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Yellowbellies rule! The RP

Goldenwind · 101 · 23040

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Mr. Threehorn was having a very bad day. First, Wild Arms, then Yellowbellies, and now, Rainbow Faces. But, Mr. Threehorn is determined to have just a couple minutes of relaxation.

Until he comes across Chomper, Guido, and... A RAINBOW FACE?!?!?!?

 He is now determined to get the Rainbow Faces out of the Valley.

"Hey!" Mr. Threehorn shouts. "Quit filling their head's with rubbish!"
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Screech laughed at Thud’s suggestion and lowered hus head to recieve a laurel with blueberrries. The groove had taken him and he began doing the dinosaur, cartwheeling and spinning in mid air. This Deinonychus could dance! Redbelly shook his tail and suddenly Loopah leapt on his tail for a ride. This provoked Foofah and some others to get on the fleshy grey cedar of Lebanon and ride it like a swing. Suddenly large fountain of rasberry, blueberry, and gooseberry shot up from yellowbellies knto the air covering the whole party in beery juice. Screech opened wide his mouth to drink the streams as he spun around, the festivities had definately reached groovy!


Redcroc was surroundeed by the skelesaurs, their contorted bodies and bone faces illuminated in eye sockets by yellow light. The Suchimi approached Redcroc, and bowed on one knee to the utter shock of Redcroc. “Lord Skull, at last you have graced is with your presence. We have waited long for your arrival.” Redcroc peered out of the Tyranno skull in total bewilderment. “We have waited for the Bone Lord to lead us into land of the loving so that we may feast on flesh and remind all of the exstinction that awaits all!” Redcroc, “uh.. I see.. are you living or dead or am I dead?” The Skullmimus cackled, “we are the undead Lord Skull.. banished from realm of the living, but it was foretold one day a Tyranoosaur would lead us on the Great Walk and we will find rest!” Redcroc felt more uneasy, and he took a deep breath. “This Great Walk.. where does it lead?” The Skeletamimus chuckled, “Why the Great Valley of course milord.” Redcroc suddenly saw Screech and Thud in his mind, with this new fossil army he could overpower them and the whole herd living in the Valley. Redskull turned and asked his bonelytes, “how many are tou?” The Skullimimus shouted, “we are Legion!” The boneyard began to shake and more figures emerged in shapes of Fastbiters, Allosauria, and one Baryonyx. Redskull made his Tyranno-skull mask smerk.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 02:27:09 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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"Oh," said Guido, turning towards the Rainbow Face. "y-you're new here, huh? Where'd you come from?"

"Let's just say I live rather far away," the Rainbow Face replied. As she shot Mr. Threehorn a disapproving look, she muttered, "Far away from certain threehorns, quite fortunately."


Cera had no idea what the lip-zipping gesture meant, either. "What was that weird movement supposed to mean?" she asked, annoyed that Rainbow Faces could never communicate anything simply.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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Thud danced around in merriment with Boogie spinning around like a ballerina while catching the falling berry juice with his mouth! Where have these delicable berries have been all his life? Thud also received his own laurel with gooseberries. Thud was having the time, not thinking about where the herd will be heading next. "Groovey…" He spins around with a smirk feeling epic.

The Rainbow Face didn't answer, all he said was "Tah-Tah!" Before leaving the small dinos and Longneck. "I wonder where she is?" The Rainbow Face muttered referring to his partner Rainbow Face.

"I don't know… Then again I don't think I know anything anymore." Hyp sighs with a facepalm. He suddenly stomps and shouts "Argh! I hate feeling so… so small!" He crosses his arms. Hyp has felt this way before, mostly when Littlefoot and friends go on adventures and save the day and what not while Hyp rarely has a clue of it until it's done and over.

"I see you both know each other..." Chomper said with an anime sweat drop. Hopefully this won't lead to one of Mr. Threehorn's arguments. He has seen mischief that has been caused in the past.

A mysterious bonehead dino emerges along with the rest of the legion with glowing yellow eyes... Unlike the others he seemed to be alive and living, but his breath is cold... He smirks to see RedCroc. The prohesized Skull Lord has finally emerged. He bows at the sight of the skull covered sharptooth.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 03:29:56 PM by Goldenwind »

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"Yes, Chomper, we know each other", Mr. Threehorn grumbled. "They're Rainbow Faces. They act like they're smart, but they just fill your head with uselessness. I just saw her partner over there with Grandpa Longneck. The Rainbow face wouldn't stop talking about Yellowbellies."
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redbelly having given rides to many of yellowbellies sat beneath some palms and ate some raspberries. He watched with glee as Screech and Thud danced in berry festivies. Screech did a helicopter spin with his sickle claws cutting some of feathers on heads of yellowbellies, two of which made a design like mohawk and another lightning bolts. Screech landed and saw what he had done, and was embarrassed. The four yellowbellies paused and then giggled, other yellowbelliea beggedd Screech and Thud to cut their feathers into designs.


Redskull (Redcroc) acknowledged the Bonehead’s bow and urged him to join their rank. Redskull shouted as his legions lined up, “Today the living will face the undead! Thise who have satiated themselves on decadence shall know decay! Tonight we make the Great Pass a Graveyard! Tonight the Great Valley shall be The Valley of the Shadow of Death!” The legions of skeletal fast biters cheered as their bones rattlled, there head bobbled and nearly popped off. Skullimimus and Barybonex joined Redskull on both sides. Skullimimus, “O Tyrant Master! We pledge ourselves to you!” Barybonex bowed but noticed a second jaw below the Tyrannosaur skull, one that eerly looked similiar to his own, but he said nothing for now.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2020, 01:46:58 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Thud happily obliged and made fantastic feather designs of different kinds for each of the yellowbellies along with Screech.

"Please do me too!" Shouted Boogie as he bounced happily.

"Anything in particular?" Thud asked.

"Somthin' crazy!!" Boogie smiled!

Thud nodded and gave Boogie a trim with spaghetti like feathers all about!

"Now this, is me!" Boogie smilled giving the two raptors thank you hugs. "You two are awesome!" He smiled

Thud blushed embarrassingly but returns the hug.

The Bonehead merely smiled… He appears to be mute… However he knows that once he reaches the Valley, he can ensure life eternal!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redbelly belly laughed at the feather cuts. He then rose and walked away a moment to get some water from the nearby stream. As he looked uo he saw a buzarre sight. A skeleton of a fastbiter lay by the river. Had it been there before? Redbelly stepped into the stream, his massive legs sinking like gisnt grey rocks. He crossed and with his snout and mouth full of bannana shaoed teeth took a deep wiff of the fossil. The smwll was putrid, which was odd. Oopah began calling out Redbelly’s name from a across the water, “Rdbelly! Redbelly! Come here! The time for the Great Berry Bonefire is now!” Redbelly turned from the skeleton and began maming his way across the water, the head of fossil fastbiter twitched. 
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 01:14:50 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Hyp climbs up the Great Valley wall the next morning sitting on the side. Just what did that Rainbow Face mean? He looked out to the valley and saw something that made him jump… Redclaw was charging straight towards the Valley… with an army of yellowbellies! "AAAAHH!!" Hyp screamed running back into the valley! "The yellow-" Hyp thought beofre changing his wording. "REDCLAW IS COMING!! HE IS HEADING TO THE VALLEY!!!" He yelled on the top of his Hypsilophodon lungs!

Thud couldn't believe what happened as he fleed. He never felt so horrified in his life. A miracle that he even got out with him and his new family intact.

Boogie also appeared scared. He tried to keep on a smile, but even that was hard after what he just saw!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redbelly charged past Hyp with Foofah, Liopah, and Oopah in tow. Redbelly then stopped in the valley, turning back to see Screech who was spin kicking with his sickle claws at an erect fossil, a skeletonasaurus! It was like out of nightmare, and Redbelly knew he had to help despite the terror in his heart. He ran back, as the Yellowbellies swarmed past him, he then with his msssive jaws plucked the skeleton fast buter by the vertebrae and tossed hm. Screexh nodded when suddenly a Suchimimus of bones crashed into Redbelly. Screech let out a screech as he leapt on to boneheaded crocodile creature, but was tossed off. Foofah, Loopah, Oopah came to Redbelly. “Get back! Get help!” Said Redbelly. Oopah terrified asked, “what help?!” Redbelly pinned to the ground shouted, “any help!” Oopah took off with Foofah and Liopah looking around, when they spotted Mr. Spiketail, and Mr. Clubtail together talking. They ran up to them. Oopah, “please! Danger! Come help!”
« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 04:50:08 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Guido was enjoying some ground crawlers when he heard an unintelligible ruckus in the distance. "Hey, what's going on?" he wondered out loud. Suddenly aware of the fact that he was talking to himself, he sheepishly mumbled, "And why do I say that like I'm going to get an answer?"

"Perhaps the answers are closer than you think..." said a voice close behind him.

"WHOA!" Guido gasped, spinning around and realizing that the female Rainbow Face he'd seen the day before was standing right behind him.

Where had she come from? She'd mysteriously vanished soon after he and Chomper had met her yesterday, and now it appeared that she could show up just as quickly. Nothing like that to give a flyer the creeps.

"Phew," gasped Guido, getting his breath back. "You know, y-you'd be a little less startling if you said 'hello' or something first..."

"I can't give you the answer to your question," continued the Rainbow Face, "but I will say that perhaps the source of the commotion, once you discover it, will hold the answer to another question of yours."

"Another question of mine? What do you..." Then a possibility hit Guido. "You mean...where I belong?" he asked hopefully. "Where--how??" he stammered. He turned in the opposite direction, towards the noise in the distance. "Tell me what--"

But Guido hadn't even finished his sentence before he turned around and realized the Rainbow Face was, once again, gone.

Elsewhere in the Great Valley, Wild Arms quickly looked up from his tree star meal when he heard Hyp's shouts, fear striking his heart. "RUN!" he shouted, taking off across the valley in the hopes of finding someone to help. "Somebody, anybody--there's sharpteeth coming! HELP, HELP!" That was when he accidentally smacked right into another dinosaur and fell to the ground. When he sat up again, Wild Arms realized Chomper was that other dinosaur, and he cowered at the mere sight of the boy's pointed teeth, still in full panic mode.

Meanwhile, Cera ran up alongside Hyp. "Well, everyone's going to have to believe us now!" she said with a smirk.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

Gentle Sharptooth

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Screech was tossed onto the air and rolls right before Hyp and Cera. He looked up at Cera, as if recognizing her. “You!” He said in an astonished yet in perfect leaf eater.

Redbelly was knocked against a tree, as the Skullimimus dug its skeletal jaws into the neck of Redbelly. Foofah, Loopah, and Oopah were lainching left over berries at the skull legions, but it had little effect.

Mr. Spiketail and Mr. Clubtail came charging, Spiketail tossed six of the skull biters into the air with his tail, and stomped on one on the ground. Clubtail seung his mace tail and hit five skullbiters that collapsed to the groubd like fossils in the rock.

Redskull emerged over the pass into the Great Valley. At last he entered the domain of his enemy, at last he woykd sieze victory over those who brought him shame. He commanded two more regiments of twenty skull bitters each to flank Redbelly. At last he would have revengr.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2020, 02:57:11 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

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Grandpa Longneck heard Hyp yell "Redclaw", but was surprised not only to find Yellowbellies, but also, Sharpteeth talk.

Mr. Threehorn helped fight off the sharpteeth, but couldn't believe when he saw a Yellowbelly. Even more amazing it was talking to a sharptooth. This had to be the work of Rainbow Faces! Mr. Threehorn was determined to get to the bottom of this strange story, but had to focus on fighting Sharpteeth.
Go Chomper!


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Hyp turned and saw the skeleton on top of Redclaw… And then back to Cera. “PRIORITIES CERA!! PRIORITIES!!” He screamed, shaking her in a panic! And then Screech fell next to them with Hyp jumping right on top of the poor Threehorn! “AAAAHH!!” Hyp has officially turned into Wild Arms… Speaking of Wild Arms.

“Wild Arms!! We got to hide! Red Claw is here with…” Chomper noticed the broken pile of bones that were tossed by Red Claw. “Bones?” The sight would normally scare Chomper as it would imply that Redclaw ate someone…. But those bones seemed to clean. Just then… "Thud?" Chomper see's Thud run past and he pounces onto the Skullimimus that was on Redbelly.

Boogie joins in and smashes himself against the monster to get him off of Redbelly. "Take that yah brute!"

The male Rainbow Face looks on at the chaos. He didn't foresee such odd sharpteeth. Hopefully he won't need to get involved as the leafeaters and Yellowbellied sharpteeth are fighting back well. Hopefully she is doing alright, he thought. Just then, skull bitter suprise attack. The Rainbow Face takes a deep breath and… ZAP He stabs at the bone creature with his claws that are sparking with sunlight-like energy that causes the skull biter to turn to ash… "Huh… Learning this special breathing comes quite handy…" He smirks (Sorry for the Jojo reference XD).


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"Stop acting like a baby!" Cera grumbled in annoyance, though she would have been kidding herself if she said she wasn't a bit frightened of these strange new sharpteeth, too. "There's no time to run around like hatchlings, we gotta do something! Let's send these sharpteeth packing!"


"Wait..." Wild Arms muttered as he laid eyes on the Skullimimus. "Th-th-th-they're skeletons?" As he began to feel woozy, his gaze rolled upward, and he teetered backwards.


Guido was just seeing all the havoc for the first time, meanwhile. Gliding in on a lazy summer breeze, he realized this was a full-fledged battle. A full-fledged battle swarming with sharpteeth and, to his horror, living sharptooth bones. A full-fledged battle, that, as the wind picked up, he was headed right into...!

"No, no, I don't wanna go this way, wait!" Guido hopelessly hollered at the wayward breeze.

But it was no use. Fortunately, by some insane stroke of luck, he at least managed to drift right past a leaping skelesaur and land, instead, on the back of the yellowbelly named Boogie.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redbelly thanks to Boogie was now able to maneuver and crack some nore bone heads. Redbelly stonped on two Bone Biters and tossed two more with his grey tail.

Two bone biters took ribs off their sides and began throwing them like boomerangs at Screech. Screech dodged and tried to leap with his sickle claw feet into them but the bonearangs came back and hit him from the back, sending the sapphire fast biter face dfirst i into the dust.

Redskull marched into the fray, he grabbed Mr. Clubtail by the tail and swing him into a large rovk. The ankylosaur crashed into the granite rock and was dizzy, falling on his side. Mr. Spiketail swooped his tail at Redskull, but the spike whip was partied by Redskull’s long claws and arms, which to the Spiketail seemed odd, how did this Skull Tyranosaur have more than two forked claws each? Redskull siezed the tail and pulled the Spiketail to him and slammed his skull head into the Stego’s head, instant knock out. Skullimimus came to his lord and said, “we have neutralized the blue fast biter milord!” Redskull cackled, “Good! Where is Redclaw?” The Akyll spine of the Suchimimus swayed in the wind, “He is by the treeline with feather creatures.” Redskull scrapped his claws together making sparks. “At last.. I shall have revenge!”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Thud grins now that Redbelly has the advantage. However he turns and is horrified to see Screech K.O.ed in front of two bone biters! “Screech!” He runs over not sure if he can make it. Especially with there being two to deal with.

Just then Chomper intervenes, giving a powerful kangaroo kick to one of the bone biters. “Now Thud!”

Thud smirks and takes this opportunity to deal a massive tail whip to the other bone biter!

“Oo-okay…” Hyp said to Cera scared out his mind. He dealt with sharpteeth before, specifically fast biters, so he thinks he can help somehow. These skeleton sharpteeth can’t be so different, right? He takes a deep breath and tightens his fists. “How about lay out some interference for the big sharpteeth to help the grown ups?” Hyp suggested trying to remain calm. “Anything like a trip vine could work?”

“Hello there!”  :PCera Boogie shouted to Guido, smiling as he break dance attacks the skeleton dinos surrounding him.


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"It's always worked before!" said Cera. "Let's do it! I'll go collect some vines. You go see if you can find anyone else around here to help us in the fight!" She ran off into the forest before Hyp even had the chance to respond.


Wild Arms was dazzled by the attack Chomper just pulled off. "Way to go!" he cheered. He picked up a couple of nearby bushes and danced around energetically as he shook them back and forth. Hey, weirder things had happened, right?


Guido was still trying to process what had just happened. "Hi...uh...nice moves?" he replied uncertainly. "Hey, I-I'm Guido, and I'd usually apologize about the crash, but now I'm too busy wondering WHY I JUST FLEW RIGHT INTO A BATTLE!" he shouted hysterically. "That Rainbow Nose didn't have a clue what she was saying!" he screamed as he saw the bone biters surrounding him. He clung to Boogie's neck, shaking like a leaf.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

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Mr. Threehorn saw a Yellowbelly. It was just liked Hyp described them. What Mr. Threehorn couldn't tell yet was who side they were on. Sharpteeth or leaf eaters?

Grandpa Longneck saw Hyp and Cera very close to all the chaos.

He said to them," Kids, what are you doing so close to the sharpteeth? Please go home and let the grown ups take care of this."
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Redbelly charged through a retinue of bone heads, when he saw Redakull and Skullimimus coming towards him. Redbelly let out a roar and raced towards them.
Redskull seeing his archenemy cackled, “At last! Now we two shall have pur final dance.” Skyllmimus lunged and sung his crocsike jaws into Redbelly’s neckline, the Turannosaur let out a groan, but twisted and released the pressure. Redakull rammed Resbelly with bis skull mask, causing Redbelly to fall backward. Skullimimus pinned Redbelly with long claws and went for the neck. Screech came charging over the hill towards their position, he leapt on to Skullmimus’s head and tore at his boney head. Redbelly rose, limping, he faced Redakull.
“You have made many friends since you werecoitcasted Redclaw.” Redbelly looked at the Tyranoskull with quizzical look. He recognized the voice. “Now I shall finish what the Council should have done.” Redbelly groaned, “Who are you?” Redskull cackled, “I am your superior! I am the one who shall rule all sharpteeth both living and undead!” Redbelly stood his body shaking involuntarily, his leg was badly wounded, and he was having trouble supporting his weight.
Screech was shook off Skullimimus head and into a nearby tree. Screech slid down thectrink, the wind lnocked out of him. He saw Redbelly in bad shape, so he gave a high pitched call that Thud would recognize as a call for help.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith