The Gang of Five
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Messages - Sleeping-force's-inside

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 86
LBT Fanfiction / Re: Future during Time (sequel to Future before Time)
« on: October 16, 2021, 02:36:40 PM »
Chapter 11

Leaving the old Longneck to his sleep, he wandered off, considering the group at just the furthest he could reliable recognize them. From this distance, those damned webs merely made the old female look like she had just come from a shower under falling waters somewhere.

Groaning, he muttered something non-definable, even to himself, under his breath. He would not be made out to be a coward, certainly not while he lived. Even if that meant he had to deal with this now.

Grumbling some more, he went in search for the pink Threehorn, because no matter how much he'd like to deny it, it had been a logical explanation. He had accepted everyone else back, even Pterano of all creatures, but had kept Tria at body's distance. What a mess...

He found her in her hidden glade, a place he was quite certain she thought he did not know about. Ah well, that secret might be out as well at the rate things were going.

"Tria?" He did not flinch when she did, he refused to admit he did.

"Ah..." She blinked at his approach, sky-blue eyes almost shuttering close as he approached. By the time he was at her side, they had become unreadable. For someone as emotionally open as her, that was almost scary.

"Am I right in assuming you are not really doing anything now?" He settled down at a respectable distance. "This does not seem like a meeting-spot, really."

"It isn't." She looked away, looking over the small area. It would be a tight fit for any more grown-ups than the two of them comfortably.

"It's nice, I suppose." He mused, taking a deep breath. "Just like the reeds." Oh, that look... she knew exactly what he meant with that.


Cera had learned not to question her father's moods too much, that usually ended up weird. But when he returned to their nesting-site... and so did Tria... it took a lot out of her not to speak up.

The awkward could be scooped up in solid chuncks, but they were sleeping on the same bit of Valley floor, the last time of which at this point had changes of the Night Circle ago. Grown-ups were just weird all around.

Quirking an eyebrow, she noted a shape among the nearby trees. Briefly passing through some light getting under the tree-stars, Chomper's mother was walking calmly away from the corner they were living at. The light-green form was nearly grey in the gloom, looking like a living shadow as it headed towards where the Longnecks had their own place.

That also felt weird still. Chomper's father had remained firmly in his corner of the Valley, aside from a few instances. Chomper's mother meanwhile walked around like she was a regular resident and didn't still send some dinosaurs running for cover out of sheer instinct.

She wondered how much weirder it was going to get, before it all settled into a new normal. Knowing this place, it could get very weird still.

Instead of spending most of the night wondering about it, the older Threehorn-child settled in her normal place, while Tricia seemed to be taking her cues from her and only curled up once she had.

The two grown-ups also rested down, bidding them goodnight without any statement regarding both of them being here now. She hoped they'd at least talk about this tomorrow, otherwise she just might explode.

Glancing at Tricia, her little sister had already fallen asleep, sublimely unaware of the drama... or perhaps just youthfully-immune. It was kind-off enough to make her jealous.

"Go to sleep, Cera." Tria softly reminded her, which was fair considering the height of the Night Circle already.

"Alright, alright." She curled around her younger sister, feeling her father at her back. The one undeniable upside to this whole mess was the fact that now, there were windbreaks on both sides of them again, which was helpful considering the colder times were coming soon again.

It's Party Time! / Re: The CTRL + V Game
« on: September 18, 2021, 08:37:08 AM »
random orchestra on the move :eyes:

It's Party Time! / Re: Guess the next poster
« on: September 15, 2021, 02:40:33 PM »


LBT Fanfiction / Re: Future during Time (sequel to Future before Time)
« on: September 15, 2021, 02:38:15 PM »
Chapter 10

However, the three Threehorn-females had forgotten to check their surroundings before settling down at the water's edge and there were enough small hills and reeds to hide anyone smaller than a Longneck.

In fact, resting in a cluster of reeds, having been looking out over the water, was the male they had been talking about. Mr. Threehorn had been just staring out of his little spot when he had heard the voices of his second-youngest and - dubiously - his second wife.

He also heard the words said voices spoke and flinched when they started talking about him. He probably would have been feeling better if a Sharptooth was killing him now. The reminder of his late wife hurt, more than he ever thought it would. He flinched when hearing Tria rise to her feet and if he leaned just right, he could make out her form between the plants.

Did she know him that well? Was it even true? That was an even more important question... and clearly, this was not something he could trust his own mind over. That, he had to admit, was certainly true. Waiting some more until he saw Cera across the water, he slipped into the plants and started walking off himself.

But who could he ask? He was not going to go to some random Valley-resident... almost in answer, he spotted a grey form in the distance, still holding a tinge of blue from its' youth.

The old Longneck looked like he had been napping, or was about to go nap.

"Mr. Threehorn?" The older male noted his arrival easily, there being no reeds here to obscure him.

"Do you have time?" The Threehorn looked around, but the rest of the Longnecks was really all elsewhere.

"If you do not tell Grandma I am not taking my nap..." The taller form chuckled, lowering his head a touch. "She does still have opinions about my health."

"You two are really still in some kind of fresh-love-kind-of-stage." Settling down on the ground, Topps snorted a bit. "How do you do it?"

"Being extremely lucky." Littlefoot's grandfather mused. "Not that we do not have trouble at times still..." That the Threehorn could agree with; everyone had noted their long, yet quiet argument after the human-visit. "But I doubt you came here for relationship-advice."

He sighed at that.

"Ah..." The Longneck mused. "What does bring you here, old friend?"

"I overheard... things... just now." He scuffed the plants in front of him. "Am I a coward, Longneck?"

"Pardon?" The other blinked, falling silent. Clearly chosing the road of safety, he finally asked. "What makes you think that?"

"I... overheard... Tria and the girls. I guess they asked her why we were not together again while everyone else was."

"And her answer made you think that you were a coward?"

"She... she said I was afraid of another heartbreak."

They both lapsed into silence after that statement as the old Longneck thought it over.

"I will be honest... I can see why Tria might say that, particularly if she had to think up something on the spot if she was surprised by your daughters' questions." Grandpa Longneck softly stated. "Cera is not stupid. She saw how you were when Tria was gone. She saw how I was when Grandma is gone... I have no doubt she can very much imagine the pain we felt, she just needs to make her own pain worse. Tricia is also smart, though still quite young, but she'll know how much it hurt. Grandma told me she fared little better than I did under our seperation, only doing slightly better because she had Littlefoot to consider."

His gaze swung over to the group of Longnecks visible on the other side of the water. "It is a reasonable explanation for your actions, Threehorn. But only you can decide if it is true."

He had been afraid of that answer, but did appreciate that the Longneck had not minced words and just gotten right to the point.

"I see."

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Future during Time (sequel to Future before Time)
« on: August 03, 2021, 12:47:41 PM »
Chapter 9

"Well?" Cera looked up at the large pink form resting at the water's edge. In the distance, she could just make out Littlefoot's family, barring his grandfater, and no doubt was her friend somewhere nearby, but that was a concern for later on.

"Mind... I am speculating, since only he can give a definite opinion about, well, his opinions..." Tria mused, crossing her forelegs as she got comfortable. "Tell me, Cera... how often has Grandpa Longneck lost a partner?"

"Errr..." The orange form blinked in confusion.

"Indulge me, dear."

"Just the once... I believe?" Cera looked over at the Longneck-herd on the other side of the waterhole. "I never heard anything about a previous wife or something." Then again, why would she hear about anything about Longneck-history?

"Yes, he and Grandma met young and are one of those couples that last a lifetime, according her." Tria chuckled. "What about Mr. and Mrs. Swimmer?"

"I guess it doesn't count for whatever your point is that he leaves with Farwalkers for Cold Times?" She was realizing that they were getting somewhere now.

"It does not. Chomper's parents?" The older female looked over at Tricia, who was quietly watching them both.

"Not that I heard anything." Then again, Chomper had not exactly spend long with them himself, so it might well just be that he did not know himself either.

"And your father?" Sky-blue eyes focused firmly on the older hatchling. "How often did he suffer from a broken heart because of loss?"

Cera didn't answer that, the mere reminder of her mother a sharp hurt in her chest.

"Your father did three times... The first time me, when my father dragged our herd away suddenly before even giving me a chance to say anything to him, leaving him to wake up one day and notice me gone. Which granted, is not as bad as his loss of your mother, but it will certainly have hurt him dearly, even if he would not admit to it on pain of death." Tria evenly pointed out. "Then, of course, your mother, whom I am very sure he loved as dearly as he ever did me. He still has not told me any details on the matter, aside from the statement that she very much was killed by Sharpteeth. And at the same time, he lost all your nestmates." Then, she gestured to the newly arrived Sharpteeth, Tyra briefly looking over at them. "And third this mess."

"Shouldn't he be happy then? Happy that this time he got you back?" Cera found that her voice wavered at the question.

"Should he?" Tria countered. "He now has to deal with the realization that he might lose a love a fourth time."

The younger Threehorn made to counter, but no sound passed her lips.

"Life is unpredictable at best." The older continued on as if not noticing her. "Yes, he is older than me - by a bit - but that does not mean old age will get him first, not to mention all the other ways someone can be lost even without dying. Can you assure me he'd be able to handle a fourth broken heart, Cera?"

She could not. Cera inwardly had to admit that she could not, not after seeing how he had handled the third time.

"I think - and again, this is just speculation - I think your father is not sure himself. And until he is, he will not admit that it might be a thing that can happen in his future."

"By refusing to accept that you are what he loved." She realized softly.

"Yes." Tria answered softly, lowering her head a touch. "And we both know him, Cera. Trying to force the issue will only make it worse."

"So..." It was a painful thought, and had she been less humbled she might have stubbornly refused to accept that her father could be afraid of anything. But certainly this was a better explanation than any other she could think of. She could hardly begrudge the older Threehorn-male his desires to keep his heart safe. "We wait?"

"We wait." Tria nodded lightly, looking out over her. "I will not force your father into this, Cera, I do love him too much for that."

Chapter 8

“You are really just going… to leave me again.” The two elder Longnecks had broken off from the group returning into the valley.
“Only for a bit.” Grandma softly stated. “There are things that I need to look into.”
“But this soon?” Her husband demanded sharply, yet softly. “Two changes of the Night Circle does not nearly feel enough time,”
“It is not enough time, no where near enough.” She agreed, looking forward to where the rest was walking. “But they need to be reminded of us regularly, before they forget. You heard the translation earlier. They are already forgetting that we are worth more than their curiosity. The scars we bore back with us came precisely because some of them think us mindless, with as much intelligence as a rock. Much like what we used to think of Sharpteeth.”
Up ahead, Tyra looked back at that, having heard her.
“But you?” He could agree, perhaps, with her statement that there needed to be a reminder, if this was the case, but why her?
“Tyra is who will keep her husband in check if he ever tires of all the rules that have been put in place for their stay here.” Her tail whipped through the air. “Tria has yet to even regain Old Threehorn’s trust and Hadria will still be with egg...” She quirked an eyebrow at her husband. “And I feel most will not want Pterano be a diplomat… or trust him to.”
“Sometimes, I hate logic.” Grandpa took a deep breath. He could not yet offer the thing that would keep them from separation; him joining her. Neither did she.
“At least you’ll know where I went this time?” She instead offered softly. “And Littlefoot will still be around.”
He made to answer, but stopped himself. Taking a deep breath, he instead shook his head lightly.
“Dubious about which one you’d prefer?” Her body reverberated with a soft chuckle. “I know that feeling.”
He allowed himself a small chuckle along with her. “Something like that, yes.” He reached for her, resting his head against hers briefly.
They shared a brief glance, before looking ahead again. Littlefoot did seem to be in a deep discussion with Bron about something. Tria still walked a good distance from her husband, closer to the resident Sharpteeth where she didn’t even seem to consider the potential danger.
Said husband was almost as far back as the two elder Longnecks, glowering at the herd ahead.
“You can use the time when I am not here to deal with him.” She whispered lowly, gesturing at the Threehorn with a playful grin.
“You are cruel, my love.”
“You have frequently stated that, my dear.”
“When are you going to talk to dad?” Cera demanded softly, looking up at the older Threehorn resting in the mudpool.
“About what?” Tria opened her eyes to look at the two younger Threehorns that had sought her out.
“Everything?” The orange form settled into the ground, her younger sister sliding into the mud to clamber onto her mother.
“Is this about him… being reluctant about matters?” It was a very diplomatic way to describe the Threehorn-male’s state.
“It won’t help if I do, Cera. He needs to get to the point of acceptance by himself.” Tria pointed out. “If we try to force the matter, he’ll stubbornly refuse out of principle.”
“But this isn’t stubborness...” The little form countered. “Everyone is accepting everyone, except him you.”
“He is accepting of everyone, except you!”
“Sweetie.” Tria’s voice dropped to a murmur before sighing. “Can we have this talk later, when there’s less chance for someone to stumble across us in surprise? I need to get out and clean off anyway, so shall we meet at the water-hole?”

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: December 19, 2020, 04:47:54 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: December 19, 2020, 04:47:37 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Alphabet Game
« on: December 19, 2020, 04:46:59 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Count To 50 Before a Mod or Admin Posts
« on: December 19, 2020, 04:46:38 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: December 18, 2020, 03:20:49 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: December 18, 2020, 03:20:17 PM »
( I read that as yeet XD )


LBT Fanfiction / Re: Future during Time (sequel to Future before Time)
« on: December 08, 2020, 03:57:38 PM »
Chapter 7

One of the humans also said something and Bron could see the yellow human flinch at whatever it was. Beside him, the lighter Sharptooth purred something, which made her mate make a very interesting sound he couldn’t quite place.
In front of them, his mother-in-law was talking softly to one of the humans, this one mostly white. Littlefoot seemed intrigued, though his eyes kept moving back to the yellow form.
“You cannot be serious.” The elder female recoiled and Bron nearly shot forward to get his son out. Having sensed what he wanted to do however, the female Sharptooth was already in his path, shaking her head lightly.
“It is far too early for something like this, Cian.” Hadria pointed out, eyes fixed on the white human. “We barely came home.”
Oh, that did not sound good by any means. He didn’t even need to hear whatever it was the humans were saying to know that.
“You cannot ask this of me.” The elder female’s voice had dropped again and he noted with some horror that there was despair in there. “Cian, even you must be able to see how poor he looks. He will not survive this.” Below her, Bron saw his worst fears confirmed when Littlefoot’s attention turned to the back, eyes looking at the dangerously thin older male Longneck.
Grandpa Longneck flinched, almost recoiling. “Dear?” The neat separation fell apart when the grey male moved forward, bypassing even the other returnees to join his wife. “What are they asking?”
There was a tremble in the old body, though Bron was unable to tell if it was exhaustion from the trek here or something deeper.
She turned to him in answer, and with that profound abilty that one can only gain by being together for most of their lives, it seemed he knew everything just from that look. Their heads met gently, and though he could not hear it, he saw her mouth move.
He could tell that the Sharptooth did manage to hear her though, the light-green form shifting. Below them, Tria considered the scene, sky-blue eyes narrowing lightly. Even the humans were not making a sound, from what reached him, at least.
“I will go.” The tension had bled from the elder female at the touch of her mate.
“Wait, what?” Tria’s eyes snapped upward. “Longneck…?”
“I will not argue the point, Tria.” Grandpa backed away some and Bron was more than sure that this time the trembling was from apprehension at his wife’s statement.
“I am pretty certain we can all agree that there are better options.” Pterano spoke up. “Far better options.”
Even the Sharptooth seemed to think so, a deep growl filling the air around them. It was getting quite clear that it might well result in another of the Valley’s day-long arguments, when a human made itself heard again. It was not the yellow one, though from the reactions, it might well have been a worse one.
Bron could not stop his instinct to back away when the Sharptooth roared in anger, red eyes alight with rage.
“Tyra.” Despite her attention being on the female above him, Littlefoot almost scampered out of the way when Chomper’s mother wheeled on the one that had spoken, roaring something that was both accusation and challenge. “I am not deaf. Stand down.” She strained against the words, something having put her near a bloody rampage. “Tyra. I can and will stop you. Stand down.”
“Me thinkest we ought to let her.” Hadria countered sharply. “Someone has apparently forgotten exactly what led to these events.”
“If someone does something here, it will not be us, Hadria.” Grandma looked down. “Chomper.”
“Errr… yes?” The little Sharptooth was still standing between his father’s feet, where he had been translating what he himself had understood.
“Tell your father he can eat the human that last spoke.” Whatever the thought-process that led to that statement, it seemed to mollify the other grown-up Sharptooth, even if he didn’t like the thought himself.
“You are aware that a bunch of children are here, right?” He finally made himself heard, almost flinching at the look his mother-in-law gave him. It was as if he was a youngster again, feeling the full judgement of the elder female when first meeting her. “Mama Longneck...” He dearly hoped the endearment would help him reach her. “With all due respect, I don’t think they ought to see that.” Either the very act itself, or even the mere fact that Grandma Longneck of all creatures had ordered it. Luckily, from what he could tell, Chomper had not yet translated it to his father.
“Bron.” The voice was cold, colder than he had ever heard of her. “He just suggested getting it all over with, removing these webs from us. I do not need to remind you what happened when Threehorn tried.”
He did remember… how could he not remember when she had told everyone that the stones were a part of them now, as much as any other part? That removing them could – and most likely would – kill them, no matter how carefully done. The human had suggested killing them all… it certainly explained the fury, because who wouldn’t be when threatened with death?
He came to almost admire the white human when it spoke up once again, drawing the elder Longneck’s attention down again. The small form, barely twice the height of Littlefoot broke free from the group, closing the distance between dinosaurs and humans. The act had to be admired, since Grandpa Longneck was shifting his weight in threatening ways. His tail wouldn’t do much against to something that small and probably nimble, but crushing was very much a feasible option.
“Do that.”

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: November 22, 2020, 01:54:18 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: November 22, 2020, 01:53:14 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: November 21, 2020, 04:12:41 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: November 21, 2020, 04:12:21 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Transform the next poster
« on: November 21, 2020, 04:03:28 PM »
Google is failing me... who am I!?

I transform the next poster into a working printer :P

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: November 17, 2020, 01:14:49 AM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: November 17, 2020, 01:14:06 AM »

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 86