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The Land Before Time 14 Showcase - June 2023


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It is hard to believe, but the final film is upon us:

Welcome to this month's film showcase discussion on the Land Before Time 14: Journey of the Brave. In this topic, we invite you to share your thoughts, opinions, and insights about the fourteenth film in the beloved Land Before Time franchise.

I will go ahead and get us started with some questions:

1) This film came out after the longest hiatus in the series. As such, its release came as a surprise to many of us. As this is still the latest film in the series and we are again approaching the nine-year gap in films, do you think we will get a fifteenth film?

2) What are your thoughts on Etta and Wild Arms as characters?

3) Ruby and Chomper show up in this film, but their entry into the valley is not explained. Do you wish that their entry and acceptance into the valley would have been explored in a film?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper
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My response to question 1:

As someone who grew up with the films, I only found out there was a 14th one in 2020. Imagine my shock! Unfortunately, when I finally got around to watching it... let's just say that I was dissapointed. Universal had gone out of their way to create a new entry in a franchise many believed dead, and... what exactly were they trying to do with it? You'd think such an event would deserve making the fourteenth movie unique, but instead they gave us a glorified TV show episode with uninteresting side plots that only serve to waste the audience's time. They had the perfect opportunity to make something special, but instead they squandered it.

I feel like it's obvious that the formula of the franchise has exhausted all of its creative potential. If any more media in the Land Before Time deserve to be made, it will have to be different. Otherwise, it won't be worth the effort.
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ManOfWar GT

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Wait I'm confused. Wasn't the 14th showcase supposed to be for may?. Why are we doing it in June? I'm just asking.


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I did not enjoy this film when it came out and haven't seen it again since. Perhaps I should give it another chance, but when I watched it I really felt I no longer fit in with the fanbase.

As for your question, ManOfWar, we just kind of forgot that May happened and noticed too late, so we moved it one month. I say we, but I really mean Rhombus, who has been amazing in keeping these showcases running (and generally on time too :) ). Thank you for your hard work!

ManOfWar GT

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Thanks for answering mumbling.

As for lbt 14. I really don't have an opinion on it right now. I never watched the movie for my self. I only know about it through reviews and movie clips. I.may have to watch the movie it's self before I say anything about it.


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1) I believe JotB was Universal dipping its toes in the water to see how the series would fair after it brought back Jurassic World and see if it was worth reviving, but sadly it just didn't get the response it wanted, and hence I think we have seen the last of LBT, at least for now.

2) I like them both. I relate heavily to Etta's morbid sense of humour and Wild Arms was comedic enough without being put in everyone's faces too much like the yellowbellies were (keeping him in the background with the adults was the best idea I think).

3) Eehh... I would have been fine if there was at least some explanation as to why they were there which is lacking in the movie. "Chomper is here because of the threats in the Mysterious Beyond and Ruby is his caretaker," would have sufficed, just something. I'm not too interested in having a whole film about how they did it; a lot of fanfictions do it well and probably pull it off better than the actual writers would.  :lol

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Gentle Sharptooth

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1) This film came out after the longest hiatus in the series. As such, its release came as a surprise to many of us. As this is still the latest film in the series and we are again approaching the nine-year gap in films, do you think we will get a fifteenth film?

I do not think a fifteenth film will be made. Universal’s chaotic final entry in the Jurassic World Trilogy convinces me they will do a dino hiatus for a while. LBT is the last thing on their mond.

2) What are your thoughts on Etta and Wild Arms as characters?

I enjoyed Etta, though she would have probably fit better in The Day of Flyers. Wild Arms felt kinda like Guido as another species.

3) Ruby and Chomper show up in this film, but their entry into the valley is not explained. Do you wish that their entry and acceptance into the valley would have been explored in a film?

I felt this 14th film was trying to bridge the LBT series with the films, so if you want to see how Chomper and Ruby got to the Great Valley, you need to watch the series. That said, I felt Ruby and Chomper were underutilized. 

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