The Gang of Five
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Fixed animation errors and other personal edits 2023


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This is a updated version of an old topic the old one got moved the fan-fic folder and tends to get ignored so I thought I'd start again . I'll mainly fix animation error's from the movies and TV show by digitally editing them. And I'll do some other personal edits too.

 I'll start off with these fixed error.

In this shot from LBT 7, part of Petrie's wing isn't coloured in.

And another from the 7th movie were Cera has one too many bumps on her frill.

And another one of Cera in LBT 7. Were her eye lids are the wrong colour.

And here's a personal edit. A lot of you know I don't like that they changed Chomper's design in the 5th movie and TV show. Mainly cause of the boy boobs and him been drawn with 3 fingers even though T-rex's only have 2 on each hand.
So here on this shot from LBT 5 I removed the chest lines, and removed his third finger on each hand.

Here's a shot of Chomper from the TV show I edited to make him blue and have 2 fingers and no boy boobs.

Here's a fixed error from a promo art for the 14th film were Cera's eyelids are the wrong colour (this is a error throughout the film too)


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Another common occurring error/inconsistency in all the films, the TV show and even some storybook illustrations, is Littlefoot and Cera are sometimes drawn with only 3 toes of their feet rather then 4
so here are a few edits I made  to shot were they only had 3 toes in the actual scene, i these will be comparisons so just so you know it's the original at the top the edited version below.

First a shot from Littlefoot and Cera being chased by Sharptooth in the swamp.

Next Cera's birth/hatching scene

Note I REALLY don't like this shot/scene an as much as I like Cera, this is one of the creepy and ugliest and awkward shots of her in the whole franchise. If your wondering it Cera after she tumbled onto her back after Littlefoot very rudely and clumsily coursed that skeleton to crash into her (and didn't even say anything apologetic as he could have hurt her) then Bluth thought i would be a good idea to have Cera draw from an angle like a mother about to go into labor  with her back legs stuck up in the air while panting , and I also don't like the following shot were it looks like Littlefoot is staring down at her private parts and Ducky and Petrie crawl onto Cera's feet, like a prehistoric Quentin Tarantino flick. Seriously Bluth what were you thinking?
Sorry I went on a tangent there I just  REALLY don't like that scene and wanted to vent my thoughts, anyway  I the best way around this issue was I decided to cropped the shot down so only one of Cera's feet can be seen with the toe correction .


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Blue Chomper edit is my favorite. ^^

His color change always bugged me.

But the main thing that keeps bugging me for decades is weird tradition to color Littlefoot differently in movies and official artworks.
Why brown? Why?.. And why they keep doing it? I dunno why Littlefoot was like this in original movie poster, maybe prototype color pallete, or unique stylization... But they kept doing it.
I would like to see "fixing" this weird inconsistency. Just saying.


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Petrie tends to get coloured differently in official artworks, too.  :petriemad


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Another toe correction edit on Cera.
Again I cropped this shot down as this particular shot of Cera gives me the creeps