The Gang of Five
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Nicky frowned and rubbed his snout. "We're definitely getting close to something..." The incessant humming was starting to give him a headache, making it hard to think. Looking between the three paths, he sighed and turned to the others.

"I think we need to split up. It'll be more dangerous, but whatever's down there," he gestured further down into the structure, "We need to see what it is, and Heather's right. If we take this one at a time, it could take too long. We've been in danger from the moment we stepped on this island - there's too much at stake here for us to lose our nerve now." He looked between the others to see what they thought.


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"No, you're right." Vincent nodded at the detective. "We gotta learn as much about this place as we can. We need to split up. So there are five of us... meaning if we go in pairs... someone's gotta go alone." Vincent looked at Nicky here, as the only dino among them carrying a gun.

"So, what will the pairs be? And who's going where?" Circe asked, looking around at the group, and not wanting to butt in just yet with her own suggestions.

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"That is a good question.  If it'll help any I could also take some pictures with my cellphone.  They won't be as good quality as the digital camera though." He said.  "Do any of you have preferences on who you want to go with?" He asked looking at the others present.  He also took out his cellphone in case he would need to take some pictures.

"Maybe we can find out what the humming is about." he said.


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Nicky caught Vincent's look, and he nodded. "Alright. I'll be on my own." He gestured. "I'll take the middle path. And yes, Karl. If you can take pictures, do it. You too, Heather. We'll need as much evidence to bring back as we can."

He looked at the group. "Since Karl and Heather are civilians, maybe each of you should go with one of them," Nicky suggested, glancing at Vincent and Circe.


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Karl nodded, "Good idea." he said.  He turned on his cellphone and started the camera app so he could take pictures.  "This'll give us at least 2 who can take pictures.  One of them being a good quality camera." He said.  He looked at Vincent and Circe.  "So who'll go with who.  Same gender or different genders, or random choice?" He asked.


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"Good idea." Vincent said, nodding, at Nicky's suggestion. Much as he wanted to go with Circe, he knew the civvies should go with more experienced dinos. "OK then, Karl, you're with me. Circe, take Heather down the right corridor. We'll go left. Detective Chaseman is going straight, so that's that settled." Vincent stated, dividing up the teams.

Well, this'll be interesting Circe thought to herself as she looked at Heather and nodded her over. "So..." she began as she headed off with the hadrosaur. "I sense some... lingering hostility about you. Is there something going on between you and Vincent?" she asked, cutting right to the chase as they could see a metal staircase up ahead of them. It was the first construct they'd come to since arriving in here that wasn't made out of crystal.

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"Crap!" Heather was suddenly forced to face Circe's oh so direct question. "What'll I tell her? What'll she do if I tell her the truth?" Heather decided that it would be best to tell her the truth but blur the fact that she was actually REALLY pissed of.
"Well yeah, I have a sort of crush on Vincent. Back when I met him - that was when my bicycle was stolen - we were attacked by some punks for no reason and... well, I kicked their lazy butts and so did Vincent. He was quite impressed and we kept contact and slowly a friendship was build up." Heather paused for a short moment, reconsidering how she'd say the next sentences. "Of course, Vincent was very lonely after he had *seemingly* lost you. I don't know if he likes me just as a friend or if there's more. We never spoke about such a thing because I never dare to direct such a question at him and he's often busied or on herbs... Now that it turned out you're alive and kicking, my chances are basically not existing anymore since he undoubtedly still loves you deeply." Heather tried hard not to sound like she was talking about a disgusting bug whenever she adressed Circe. "So yeah, I was a little pissed off but I'm fine really. Don't worry about me and let's just continue our research before we get caught..."
"Now will she take the bait?"
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Karl held out his cellphone, "Shall we go side by side, or should one of us go first?" He asked.  He looked for anything that looked like it should be taken a picture of.  "If we do get into trouble do you have a gun or do you prefer to fight with your natural weapons?" He asked.  Best to know preferences before combat starts.   "If it matters I've studied some martial arts.  Both  Capoeira and a variant designed for our kind." he said, thinking it best to let it be known some basic capabilities of each in case a fight got started they'd know each one's capabilities.  Maybe not important but he thought it would not hurt knowing, or at least not hurt Vincent knowing some of his.


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"I don't usually carry a gun, but I'll take point." Vincent offered, stepping out in front. "I usually just rely on my claws when I'm deguised. Guns are something I've never really gotten used to." the PI confessed. The hum was getting heavier the further down this corridor they went. "Wonder if it's an engine or something we'll find up here." he commented, listening to the thrum that seemed to surround them now.

Circe paused in mid-step as Heather admitted her feelings for Vincent. Well... that was confirmation of something she'd suspected. "You... do like him?" she asked, as if confused as they reached the metal stairs. Now it was Circe's turn to wonder how to respond. She never suspected she'd have competition for Vincent, so she decided to play a cautious hand. "So... he was lonely without me... I see. If you had to give it your best guess... would you say he did become interested in you over time? I mean did you go on like... dates with him and all that?" she pressed. She knew of Vincent's bad herbal addiction, and how sad he'd seemed in recent months.

"And my final question... if you started to like him... why not just tell him that?" she asked, turning around at the base of the stairs to look directly at Heather now.

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Karl listened then nodded, "it could be that, or maybe a generator, or perhaps something else." He said listening to the sound and wondering what it could be.


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Alone now, Nicky continued down the central passageway, his steps slow and cautious. The further he progressed, the louder and more pervasive the hum became, setting his teeth on edge. At least we're getting closer to it. Whatever it is. It may have also just been an impression but the pressure seemed to be building, the crystal walls feeling as though their immense weight was pressing down on the compy, choking him.

Clenching his jaw and shaking his head to try and focus, Nicky tightened his grip on the gun and edged forwards.


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"I wonder what we'll find down here." Karl said, keeping alert and looking around, wondering if the sound was normally there all the time, or just recently.


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As Nicky approached what looked like the end of the center tunnel, he could see that it dramatically opened up to reveal a cavern of pink and green crystals encasing the space on all sides. A bigger looking red T-rex stood ahead of him, barking orders to a crew of various dinos that were in the process of working on what looked vaguely like the upper torse of a human, with the bottom half tapering down to a point. It just hovered off the ground mysteriously, and was a metallic silver in color.

It was about twice as tall as the T-rex, and very bulky in appearance. "That's it! Make sure that laser's mounted on there correctly! DON'T drop it!" he commanded in an annoyed voice. But his nostrils flared upon detecting the scent of an unknown dino approaching behind him. The tyranosaur had a gun strapped around his waist, but didn't draw it as he swiveled around, yellow eyes narrowing as he saw Nicky. "The hell are you?" he asked, snorting. Behind him, the dinos paused in installing what must've been the laser as they looked in Nicky's direction.

Vincent paused as they came to a giant hole in the corridor... or more precisely, a pool at the bottom of the hole. The humming seemed to be emanating from the pool, which glowed brightly with a golden color before fading back to light blue after a few seconds, repeating this process over and over again. The fluid was thick and looked viscous, like oil, but wasn't colored like oil. Its properties didn't allow the two raptors to see what was below the surface with any real clarity.

A walkway extended along its perimeter, and was ringed by a metal railing to keep dinos from falling into the depths below. "What do you make of this?" Vincent asked, peering down to study the pool.

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Karl made sure he to take some pictures of the hallway.  He paused half a second or a second to turn around to take a picture of the way they had come.  Then the way ahead.  As they walked he took a shot of the wall on each side, then the floor and ceiling, thinking that such pictures may be useless but who knows what they may want to use later.

As they came to the hole, that he saw was really a pool, he took a quick picture of the area.  He looked at the pool as he stood next to Vincent.  

"Hmm, it could be some sort of lubricant, or maybe something used to keep something cool, like they use in reactors and heavy water and the cooling rods." He said.  "Also possibly some power source like a battery, or waste product from whatever the device does." he said, not sure if any of his guesses were correct or all wrong.  He looked at vincent, "Do you have any ideas or guesses what it may be?" He asked.


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Nicky felt his breath catch as suddenly the tunnel opened up and he stepped through into a large cavern. His eyes panned across to the bizarre object hovering off the floor, to the group of workers milling around it, making various adjustments. What the... hell is that thing?! Some kind of robot? Why make it look human?

Before he could put anymore thought to it, the T-Rex who appeared to be in charge of the operation called across to him. Arranging his expression into an impatient sneer, the compy strode confidently forwards, making straight for the dinosaur who looked as though he could pound him into the ground without batting an eyelid. "Random security inspection," Nicky drawled, flashing the pass Circe had given him a while ago, just quickly enough so the T-Rex couldn't get a good look at it. "Under brother Raal's orders." He paced around the hovering object, keeping his face neutral as if he'd seen this thing a hundred times before. After a moment, Nicky turned back to the T-Rex and tilted his head slightly. "Ah, yes... I was asked to pass on the message that Brother Raal is extremely pleased with your work. Your leadership skills are, as he put it, exemplary. You, on the other hand..." He looked across to a random member of the work team who was staring at him, darkening his expression. "Consider this your final warning. Work harder from now on or... I won't be held responsible for the consequences," he sneered.

After another moment of pacing around the human-shaped object, Nicky made a show of nodding to himself, as if satisfied, then looked back at the T-Rex. "Brother Raal would also like an update on when this work is expected to be complete. Time is of the essence... as you well know."


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Karl took more pictures of the area as best as he could, including of the strange fluid.  He wondered what all this was for, including the liquid.  He had said what his immediate ideas were.  As he looked at the fluid from where he was and took pictures he still had no ideas.  He shrugged.  He guessed they'd figure it out eventually.  Maybe they needed more clues, or maybe information that the others may have.


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(Well unfortunately I can't wait forever for Ducky123 to post, so to be fair to Vincent, who'd like to join this RP, I'm going to move it along.)

Snorting, the T-Rex glared down at this upstart compy. "Hey! It'll be done in a matter of moments! The anti-intruder system just needs a final upgrade and it'll be complete! He doesn't need to worry! Once it comes online... this fortress will be impenetrable." the bigger dino bragged.

As it was, it did appear as if they were uploading a computer program to this device, and in another five minutes, it would be complete. A bank of computers ran lines out to the mechanical creature, and the T-Rex wandered back over to them to check on the progress.

"It's... probably a power source..." Vincent commented, studying it intently. "But I think we should get back. There's nothing but this circular catwalk here and well... no way to progress. Plus I don't like this. The longer we're in this thing, the greater a chance we have of getting caught so... let's... move along..." he suggested, the raptor beginning to back away now from that glowing, viscous liquid with a growing unease rising in his belly.

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Karl nodded agreeing, he wasn't sure if staying in the area was a smart thing to do.  "Yes, and if they activate something while we're in here it may not be comfortable.  There may be lighting or something in here." said to Viincent as he glanced down at the liquid before he started to move along the walkway towards the way they had come.


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Heather was glad to see that Circe's initial reaction wasn't aggression but actually curiosity. As much as she held a grudge towards Circe, Heather couldn't help but answer her questions truthfully.
"Well, I am rather fond of Vincent like I said," she replied carefully. "I can't tell if he has had any interest in me... or actually still has now that you've showed up again, but I'm pretty sure he noticed my interest in him." Heather sighed. "We haven't been dating, don't worry," she added with some irony.

"Hmm yes, so why don't I just tell Vincent what I feel towards him?" Circe's question made Heather thoughtful. Of course she could admit her feelings - that was if Vincent hadn't figured out already anyway, but due to her rather shy nature it was just not the kind of thing she'd do. Heather had feared a conversation like this would come one day so she had an answer ready.
"Sure, I could tell him. Though I didn't. I knew he was still sad about your apparent death and clearly not in any mood for a new relationship. Besides, like i said, I just didn't know if he had any feelings for me whatsoever. I didn't want to threaten our friendship by going too far, y'know?"

(about time I wrote this post, huh?  :oops )
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Karl continued to move along the walkway.  "I do hope the others are fairing as well or better then we are." he said. he had never done anything like this before.  Though he assumed at least some of the others had done this sort of stuff or were maybe fully use to it.  Dangerous stuff, but someone had to be doing what they were doing.