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My fanfic

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Well, this may strike you odd, considering it has everyone else I've met, but I really enjoy writing book reports. All parts, but trying to analyze the characters has always been my favorite part. Well, in case your wondering why you've never seen me do it here before, well, it's out of courtesy. Only one person ever heard feedback from me before then asked for more.

My teachers say two things about that. They are too long and I overthink it. That may be, but since my other classmates tend to give short answers that often state the obvious, well, you'd think my teachers would variety once in a while. I actually lost points in history class if my essays were too long, even if they were completely correct.

Therefore, I don't offer feedback unless it is personally requested. That way, my hands are washed clean and the writer brings any suffering on him or herself. Yeah, people usually hate it that much. I tried to warn Brekclub85 about my "style" of feedback by giving him small bits, and although I was pleased, I was also shocked that someone wanted more opinons from after hearing some.

Eventually, I wanted to do more than send simple lists of various opinions. I love reports, character statistics especially, so I figured that if he could stand bites, why not make a meal? So I decided to write a small report on each character with at least a fair amount influence in the story.

Of course, I don't know if anyone else will like these, since Brekclub85 was the first one that did since I could write, so I don't expect too many interests to be taken here. As I said, my report style is- unique. I don't try to make them different so they'll be fun since they are regardless. They just always seem to be written contrary to everyone else's...

Maybe I just add too many features or something. I guess it could also be that I, "Look at the words too deeply when some should be taken more at face value," as some people think. Who knows?

Anyway, everytime I finish a final draft for a character, I will post it here. Final drafts are "finished" but that doesn't mean they're "done." I finish with all I know at the time, but I can read something fifty times then see something new the fifty first, so it is likely I will add to these as time goes on.

I am not a big fan of me posting multiple times in a row, but I probably don't have a choice since I doubt there will just happen to be a post between each report I right. Ah well. Sometimes it's just meant to be I guess.

Okay, as of now, I have only one finished, but I'll post each one as they're finished. I will post it here soon, since I can't just paste all the formatting in a forum box. (Sigh)
I'm working on two other fanfiction characters reports too, as two authors wanted my thoughts as well, although, they didn't know what they were asking for until now. This is probably the reason they have those free sample stands outside of the little food stands in malls. They tend to save some trouble. Ah well.

And don't worry. Telling me these are stupid won't bother me since only one person in my life has said otherwise anyway. You'll understand in a few minutes. Later!

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Story: Sharptooth Valley 1

Author: Brekclub85

Illustrator: DarkHououmon

Analysis of Characters
Report #1

Character: Guido

Gender: Male

Character Status: (Returning or Original) Returning

First Form: Glider

New Form: Sharptooth Flyer

Special Connection and/or Rivalry: Petrie- Rival

Residential Status: (Sharptooth Valley, Leaf Eater Valley, or Other)
                                       Sharptooth Valley

Main Personality Attributes: Egotistical and Deceptive
Primary Reasoning for Egotistical Attribute is Found in the Multiple Chapter Section: "Bad to the Beak"

“Oh please,” replied Guido. “I bet I could do it no sweat.”
“And when I win,” Guido replied, “”I’ll prove that all these things Petrie
                 and his uncle do are nothing but falling- with style.”
"I’ll prove to everyone that I’m the most super sharptooth, the coolest
     carnivore, the mightiest meat-eater, the fantastic…est flyer!” Guido then flew
     off, laughing triumphantly.

Analysis of Egotistical Quotes:
Those with a big ego overestimate themselves and their abilities. They think they are better than they are, and think they can do things that they can't, or at least not as well as they think.

The first quote has him saying how he can do something a professional can do that he never tried without any trouble at all. He seems to believe that nothing is too difficult for him. His grip on reality isn't gone; his worrying just made it slip.

The second quote shows his overconfidence, which can easily be seen by his choice of two possible words. If he said, "And if I win," he would be honestly acknowledging that he knows everyone has limits and competitions don't have definite outcomes. However, since he used the word "when," he is saying that he will win in this and there is no possible chance for any other outcome.

In the third quote, he says that he's the best flying sharptooth, similar to Cera in The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers when she sings,
The best threehorn in the valley is me!
during the song "One of a Kind." He is so sure that he's the best, that he is willing to show everyone. He is honestly disillusioned. Many characters say they are better but know otherwise, so are hesitant when it comes time for proof. So since he is going to "prove it" he truly feels certain about it.

He tries so hard to prove the things he believes. This could be beneficial if he used that to help other characters understand valid issues that should addressed, instead of trying to show others why he feels superior. While characters are better at doing different things, he needs to realize that no characters themselves are "better" than others.
Primary Reasoning for Deceptive Attribute is Found in the Chapter: "Inspector Cera Part 2"
“Hey, what’s up guys?” Guido asked, as Littlefoot, Spike, Cera, Dein, and Terri gathered around him. “We know it was you Guido,” Littlefoot said. “Who? Me?” Guido laughed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “You might want to change your story boy,” Dein laughed in a stern way. “But how could I have taken the shiny stone and Petrie’s snuggling stick without anyone noticing?” Guido retorted. ”Someone would’ve seen me since I can’t fly right now.” “Simple,” Cera replied. “You used the underground caverns to navigate without being seen or sniffed.” “It was such a simple trick,” Littlefoot went on. “And you planted the treesweets to cover your tracks.” Guido clapped his hands. “Nice mystery-solver work, but two more things: Where’s your proof and how did I cover my footprints?” Soon, they heard a voice coming from underground. “That’s coming right up kid,” Terri laughed.

“Hey! Lemme go!” a voice said. Tera flew up from the underground caverns... holding a little t-rex. “You had our friend Lizzie help you.” “You stood on her back when you got out of the caverns, and she put her feet together and dragged them across the ground to confuse us with that footprint.” Guido looked nervous at this point. “But where’s your proof?” Spike made a noise suggesting, “Right here,” and the belly dragger pointed to Lizzie’s shoulder. There was a little cut on it. “Mrs. Chomper’s mom, please sniff and compare.” Terri put her sniffer next to Guido’s foot, than the cut on Lizzie’s shoulder. “A match,” she confirmed. Guido sighed. He walked over and pulled off some leaves that were covering a hole. He took out Petrie’s stick and Terri’s shiny stone, and threw them to the gang. “Here ya go,” he gave up simply. “But why did you do it?” “Because of Petrie,” Guido replied. “Huh?” went everyone.

“A few days ago, I was in the waterhole when Ducky came up to me. She told me that Petrie considered giving up stunt flying, and she wanted me to help him convince him not to.” “I don’t get it,” replied Littlefoot. “Even if you didn’t find me out, I was going to tell him that he wouldn’t get his snuggling stick back unless he could do something really impressive. It wasn’t that mean.” “But why did you take my shiny stone also?” Terri asked. “Just so it wouldn’t be obvious,” Guido replied.

Analysis of Deceptive Excerpt:
If you can make up a good story at the last moment to hide something, you are a great quick thinker. If you can plan ahead and prepare a series of actions to cover up what you're doing, you are a master of deception. He had everything planned out. Every detail was thought through very well:

1. He moved through the Underground Caverns to avoid being seen or smelled.

2. He covered his scent trail with treesweets.

3. He didn't leave his own tracks, but actually had Lizzie use hers, and
     to top it off, her footprints were made difficult to recognize by having her drag
     her feet.

4. He took something extra that had nothing to do with him only to make it harder
     to suspect him. Everyone knew him and Petrie had been going at it a little.  
    Therefore, if only something of Petrie's was gone, it would most likely bring
     him to mind first.

He could be a great tactician if he applied his strategies through positive outlets like games and even battles instead of tricking others for selfish reasons.
Popularity in Story:
(Based on percent of chapters used in)
1%-33%: Low
34%-66%: Medium
67%-99%: High
100%: Ultimate

Rank: Low
Comparison Between Original and New Reality:
His main ability of flying has been changed for the better. As a glider, he had proficient trouble staying in the air, and little confidence to encourage himself as well. But as first shown in the chapter "On the Hunt," he no longer has difficulty flying and in the multiple chapter section "Bad to the Beak," his confidence is quite high too. This change improved him both physically and mentally, although his thinking power had the largest boost, shown by the way he made his plan which was heard in the chapter "Inspector Cera Part 2."
Repeating Character Aspect:
As is important to keep the character somewhat recognizable, the aspect that was kept was his tendency to get distracted easily, as shown primarily in the chapter "On the Hunt."
He was ready to attack when Guido appeared, the two knocking heads. "What was that?!" Gudio said startled, not seeing who it was who he bumped into. He saw it was Petrie. "Well Guido, since that's the third time today we've knocked heads, let's hunt as a team, OK?" Petrie asked.

Official Example:
In The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers, he is in a tree and gets distracted by singing during the song "Flip, Flap, and Fly," so he falls out.
He adds extra flavor to the story in a certain way. Having characters that aren't "bad" but cause a fair share of trouble are very common in reality. The town troublemakers that are often used in works can be far from villainous, but are often just starving for attention and need to feel noticed to be satisfied.

Meanwhile, Ducky, Ruby, and Cera managed to find Guido. “Guido wait up!” Ducky called from the water. “What is it guys?” Guido asked. “We don’t think you should do this dumb dare you have with Petrie,” Ruby said. Guido scoffed. “But if I back down, Petrie will never let me hear the end of it."

Although he is trying to impress others, he is ignoring them at the same time. He does't need to do anything "amazing" for the others to like him. They already do. The easy way can be more efficient than the dangerous way. He wants to be better in their eyes, but what better thing can he do than just listen to them?  If he would realize that, not only would he be a better friend, he would live a much safer life too.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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This is an accidental post due to a computer error. My apologies.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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This is another accidental post due to a computer error. My apologies once again. I'll ask an administrator to delete these some time.

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Story: Sharptooth Valley 1

Author: Brekclub85

Illustrator: DarkHououmon

Analysis of Characters
Report #2

Character: Spike

Gender: Male

Character Status: (Returning or Original) Returning

First Form: Spiketail

New Form: Bellydragger

Special Connection and/or Rivalry: Ducky- Connection- Stepsister

Residential Status: (Sharptooth Valley, Leaf Eater Valley, or Other)
                                 Sharptooth Valley

Main Personality Attributes: Assertive and Perceptive
Primary Reasoning for Assertive Attribute is Found in the Chapters: "Waterhole Antics" and "Sharptooth Games Part 1"

Excerpt From: "Waterhole Antics"
Spike already had a plan, he spun around, and his belly dragger tail caused a massive splash to hit the opposite team.

Analysis of Assertive Excerpt:
He was assertive enough to devise a plan for the situation. Anyone can "think fast" or "make it up as they went along" but he took initiative and prepared what he would do, then carried it out at the right moment.

Excerpts From: "The Sharptooth Games Part 1"
When the second round started, Ruby quickly pounced on Petrie so he couldn't fly and Chomper grabbed the pine cone and ran for the goal. He nearly got knocked over when Spike swung his tail, but he regained his balance and managed to the get a point.

Ruby almost made it but Spike tripped her and he scooped up the pine cone in his mouth and began dashing towards the goal.

Analyses of Assertive Excerpts:
1. Assertiveness won't guarantee success, but it still shows the passion of a character when he or she tries so hard to reach a goal.

2. Assertion and aggression can work together in positive ways if done at appropriate times. If Spike tripped Ruby outside of competition, it would be taken very negatively. But in a game like this, these types of actions are understood and very useful toward victory.

He does not waver when he feels action can be of some use. No hesitation, merely seeing an opening to do something, and then just doing it. He doesn't seem the type to pass up any opportunities.
Primary Reasoning for Perceptive Attribute is Found in the Chapters:
"Waterhole Antics," "The Mothers' Night Out," and "Bad to the Beak Part 2"

Excerpt From: "Waterhole Antics"
Spike looked up and made a noise to attract attention. When he looked up, Littlefoot said. "Oh boy, here it comes..."
Petrie was standing on the edge of a cliff right above the waterhole. "Here I come! Take cover!" he yelled to anyone below, and jumped down, falling towards the water.

Analyses of Perceptive Excerpt:
He was the first one to notice Petrie. It would have been easy if Petrie had just said something and Spike just happened to turn to him first. But Spike had to have been very perceptive to see Petrie first, not only because he hadn't spoken yet, but because Petrie at that time wasn't even moving. Eyes can be deterred to motion easily, but to see something small, silent, and not moving in the middle of playing with your friends when none of the others did, that is impressive.

Excerpt From: "The Mothers' Night Out"
Let's sneak in the pools," Cera said. "But how can we do that Cera?" Littlefoot asked. Spike motioned to some bamboo or whatever it is people use on TV whenever they have to stay underwater. "Good thinking Spike," Cera commented. Spike grinned happily.

Analyses of Perceptive Excerpt:
Perception isn't always just seeing something with your eyes. It can be applying understanding to it at the same time. He normally sees things that grow from the ground as food, but when he saw the bamboo, and because he understood the situation, he figured out just how those plants could help their cause.

Excerpt From: "Bad to the Beak Part 2"
Spike was a little nervous. Watching the falling rocks, he was worried the surface he and his friends were on would eventually crumble.
“We gotta get outta here!”” Littlefoot yelled. Spike’s fear had come true. The ground was crumbling, and if they didn’t get out of the way, the gang would all fall down!

Analyses of Perceptive Excerpt:
This kind of perception is very valuable. To be able to notice events around you then to connect them to a possible danger scene takes quite the open mind and clear focus. It was remarkable that he predicted the accident beforehand when no one else expected a thing.

It sure is great that the gang of seven has such an observant member. They are very valuable. His disadvantage though, comes from his preference to not speak. Perhaps If he would have voiced his opinion before the ground had crumbled during "Bad the Beak Part 2," Chomper would very likely not have had such a close call.
Popularity in Story:
(Based on percent of chapters used in)
1%-33%: Low
34%-66%: Medium
67%-99%: High
100%: Ultimate

Rank: High
Comparison Between Original and New Reality:
His new get going attitude really boosted his involvement. Taking more chances and doing more on his own is quite different from his usual following of the others. His mind is more focused on independent thoughts then his previous dependent ones.

Plus, now he helps a lot on purpose. Previously, he would just happen to do something that would end up being a big help. Like in the episode The Cave of Many Voices, when the whole group was exploring in the Secret Caverns. He had pulled at a vine for food, but when he did, some rocks fell down and light came into the cave from the hole that was made. Right before then, the rest of the gang had wished they could see in there better. So now he is actually helping his friends more through logic and theory instead of just luck like he had been using.
Repeating Character Aspect:
As is important to keep the character somewhat recognizable, the aspect that was kept was his decision to refrain from words. This is shown in several chapters.

Then, a young belly dragger walked up, chewing on a flattooth flyer it had caught, and seemed to be very untalkative.

"There are certain rules you must listen to if you wanna survive a scary story." "Like what?" Chomper, Ducky, Ruby, Littlefoot, and Spike (Non-verbally of course) replied.

The gang sniffed the air, and Spike started making noise.

He has only used words when he felt very desperate.

Official Examples:
1. In The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists, he says the word
only to wake up his stepsister before she was eaten by Dil.

2. In The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze, he says the word
only because he was panicking from nearly drowning and he wanted his stepmother to save him.
He adds extra flavor to the story in a certain way. Having characters that aren't mute but simply choose to express themselves more uniquely are very common in reality. Variety is the issue. Most stories have all characters talking, just perhaps in different styles. Not quite so many have a character that literally will not speak but communicates through body language. Sometimes it can be even more interesting when there is trouble understanding such a character in a fairly complicated situation. Trying to figure someone out is less convenient than just knowing, but makes things more entertaining.

Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Guido, and Tippy stayed together. “What are we gonna do?” Guido asked nervously. One of the bad guy flyers flew towards them, but Saura managed to swipe it away. Suddenly, Spike’s sniffer began acting up, and he went over to an old leafeater carcass.
“Now’s not the time for eating Spike!” Cera yelled in the heat of the moment, but Spike began doing something odd. “Tippy thinks Spike has a plan,” Tippy commented. The young bellydragger dug into the carcass, and using his mighty teeth, removed some of the leafeater’s bones.
Littlefoot, Cera, Spike, Tippy, and Guido were now all armed with broken leafeater bones, which could be used as weapons do to the sharpness.

"The strong, silent type." That's him alright. Even without words, he can usually manage to get his thoughts across through sounds, actions, and expressions. It takes more work that way, but he doesn't seem to have a problem doing it. Nearly every time he tries to express himself others, they tend to get his meaning exactly how he meant it. Because of his expertise of expressing without words, he could become the master of the Shadow Game, shown in the episode The Star Day Celebration.


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(Only 2 chapters, including this one, remaining!  Hope you like it!)

Chapter 43: Final Round

The next morning came.  All of the gang gathered around the waterhole just because they wanted to talk.  “You look tired Chomper, you do, you do,” Ducky said from the water.  “Did you have a bad sleep story?” asked Ruby, giving Chopmer a morning kiss when the rest of the gang wasn’t looking, even though she knew that Petrie and Littlefoot were aware of Chomper and Ruby’s love for each other.

“No, uh…my dad’s snoring just woke me up in the middle of the night,” Chomper lied, but it wasn’t a mean lie.  I mean, how do you think everyone would’ve reacted if Chomper told them about Mage?  Speaking of Mage, the rainbow face spirit decided to live in the Secret Caverns.  At nighttime, he and Chomper would have talks, and Mage had always managed to avoid detection.  So far, Chomper had no need for another use of Mage’s powers, and Mage was happy that Chomper did not get greedy or conceited because of this.

About a week after Chomper met the magical rainbow face, the gang was hanging out in the waterhole.  “Ah, this is the life,” Petrie smiled.  He could still fly perfectly well, be he decided to just lie on the little flotation device (Even though that’s not the term they used) that his friends had made for him back in chapter 21.  “Yeah,” the gang replied in unison.

(Again, at this point, they would start singing Good Times, Good Friends, but I doubt you want to hear that one more time, am I right?)

Soon, they heard someone swimming close by.  Tippy was quickly making her ways over towards her friends. “Guys! You’ll never guess what Tippy just heard!” the belly dragger smiled.  “What is it Tippy?” Guido asked, the sharpbeak staring at her admiringly, but Tippy didn’t see this. “Tippy just overheard that there’s going to be another Pine cone tournament,” Tippy said.

“Cool,” Littlefoot, Chomper, Ruby, and Petrie replied.  Cera sounded interested too, but she remembered the incident when she had to babysit Tricia and how she got into a big panic when she thought she had lost her, so she hoped that wouldn’t happen again.  Tippy had one more piece of information about this contest.

“However, Tippy heard that only teams of 3 can compete in it,” the belly dragger explained.  This posed a problem for the gang.

There was 9 of them, a number divisible by 3, but Ducky, being a swimming sharptooth, was not able to play this game.  That left eight: Chomper, Ruby, Cera, Petrie, Littlefoot, Spike, Tippy, and Guido.  Littlefoot was thinking of a plan.  “Looks like 2 of us will have to not compete,” he said, not being able to come up with a way around this problem.
Ducky looked a little disappointed in her self, but she quickly smiled again.  “I don’t mind, I don’t, I don’t,” she grinned.  “I’ll keep you company Ducky,” Petrie said, flying towards the swimming sharptooth he had a little bit of a crush one.  “Thanks Petrie,” Ducky replied.

“Guys, there’s still a week before the games you know,” Tippy said. The gang shared a little laugh.  The friends then jumped it the water and gathered in a circle.  “Yeah, as we work together, we’ll always do good,” Ruby smiled, the nine pals putting their hands/claws/fins together.  What they didn’t see was that three bullies were nearby, listening to their every word……

“Those runts may have beaten us before, but they aren’t going to beat us again,” Hyp smirked to Mutt and Nod.  “And I think I know how we can have an assured victory,” he added with a laugh.  Nod and Mutt looked confused.  “What do you mean Hyp?” Nod and Mutt asked confused.  “You’ll find out….” Replied Hyp.

3.5 DAYS LATER……….

Chomper, Dein, Terri, Littlefoot, and Littlefoot’s grandparents came back with the rest of the t-rex hunting party, as it was their turn that day.  “You’re really doing great son,” Dein complimented.  “Thanks dad,” Chomper smiled.  “Yeah, that clubtail didn’t stand a chance against the two of us Chomper,” Littlefoot smiled to his friend.  The two young sharptooth seemed extra active these past couple days according to their parents.

“I remember how many times I played games when I was younger,” Dein said, remembering back when he lived in the Mysterious Beyond.  “Yeah, you probably always lost,” Terri laughed.  “Hey…” Dein said, annoyed but not offended. Chomper’s parents shared a laugh.  Chomper smiled.  Sometimes, he felt his parents acted like little kids (Especially after Terri told the story of how she and Dein met), but this didn’t bother him.

As Littlefoot and Chomper were walking back to the center of the GV, they noticed Hyp walking by.  But the weird thing was, Hyp looked happy.  Very happy, as he had an unusually noticeable smile on his face.  “Hyp looks happy,” commented Littlefoot.  The two little biters looked at each other.  “Then it can’t be a good thing….” They said at the same time, knowing how Hyp was still a bit of a bully.  “Well, let’s wait and see what happens,” Chomper said.

Littlefoot nodded in agreement. “Okay….race ya to the Secret Caverns!” he said, quickly getting a head start. “Hey!” laughed Chomper, following his friend.

2.5 DAYS LATER……………..

It was nighttime.  Hyp had told Nod and Mutt to meet him by the trees where the stinging buzzer’s nest was.  “So, what are we supposed to do?”  Nod asked, because Hyp hadn’t told his friends what his intentions were.  “Yea, what is it Hyp?” asked Mutt.

Hyp let out a sly grin.  “Simple, help me with this,” he said, climbing into one of the trees and began picking out berries.  The fast biter and belly dragger looked confused.  “Uh….Hyp…..why are you getting those tree sweets? You know they are terrible,” Nod commented.  “Exactly,” Hyp replied.

“You see, the night of the games, when we get to the Semi-Finals for sure, we’ll just secretly put these in the other team’s food, and when they eat this, they’ll get belly aches, and they won’t be able to play right!”  Mutt thought this was a good plan, but Nod looked unsure.  “But Hyp….we’d only be playing 3 at a time, couldn’t we win normally?”  Hyp started to look mad.

Hyp jumped down.  “Do you know how my dad reacted when we lost last time?!”  he asked angrily.  “He called me a weak wimp who can’t even hunt properly!”  Nod stayed silent.  “Ok…..I’ll help you,” he said finally.  “I just want my dad to stop picking on me”! Hyp said, picking out more sweet bubbles.


The Gang of Nine decided how their teams would work:

Sitting out: Ducky, Petrie, Spike.
Playing, Team 1: Chomper, Littlefoot, Ruby.
Playing, Team 2: Cera, Tippy, Guido.

“You guys can do it, yes you can, you can!” Ducky smiled to her friends.  “Thanks Ducky,” replied Chomper. Chomper was glad that in this reality he had more time to play games with his friends.  In addition to the gang’s two teams, there was the trio of Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, and 5 other teams, leaving a total of eight.

Sharptooth, Littlefoot’s grandfather (Whose name was Allister, and this is the name he’ll have in SV 2 and in the previous reality.), Watra (From chapter 16), and Cira were serving as the referees/commentators.  (IE, they roared what was going on like a modern day sports broadcast.)

Sharptooth went over to Ruby.  “Good luck,”  he whispered to the dark-reddish pink fast biter and her friends.  “Thank you,” Ruby replied to her legal guardian.  “And be sure to play fair.  One thing in life I know is that cheating is one of the worst things you can do,” he said.  The gang nodded. Sharptooth was full of wisdom, which was good as he was the leader of the valley.

“So, when do we play?” Guido asked the gang.  “We’re not in the first match, the first match none of us are in,” Ruby responded.  “But me, Ruby, and Littlefoot go in the second,” Chomper added.

“Cool,” said Petrie, who was sitting on Spike’s back.  “Anyone want a buzzer?” he offered his friends, holding a nest of the insects.  “Sure,” replied Ducky and Cera.  Soon, the gang heard Sharptooth let out a roar, which signified the competition was about to begin.

The 6 members of the gang who were going to compete were doing some last-minute warm-ups.  Cera and Ruby were running short distances, Littlefoot and Chomper doing push-ups (Ya never know, it might be possible for sharpteeth to do this.), and Guido and Tippy were sharing a pre-game snack.

Hyp, Nod, and Mutt were doing exercises too.  Even though Hyp still had every intention of cheating, he would wait until the semi-finals to do so.  Õ can’t lose,” he kept repeating to himself.  Nod and Mutt were almost concerned about this.

The tournament began.  None of the gang’s teams or the bullies were in the first match, so they could just watch.  One of Petrie’s siblings was, however.  “Go Glider!” Petrie said, cheering on his sister.  One of the rules in the competition was that the sharptooth flyer players could only fly a limited height off the ground.  Glider managed to dodge a tail swipe from a belly dragger and scored a point for her team.  “Yeah! All right!” she cheered.  “No sweat at all!”  Soon, Glider’s team which consisted of her and two fast biters who were her friends won their match.

“We’re up,” Littlefoot smiled.  The two sharpteeth and fast biter did last second warm-ups, and headed to the ring.

The team Chomper, Littlefoot, and Ruby were playing consisted of 3 t-rexes, and since you know the main characters are just going to win the match anyways, I’m just going to skip typing that match, OK?

Hyp, Nod, and Mutt were in the 3rd match of the quarterfinals.  The opposing team consister of two belly draggers and one bladeback, all smaller than the trio of troublemakers.  “This’ll be no problem,” Hyp laughed to himself as Sharptooth and Littlefoot’s grandpa roared to signal the start of the game.  Mutt was the first to grab the pine cone.  The young bladeback dived down to trip him, but it didn’t work.  “Darn,” he said competitively.

Eventually, Hyp, Nod, and Mutt won the match.  “Yes!” Ha! In your face!” Hyp bragged.  “Good game,” one of the belly draggers tried to reply but Hyp was too caught up in his victory to notice.  “Let’s get something to eat,” the belly dragger smiled to his team.

Meanwhile, Cera, Tippy, and Guido started their match while Chomper went to go get a drink of water.  As he was by himself, he heard a noise like a flash of smoke.  Mage soon appeared beside him.

“Hi Mage,” he smiled to his friend.  “I watched your first match from a distance,” the magic rainbow face replied.  “I remember, even though it was very long ago, how I used to play games with my friends, before I even heard of all this magic stuff I had within me.”  Chomper felt bad for his friend.  “But I’ve gotten over it,” he replied, to make chomper feel better.  “But….I am concerned about those bullies who are in the competition.  I’ve got a bad feeling about them.”  Chomper gave a tiny head shake of agreement.  Just then, he heard noises suggesting the match was over.  “We won!” he heard Cera call.

Meanwhile, when no one else was around, Hyp, Mutt, and Nod were gathering up a massive pile of berries.  “So, where exactly are we going to put these?” Mutt asked Hyp confused.  “Actually, we’ll be crushing a lot of them,” Hyp smirked.  Nod and Mutt looked more confused.

The trio found where the other teams had caught food for themselves.  “I heard that just the juice these berries make can give any sharptooth a bad stomachache,” he grinned, “And this’ll assure our victory.”  He crushed the berries in his hands and let the juice they produced drip all over the clubtail Cera, Tippy, and Guido caught for themselves.


The Semi-Finals had begun.  Chomper, Ruby, and Littlefoot were facing off against Glider and her fast biter friends.  “Go Chomper!” Dein and Terri cheered.  “Go Littlefoot!” Gradma and Grandpa Sharptooth called to their grandson.

Ruby had grabbed the cone and was dashing towards the goal and was about to score a point when Glider flew by and grabbed it out of her hands. “Got to change my tactics,” Ruby thought to herself.  They also had a problem:  Glider was flying as high as the rules allowed, but it was higher then the friends could jump!  But Littlefoot and Chomper had a plan…..

“Chomper! Now!” Littlefoot called to his teammate. Chomper ran beside Littlefoot who was right under Glider.  Littlefoot stuck his arms out in front of him, and applied all the strength he had to them.  Chomper jumped up…..and landed on Littlefoot’s hands, but it didn’t hurt.  Thisw as something the two little sharpteeth had practiced.  With all his might, Littlefoot gave Chomper an extra boost allowing Chomper to jump again and grab the pine cone out of Glider’s claws!”  “No way!” Glider called amazed.

Elsewhere, the other 3 competing members of the gang were having a bite to eat before their next match.  “We can beat those bullies,” Guido said confidently.  As Tippy dug further into the clubtail, she suddenly commented, “This tastes funny to Tippy, does it to any of you guys?” the belly dragger asked.  Cera took a bite, and nodded in agreement.  Little did they know they had fallen into Hyp’s scheme….

The match was tied 3-to-3.  The next point would decide the game.  Ruby jumped out of the path of the other fast biter and hurried towards the goal.  She tossed the pine cone and scored the point.  “Yeah!” Littlefoot and Chomper cheered, Chomper hugging Ruby. :- )  “Good game,” smiled Glider, and the teams shook hands/claws.

Littlefoot’s belly rumbled.  “I’m hungry, how bout you guys?” he asked.  Chomper and Ruby agreed.  “My grandpa caught a flyer for us,” Littlefoot smiled.  Chomper licked his lips. Flyers were his favorite food.   “Let’s eat fast so we can cheer our friends on,” said Ruby.  As they weer going to get their meal, Cera, Guido, and Tippy were coming back from their’s…. and they didn’t feel good.

Getting into the arena, Cera was taking some deep breathes. “There was something wrong with that clubtail,”  she thought to herself.  She felt like she needed to puke.  Tippy and Guido felt equally sick.  Sharptooth roared signaling the start of the game.  “Let’s go!” Hyp laughed, acting like he wasn’t aware of his opponents’ problems.

Meanwhile, Chomper, Littlefoot, and Ruby were taking a few bites of a longneck Terri had caught for them, when they began to notice something.  “What’s that stuff covering the longneck?” asked Ruby, who had already taken a few bites, as did the rexes.  “That’s sweet bubble juice!”  Chomper realized in disgust.  “Gross,” said Littlefoot, spitting the bite out he had just taken.  “But it’s weird,” Ruby said, starting to get a belly ache.  “The only way it could get completely covered in sweet bubbles is if…..someone else covered it with them.”  There was a realization.

“HYP!”  the all yelled.  Meanwhile, the match was pretty one-sided.  Tippy, Guido, and Cera didn’t feel well enough to play their very best.  The semi-finals were over soon.  Hyp looked in the crowd and saw his father, pleased with his son’s victory, but unknowing of his methods.  “Something’s not right here,” said Guido.  

Meanwhiel, Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ruby were starting to get stomach aches themselves.  “We gotta tell Sharptooth about this,” said Littlefoot. “Yeah, he bullies are cheaters,” agreed Ruby.  “I just wish we could’ve beat Hyp fairly,” Littlefoot said.  Suddenly, an idea came to Chomper.  “I’ll be back in a minute guys, wait here.”  Ruby and Littlefoot agreed.

Chomper went off until he was all by himself and called “Hey Mage!”  The raindowface spirit soon appeared beside him.  “Hi Chomper, what is it you want?”  “You were right about the bullies Mage,” Chomper said, “They covered me and my teammates’ food in sweet bubble juice, and now we feel kinda sick.”  “So what is it you want me to do?” Mage asked. “Well, since unlike them, I’m not going to cheat, could you make it so me, Ruby, and Littlefoot would feel how we felt before we ate the stuff?” he asked, holding his stomach.  Mage could grant this request.  “Sure thing, just give me a sec,” the rainbowface replied.  With a snap of his fingers, Chomper’s stomachache went away, as did Ruby’s and Littlefoot’s.

“Thank you,” Chomper smiled, running off to join his friends.  “Don’t mention it,” Mage called back.  When chomper caught up to his friends, they looked amazed.  “I don’t feel sick anymore, because I do feel good now,” Ruby commented.  “I gues….we just didn’t eat a lot of the sweet bubbles,” smiled Chomper.  “Now let’s teach Hyp a lesson!”  


Hyp looked shocked to see the opposing team enter the arena, all looking fine and not sick.  “Oh no” he said silently.  “I can’t lose….I just can’t…”  Chomper overheard this.  He wondered why.  The game soon began.

It was a VERY close match.  The teams were equal in skill, despite the bullies being older.  After what seemed like forever, the score was tied 5-5.  The next point decided who won.  As everyone was taking a quick breath before the play started, Chomper looked into the crowd, and noticed a sharptooth in it looking very serious.  “That’s Hyp’s dad,” he realized.  “That’s why he cheated, he just didn’t want to get his dad angry.”  Just then, Cira roared, causing the start of the final play.

Hyp dashed for the pine cone, but  Littlefoot was able to scoop it up.   Hyp was in close persuit as Littlefoot headed for the goal, then Mutt pounced on Littlefoot, knocking it out of his hands.  “I got it!” Hyp called, catching the pine cone, but then Ruby ran up. “No, I got it,” she laughed, jumping up and swiping it out of Hyp’s hands.  Littlefoot got back up from Mutt’s pounce.

Nod was getting nervous, Ruby and Littlefoot were dashing towards him.  (In this round, Chomper was his team’s goalkeeper.)  Hyp tried a desperate last dive towards Ruby, but Ruby (If this was a sports movie, this would be in slow motion) jumped up and with all her might tossed the pine cone into the goal and over Nod, scoring the final point.

“WE WON!”  Chomper, Ruby, and Littlefoot cheered.  “No….” Hyp said in self-disappointment.  As Cera, Guido, Tippy, Spike, and Petrie went over to congratulate their friends as the crowd of sharpteeth cheered, Chomper saw Hyp’s father come up.  “Hyp, you lost again to these little biters?!  How weak are you?!”  This made Chomper mad, even if he wasn’t fond of Hyp particularly.

“Hey, don’t yell at him!” Chomper said, standing up for Hyp.  “He did try hard!”  Ruby, Littlefoot, and the rest of Chomper’s friends looked surprised, but moved by this action.  “Yelling only makes things worse!”  Hyp’s father was surprised by how this little biter stood up for his son.  He took a deep breath.

“Hyp….I’m sorry,” he finally said.  Hyp looked surprised, his father never apologized to him before.  “Just be back at home soon,” Hyp’s father then walked off.  At this point, Cera and the other’s stomachaches had gone away.

“Hey Hyp….we were going to get something to eat after the games, do you, Nod, and Mutt want to come along?” Littlefoot offered friendly.  The bullies looked surprised.  The Gang of Nine was being kind to them after they were jerks to them.  “Sure Littlefoot,” Hyp and Nod replied.  Spike had already taken off towards the food.  “Come on, I think Spike’s already hungry for a clubtail that we can find nearby,” Littlefoot grinned.

Now, the bullies had become friends of the gang.  “That was nice of you standing up for Hyp, Chomper,” Ruby smiled. Once again, the rex and fast biter shared a kiss.  No one saw this, except for Cera, who was unaware of the little crush.  “What are these two up to?” she wondered to herself.

(There, read and review.  Only 1 chapter left!)

Next time on Sharptooth Valley:  When Chomper and Ruby head to Saurus Rock again, Cera, as well as Spike, Tippy, and Ducky try to find out what’s going on between the two of them.  


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(This is it ladies and gents, the final chapter of Sharptooth Valley!)

Chapter 44: Another Night at Saurus Rock.

That night, during their victory meal, Ruby came over to Chomper.  "You did great out there, and it was nice what you did for Hyp,® Ruby smiled.  "Oh, it was nothing" Chomper replied modestly.  "Ohm, but it was," replied Ruby. "Chomper, you're one of the nicest, most selfless, caring sharpteeth I know.®  Chomper blushed at his girlfriend's comment.  Hey guys, join in the chowing down!® Guido called, tearing into the meat. "Ok,® replied Chomper and Ruby with smirks on their faces.

But all this time, Cera was giving them a suspicious look and they didn't realize that. "What are you two up to?® she wondered to herself.  Chomper and Ruby had been acting like this for a while now, and she wanted to know why.  Cera felt that fast biters needed to know everything, a quality of course inherited from her father.

In the middle of the meal, Ruby pulled Chomper aside so no one else could hear them.  "Sharptooth told me there's going to be a sky fire shower tomorrow night, and I wanted you and me to see it Chomper, just the two of us.®  "But where?® Chomper asked curiously.  "Where else silly, silly where else?® Ruby replied with a smile. "The top of Saurus Rock.® That place immediately entered Chomper's mind. It was the place where he and Ruby really began to fall in love.  "But we should wait till it's late to go there,® Ruby said, "So no one follows us or anything.® "Got it,® replied Chomper.

Meanwhile, as the rest of the gang was eating the leafeater, Cera was keeping an eye on her friends who had just stepped aside. "Something bothering Cera?® asked tippy. "Actually, yes Tippy,® Cera replied.  (At this point, the only members of the gang unaware of Chomper and Ruby's relationship are Cera, Ducky, Spike, and Tippy.)  "I think Chomper and Ruby have been acting really weird lately, and I want to get to the bottom of this,® the fast biter said.  Littlefoot had heard Cera's remarks.  "Cera, don't worry, they're not up to anything,® he said, covering for his friend.  Even though Littlefoot could have simply just told Cera what was happening, he felt it would be a more friendly thing to do to let Chomper tell her himself when he was ready. "I agree with Littlefoot,® Petrie added.

Guido nodded as well, and that seemed to end the conversation, but Cera wasn't satisfied. "Hey Spike, Tippy, Ducky,® she said to her friends. "Do you think you could help me with something tomorrow?®  "What is it Cera?® Ducky smiled. "I just wanna follow Chomper and Ruby and find out what's going on with them, that's all.®  By this point, the gang was used to spying, first on their mothers and then on Zidane, so they were getting skilled at it, but this time, they were thinking about spying on their own friends.  "I'll think about it Cera, I will, I will,® the swimming sharptooth replied.

THE NEXT DAY..........

The next day was pretty normal, nothing spectacular, but some of the sharpteeth were eagerly looking forward to seeing the sky fire storm that night.  Grandma and Grandpa Sharptooth were having a discussion about this.

"This'll be the first one we'll have seen in, what was it, 10 cold times?® Allister asked his mate.  "Correct,® Valerie (Grandma S.) smiled back.  A lot of the couples in the Great Valley always thought a sky fire storm was so romantic, but this didn't just apply to the sharpteeth......


The leafeater gang of five was playing at the waterhole, but, to be more accurate, only 4 of them were playing. Rory had gone somewhere else.  "It's good to be back safe and sound,® Myra sighed, trying to forget the horror of being held hostage by the flyers.  Rita nodded in agreement, even though she managed to avoid capture.  She looked around the valley and sighed. Recently, she began having a desire. A desire to find another longneck, a desire to have a boyfriend. But would she ever find one? Just then, they heard footsteps running up.  It was Rory, holding many pretty flowers in his mouth.

"Hey Rory, what are those for?" asked Greg. Rory panted a little out of breath, but then let out a grin. "Myra, these are for you!® the threehorn said. "For me?® Myra said, flattered. "Yes. I'm not waiting anymore, I'm just going to say it! Myra, I love you!°®  Rita, Mo, and Greg looked at this scene amazed. Rory then kissed Myra directly on the mouth/lips. (Do dinosaurs have lips? Please someone tell me.)  "Ah, young love,® Strut said, the wise fast runner walking by.


Nightfall was coming, as was the sky fire shower.  Ruby was getting ready for the night, eating her dinner in Sharptooth's cave.  "Going to see Chomper again?® the leader of the valley asked the little fast biter.  "Yes, I am,® Ruby replied respectfully. "I remember what it's like to be in love,® Sharptooth sighed, thinking about his past.  "Trust me Ruby, from what I've seen of Chomper, I know you too complete each other.® Ruby didn't disagree with that comment one bit.  "Take care!® Ruby and Sharptooth waved to each other as Ruby departed.

However, shortly after she left the cave, Cera, Spike, and Tippy emerged from their hiding place, a big tree.  "There she goes°® Cera muttered quietly.  "Follow me.® The two belly draggers nodded and began following the fast biter.

Ducky meanwhile had been told to keep an eye on Chomper. She was secretly following him as he left his family's cave from the nearby waterhole. "I must stay quiet, I must, I must,® she thought to herself.  Chomper, not considering the possibility of being followed, was not sniffing the air or anything.  He started to move faster, so Ducky began to swim faster also.

Ruby had gotten out of sight of Cera, Spike, and Tippy, but they managed to keep on her trail.  After about 7 minutes of walking, Ruby and Chomper finally reached their destination.  "Haven't been here in a while,® Chomper smiled, staring up at the massive stone t-rex.  "You're right Chomper, Chomper you're right,® Ruby replied.  Then two love biters noticed how dark it was getting.

"We better get up there quick, or we'll miss the start of the sky fire shower,® Ruby said, "And Sharptooth told me that°¶s always the best part.®  "He's probably right there,® Chomper agreed.  Little did they realize, shortly after they began to climb up, Cera, Tippy, and Spike arrived at the base of Saurus Rock.  Ducky had to stay behind of course due to being bound to water.  "Tippy wonders what Chomper and Ruby are doing at Saurus Rock,® Tippy said silently, seeing that they were still climbing up and not yet at the top.  Spike made a noise suggesting, "So what do we do?®

Meanwhile, lots of the sharpteeth throughout the GV were staring up at the sky. Dein and Terri were smiling at each other, as were Veli and Cira, Littlefoot's grandparents, Tyran and Saura (From the MB of course), and all the other mates or boyfriend and girlfriends.


"Here's the plan, I'll sneak up Saurus Rock as quietly as I can, and catch them in whatever it is that they are doing,® Cera told her belly dragger friends.  However, before should could start climbing up, she heard a voice call. "What are you doing?® It was Littlefoot's.

"Oh Littlefoot, I was just.....® Cera began, but Littlefoot knew what she was planning. "Look, you don°¶t have to be sneaky about it, I'll just climb up there and ask Chomper and Ruby nicely what they're doing,® Littlefoot offered.  Cera looked surprised at her friend's offer. "Ok,® the fast biter accepted.  Littlefoot began climbing the rock.


Littlefoot came down.  "You followed them for no reason Cera," he smiled, "They only went here to get a better view of the sky fire."  Cera looked a little disappointed.   "That's all?" she asked, a tad bit in disbelief, but it lasted only briefly. "Well, at least we a had a little adventure, right guys?" Spike and Tippy nodded  "Yes."

However, as the 4 friends walked away, Littlefoot looked back up at Saurus Rock's top. Chomper was leaning over, staring down at him.  Littlefoot gave Chomper a wink, and Chomper managed to see it despite the distance between them. The two sharpteeth smiled at each other as Littlefoot's group walked off.

Now, Chomper and Ruby stared at each other. "I love you Chomper/Ruby," they said in unison.®  The rex and the fast biter shared a passionate kiss. Chomper was thinking to himself one more thing besides his love for Ruby: Maybe his wish made the world better in everyway. Who knows?  But all that mattered now was his love for Ruby.

(If this were a movie, imagine the camera going up and showing the sky fire going through the sky.)

The tale of Sharptooth Valley was finally complete.  Until Brekclub85 writes the sequel, that is )

(There guys, the story is SV is finished. I want to thank all my fans: GVG, TFS, DH, Kor, Explorer, Dark Pternao, and all of you who enjoyed this. Special thanks to DH for all your fanart.)

Sharptotoh Valley 2..........COMING SOON.

(There, I cleaned up the chapter, something went wrong when I put it on from microsoft word.)


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This fanfiction has been nominated by its author to be rated for the fanfiction awards 2011. To all the readers and fans of this fanfiction, please rate and review it! :)

Note: This fanfiction was submitted on July 16, I only submitted it to the voting topic today. He was not too late submitting it :)