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Lets Start that Disney Trivia game... :-)

Petrie. · 185 · 41302

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, I am not going to ask a question since it is still LBTFan13's turn. I won't reverse things by offerering the answer and not the question either like I did in LBT Trivia because I realized that that was still taking someone else's turn. Therefore, the only reason I'm writing this is so that this thread will be newly responded to and thus will show up more evidently on this topic list. That in turn might show or help him remember that he can proceed here when he gets the chance, because I just got here myself and I noticed that the most recent post in this was a month and a day ago. I'm sure he just forgot or got busy, so this is just a friendly way to remind him. Later!

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Just take over, TFS. I don't think the other guy's even checking this thread anymore.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, if you say it's alright, then sure, I'll go ahead. Here we go: there are at least two Disney trilogy movie series that work in this way: The first movie has current events, the second movie continues from the first one, but the third movie decides to bring you back to the past. Now I don't know if there are more than two of these types of Disney trilogies, but since I know of at least two of them, please name two of them. Of course, hints are available for your convinience, but they aren't free. They will cost you time that you can never get back to write your request for them! Hahaha. Later!


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OMG I am so so so so so so so so sorry I never replied back to this thread :blink:  :unsure:  I completely forgot about it and have been cramped up with midterms and stuff! Had I remembered I would have asked a question, but I completely forgot! Sorry :(

The Friendly Sharptooth

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The provider of the previous question's mouth drops open and there is silence for some time. Finally, "Whoa," is all he can say before his mouth closes. He had just finished writing what he thought to be a very difficult question- one that would take quite some time and at least a hint or two to find an answer for. So you can imagine his shock to find that his answers- the exact two answers he had in mind too- had been placed before him in record time- mere minutes after he placed the question. Questions flooded his mind, like "How did brekclub85 know? and "How did he remember so fast?" He couldn't have looked them up. There weren't any key words to include and the descriptions the boy gave would have yielded several results online. The boy could perhaps understand one answer fairly quickly, but both of them appearing almost immediatley before his eyes, well, he was just speechless. He wanted so desparately to tell brekclub85, "You're right. It's your turn, so go ahead when you're ready," but words failed him, as his mouth couldn't move at all anymore, and so all oxygen to his body had to enter through his nasal passages. But the boy hoped, deep within in his heart, that brekclub85 would learn the truth: that he couldn't have been more right here and the floor was now his to control as he saw fit. If the boy could only speak, he would say, "Later!"

Later that night, as the boy could finally control his jaw muscles again, he decided to respond to someones apology...
OMG I am so so so so so so so so sorry I never replied back to this thread I completely forgot about it and have been cramped up with midterms and stuff! Had I remembered I would have asked a question, but I completely forgot! Sorry
How can you ask anyone for forgiveness after what you did!? What you did is unpardonable in the highest sense! How on Earth could you pay more attention to scholastic activitites that determine the fate of your future than a Disney trivia game? I mean, yeah, if you study and do well in them you can easily end up with a very bright future financially or at least one that you enjoy greatly, but that is nothing compared to punctuality in games that talk about things partaining to the great Walter Disney! You need to get your priorites straight young man! Being a little late in a Disney trivia game because you were hard at work studying would be ridiculous where I live. Next time a teacher or teachers give you assignments, just tell them you are playing in a Disney trivia game and I guarantee you that they will understand and immediatley drop all assignments to let you continue in it without distractions. Knowing about Donald Duck, Goofy, and Mickey Mouse will get you so much farther in life than Language, Math, and Science. So next time you want school work over cartoons again, don't even bother showing your avatar's face here ever again.

Sorry, I know I can get extreme when I write, but that was just my funny way of showing no hard feelings at all and saying that we all understand how busy school work is and how important it effects our lives. No one is angry at you a bit LBTFan13, nor is anyone bothered in the slightest. But now that we know why, we couldn't be happier to hear how hard you are exerting yourself in things that matter so much. We would all love to forgive you, but we're afraid that we can't, because in order to forgive someone, that person has to actually do something wrong first, so there is literally no reason for you to apologize to us, nor to be worried or feel bad whatsoever. We've all been there, and most of us will likely go there again. I'm happy to hear how much priority you put on your future, and getting delayed to a game won't change that at all. Please continue to do what is right, and no one will ever have a reason to get upset. Later!


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Here's my question:

List at least 6 Disney characters who died in a Disney movie (Animated or non-animate, doesn't make a difference.)

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Ah, I matter of life and death- literally! This will be fun! Here's my list:
Ursula- The Little Mermaid
Chrone- Dinosaur
Scar- The Lion King
Meg- Hercules
Clayton- Tarzan
Jafar- The Return of Jafar
Well, those were the first ones that came to my mind at least. I wonder if any of these match the ones you originally thought of? That would be interesting. Later!


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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Well, how about we get to my favorite non animated Disney film, eh? I don't know anything unusual behind the making of it so I'll just vaguely describe the plot. It is very old, and I doubt many have seen it or even remember it if they did. If you can merely say some events that happen in the movie I'm describing, that will be good enough for me, and I'll give the title. Honestly, I have never asked a Disney fan in my life if he or she saw this and got a "yes" in response, so I assume that, although I love it, it probably wasn't very popular. A boy was on his way to get his brother from a neighbor's house. But he gets abducted by an alien race that was not hostile to him at all, but merely placed some information in the boy's brain to be retrieved by one of them later. But since time flowed differently in the other galaxy the boy was taken to, when they brought him back unconscious to the exact location he was taken from, he was the exact same age, but time on Earth had progressed several years, and his little brother wasn't his "little" brother anymore. In fact, he had no memory of even leaving Earth at all when he woke up and simply went "home" as if nothing had happened. That is all I'll say for now unless you need more hints. I don't believe that there is another Disney movie that matches that desription, so I can safely say that there is only one answer. But remember, it apparently is so unpopular that I doubt many people, even in this forum, have seen it or remember the exact title of it if they had, so simply tell me at least two major events that happen in it, and I'll give the name of it. Although, I might have underestimated the Disney fans here, so I may just get the exact answer from someone yet. We shall see. Later!


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Is this film in the 80s?
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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Is this film in the 80s?
Yes, it is Boss. This Disney movie was actually released before I was even born, if that will narrow things down more. As I said, and it was no exaggeration, that I have never spoke with someone in my entire life that has watched or even heard of this movie, so I'm pretty sure that it's very unpopular. I just hoped that maybe someone saw part of this and maybe didn't know what it was, which is why if someone recognizes the plot just a little and can just give two other distinct parts of the film, the floor is theres. Thank you for trying my question. I like to give a really difficult question occasionally and you just found one. Good luck with the answer, or at least two examples of it. Later!


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Was it Howard the Duck?
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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Was it Howard the Duck?
Good guess, but not quite. I should have made the beginning of the post with my question more conspicuous. This question is about a live action film without any animated scenes whatsoever. The movie focuses on three types of characters: humans, aliens, and an artificial intelligence transportation unit made by the aliens. The transportation unit responded very properly like a machine does, but when it retrieved the information from the main character's brain, it accidentally got a copy of human behavior patterns and began acting just like a young person would instead of like a machine towards the end. And thank you for being the only one attempting this so far. But now that I think about it, perhaps I shouldn't have brought up a subject that was so uncommon because I'm afraid I just took the fun out of this game. But it's too late to change it now though. Next time I'll ask about something at least a little popular so more people will participate. Don't worry Boss, I'll make this question work out somehow. Later!


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No, No No, That is what maskes this game fun. I love a challenge, personally... Could you possibly give a few hints, so people might actually have a chance at it. Give us the names of the Aleins, for example..
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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Okay, let's see... First of all, the movie doesn't show the aliens who made the transportation unit, but the movie centers around the boy and it, with its artificial intelligence making it a character as well. The boy decides to call the AI "Max." The only actual alien that gets decent focus is a small one called a Puckmaren. The AI kept it in its alien species collection, but in the end, the boy gets to keep it as a pet. I understand how fun challenges can be Boss; I just feel that questions that are too difficult can really limit competitors, judging by the fact that only you have been a part of this one so far. But I really thank you for doing so. Later!


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Is the film callled "flight of the Navigator"?
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The Friendly Sharptooth

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Yup! I would say that you're the only one who could get this right, but I wouldn't know since only you seem to have tried, which I indeed give you my thanks for. I had hoped using the name of an alien only used in this movie would make the perfect key word in an online search and I believe I chose well, since I gather you haven't actually seen this movie yet and I don't think anything else I wrote would have yielded a minority of search results. Well, if you like Disney movies, you could easily give this one a try since it came out on DVD not too long ago. I've seen the movie a lot, but I'd still love to own it since it is my favorite non animated Disney movie period. Well, thanks for playing. I guess there is quite an upside of being an only contestant: Only you will win! So the floor is yours boss, and I will do my best to answer whatever you post. Later!


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What was the first direct to video sequel  of a Disney Film?
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The Friendly Sharptooth

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A movie I am rather fond of actually. I always love villains who end up being good in the end, like Iago, presuming you were refurring to "The Return of Jafar." I liked part three, "Alladin and the Forty Thieves" the best out of that trilogy, but almost everone seems to like the original "Alladin" best. Yeah, it was good, but I read the original story, and the movie strays so far from it, like the fact the original Alladin story had two genies, one from a lamp, the other from a ring. I even liked the story of the first manuscript better. Anyway, did I say what you were thinking? If not, I'll try again. Later!