The Gang of Five
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Unlikely Love

Nahla · 3 · 1713


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Hey guys,this is my take on the Grandma/Grandpa love story. I was going to wait till the Shadowlands Trilogy was done but I can't wait that long :p.

This story starts with Littlefoot and Nahla (OC asking Grandma and Grandpa how they met,the rest of the story is in flashback.


Chapter 1: Tell Us The Story

It was a peaceful day in The Great Valley,a young longneck named Littlefoot was relaxing with his grandparents,he watched them a curous look on his face they were so loyal to each other. He began to wonder why this was.

Grandpa noticed Littlefoot and chuckled "Littlefoot? What are you thinking about now?" he asked his grandson.

"I was just wondering about you and Grandma" Littlefoot answered "I was wondering about why you too like each other so much"

Grandma chuckled "It's a long story little one"

"Can you tell it to me?" Littlefoot asked "Can you tell me how you two met?".

"That seems interesting" a female voice said.

The three longnecks turned their heads to see Nahla-Littlefoot's little girlfriend "It only fair seeing as you got to find out how me and Littlefoot met-ow" she cut of as her mother also came up and tapped her.

"Well...ok" Grandpa sighed in defeat "Sit down and we will tell it all"

Nahla smiled and lay next to Littlefoot.

"Care to listen to Nani?" Grandma asked Nahla's mother "I am sure you'll find it quite interesting too".

"Of course I will" Nani chuckled and lay down.

"I can't wait to hear about all your adventures!" Littlefoot said happily.

"I can't wait to hear about the romance..." Nahla sighed happily.

Grandma chuckled at the fact the two children both had different views on the story they were about to be told " all began one day when I..."

A young longneck child sat near her family nest "Bored" Maia complained watching her tail twitch "Bored bored bored".

"Bored?" a female voice asked jerking Maia from her thoughts.

"Oh...Anela" she sighed "You scared me...yes I am bored" she faced her friend "I need something to do.." she got an idea "Hey" she got in Anela's face "Wanna get me a boyfriend? That will spice things up"

"Uh..."Anela said

"Oh your hopeless" Maia sighed "I'll be bored forever".

"Listen" Anela butted in "A few family has arrived in the valley..theres this kid"

"And?" Maia asked.

"It's a guy..."

Maia sighed "And?"

Hera shook her head smiling "I thought we could go meet him?"

"Might as well" Maia said "Nothing else happening" she stood up "Lead on Anela".

Anela nodded and the silver longneck started walking "Lets go".


Meanwhile another longneck child was with his parents and grandfather. Zac sighed at the fact his family had moved again. It was always the way,soon as he got settled in and started making friends-they moved. Too stop the pain of just losing friend,Zac now just kept to himself as a loner. He looked up at his parents who were talking to the leader of this new herd they were joining.

"I don't places seems really right" Lisa his mother said.

"I understand" said the leader Sam "Me and my mate Tori welcome you all..we have a daughter about your sons age,if he wants we can arrange for them to meet".

"Would you like that Zac?" his father Brandon asked him.

"Uh..sure I guess" Zac answered quietly "Umm can I do explore?"

"Sure" his mother answered "Just don't wander off to far".

Zac took off,he really wasn't interested in meeting any girls..or anyone at that matter. Little did he know...little did he know.


Again first chapters are freaking hard,don't worry rest will be better...I hope


  • Petrie
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To be honest I could never of pictured Grandma as the social one...but now I can.


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Excuse me, but it's my job to write about the grandparents' past, thank you very much. :lol

Nah, I kid. You write what you want. :P:

Tos- er, Maia's desperate search for a boyfriend already? My, she's keen. :spit

I'll warn you now, I'll probably get confused with the name differences. Excuse me if that happens, please. :p

Anyway, I feel you with first chapters. I'm trying to write one for a new writing project I'm doing, and it's not going too well... but this one's fine, really. I'm looking forward to seeing how Zac and Maia's relationship develops in later chapters. :D

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion