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What is Your current job or future job

oogaboo · 104 · 42875


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Quote from: Petrie85,Sep 21 2011 on  01:08 PM
Sometimes I hate my job I have and I hate my co-workers at times but I'm lucking to have a job right now.  And glad to have income coming in. With out my job me and my cat don't eat. So right now I'm glad that I have this job. I'm just sick and tired of you people whining and complaining. So what if it's not the job you love right now. Just suck it up and be thankful for the job you have right now. That is all you need to do okay? It's a job job's aren't suppose to be fun. That is why it's called work. So everyone should be thankful for there jobs they have right now. tons of people right now don't have jobs. And it sucks but to the people that have jobs keep them. And stop complaining about the jobs you have, That is all I'm saying on this.
Last time I checked, you don't tell me how to act, or think, Petrie85. You don't like what we're saying, don't say anything at all, alright? You don't HAVE to open your mouth and be self-righteous about your opinion. That's rude, disrespectful, and not respecting our own opinions. If I disagree with something, I generally won't post it on a public forum because there's no need, unless it's a measure that needs to be passed or something. Otherwise, I'll just shut my mouth and not tell people how to think or act. What gives you the right to do that? You have absolutely no right, I'm sorry.

You didn't refute my point either, so I'm assuming you have no good counter argument to the point that having a job and being thankful for it is different from actually enjoying your job. As a matter of fact, you agreed with me in your post, so why did you even post this? That doesn't even make any sense.

I also disagree with you on the point that work can't be fun. I've had plenty of jobs I've enjoyed, and I feel for certain I'll love working in the Foreign Service. So yeah... saying work isn't supposed to be fun is too broad a generalization.

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^^ You're welcome. I know somebody who thinks that same way. To be honest, I consider myself lucky I found jobs that I enjoy. I know when I visit my mom on the weekends, I can see how tired and stressed out she is from her work. She absolutely hates it there, but if she were to quit, it would be almost impossible to find another job. She's sticking it out until something better comes along.

I volunteer at a lot of animal shelters. Last year, I got lucky enough to volunteer at the Houston SPCA! It was amazing! The people there are so devoted to their work. It kind of made me sad to see the cases of animal abuse that they get there sometimes. But the people there are fully devoted to helping those animals. I think I may apply for the program again the upcoming summer.

Jobs can be fun!  :o
The jobs I do are fun! That is why people get degrees in college. To ensure they are qualified to do a job that they want to do. One that they are comfortable in. No one wants a job that they don't like. So they strive hard to get their dream job. Even if it means having a shitty job while working up to there. But that still doesn't mean they can't complain and "bitch" about it. Some people vent that way. It helps relieve some stress so that way they don't do something out of anger while at work that will cause them to get fired.


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Quote from: Justin1993,Sep 21 2011 on  01:16 PM
^^ You're welcome. I know somebody who thinks that same way. To be honest, I consider myself lucky I found jobs that I enjoy. I know when I visit my mom on the weekends, I can see how tired and stressed out she is from her work. She absolutely hates it there, but if she were to quit, it would be almost impossible to find another job. She's sticking it out until something better comes along.

I volunteer at a lot of animal shelters. Last year, I got lucky enough to volunteer at the Houston SPCA! It was amazing! The people there are so devoted to their work. It kind of made me sad to see the cases of animal abuse that they get there sometimes. But the people there are fully devoted to helping those animals. I think I may apply for the program again the upcoming summer.

Jobs can be fun! :o
The jobs I do are fun! That is why people get degrees in college. To ensure they are qualified to do a job that they want to do. One that they are comfortable in. No one wants a job that they don't like. So they strive hard to get their dream job. Even if it means having a shitty job while working up to there. But that still doesn't mean they can't complain and "bitch" about it. Some people vent that way. It helps relieve some stress so that way they don't do something out of anger while at work that will cause them to get fired.
Yeah... on your first paragraph Justin, I agree. Your mom and I are in the same situation. If I left, it'd be very hard to get employed right now, so I'm roughing it out until either the economy improves, or I pass the exam next year. :yes

Oh wow! That sounds like a very good job. :yes Jeez... yeah animal abuse always gets me angry, and it's a saddening thing too. It's good to know you care so much, and devote some of your time to such a worthy cause. Kudos to you, sir. :yes

Heh, your third point is an excellent paragraph. That's WHY I got my degree. I want to work in something I'd love doing, namely traveling, learning about other cultures, and working in international relations. I live in the United States, and have every right to "bitch" about my job. :p It's therapeutic in a way, and you're right, keeps me from doing something stupid at work. I also find it helpful to know others are going through what I'm going through, or can at least relate, as I find common ground with them, make new acquaintances that way, and help my determination out to know that there are others like me not willing to give up and that will keep pushing until they get something better. It's an excellent point you make. :yes

Oh yeah, and reading vonboy's post, yes. It IS about taking steps. You're climbing a ladder... or at least, us ambitious types are. :p I went to college to get a degree and work in a field I'd love. I just didn't make it this year because I barely didn't pass the entrance exam (which only 30% of people pass anyway), but I feel more than confident I can make it next year, now that I know the layout of the exam, and given I was only nine points off, I should be able to make up for those extra points. I'm just on a lower rung right now due to circumstances I can't control. I'm THANKFUL I'm even on this rung, but am I just gonna sit back and say "Yep, time to stop here, even though I can't even see my Great Valley from this low down"? Definitely, positively, not!

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Thanks. And it was a great life experience. I really am thinking about going there again this summer.

And I, too agree with vonboy's post. One step at a time. And no breaks in between. At least, not for me. I have been working my butt off to make sure that I have some sort of stability when I head off into the world. I don't want to go in unprepared.


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Quote from: Justin1993,Sep 21 2011 on  01:44 PM
Thanks. And it was a great life experience. I really am thinking about going there again this summer.

And I, too agree with vonboy's post. One step at a time. And no breaks in between. At least, not for me. I have been working my butt off to make sure that I have some sort of stability when I head off into the world. I don't want to go in unprepared.
It sounds like it'd be worth it, that's for sure. :DD

That's what I did, and you'll love yourself for it. I was very frugal, and made sure I had at least a sound economic base by the time I left college, and also ensured that I had minimal loan debt as well. I COULD technically repay my college loan off right now, but I don't see the point just yet. I'm gonna save up a bit more, and if I get in with the State Department, and the Foreign Service in particular, many times they'll pay off your loan for you if you have less than 40K of debt, which I do, so yeah. May as well wait and see if I can get that, too. :smile But yeah, hard work DOES pay off, even if it seems like you can be stymied sometimes. Just don't give up, and keep at it. Persistence pays off. :yes

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I plan on applying for a job at the Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key as a start(it was either that or Publix, and I'm more for helping animals intead of bagging groceries 24:7).



  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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THAT sounds like an awesome job, Belmont! I mean wow... I'd love to work at a place like that for a summer or something.

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Yes jobs can indeed be fun and enjoyable. In fact, if you start dreading going to work, it's time to get another job. From what I read, you should ultimately find a job that you enjoy doing, enjoying going there for, whether it is helping people survive accidents, helping animals get new homes, building houses, being an author, etc. The idea that jobs aren't supposed to be fun is, far as I'm concerned, an old idea that needs to be stomped out.


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Bruton the Iguanodon

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I have no idea. It makes it exiting but at the same time scary.


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I've been working as an office administrator in a bookstore for the last three months. Starting to realise how much nonsense humanity produces... And consumes. :)


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I used to shoot chickens out of cannons at airplanes...

In truth, I had training in the culinary arts world, receiving an AOS degree, then got a total of 8 months of work experience in 3 jobs.

It's tough to find a half-way decent cooking job where I live, and I can't afford to go anywhere else.  So now I'm learning to develop a small-scale farm to earn some money.  It's taken me 3 years to try and fix our raised garden, but this is the year I should be ready to make some cash crop.

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I graduated with my degree in Fall 2010, and my dream career is to be a park ranger with the National Park Service (NPS).  My specialty would be presenting programs and campfire talks, kind of like teaching in the outdoors :).  Due to the recession, no new hires were made last year, but this year they're posting a lot of jobs and hope to have the hiring freeze lifted by February.  I really hope they do, 'cuz I'm ready to get out there and start my dream career for good :D.

As for current employment, I am very fortunate to work for a very good company.  I work for Trader Joe's, and I basically do everything but manage the place :lol.  Talk about a fun place to work, and the benefits, even for part-time employees, are far greater than that of most other employers.  And, they prefer to hire people with a college education, so it's not nearly as undermining as many other corporations.  At the same time, I keep applying for NPS jobs and some state park jobs that have started to open as well :yes.


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I feel silly, compared to all you guys.  
I work at Kohl's as a cashier, and during the tax season, I work as a waver for Liberty Tax...

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I work as a bakery sales clerk at the local Superstore. Pretty much all I do is prepare the baked product for sale, and make sure the sales floor stays presentable. I've been working there for nearly five years now, and am quite happy with it  - good hours, decent pay and a good team on both sides of the department. If i wanted to, I could apply for  (and, from what I've heard, would probably get) a supervisory position, but if my calculations are correct (and no major changes are made to our collective agreement) I can be making about the same in three or four years of doing what I'm doing now.


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I'm a web programmer. The notion that work isn't supposed to be fun, is definitely untrue in my case.  :rolleyes:

I usually program HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, Actionscript... and that kind of stuff. A little design here and there, sometimes, but I usually prefer programming. I like the "real" languages like PHP and Actionscript the best, but a lot of what I end up filling my time with is more everyday stuff like data entry, blog maintenance and SEO. Which doesn't quite satisfy my code addiction. :rolleyes:  So after work is done, I often end up spending my free time making add-ons for games like Creatures 3 or The Sims.  :lol:

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Hmm...well, I'm working quite hard to hopefully become a singer and musician, as well as a voice actor. I have loved singing for as long as I can remember, and I've been playing instruments such as guitar and drums, among other things.  I'm also very good at doing cartoon voices (as well as some celebrity, though I prefer doing cartoons). In fact, I can do decent impressions of Petrie and Spike, among other LBT characters.

So yeah, at least something in entertainment is good enough for me, just like C is for cookie!  :lol:


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Ehh, Part-time at Dunkin' Donuts, and they had me on a full time schedule recently because we are so short :p it's not great, but it's okay, and I really like my co-workers. I could do without the lead district manager though...
I used to work at an afterschool care program. Helpful because it became the deciding point on the career I want... I just work better with preschoolers.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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I wear a hamburger costume an hand menus as people enter a take away joint.

Best job uniform ever.


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Ah you're like Douglas Funny where he was known as The Hamburger Boy and he had to wear a Hamburger Suit. That's great you like your job.