The Gang of Five
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TAP's Art

The Anonymous Person

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Those who know me as you read this are probably now thinking, "Holy balls of fire, I didn't know you could draw!" Well folks, yes, I can and do draw...just not very much; reason being I don't consider myself very good at doing so. However, sometimes when you're bored and don't feel like doing much else, what better way to entertain yourself than to...draw, I guess.  :lol

Anyways, in this thread, I will occasionally upload any non-LBT fanart (or whatever else I can think of for that matter) that I may or may not draw. Feel free to critique me at anytime, for $100 or less.

To open this thread, I decided to go with something easy:



In case you don't recognize this little guy, it's Sheldon from the U.S. Acres comics, who also appeared on Garfield and Friends, as well as the rest of the lineup. One of my favorite shows.  :D Hope I don't suck so I can do more artwork in the future.  :p

(BTW, AspiringVA is my DA username  :yes )


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Yeah, wait, what indeed. Why did you hide this for so long, man? I LOVE US Acres -in fact, it was one of the shows I used to watch before heading to school every day- and I really like your drawing of Sheldon too. Can we expect other characters in the future? I would love to see what you can do with the sheep whose names I have forgotten :)!

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Cool! Thanks for the compliment. Glad I didn't go down the drain after all.  :yes  I sort of wished I'd have done some drawings sooner, but I didn't and still don't feel very confident about my artistic skills. Thankfully this year, I'm taking an art class in high school, which I haven't done so since my freshman year (I'm a senior, woop woop! :celebrate). This, however, was simply done out of boredom, like a lot of other projects I do (multitrack recording, writing fanfiction, etc.).

Glad you thought Sheldon was done well; personally, the legs were a pain to draw. As for future characters, I could put Bo and Lanolin (the sheeps' names, FYI) into consideration, but I'm not sure if I could pull that off successfully. Chances are, my art uploads could be very sporadic and varied. Fanart is definitely my go-to, but don't be surprised if I upload something entirely different to my mix. Even I don't know what goes on in my head as far as creativity.

I also figured you'd be familiar with US Acres, being as you're such a cartoonatic; I should know, because I'm a huge cartoonatic myself.  ;)  :D


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Nice, didn't know you were an artist :wow

Taking that art class should help to improve your skills. I can't wait to see something LBT-related :DD
Inactive, probably forever.

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Well, sort of. I've drawn quite a bit for previous art classes I've taken, but other than that, I haven't done much else in between. This might actually be one of the first things I've ever drawn strictly for fun, something I'm frankly proud of.  :DD

As for LBT-related art...I'll keep that in thought.  :yes

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It's been a month since I've even posted here...stupid busy life.  :p

Anyways, I'm just here to update with a little something I drew today. Not much contained, just my latest kick...

Anyone remember this cutie? If so, you'd know that that's not his hat color.  :p