be comparisons so just so you know it's the original at the top the edited version below.

First a shot from Littlefoot and Cera being chased by Sharptooth in the swamp.

Next Cera's birth/hatching scene

Note I REALLY don't like this shot/scene an as much as I like Cera, this is one of the creepy and ugliest and awkward shots of her in the whole franchise. If your wondering it Cera after she tumbled onto her back after Littlefoot very rudely and clumsily coursed that skeleton to crash into her (and didn't even say anything apologetic as he could have hurt her) then Bluth thought i would be a good idea to have Cera draw from an angle like a mother about to go into labor  with her back legs stuck up in the air while panting , and I also don't like the following shot were it looks like Littlefoot is staring down at her private parts and Ducky and Petrie crawl onto Cera's feet, like a prehistoric Quentin Tarantino flick. Seriously Bluth what were you thinking?
Sorry I went on a tangent there I just  REALLY don't like that scene and wanted to vent my thoughts, anyway  I the best way around this issue was I decided to cropped the shot down so only one of Cera's feet can be seen with the toe correction .

Here a shot from the stupid tar monster joke scene.

Next the scene were Cera blew a raspberry at Littlefoot, I also modified the size of Ceras head in this shot too as I noticed her frill is a lot bigger then it normally is.

And these last 2 from Littlefoot and Cera playing in the swamp with the hopper.

That's all for now I may do more sometime.

BTW This topic doesn't really belong in the LBT Fanfiction category, i didn't put it here originally, if one of the admins could move it to a more fitting place I'd really appreciate it.   
« Last Edit: May 02, 2023, 06:59:38 AM by Dalekdino »


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This toe correction edit is actually from a deleted shot in the film as in the actual film we don't see Cera turn round a d glare after slipping on the tar.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2023, 12:56:26 PM by Dalekdino »


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