The Gang of Five
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Mystery Of the Foreign Longnecks

Zimba · 1212 · 108127


  • Petrie
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Hey I hope it ok making my own RP as well,cause  I have my own plot idea I want to use.


Anway I talked to my buddy Nahla and she said I could ran one to,thanks Nahla your so kind (I was gonna do it even if she said no shh)

Plot: A mysterious young longneck child name Zimba arrives in the valley. . It gets weirder when another longneck child shows up in the valley,however Nahla is abused  by she everyone she knows.. Then 2 'farwalkers' arrive in the valley Taro and his adopted daughter Lily. The Gang try and figure out what is with these  'freak's.  

However can Zimba be trusted? What is the truth about Nahla's past? How did Taro get all those scars? How did Lily end up with the young male? What bought them to the valley in the first place? Will our loveable Gang Of Five figure out this mystery or will this one leave them stumped?

The answer lies in your hands.

Be prepared for an adventure of mystery and drama.

In The Land Before Time

somerandomfangirl-I was reading Nahla's new RP and I reckon Lily and Nahla would be a good 'crossover' (crossing over you and Nahla's fics.. :lol) seeing as they both have the same kind of past.... If you don't want them in,tell me and I'll edit them out of the story.
And I supposed you want Grandma and Grandpa again and since your a good friend,they yours. Unless you don't want to take part then..yeah.

Nahla-Nahla you agreed to this so no whining :p and I'll even let you have your fave little longneck boy.

Ducky123-I already know who you will pick....

Main (Movie) Characters

Grandma & Grandpa Longneck-somerandomfangirl
Mr Threehorn/Topsy-Zimba  cause Nahla refuses to
Mama Swimmer-Ducky123
Mama Flyer-Ducky123.



You may add in your own OC,or bring in another movie character not on the list already. Sorry if your fave is already claimed but thats the friend advantage  :

OC BIOS (Note Nahla's is not her official  oneas she changes from RP to RP  <_<)

Age: Young Child (Around 7 years old in Human years).

Species: Longneck

Appearance:Bright pink scales,white on her belly that goes up to the top of her muzzle then it narrows forming a blaze like marking up to her forehead. All four of her feet are white up the knees,her toes are the same pink as her body. A patch of white with a line of pink running through it is found on her back. Her eyes are light blue.

Family: None (Orphaned).

Personality: Nahla is scared,very very scared. All she ever knew was abuse and neglect. She does not trust anyone. Grandpa and Taro are the ones that seem to scare her the most,when ever she catches even sight of one them she'll go into a complete panic attack. She is very shy and if anyone tries to speak with her she'll just freeze up. It takes a lot to just get her trust but once you got it,she is very kind and opens up about her past..which reveals some shocking things.

Abused from the day she was born. Not being what her parents 'wanted' they made her life misery. They hit her till she was lying in her own blood. Day after day,hour after hour. Because of this she has no trust in anyone. After her father had enough he toss her off a cliff to end her life,however somehow Nahla survived,but she could not go back there. Beliving she was dead and out of their way for good her parents went on with their lives celebrating the fact they wouldn't have to see her stupid face anymore. A longneck came to her in her sleepstories and told her about the Great Valley. The child decided to head there,but she was worried no one would accept her as she was complete bone,her ribs stuck out and you could see and feel her spine she never really ever got food,all she got was just enough to keep her alive once a week. Upon reaching the valley she collapsed,however a stranger picked her up and took her in with him. Causing her to have a panic attack when she awoke resulting her in needing to be rushed to a healer due to slicing her leg and neck open on rocks it was that severe. She does however make a full recovery and is placed under Grandma and Grandpa's care.

Special Notes:
* Has severe Panic disorder.
  * Grandma is the first one she gets trust and clings to her.
* Her favorite food is pink tree-sweets.

(God Nahla,thanks for making me type all that <_<)


Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Species: Longneck
Appearance: Basically a much paler version of Grandma Longneck, being light grey with a darker stripe down his back and a pale yellow underbelly, and he has reddish-brown eyes. He has a deep scar going down his left eye which he got when he was a child, which is the most noticeable out of that and a few others going across his back.

Family: Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? Well, he has his adopted parents, Cira and Velo, both of which are fast biters.

Personality: Very adventurous and outgoing. He loves a chat with anyone, but is also very wise for his age, and always makes a good point in the rare amount of discussions he has. He is dedicated to helping other dinosaurs who are struggling with their lives.

Bio: Taro was separated from his biological parents at a very young age due to a devastating sharptooth attack, and hasn't found them since. He was found by some fast biters residing outside his home, and they, having lost their own son to the same sharptooth, took him in and raised him. He learnt Sharptooth from them, and is able to speak both that and leaf-eater fluently, although he is not fully accepted once others find out about this. He left the fast biters and went on a journey to find his true parents. Instead, he found himself helping others who were struggling and didn't feel welcomed in life on his journey throughout the world.

Special notes:
* Is blind in his left eye from the scar the sharptooth gave him.
* Actually has a fair few fast biter friends from his childhood, and seems to be more accepted among fast biters than leaf-eaters.
* Despite being quite chatty, he seems reluctant to talk about his past and where he's from.


Gender: Female
Age: Child (about 2 years older than Littlefoot)
Appearance: Very light purple, with similar markings to Littlefoot's mother, and has dark blue eyes.
Species: Longneck
Family: All deceased apart from her grandfather. Her adopted father is Taro.

Personality: She's a very shy and timid girl, and the only dinosaur she's remotely comfortable with is Taro. She has a strong fear of older dinosaurs due to something that happened in her past.

Bio: Lily has a very dark past that nobody really knows about. She was found by Taro, standing on the edge of a cliff, like she was about to end it all. Since then she was adopted by him and he showed her a better way of life. She doesn't talk to many and even seems scared of other dinosaurs, especially older ones due to something that happened with her grandfather, but in time this lessens. (This is gonna be fun with Grandma and Grandpa. ) She's very clingy to Taro and tries to stick by his side no matter what. If she's not with him, she'll be on her own in a quiet place somewhere.

Special notes:
* Most of the time she seems to be daydreaming or thinking too much, so she's hardly "in the real world" so to say.
* Can speak some Sharptooth herself after learning off Taro, but not very much yet.



Age: Teen (15 in Human years).

Family: Unknown (aka not came up with yet)

Appearance: Light red body,with white underbelly. Has a 'swirl' facial making. Has white rings on tail and zebra like stripes on all legs. His back has a line of upside down U like shapes. Dark midnight blue eyes.

Personality: Zimba is well...creepy. Not much is not about his character guess you can say he is evil. He tends to sit there and stare at you like some sort of ghost. He always nearly has a smirk on his face and his eyes are nearly always sparkling with mischief. He is always up to no good,so watch your back. And if you catch him staring at better know a good hiding spot.

Bio: Zimba's past is a mystery he travels the land,valley to valley. However weird things happen with him around. Children younger then he go missing,some are found..some are not so lucky. Just who is this guy? And what does he want? And why does he seem so interested in the gang? One day Littlefoot is not so lucky,he barely escapes alive. Zimba does not give up though,and he won't till he gets want he wants...whatever that is. He also attempts to get both Nahla and Lily to side with him.
Special Notes:
* Is a creep
* Is a stalker


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  • Cera
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Why did I agree to this drama fest? :lol

2 rps will be interesting,so we don't get bored of the same one and they just die like others


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Hey! When Molly and I also start our RP we'll be kinda busied  :nyah (good idea...  :idea )

I'd take Petrie and Mama Swimmer and Mama Flyer. if that's ok, Zimmy :)

A fanfiction crossover...I guess you're the first who does this :DD

Inactive, probably forever.


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Fanfiction crossover, huh? Whelp, sounds good to me!

Anyway... yeah, you guessed my characters. :lol
Look forwarding to starting this one! :D

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Petrie
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hehe lets start,character sheet updated.

As the bright circle rose into the sky over the Great Valley,a lone longneck child walked in unseen. He had blye eyes,a red body and a white underbelly. On his face was a marking looking a swirl. He stood on a hill over looking the nests of a few families. Zimba eyed one and began to walk down to the longnecks a smirk on his face.


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Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike were playing "Sharptooth Attack"
Cera chased them through the Valley. They finally were trapped in a canyon at the edge of the Great Valley, there was no way.
"Please, please, don't eat us, big, stinky, old sharptooth!" Ducky begged.
"Me not tasty!" Petrie shouted.
Spike sat on the ground shaking like hell.
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Littlefoot's grandparents had just seen off their grandson, who had gone to play with his friends. They decided to go to the watering hole for a while, as it was a good place to meet and catch up with old friends.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot laughed having fun and pretending like he was gonna go fight the 'sharptooth'.

Meanwhile outside of the valley,a very thin,very injured child was trying to use the last of her strength to reach the inside. But finally her legs gave way and she fell to the ground,completely passed out. She was so close to the valley but,she could just not go on. And no one came out here,it seemed like Nahla was gonna die.


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Another longneck was just trying to find an entrance, and soon enough he found it.
"Hey Lily," he said, waking up the little longneck on his back. "We're here." Lily just groaned and went back to sleep. She hated going to new places, since everyone seemed to be horrible to her and Taro, and she didn't understand why. He walked in, nervous as usual when he was about to meet a big herd. However, he was shocked to see a little longneck passed out on the ground in front of him. Worried, he picked her up, looking around frantically for her parents, if she had any. After seeing nothing, he decided to take her in deeper into the valley.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot who had spotted the newcomers after climbing a cliff during the game suddenly climbed down and sprinted away "Be back in a sec guys!" he shouted to his friends. Arriving at the watering hole he shouted "GRANDMA! GRANDPA! THERES SOMEONE COMING INTO THE VALLEY!".


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"Are there?" Grandma asked. She turned to her mate. "Well then, we should go and greet them." Grandpa nodded in reply and began to walk away with Littlefoot.
"Where are they, Littlefoot?" he asked his grandson.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot pointed "There theres three of them"

Nahla was deeply unconscious,her ribs stuck out and you could see her spine.


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Taro was disturbed by just how much the kid's bones were sticking out, even more so when he picked the child up. He was underweight himself, what with travelling almost all of the time across many wastelands, but he tried to make sure he always found food for himself and Lily. Lily was in a fairly good state, since she needed less food and Taro would give her food first. She shuddered when she saw Nahla, and again when she saw who was approaching them.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot who ran ahead of his Grandparents screamed when he saw how bad the newcomers looked. One seem terrified,one was covered in scars and the other was a skeleton. Littlefoot back up very  disturbed.


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Taro saw the little one in front of him and immediately placed Nahla behind him on his back next to Lily so she wouldn't be in clear view.
"Oh... hi there, kid," he said nervously, seeing how disturbed Littlefoot looked. Grandma and Grandpa soon came up and saw Littlefoot's disturbed face, and turned to face the newcomers. They all looked extremely rough, Taro and Nahla especially.

"Oh my," Grandma whispered to her mate before speaking to the other adult. "Er... hello there," she said. "Who might you be?"
"The name's Taro," the pale grey adult answered. Grandma looked at him, she was sure he looked familiar, and the name was a name she would never forget. She shrugged it off for now, though.
"Well, Taro, welcome to the Great Valley," her mate spoke up, also thinking the same thing as his wife.
"Thanks," Taro replied. "But I won't be staying long."
"Oh, why's that?" Grandma asked.
"I never stay in one place very long," he answered, shaking his head. "I was wondering though, do you know who this young girl is, or if she has any parents?" The older longnecks gasped when he pointed to Nahla with his tail, they had never seen such an underweight child. They just shook their heads in reply. "Oh..."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Littlefoot stared at Nahla "Is she...dead?" he asked looking up at his Grandparents "She looks dead". Littlefoot looked like he was about to be sick,the state of the newcomers upset his stomach.

(Fill in for Zimmy)

Unknowning to the group another longneck was watching them,his eyes flicking to each of them in turn. He chuckled and slipped away through a bush,this way gonna be too easy.


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"No," Taro assured him. "She's just about alive, but she is very weak. Poor little thing... she must be a runaway or something like that. I found her at the entrance just now, perhaps she was trying to get in here."
"I suppose so," said Grandpa. Taro noticed that Littlefoot looked very uneasy.
"I'll leave you alone and find a quiet spot to rest," he told them. "I think I've disturbed enough dinosaurs today." With that, he turned tail and walked off to a mostly deserted area.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nahla began to wake,when she saw another dinosaur was carrying she screamed going into a panic attack.


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Lily was shocked when Nahla started screaming. "WHOA!" she cried as she jumped and slid down Taro's tail. Taro turned to look at the other little one.
"Hey, hey!" he said, smiling at her. "It's all right. I'm here to help."

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Nahla began to trash so the male longneck would put her down. There was a terrified look in her eyes as she screamed like she was being tortured.