The Gang of Five
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Nahla's OC's

Nahla · 9 · 6673


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Name: Nahla (Na-la)

Name Origin: Arabic.

Name Meaning: Drink of water

Gender: Female

Species: Longneck

Age:8 years (Young child)

Affiliation: Shadowlander/Great Valley Herd.

Appearance: Bright pink body. An even white horse-like blaze down her face. White socks on all her legs. Splash of white on her belly. Clear blue eyes.

Family: Nani (Mother) Hades (Father) Ben (Brother) Lily (Sister)
Renee (Grandmother).
Personality: Sweet but shy. Timid due to early abuse from her father. Prone to mental breakdowns.

Bio: Nahla was abused all her life by her father Hades,having enough she flees the Shadowlands,and a voice leads her to The Great Valley. Where she is forced to hide as she learns Shadowlanders are not welcome there and will be killed. Littlefoot's Grandparents take a risk and hide her. However Littlefoot catches a deadly illness from her and Grandma and Grandpa turn their backs on her. However Nahla redeems herself after risking her life to go back to the Shadowlands and bring back a cure. Littlefoot recovers in time and finally admits her love to her. Nahla is overjoyed and admits her love back. Now they are both safe...for now.

Special Notes:
*Speaks with an Arabic accent.
* Littlefoot is her 'boyfriend'
* Has a great rivalry with Cera

Name: Hades (Hay-dees)

Name Origin: Greek

Name Meaning: Underworld

Age: 55 (Adult)

Species: Longneck

Affiliation: Leader of the Shadowlanders.

Appearance: Jet black all over. Blood red eyes.

Family: Many females as mates,Nahla and Lily (Daughters),Ben (Son).

Personality: The most evil and cruel dinosaur you will ever meet. Constantly abuses Nahla and Lily for being girls,which he does not want-he wanted sons. Will stop at nothing to see the one he hates suffer.

Bio: Hades was born cruel. No one understands why. He stumbled upon the Shadowlands which was at the time 'Paradise Fields'. Killing the leader at the time and exiling the remaining males. Hades took over the lush paradise. The land died and became to be The Shadowlands. He kidnapped a young Nani and forced her to mate with him,she later gave birth to Nahla,Lily and Ben. However only Nahla survived. After finding out where Nahla was he declares war on The Great Valley,Littlefoot was ill at the time so no one trusted Nahla anymore. Hades took his daughter and tortured her to half death. Grandma shows up and saves her. Hades swears revenge but he has not been seen since.
Special Notes:
* Intends to murder in cold blood..her and the little pesty boyfriend of hers.

Ok will do Lily,Ben,Nani etc later but those are the most important  in the rp/story right now.

*Edited little more info and traits about Mr Hades and Miss Nahla


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I only just realised, I have a longneck OC called Lily too, haha! :lol
Good to learn more about your characters, Nahla!

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Edited and added more info.

The bios kinda give away the fic lol opps.

But ideas for the RP maybe?


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Maybe Nahla is kidnapped by Hades and he forces her to live in the Shadowlands again. He abuses her there daily. After Littlefoot recovered from the Shadowlands Curse the Gang(eccept Cera) plan to rescue her( although noone really knows her) Especially Littlefoot( he's worried sick about Nahla) can't think of anthing else than his big love being abused. Cera and Littlefoot will have lots of arguments and finally one of them hurts the other one badly(I'd say Littlefoot hurts Cera, although the threehorn's stronger than him, because the worry about Nahla makes him stronger)
Then Littlefoot is finally going to rescue Nahla( he don't know where to go) without the Gang(Ducky,Petrie and Spike don't know what'd be right, so they stay at the Great Valley. But they'll follow LF and someday Cera will, too
Then the adults are searching for the kids and finally destroy Hades and the Fastbiters, Littlefoot and Nahla in love, Cera and Littlefoot be friends again

What do you think?
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Maybe miight work.

After Nahla gets the cure,the the hated one taks her for 'Helping the worst enemy',\

Littlefoot go save your girlfriend!


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Okay, as promised, here are my characters for our new RP.

Gender: Male
Age: Young adult
Appearance: Basically a much paler version of Grandma Longneck, being light grey with a darker stripe down his back and a pale yellow underbelly, and he has reddish-brown eyes. He has a deep scar going down his left eye which he got when he was a child, which is the most noticeable out of that and a few others going across his back.

Family: Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it? :p Well, he has his adopted parents, Cira and Velo, both of which are fast biters.

Personality: Very adventurous and outgoing. He loves a chat with anyone, but is also very wise for his age, and always makes a good point in the rare amount of discussions he has. He is dedicated to helping other dinosaurs who are struggling with their lives.

Bio: Taro was separated from his biological parents at a very young age due to a devastating sharptooth attack, and hasn't found them since. He was found by some fast biters residing outside his home, and they, having lost their own son to the same sharptooth, took him in and raised him. He learnt Sharptooth from them, and is able to speak both that and leaf-eater fluently, although he is not fully accepted once others find out about this. He left the fast biters and went on a journey to find his true parents. Instead, he found himself helping others who were struggling and didn't feel welcomed in life on his journey throughout the world.

Special notes:
* Is blind in his left eye from the scar the sharptooth gave him.
* Actually has a fair few fast biter friends from his childhood, and seems to be more accepted among fast biters than leaf-eaters.
* Despite being quite chatty, he seems reluctant to talk about his past and where he's from.

Gender: Female
Age: Child (about 2 years older than Littlefoot)
Appearance: Very light purple, with similar markings to Littlefoot's mother, and has dark blue eyes.
Family: All deceased apart from her grandfather. Her adopted father is Taro.

Personality: She's a very shy and timid girl, and the only dinosaur she's remotely comfortable with is Taro. She has a strong fear of older dinosaurs due to something that happened in her past.

Bio: Lily has a very dark past that nobody really knows about. She was found by Taro, standing on the edge of a cliff, like she was about to end it all. Since then she was adopted by him and he showed her a better way of life. She doesn't talk to many and even seems scared of other dinosaurs, especially older ones due to something that happened with her grandfather, but in time this lessens. (This is gonna be fun with Grandma and Grandpa. :lol) She's very clingy to Taro and tries to stick by his side no matter what. If she's not with him, she'll be on her own in a quiet place somewhere.

Special notes:
* Most of the time she seems to be daydreaming or thinking too much, so she's hardly "in the real world" so to say.
* Can speak some Sharptooth herself after learning off Taro, but not very much yet.

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ahhh, now I really look forward to read your fic which you miight post someday ;) and to the new RP of course :DD
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Heh I guess now I'm stuggling a bit with 3500 word chapters, and I have to get the prequel done and upload that first, so it will take a while. I'll get there, though.  :DD
However, I can do the RP... as soon as I get to a computer. :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion

The jewelstone queen

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Was passing by these profiles and had to read yours! Was always curious on who Nahla was. Her design sounds adorable!
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-